J { SATURDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1910, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG MAKING BRIQUETTES. GT 'Rideau Ward (To the Electors of; Tif VICTORY AT SEA. |. Manufacture About 30,000 | Tons a Year. TO THE PUBLIC SCHOOL ELEC-| To the Electors TORS: - ® | May I ask your vote andpinfiuence | Should I receive the honor I} Cataraqui W ard to elect me as your School Trustee? | LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: respectfully solicit your vote and i 3 i | (Continued From Page 9) { | its" depth charge, set to explode at | | seventy feet, its radio meantime | sending signals broadcast for assist- ! ance. Immediately after the mush- | room of water arose from this charge | After studying the coalfield con- | ditions in the Middle West, chiefly it in southwestern Manitoba, Commis- | sioner R. A. Ross, chairman of the | Lignite Utilization Board of Canada, @ secondary explosion was heard; | returned to Montreal, this was a horrible and muffled The immediate result of the inves. |! sound coming from the deep, more | tigations is the decision of the board i powerful and more terrible than any | to erect a plant to manufacture bri- | pledge myself to devote my time and | I ability for the best interests of the influence to elect me as Alderman scholars and the schools, duly safe- for the year 1920. { guarding any unnecessary increase of the City of 1---Capable men as aldermen The following candidates ~ Kingston in } the taxes. John William Jones Thomas B. Angrove destroyer's "ash can." An enorm- | that could have heen caused by the | quettes from Manitoba coal at a rate | of 100 tons a day, or about 30,000 |. ous volcano of water and all kinds |tons.a year. This is a purely experi- |, of debris arose from the sea, and (mental idea, according to Mr. Ross, for every ward. 2--No acclamations by ar- rangements or "slate making." have been selected by the Vet- erans' Municipal Committee be- cause of their ability and. fit- ness to render to the city of 8A representation in the city council of the Veterans of Kingston without seeking to create a privileged soldier class. 4--City government and ad- ministration for the whole of the people. . 5--The selection of the best possible material for the Board of Rducation and the Board of Health, 6--To see that every nomi- nation centre in the city is properly manned en nomina- tion day 80 as to make imposs- ible such scclamations as may result in placing incompetent men in the city council or the | half way between the Christabel and (and the intention is to test the com- {the spot where it had dropped its (mercial possibilities of the manufac- | or the aelomantary erp | ed be roma ep ACE | that the officers thought at rt nd |and operated, either by the Govern: i the ship had bean seriously damaged spent Pa by private Summa) Jnr Trawling on the dock As Soon as | Ih the meantime, Mr. Ross 1s of | the water subsided great masses of the opinion that competition with | heavy black oil began rising to the | the United States and the anthracite surface, and wreckage appeared. In | coal interests is useless in that part i & few minutes the sea, for a 'space | Of the country--at least for the pres- | of many hundreds of yards in dia- 3%. ANd more than probably in the meter, was covered with dead fish. future as well. The Manitoba coal about ten times as many, the officers 18 & very soft low grade mineral, and reported, as could have been killed 'D® manufacture of briquettes is the by the usual depth charge, The OBI¥ way in which it could be uti- Christabel and the ship she was li2ed with satisfactory results. The briquettes would probably be sold guarding started to rejoin the main | Kingston the best possible ser- vice. They are pledged to work for the interests of all classes, and we solicit your sup- port in their election. For Mayor Hugh C. Nickle : Utility C . R.F. Elliott . George Y, Chown To the Electors of Cataraqui Ward LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: At the request of a large number of citizens I offer myself as candidate for Alderman for. Cataragqui Ward, 'Where l.am most interested. As you permitted me to represent you on the School Board the last five years, | hope you will elect me to the Council. : Isaac Cohe: Organized labor respect- fully solicits your vote and influence at the ap- | proaching municipal] elections for the under-| pose is the common gbod | Electors of Rideau Ward During the last twelve years you have honored me as your represen- tative on the Board of Education, en- le d tirely unsolicited, for which I thank : 1 | you, of the city, and if etecte | If you desire my services any long- will one and all endeavor | er it wi ve a for you to : £ hi - | make an X on your ballot on New 'to the utmost cf his time ! is | Year's Day opposite and ability to make King-| - ston a greater city-- her industries more numer- and her edu- prosperous, cationaladvantagesio broader and more staple| : 3 | if elected, I will do my best to repre all of which will not | sent all classes, irrespective of poll- | tics, class or creed. only materially benefit Labor, but every phase of Kingston life. named candidates. Labor . is desirous only of a fair represefitation at the Council Board. They seek only the election of six Aldermen out of the entire field of twenty- one. There are only two school trustees nomina}- - ed by Labor--a small number inh ratio to the school children coming from the homes of labor. We aim neither at monopoly nor control. Our candidates are free from any pledge to class legislation. Their pur- ALDERMEN . CATARAQUI: Ald. W. Alan Stroud. SYDENHAM: JAMES CRAIG Fh 'T0 THE ELECTORS OF ous, her business more RIDEAU WARD I solicit your votes and influence, and spectfully solicited to elect me as Alderman for 1920. present progress and economy. Principal, Kingston Business Col- Rideau Ward TO THE ELECTORS OF RIDEAU fully solicit your votes and influence to elect me as Alderman for 1920. Having been solicited by a number representative citizens, I offer my- for Alderman for Rideau Ward. Fred. M. Clow CATARAQUI WARD LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: After serving you for three years a8 your representative in the City Council, I again respectfully solicit your votes and influen ing Aldermanié electi Thanking you for, your support and wishing you the compii- ments of the season, Very respectfully, Yours truly, FRED. SIMMONS. es for the com- on. former a TO THE ELECTORS OF RIDEAU WARD Your vote and influence &e re- I shall studiously endeavor to re- all classes and stand for H. F. METCALFE. lege. WIRD: Ladiss and Gentlemen,--I respeect- Yours Faithfully, D. Couper LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: spectfully requested to re-elect me TO THE ELECTORS OF spectfully solicited to elect me TO THE ELROTORS OF CATARAQUI WARD Your votes and support are re- Alderman for 1920, Yours faithfully, JAMES NORRIS. As ra ne pi A TO THE ELECIORS OF ST. LAWRENCE WARD As a citizen desirous of being instrumental in the advancement of Kingston, I respectfully ask for your votes and influence to secure my «election as one of your Ward repre- sentatives, H. E. PENSE. a8 | ONTARIO WARD Your votes and influence are re- TO THE ELECTORS OF ST. LAWRENCE ~WARD LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: oonvoy, entirely satisfied with the | afternoon's work. Indeed, they had good reason to be; a day or two afterward a battered submarine, the UC-56, crept painfully into the har- bor of Santander, Spain; 4t was the | boat which had had such an excig- | ing contest with the Christabel. She was injured beyond the possibility of repair; besides, the Spanish Govern- ment interned her for the "duration of the war"; so that, for all practical purposes, the vessel was as good as sunk, | i i roy | THE MAN ON WATCH | Now that the 'Montreal "spirit route' is to be again opened, there will, likely be a smaller demand for ouija boards. | | Cigarette smokers are declared to | {be a danger at dances in the city hail, | | &8 some well-groomed boobs think nothing of tossing a lighted 'smoke' Into inflammable things. They are as bad as firebugs. Someone asks the Lampman what are the chief qualifications required to be an alderman or a school trus- fees. Answer: Common sense and good judgment. It would be better if the Ontario ' Government would prohibit farmers and others possessing dollar a dozen ha than to declare {it a crime to be in possession of some dearly-bought liquor, | No doubt the Board of Edu-ation | would be toned up a bit by the addi-| tion of a preacher or two. A shortage of teachers is reparted. | The reason is that the salaries are | somewhat short in making ends | meet. 3 4 we | If all the provincial hangings were | to be performed at Portsmouth, Hat- | ter's Bay would at last have need of a grand stand. Portsmouth people call the Rock- wood rink the "U.F.0."--"Us For | Ourselves'--meaning that the asy- | lum authorities do not care to have | outsiders use the ice. easily enough in the Manitoba eoal country, and possibly even in Win- | nipeg, but freight rates being high, | where the American coal concerns could transport their anthracite to the lake ports, the Canadian interests would be at a certain disadvantage. The provinces of British Columbia | and Alberta have plenty of domestic coal as have the Maritime Provinces and.most of Quebec, there is no hope, however, according to Mr. Ross, that these will be any great coal output in Central Canada at the present, or for that matter in the future. A carbonizer, which has given ex- cellent results, has been Invented by Edgar Stansfield, the chemical engi- neer of the board, while the designs have been made by R. de L. French, engineer of the board. It is not the intention of the members of the board to make any further investiga- tions as the present time.----Saturday Night, Canada's Trade Refurns. Canadian trade returns are avail. | able for the first seven months of the presont fiscal year, beginning April 1, Exports for the period were {valued at $688,889,909, compared | with $720,139,952 in the seven months erding October 31, 1918, and imports were $543,670,887, com« pared with $560,074,027. Rising prices may conceal a decrease 'in the Quantities this year greater than the ratio of the decrease in values, but the showing is not unsatisfactory, considering that last year there were great exports of war material. The reassuring feature is the continued excess of exports over imports in a basis again. The favorable balance --favorable in view of Canada's posi- tion as a debts: country--for the past seven months was $145,219,023. | The favorable belance in the corre- | year when trade \ almost on a peace ' sponding period in 1918 was $160, 066,925, but the difference may be wholly. accountea for by the cessa- tion of the shipments of munitions. Measured by money trade for the seven months, Avil to October, this- year was greatc- than that in any twelve months before the war. can meet the interest on our outside borrowings and bring down the ad- verse rate of exchange, which is a heavy tax on the raw materials we |; must buy in the United States. Board of Education. 7--To co-operate with all class- es of citizens for the purpose of establishing and maintaining an efficient and creditable mu- nicipal government in keeping with the requirements of our city. 8--To secure the appoint- ment and maintenance of an industrial commissioner whose entire time and energy shall be spent in seeking and securing new and profitable industries for the city of Kingston. 9--To have the city council take advantage of existing fed- eral legisiation and establish a "fair prices" committee to pre- vent unjust Inflation and exac- tion in all things essential to decent living. 10--To stand for fair, hon. est and equitable assessment of all property, so that the burden of taxation shall be equally dis- tributed, and to ask from the Dominion Government refm- bursement for all losses in taxation on Government prop- erty, following the treatment of the city of Ottawa in this particular, 11---To favor any practical and possiple scheme which will provide homes for our needs and provision for ga greater growth in our population. 12--To secure thé co-opera- tion of the public press in every effort to awaken the pub- lie conscience to the need for a bigger and better city, which we feel confident is possible." For City Comnéil Sydenham Ward: William H. Craig. Ontario Ward: Randolph Crocker Cataraqui Ward: Thomas Angrove Frontenac Ward: James Angrove Rideau Ward: E. W. Skinner Victoria Ward: Harry Sargent St. Lawrence: Harry E. Pense Board of Education Sydenham Ward: Frank Smythe Rideau Ward: John W. Connor. St. Lawrence: : Rev. Dr. Wilson Victoria Ward: J. F. Macdonald We appeal to ny citizen of Kingston to assist us in creat. ing a BIGGER and B peals to you, ER KINGSTON. vote for our candidates. It our platform ap- Dry Storage For Your Battery The oily proper winter care. Profit by past experience. Send it to-- Greater production is the solution of most of our material problems, and | it will aid in solving others, If the Lampman were. old and friendless, he would desire nothing bettsr than to lve in Kingston's WILLARD SERVICE STATION '/, - 19 Brock 8. IL LESSES, Prop. 'Phens 1340 Your votes and influence are re- spectfully solicited for my election 4s School Trustee for the year 1920, F hi oO Connor, as Alderman for 1920. ONTARIO: Ald. Norman Smith. FRONTENAC: Ald. Wm. Patterson. RIDEAU Ald. N. C. Jones. To the Electorsof LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: | satisfactory to you, I would respect- R. E. KENT. L. T. BEST. Ontario Ward TO If my record as Alderman has been St. Lawrence THE ELECTORS: Ward With appreciation of the privilege Home for the Aged, for the old folks down there: are comfortably housed, well fed and splead'dly entertained. Kingston has need to be proud of ita home for old people and of the board of management and superintendent. The civic health committee did not live up to its name when #t dumped | garbage down on the Cataraqui ward park at the foot of Bagot street. No Nonder Brother Simmons raised a oller. Teachers Organize. Ten thousand men and women Public. School teachers of the Pro vince of Ontario are to become or ganized shortly. They are td be formed into the Fecoration of Male | and Women Teachers of Ontario re- | spectively, but will co-operate when- ever their mutual interests become affected. Headquarters for the time being have been established in Peterboro. : -- BEAVER BOARD WASTE space is "slacker" space--put if to. work. The empty attic might just as well be a den, extra bed room. Even the basement can In business buildings Beaver Board also workroom or laundry. play room, study or be transformed into a provides the practical way to permanently restore old walls and of serving in the City Council of 1919 4nd I trust to the satisfaction of the slectors, I am again a candidate for Aldermanic honors and respectfully ask for a contimuance of your sup- : W. Y. Mills TO THE ELECTORS OF ST. LAWRENCE WARD Your vote and influence are re- Specttully solicited to elect me as J. B. P " your representative fn the City Vico-Pres., Mahood Drug ©. | o5uneit tor the year 1920, To the Electors of TJ | af Sydenhan Ward FT i " Your votes and influence are re- spectfully invited to re-elect me as your representative in Counmell for 1930. ceilings, partition offices, build extra rooms, and utilize unused lotts or other waste space. X Allan's Lumber Yard Victoria Street «- ® & = Phone 1042 VICTORIA: Wm. Twigg. SCHOOL TRUSTEES TARA: Toe Beds of Oui ' RID EAU: LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: Ww. Buck. At the request of several of the 5 business men and citizens, I have de- HA The Male Teachers' Club of Ote tawa is The latest organization to join up with the new Federation of Men. A substantial donation has Just been forwarded by the secretary | fully solicit your votes to return me | again as Alderman in Ontario Ward. Yours truly, "C.J. Graham If Mayor-elegt Nickle 1s able to carry out half fhe programme he o6t- lined to the electors on nomination day, he will win the gratitude of the | people. He might also try and get | to'the executive, to be devoted to the the Seotch kirk clock to keep 20ing | organization fund. The women teach. during the wintry weather and to | ers are also going to join and will strike according to schedule, ' | shortly undertake a financial grant. ~--THE TOWN WATCHMAN. | Both the: men's and women's or-| rd | ganization in many Ontario towns! A new automobije ambulance re-| gre already part of the federations. \[sembles a limousine when closed, the | Brant County, Brantford, Hamilton, tire rack dropping down to form a! Woodstock, Ottawa and other places | nap when the back is opened its full | are now represented, and it is antici || width, i } FOR QUICK SALE Reasonable price and terms; b riek dwelling; fully equipped; hardwood floors throughout; fu rnace, gas, electricity, garage, hen house; summer house; lot 66 x 132; possession list May, shone 703 J. 0. HUTTON Kingston cided to offer mysell as a candidate for Alderman for Ontario Ward at the coming Municipal Election. I respectiully ask for your support, and if elected will do all in my power to advance the interests of Kingston. Pulp Industry. -An Jimportant movement for the '} further development of the and | paper industry in Canada started TO THE ELECTORS OF on RIDEAU WARD I respectfully solicit your votes and. influence to re-elect me as one _ of your Aldermen for 1920. ~ R. G. ARMSTRONG. will Telephone 703 67 Clarence Street, X HEE ee SF SE LES IR {ol TeTiTe] OVERALI : RALI Citizens' Candidate. of Bobelsigha. Thos who use them would have 5a oCher.