PAGE TWO + THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG eons a ont or rg . Store Open Satur day Night, 7 to ® o'clock CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS FUR SETS Red Fox Stoles $12.50 to $67.50. Bin. Fox Stoles, $30.00 White Fox Stoles, $9.75 to $85.00. Racoon Stoles, $15 to $37.50. Sable Stoles, $1000 to $87.50. "nrneviay 10:00 te $32.50 * BABY ROBES White Lamb, Pocket wa ines . ¢ Pocket Prag Gauntlets, $12.00 ww Fur Onaps, $8.00. Fur Collars, $15.00 up. Fur Robe ss $20.00 JOHN McKAY, Limited 149 to 157 BROCK ST. "THE FUR HOUSE" NESE NANANARN NEARER RNR Have & Brunswick in yo ur home this Christmas. Enjoy the music of ALL records played at their best'on the all-record Bruns wick, The style 12 Brunswick, illustrated, can be delivered to your home before Ohristmas--Oak or Mahogany. Height, 47 Inches; width, 20 inches; depth, 21 inches. Strong, domble spring motor, ragm Ultona Shieh plays All, records CORRECTLY. vod Horn. Ton odifier. Twelve-inch Turntable, Au- tomatic A Sho Nickel-plated Trimmings. Shelf filing system for records. This model is exceptional value. STYLE 12-PRICE $209. Bt t Brunswick Value for the Money Hear this model at » MAHOOD BROS. » It May Be Your House ll Gusses of Substania Worth Without pretense or af- fectation we fit glasses that really serve a useful purpose ---- glasses that make you see as you should and give you that degree of comfort and satisfaction which is due you, Let me test you eyes and tell you whether or not any correction is ad- visable, J. 5. -Asselstine, D.0.5. Eyesight Specialist 8342 King Street. Phone 10L9w. The Busy Optical House Many people neglect the pro- tection that is afforded by an urance policy in a reliable company. Be wise in time! -- don't risk it any longer. Let "us explain our reliable policies 'and liberal terms. » McCANN ,86 BROOK STRERT Grand Exhibit Foutey, Wedieaday Tukoon Geese," , Ducks, Fowl, €hickens The largest quantity and most select qual- ity ever offered in Kingston. We are e devot- ing our wholesale department t this ex- . | ik andl sale ith sompetont salesmen ol i MAKES $100,000,000 GAN INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, | NOTABLE STATEMENT OF THE! LOCAL NOTES AN AND ITEMS oF | ROYAL BANK OF (CANADA GENERAL INTEREST. { At the End of Golden Jubilee Year | | Happenings in the "the City afd Vicinity Bank Reports Assets of Over | $500,000,000, An Increase During | the Year of Over $100,000,000. Montreal, Dec. 22. -- (Special) -- The Royal Bank of C with an annual statement that will, n many respects, be regarded as the forters just in. forwarded | & Shaw, i most notable it has ever 0 its shareholders. At a time when all Canadian banks {are reporting - important readjust~ ments because of special financing undertaken on behalf of the Govern- { ment difring the war period, the Ro- yal Bank has not only forged stead- a gain In assets for the twelve moliths of well over one hundred million dollars. With this achievement the Royal! is able to announce to its sharehold- ers that at the close of its Golden { Jubilee year its assets are away be- yond the $500,000,000 mark. Under the conditiods that. have { prevailed during the past year 'this achievement is nothing short of re- | markable and must be attributed to [ the business producing organization | which The Royal Bank has built up with its system of over 600 branches, + : Growth of Assets. An examination of the general statement of assefs and Habilitles | shows that total assets now stand at | $538,647,084, being up from $427.- 512,982 at the end of the last fiscal year. Of this amount liquid assets total $273,908,862, against $224, 982,088, while loans and discounts | have gained to $233,834,879, as | compared with $183,748,392 a year | ago. Total deposits now stand at $4107 121,399, as compared with $332,591, 717. Of this amount deposits bear- ing interest amount to $259,465, 169, up from $197,348,439, and de- posits not bearing interest $159,656,- 229, as compared with $135,243,278. A closer study of liquid assets indi- cates a gain of approximately $50,- 000,000, -------- + Big Gain in Earnings. The Profit and Loss Account this year makes a most interesting ex- hibit. Following the issue of new ca- pital made, 'the capital of the Bank now stands at $17,000,000, and the Reserve Fund at $17,000,000. With|* the larger resources fit its disposal there hag been a considerable gain in met profits and" for the twelve months' period these amounted to $3,423,264, equal to 10.87 per cent on the average capital and reserve for the year. This shows a gain of approximately $600,000, as compar- ed with the previous year, when to- tal profits were reported at $2,809,- 84 6. With the tbtal profits added to the balance of Profit and -Loss brought forward, the amount availl- able for distribution this year is $3,- 959,021. Of this amount $1,866,196 was paid in regular dividends, $340,- 000 as a bonus of 2 per cent to share- holders to mark the Fiftieth Anni- versary of the Bank, $100,000 trans- ferred to Officers' Pension Fund, $400,000 written off Bank Premises Account, and $156,406 War Tax on Bank Note Cireulation, leaving to be carried forward to Profit and Loss $1,096,418, as compared with $536,« 767 at the end of the previous year. ARE BEING WELL RECEIVED a THE VETERAXS' MUNICIPAL COMMITTEE IS HARD AT WORK The Candidates Are not Running on a Military Ticket--To Have a Meeting To-night in the G.W.V.A. Hall, : The enthusiaam of the Veterans' Municipal Committee was well de- mounstrated by the splendid meeting of the members of the committee with the ward workers and commit- tees on Saturday . evening in the Army and Navy Yeterans' rooms The ward committees reported that the candidates were being very well, received. Some discussion took place on the attempt which is being made to give the committee the name of a milit- ary league, and to refer to the cun~ didates as a military ticket. The committee expressed itself very strongly against such a name, as it was clearly pointed out in the begin- ning that is was not a military party. The members of the commit tee were civilian citizens prior to the war, and have since been .demopilis- ed and have én their places as ci- tizens in civilian life. It was decided name of Military League was very misleading and not the correct name of the organization. The question of endorsing a large number of candidatds was also dis cussed, 'and it was pointed out that there was no intention to do this, so avoid any idea of an attempt part of the committee to do- matters. A reasonable num-| ily ahead, but is even able to report] i { -~What the Merchants Offer od the Readers of the Whig. Holly wreaths at Pickering's. | W. Bwaine, pidne tuner, orders at nada is out | McAuley's. or 'phone 554w. Late shipment of eiderdown com- Beauties. Newman) Owing to the mayor's dinner to-! night, the city council is holding Ms meeting at 7.30 o'clock. The Kingston Gentlemen's Driving Cinb will try to fit up the fair grounds course for ice races. R. R. Creighton, late warden of the Portsmouth penitentiary, is here to spend Christmas with his sister. Mrs. Redfern, '210 Queen street, was taken tothe General Hospital in James Reid's motor ambulance. 'The Miracle Man" at the Strand Theatre, George Loane Tucker's wonderful production, all this week, Don't miss it, Treat some Edison owner to some new records, cylinder or dise. Cem- plete stock carried at the Greene Music Store, Princegs street. Now is the time ".o have your piano tuned. We carry two exper: tuners and will assure entire satis faction. C. W. Lindsay, Limited. Miss Katharine Piszie, from Cleve- land, Ohdo, is spending her Christ- mas holidays with her sister, Mrs: 'Hall, 42 Division street. Mrs. Chadband, of Queen street, wife of Willlam Chadband, was tak- en to the General Hospital on Sun- day morning very ill. The new Columbia records for Christmas are in, Select early while they last. They make a splendid | gift to Grafonola owners. Music Store, Princess street. | Remember the kiddies with talk- ing dolls and animals, bubble books, nursery rhymes, etc. Full aesort- ment at Greene Music Store, Princess street. Dr. R. E. Sparks was at Water- town, Ont., on Saturday attending the diamond wedding anniversary of his brother, Reuben Sparks, and his wite. Although the bride and groom of sixty years ago are in their eighty- sixth and eighty-tirst years, they are still very active énd enjoying excel- lent health. -------------- Only One "BROMO QUININE" To' get the genuine, call for full name LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tablets, Look for signature of HE. W. GROVE, Cures a Cold in One Day. 30c. 3 ------------------------------ 'Two 8.8.A.A.A. Games, Two games in the semior basket- ball series will be played at the Y.M. C.A. gymnasium on Tuesday even- ing. In view of the fact that the Baptist players are out of the city, Bethel has agreed to change pi in the schedule and play to-m evening instead of a month from now. SHOPPING DAYS THEN XMAS. Here are some of the splendid and practi- cal gifts sold at the big fur store. FOR LADIES Fur Coats, Coatees, Capes, Scarfs, Muffs and Sets, Indiah House Shoes, Sweet Grass Baskets, Um- brellas, Plush Coats and Pretty Hats. - FORMEN . Fur Cohts; Caps, Collars and ' Gaunt- lets, Indian House Shoes, Indian Head Leathers Over 3000 Latest Reprints Received Late . . Saturday---Now 75c¢ Publishers Advise Increase in Price to: 90c., or $1.00 January ist. Books by the world's greatest Fiction Writers, including, with number of titles, B, M. Bower 10; Francis Hodgson Burnett, 2; Arnold Bennett, 8; Major Bishop, 1; Geo. Birmingham, 1; Edgar Rice Burroughs (Tarzan Books), 5; Florence Barclay, 3; Rex Beach, 9; Jas. Oliver Curwood, 9; Robt. W. Chambers, 5; Ralph Connor, 5; Marie Correlli, §; $ Sewell Ford, 4; Zane Grey, 13: Geo. Gibbs, 4; 2;-Peter B. Kyne, 3; Wm. J. Locke, 8; Jatk London, czy, 3; Gene Stratton Porter, 5; Grace Richmond, Raine, 4; Berta Ruck, 3; Myrtle Reed, 6; Booth Tarkington, 4; Harold Bell Wright, 7. . / Christmas Decorations Crepe Paper, Tissue Napkins, Ribbon Crepe With Xmas. Decorations and Ribbon - "Crepe in Double Xmage colors, each 35 feet long. The College Book Store Telephone 919 Bells, etc. _3 Ethel M.'Dell 4; Conan Doyle, 5; Jeffrey Farnol, Rupert Hughes, 4; T. W. Hanshow, 3; O. Henry, 16; E. Phillips Oppenheim, 10; Baroness Or- 13 Mary Roberts Rinehart, 7; Wo. MacLeod Greene | * 4 RERNRREREC UNCER RRR RE Pr nL Le : - EE RENEE RRR EER RE AEE 100 BUSY 5 © Engiiries About 146th Funds. Kingston, Dec. 22. (To the Edi- to the Canteen wi brought from England by Col. rry, 1 would like to know where the 146th Battalion funds Mave gone to. 'All the boys who are back from France and England would like to know or hear some- Sigg fu [garde to them, 7 --~EXCPL. D to write an advertisement, but we have the goods that you are looking for. Come with the crowds of economical buyers, to Newman & & Shaw "The, Always Busy Store" Sunmannmnunn 'Chocolates For Christmas THE BEST OBTAINABLE ae, rystamaon pnt PAGE AND SHAW. a ALL PRICES. 'Mahood's Drug Store Tamas Rota Agus.