PAGE FIFTY.EIGHT : - Can marriage out of one's social class be successful? Their worlds were poles apart. He, was of the people and she was of aristocratic birth. It is the old, old story that is forever new--. new because it has been touched by a master hand, because it deals with a new confliet--between love and labor--a conflict every man and every woman may soon have to face. "Children of Storm," by I. A. R. Wylie begins where most novels end. The next President will be elected by women In politics you get what you ask for. And the women of America are going to ask for--and get--the man who will the next President of the United States. What the platform of the femin- ine voters is going to be, how it will be organized, what women should vote for,--all these vital problems of government are out- ined by Anne Martin, Independent candidate for United States enator, The Real Diary of a Real Boy Here is another boy who will set America laughing -- "Plupy" Shute. His diary, so delightfully humorous, is infused with a . charm of other days--the days when you were a boy up in New England, or the Middle West or down South. This diary places: the author; Judge Henry A¥ Shute with Mark Twain and Booth Tarkingtorn--the literary fathers of a few immortal boys. If you have a job, you are being watched Love cannot change women. But other things ean. And those other things that happen every day, no matter what job you have, are the things that your employer watches. There is an hereto- fore unexpressed truth in "The Little Girl in Business." Another true article in this issue deals with a woman who made a tremen- dous success by sticking to a motto. 5% Will Prohibition Prohibit? / Planning the winter war"-"» What is going to happen to the patent medicines and flavoring extracts that contain alcohol? Will doctors revive the practice oof prescribing whiskey as a remedial agent? What brews may be made at home? These questions are all answered completely by Dr, Harvey W. Wiley in this isssue. The new winter silhouette, to, «+ wil the other latest Fas- hions, direct from the greatest ucsigners of Paris. Through this® department you can wear what is newest and smartest without making a great financial outlay. A complete Paris and New York and National service--12 pages of Fashions and 55 illus- trations. : P.S~--You will find a valuable Christmas forethought in these pages. : OUT NOW---NOVEMBER THE BEST $2.50 CHRISTMAS PRESENT IN THE WORLD would be a full year's subscription to pa - ~ GOOD HOUSEKEEPING 3 be the nicest number of Good Will There Be a LINDSAY Piano in Your Home This Christmas? . Will the long cherished hope of the musical souls of your. family be realized on Christmas Morn? Every member of the family will have a share in the pleasure that comes from having one of these beauti- . ful instruments in the home, = In the Lindsay Piano you will get the biggest value dollar for dollar that there is on the piano market to-day. Easy terms arranged to suit purchaser. Old pianos or organs accepted as part payment on purchasers of Lindsay Pianos. : «~~ The Place Where Santa Claus Buys His Pianos | | | | | | CW. LINDSAY) LIMITED) | 151 FRINUGESS STREET, Kiwe: JN. i Montreal, Ottawa, Quebec, Brockville, Belleville . and Three Rivers ~ | Our Milk Is Thoroughly 3 -- 8 Clarified io / Completely pasteurized-- adequately cool- ra ed--reliably bottled It is clean--it is safe--it is good. . It is 14c. per quart. : PHONE 845. : Price's Dairy Jewelery, Suitcases, ete, N. Morris, 374 King St. i wish public that we have moved to 222 WELLINOTON STREET | | corner of Queen Htreet, where | il we are better equipped to sup. | ill ply your wants in | AUTO TIRES AND si ACCESS0! An arial mail service soon will be | Biightly raising and lowering a SUDDABY BROS. . | started between two important coast | dser's heel actuated gearing that pro- towns in the Congo, seaplanes being |pells a roller skate invented by two * |Oregon men. 1: Honig ~ WEWISH OUR CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS A Merry Xmas And a Happy | New Year NT Together with all the good things that make for Dresses, Skirts, Men's Snits, Overalls, Underwear, Sad RECA ry a. og