on 27, ' BATURDAY, DECEMBER 1919. THE D AILY BRITISH WHIG PAGE THREE BEST'S ,, As usual to the front with a fine display of Holiday Gift Goods. oy ~Toilot and Manicure Sets. ~-Shavers' Sets, ~~Eountain Pens. Fancy Chocolates. ~Stationery. Brushes and Mirrors, --Perfumes and Sprays. 1] Drop in early and look this fine display over, At Best's The Popular Drug Store Open Till Ten Each Night Phone 59. Keeley Jr., M.0.D.0. Insure Against After Regrets by Using Glasses Prescribed, Made and Fitted by Keeley Jr, M.0.D.0. The optometrist of today to do good work must t only be equipped with the mechan« lcal 'apparatus but must have that knowledge In its use . WHICH ONLY LONG EXPERI. ENCE CAN GIVE. It is thik combination of mind and machinery of __ experience and equipment (h\t makes Keeley's service unique in Kingston, Arann Christmas ? y stock. JEWELERS Limited Established 1840 ing Street 3 Has someone been forgotten in the hus- tle and bustle of If so might we sug- gest some little gift for New Year's Day? } Let us show.you a E Wrist Watch, a Dia- mond in some form, or some other gift | from our extensive SMITH BROS. Kingston « | daughter, Miss Kitty Torrance, G.W.V.A. \ (Incorporated) Band practice, Tuesdays, Richardnon 4 Chapter. and 4th Thursdays. er a PN General Meeting--Monidays at 7.20 LODE, om 2nd FEPEPPPPPTIP Told in Twilight - . - i (Notice---Hersafter, the Whig, in {common with uvther papers all over | Canada, will make a charge of 50c. |for inserting an engagement, mar: SPEPPPLI4E ; | rlage or reception announcement. £1 ' } Prof. agd Mrs. Iva Martin, King |Street, entertained on Christmas | evening, when a few other guests | joined the family circle. The whole {house looked lovely with bright | Christmas decorations, including | holly, with its pretty red berries, and crimson carnations were artistically arranged In vases on the three dinner tables. The sparkling electric lights and the bright glow from the fires burning in the grates seemed to add to the warm welcome of the host and hostess, whose guests were: Gen. ang, Mrs. Rutherford, Misses, Aline and Cicely Rutherfénd, Bob Rutherford, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Carruthers, Misses Kathleen and Edith Carruthers, Capt. Douglas Carruthers, Count de Bury, Mrs. Constantine, Col. and Mrs. 5. C. Constantine, Major and Mrs. . Hanson (Montreal), Col. and Mrs. W. H. P. Elkins, Bab Elkins (New. York), Miss Hora, Harold Brownfield and Hartley Holmes. \ » * * A very delightful birthday party was that given by Miss Nina Fergu- son, Bagot street, yesterday after- noon when she asked a number of old friends to celebrate her father's natal day, he having reached his eighty-ninth year. Heartiest congra- tulations were showered upon "this grand old man" as well as gifts of lovely flowers and sweets. Miss May Ross, presid over the tea table, while Miss Annie Fowler cut the ices Some of the guests were Lady Mac- donell, Prof. and Mrs. Morison, Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Connell, Mrs. Bell- house, Miss Agnes Bellhouse, Rev. J. W. and Mrs. Stephen, Mrs. Callandar, the Misses Catherine and Julia Ly- man, Percy Lyman, Miss Strange, Mrs. Charles Constantine and the Misses Mowat. * -. On Tuesday evening a very bright informal dance was given by Mrs. E. F. Torrance, Alfred street, for her who has been attending Compton College, Que., and is here for the holidays. Christmas decorations were much in evidence, the scarlet and green add- {ing their brightness to the festive i scene. Miss Jessie Tqrrance and Fred Torrance assisfed in \looking after the guests, and a very habpy time was spent by all, \ . . - Craig, Gore street, and Miss Bessie Smythe, West street . ! * ® 8 | Mrs. James Gibson, Picton, spent | Christmas holidays with her son, F. { M. Gibson, of the Bank of Com- merce. Clinton Brisbin, Kingston, i the Christmas holidays at his home | in Picton. 2 Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hinds, Que- bec, are visiting E. E. Newman, George street. Prof. and Mrs. Manly B. Baker, who were married in New York on Dec. 20th, are enjoying a honeymoon at Baltimore, Washington and At- lantic City: * % % Douglas Anglin arrived from Ot- tawa on Wednesday, and with Mrs. Anglin is the guest of Lieut.~Col.'and Mrs. R. E. Kent, King street. Robert Elkins, New York, is the guest of Lieut.-Col. and Mrs. W. H. P. Elkins, Gore street. - Col. and Mrs. Scroggie, Royal Mili- tary College, have taken a furnished house at 182 Bagot street. Lieut.-Col. and Mrs, Eric Phillips, Union street, spent Christmas with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. McLaughlin, Oshawa, Col.- Phillips has returned, but Mrs. Phillips will stay on for a little visit. ' . 8» 2 Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Robertson are with their son, Prof. J. K. Robertson, in Kingston. Alexander Wilson, Kingston, is a vigitor in Almonte. io Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Britton, Al- monte are spending the holidays with friends at Gananoque. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Jones, Lanark, came to Kingston to visit their dau- ghter, Mrs. Frank Hamilton. Capt. and Mrs,. Edwin A. Baker, whose marriage was a recent event, arrived at the Greenbrier, at White Sulphur Springs, W. Va., to pass a part. of their honeymoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Eliskt, Daniel Davidson and Mss Saunders, King- ston, and Mr! and Mrs. Arthur Hart, Colebrook, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Wildam Davidson, Ganano- que. Lorne Ramer, of the Bank of Com-| catfon with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Eamer, Cornwall. Mr. and Mra Bradshaw, and Mr. and Mrs, Duffie, Carleton Place, are in Kingston for the holidays. William J. Rochefort, Montreal, is | spending the holiday season 'in the city, the guest of his parents, Capt. and Mrs. A. Rochefort. Alexander Kirkpatrick, Ottawa, is spending a few days with his mother, Mrs. A. Kirkpatrick, Sydenham street. Miss Grace Prescott, who was the guest of Mrs. Russell Forster, Wil- liam street, for Christmas, returned to the Royal Victodia hospital, in Montreal on Friday. * ~ * PROBS: Sunday, Mostly Fair and Colder. spent | I! merce, Kingston, is spending the va- | §i After Xmas SALE! ~~ A splendid one-day sale to clean up all holiday stocks. This is an annual event of interest to every woman and the list here mentioned should prove attractive. 4 | New Winter Coats and Suits Re-grouped for this great Saturday Sale at unheard of savings--the materials, col- An Instriment has been Invented The world's most northerly Falk. to permit draftsmen to draw perfect | road in Lapland will run its trains Ovals and to draw two or more of with electricity obtained from near- A happy ending to Christmas day was the dance given by Mr. and Mrs. W. F, Nickle, Earl street] when Ronald. Binder die up. fiom ors and styles are such that will make in- Montreal to spend Christmas with the same dimensions, a by waterfalls. mand SANTA CLAUS HE IS WITH US MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY Our Hardware Depart- "ment offers endless op- portunities for buying useful and attractive gifts for men, women or children. The Xmas. spirit is appar ent in all departments and never have our customers been better pleased with the as- sortment of beautiful Silverware, Carving sets, RBlectric Goods, Hockey Sticks, Skates ---everythnig to make Xmas. a pleasure. Santa Claus will beg here to talk to child- ren for the last three days of shopping, at-- McKelvey & Birch Ltd. PHONE 287 BROCK STREET 5 : t W. A. MITOHELL, MANAGER OF HARDWARE DEPT. A 'has joined Mrs. their guests were the friends of William. Nickle and Douglas, both being home from Osgoode Hall for the holidays. The decorations were truly Ohristmas, green and scarlet being the color scheme. Sals- bury's orchestra played for tHe eager dancers, and the merriment was kept up till the "wee sma' hours of the morning." Hon. W. Harty, Bagot street, en- tertained at a delightful family party on Christmas day. A beautiful Christ- mas tree gladdened the hearts of the little ones, but not for them alone was the joy of receiving, for the grown-ups were also remembered with gifts from the - = 3 Archdeacon Dobbs, K'mg street, was host at a small ; family dinner party on Christmas night. The usual Christmas decorations wepe much in evidence and a delightful social ev+ ening was spent. . , . » Mrs. Hr Richardson, Miss Mabel Richardson and R. Richardson, "Al- wington," have returned from "Fet- tercairn," Chaffey's Locks. - -. . tree, » W. Gordon and Huntley Gordon spent Christmas with their father, Dr. Daniel Gordon and Miss Wilhe-, mina Gordon, University avenue, and returned to Toronto on Friday. Mt. and Mrs. Charles Livingston, jr., Toronto, are spending a few days with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles ° Livingston, Barrie street. ' Mr. and Mrs. Roadhouse, Toronto, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. F Nickle, Earl street. Major T. A. Kidd, Chateau Belvi- dere, spent Christmas in Burritt's Rapids, and to-day joined Miss Agnes Richardson's house party at "Fetter- cairn," Chaffey's Locks. . » ». Carlos Kirkegaarde, Beloeil, Que., spent Christmas with Mrs. Kirke gaarde at her parents, Mr..and Mrs. Henry Merrick's, William street. They expect to leave for Beloeil on. Sunday. Miss Mary Maclennan, Toronto, is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Henry Cunningham, Villa Ste. Clare Apart- ments, Barrie street. Ernest Cunningham, New York, Cunningham, and spent Christmas with Mrs, R. C, Carter, West street. ' Mr. and Mrs. Hilllard Robertson Jl| and little daughter, Regina, Sask. are the guests of Dr. and Mrs. A. W. Winnett days with his aunts, Mrs. W. FURNISHINGS We have a large stock of Furniture and | Rugs on hand. We are not compelled to go. to the mills to-day for goods. This will advantage for you, as you mean big urchase goods to-day very can ] , Bagot street. . Cadet R. Sutherland, Royal Mili- tary College, is spending the Bol his mother, Mrs. W. Skinner, Earl street, . Prof. L. F. Goodwin, King 'street, is spending a few ydays in Montreal, W, G. Trusdale, is spending'a few days in Waterford, Ont. Irving Martin returned Queen City yesterday. to the Arthur Smythe, who has been on active service gince 1914, was a pas- senger on the 8.8. Orddna, andl ar- rived in Kingston in time to spend Christmas with Miss Bessie and George Smythe, West street. ( tinued On Page 8) Boarders enter Monday, Januarsy 12th, Classes resume Janus 13th nn Hair, Cotton and Fibre Mattresses renovated and re- covered. Made as good as new. Your patronage solicited. J. R. CONLEY Frontenac Mattress Co. 15:17 BALACLAVA STREET s 'Hockey Boots, Felts and other gifts REPAIRS' please. Try us. . cd Goodyear Welk Spe on the Improv- » Weamto stant appeal to all women with a garment yet to purchase. a $14.95, Coats formerly priced to At $16.95, Coats formerly $37.50. SY $23.95, Coats formerly priced to priced to PLUSH COATS--You may select from the choicest styled garments a beautiful salts fur-plush coat, of the nicest texture; fur and self- trimmed in the smartest fur coat styles--priced from $35 on up to $100. . Jo-night and-Monday .. .. ........ .. .. less 20 per cent. " SUITS--12 only warm winter suits made of heavy all wool fabrics-- every new style of the season is shown--priced regularly f $25 to $95. : : Yom DAIL PIICE vi rrarvr teia st rote: feat te elias +f teiat reer ams erat oie. Half Price ; 2 MILLINERY TO CLEAR. With stock-taking approaching every winter hat must be dis- posed of in short order, and with this object in view we offer ' your unrestricted choice of every matron, miss or child's hat--all marked in plain figures, at HALF PRICE. Fr These Novelties less 207% | Our entire stock in every article enumerated here is subject to this discount: EH - ; Novelty Feather Fans, Silk Bags. Silk Scarfs. Wool Scarfs. Men's Ties. Neckwear. Dolls. Novelty Waists. Your holiday money can be spent to excellent advanta shop-- -ping To-night and Monday. Hy a > t8 SS SEES A --