Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Jan 1920, p. 11

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\ ¢ oem ore nish og ers > 'FRIDAY; JANUARY 2, 1020, : THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG LTE A OLD MESSAGE FOR THE NEW EARNS RCL ily eeeesemene re mumameeessmaneg Dry Storage For Your Battery BL +n International Sunday School Lesson For Jan. th Is, | Nine Years Trouble Ends And Robe rison's Limit ed | "Peter Preaches at Pentecost." Acts 2:14, 22-24, 32-42, She Is Well and Moorcroft Ww are The only proper winter care. Profit by past experience, | | Hai e By William T. Ellis. i PPy Now, » Just opened a large variety of dainty pieces. Don't fail to see { "I have gained twenty-five pounds | Send it to i : | ai Religiously, there is something new hot from his heart his deepest con- | Since I commenced taking Tanlac, | {on the horizon for Ninete venty | Victions, which were the life-trans. | 20d the troubles that have been mak. | WILLARD SERVICE STATION { Practically wi Tor Gimeteen Twenty prming = Gospel of Christ. Here are | I'€ life miserable for me for nine 19 Brock Si. : of the United States and Canada have | ¢ Portions of his sermon assigned | (WHS have been completely over- i tia : : a i united in a concerted enterprise, mor: | Of todays study, as translated bY | ives ar oq ule Peck, who | ES Sees ESSERE - | comprehensive and radical than any. | [Ve¥mouth: | he other gar. 1%: Ave. Edmonton, - {thing they have heretofore 23 " : Lew o i The Young Man's | takes. called the ny aoe under "Peter, however, together with the I Ww hen 1 commenced taking Tan! | J |Movement. It enters the new year | "/€ven, stood up and addressed thems oak hd raed Mre. Pod, "I was so B R d : { with an audacious programme, a huge | 22 loud voice, i1 he cto gor mown that I was hard- | est ecommen ation | organization and practically unlimited !, , Men of Judaea, and all you in: | disa reat Sek about. Everything I ate . . ' money, All Christians should wish it | habitants of Jerusalem,' he said, 'be | Tor mreed ith me, and I would sut-4 A Savings Account is more than a start [mon Al tion fare nope that it may |} 0 Wacortainty about this matter | [7% for two or three hours aster every | i : ' 0 towards financial independence--it is a be the solution for th s but pay attention to what I say.' + * + ! ot of gas forming and ark Of cb hei pe Bem op un in a ont. pre. " 'Listen, Israelites, to what I say. { bloating me up. I would have severe | 0 f th tre t dati decadence. Jesus, the Nazarene, a man accredited | CT2Mping pains in the pit of my sto- : ne o e strongest recommendations At the beginning of a momentous | t¢ You from God by miracles and |@h. I was very nervous, so much in the world of business that a ong us year, as we take up a course of Sun. | Marvels and signs which God did |% that slimming of a door would | --y them. can present, is a Merchants Bank Pass- {day school Studies that face thé | Among you through Him, as you your- | UPSet me terribly, and a good night's | wing a record of consistent savitgs, | fundamentals of faith, it is well to elves Show sa ddliversd up | Ea ut af tne Juteiaon lor me. i eal frankly with selves i 8 rpose and | ¥ $1.00, which shows ow. Th ee somesy | oi" oh suits and wilh Aieh Go stg pape, anf mob in go Sh of eae -WW, Which shows how hig y We rega Gentiles have nailed to a cross and | ©ut than I did the night before. This p the accounts of thaen wha desire to save, Yepistion to do spiritual work by have put to death. But God has raised | °0ndition just kept getting worse all . » LE: : ' al ] . : : he time unti I h I wi later. disillus | Him to life, having terminated the | t Eojgto where I was THE MERCHANTS BANK [iii = So i Sifts Ss em ef A | sib t Him to be held fast by | 'ime. Head Office: Montreal CANAD, the Church is not going t _ | sible fo " : 2 7 A Established 1864, cessfully the Prosont oe roty ue: | death. . Then I decided to give Tanlac a' KINGSTON BRANCH, . "Thi 3 i ife | trial, and it's the honest tr th, I com- # . . A. TOFI , ithe world by means of vy -| ~ "This Jesus, God has raised to life | the honest truth, I com PARHAM AND VERONA BRANCHES, © J. W MECLYMONT, Manager: {the world by means o modernity. |--4 fact to which ll iad Tey | 18068 my fires por, Sorore I had fin. i i The Ch 4 » i ng therefore li ig y. | Shed my tb > S wi ' x Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent at Kingston Branch, br es Ich may Sake on all he! the mighty hand of God. He has i medicine, and my condition just a ern Toa Q | Standard Oil Company; all the pub-| received fom the Father the promis- | KPt getting botter until I am now as f TT) |licity devices of the circus; all the | ed Holy Spirit and has poured out this | Wel) 5a 1 ever was in my Mfe. I ne- many-sided adaptability of a politi-| Which You see and hear. * + {yer Mave a sign of stomach trouble cal party; and all the propaganda | " oF erefore let 4 6 whole House of | Aye a fitfe appetite and 1 1 x ingenuity of the G ( Israel know beyond all doubt that God | 8 want. ave goften All classes-of high yield investments -- [| ngenuity hog hme Ergin prim both LORD and' jack ull my strength and can eesily \ i loa fonts y CHRIST--this Jesus whom you cruci, | ¥ housework. My nerves are Corporation, Governn.:nt and Municipal. Butouched. ee Misiutey on tii fled." y | in perfect conditio, and I sleep Ike 7 "Stung to the heart by these words, | 2 child every night. It is simply won. Private wires--New York. Chicago, ator a Staauht Yims, Bo ar | they said to Peter and the rest of the | @erful the Way 1 have gained in place se weight, and in fact, Must feel fine all Montreal, Toronto. MOORCROFT ware is an entirely original Staffordshire Slip ware. Each piece is thrown on the Potiers wheel. In harmony and richness of colouring, in the beauty of design and delicacy of finish, Moorcroft ware is wholly ad- mirable, and it is very reasonable in price. Robertson's Limited {modern appliances may fill, the truth | Apostles. f ron i [Reade mS Dp ances straight Tiorae that] * 'Brethren, what are we to do?' the time. hi sir, Tantac is a won- they are merely incidental. Nothing " "Repent," replied Peter, 'and be Sort meds he ang as ong as I live that worldly wisdom can devise is able | baptized, every one of you, in the say a ro rs an Spportumity. to to deliver our enmeshed and imper- {name of Jesus Christ, with a view to | Tanlae is sold fn Ki & 5 men IN--CO' oO filled world. {the remission. of your. sins, and vou | Chown, in Plevna by Gilbert 0 Se | STOCKS--GRA TON SE | Spins For o you belongs the promis | 13 Botisrson by ©. 3 Cire apes | RENN ENEEENNENNAENEEESENEONN : ¢ 0 Peter's Way. " : Tho | lof by Ervin M \ BONGARD, RYERSON & CO A Hipne Pesfiumad is Tor po {anc co Tour ghidren, sui tn wl who | U6, by Bevin titin fs doko ' « tent than organizations sonstituted are far 58, whoever the Lord our God { W. Y¥. Cannon, Advi lily spent Christmas under the par- | or institutions erected. One Fisher- may call,' { . . ental roof. i MT Bagel Ge, Phone 1788, He'd. Bangned, Manager | man, afive with the eloquence of the | CAnd with many more appeals he | ¢ Miss Ethel Stevens eontinues very | : | eye-witness, proved mightier than |solemnly warned and entreated them, | ohristmas at Mrs. J. Downey's. Mr. |seriously ill at her home here. On | {the Roman Senate and than Caesar | Saying, . : and Mrs? R. Kirkland, Mr. and Mrs Saturday, Dec. 20th inst.,, Mrs. W. | > land his legions. We cannot improve | Escape from this crooked gener- French spent Chfistmas Day at Arren [ Trotter, widow of the late William | | upwn Peter at Pentecost, The first | ation, ¥ oon (Brown's. William Gibson and sister, | Trotter, aged seventy-one years, after and last obligation of Christianity to | Those, therefore, who joyfully | Migs Mabel, of Chantry, spent Christ- |a short illness, passed away at the { the world is a Word of witness. | Welcomed his Message were baptized; {mas Day with their sister, Mrs. Wes- home of her son, Earl Trotter, o i Ti 5 1 Preaching according to apostolic [and on that one day about three thou- | ley Tackaberry. place. She leaves to mourn her loss, | __ na at cat specifications, is goitig to save human- | sand persons were added to them; and | yi, Jvesley apd Mrs. Colben Wil- beside her som, several daughtere. { Mrs. J Eliott, Kenora; two sisters, X } : ity. The Good News is the only hope | they were constant in listening to the lows, of Carleton Place, spent Christ- Mrs. A. Elliott, Mrs. MaeMackin, of | Mrs. Earl and Mrs. Wiltde, Athens. of bad times. teaching of the Apostles, and in their mas with their brother, Alfred Wil- this place; Mrs. J. McKenny, Forfar; | The funeral and interment took place NEESER ANSREEEN "Accept no substitutes." A motion | attendance at the Communion, that is, {lows. Roy Willows and family, New- ' Mrs. Stillwell, Mrs. McVeigh and [at Portland Anglican church on Wed. ; or | picture can never supplant the mes- | the Breaking of the Bread, and at plies and Howard Willows and fam- Miss Sarah Trotter, Smith's Falls: | nesday, Dec. 24th. sage of a man who has had personal | prayer. ! a HE . i i traffic with Sod. Au Open Forum is al Tolling the Fest We Kaow | A ses on. od i NaTHISY § | 3 poor makeshift for an Open Book: it! ellin e Bes . - « O F ys \ | » 4 ll! Bear ons | {may draw the crowds, butyt is likelier| Books by the hundreds have been EER ENE EEN EDR EEC EER EYEFINEEER ¥ ' -- VE to make Bolsheviks than Christians. | written about Peter's model sermon. The Peter fashion at Pentecost set|It was largely a telling of what he Fy od ! the gait that the Church was meant knew. a testimony to reality. Also it Le ® os 4 AE] A to follow: she has strayed from it| was steeped in Scripture. It had for | 3] YE [ 4 (oe ] | | 8 ----ot : only at her own peril and at man-| driving power the twin engines, con- | i 1 kind's loss. | sciousness of the Christ and consei- | Our extremely low-price offer ings will enable you to get that NEW SUIT OR | OVERCOAT - As a layman, and as a proponent of | ousness of the crowd. Filled and Christian publicity, and as a forwaid- | thrilled by this sense of remedy and ; looking progressive, I nevertheless | need, Peter preached straight at his | declare it as a deep conviction, born | hearers, with the aim of 'chan ing | of experience; observation and study. their life allegience. No beautiful | 2 of the New Testament that 'the |essayist he: he was after votes for | CU RES world's great need today is for more | his Master. He did not hesitate to call | i God-aflame preachers of the gospel of | his hearers murderers; nor did he | * . a Crucified and Risen Christ. Lack of | tone down the great spiritual integri- Co afhs Colds, Grippe, Bronchitis, these is the worst weakness of the | ties and sublimities of his sermon. He Church, Prophets in Peter's mould,-- | talked to his times assuredly; but hooping Cough, Asthma, Ete, men with a Te ;unmistakeable mes- | toncernisg he eternal Jerities, the] MATHIEU'S SYRUP i overeign tonic combining § sage about God and the way out for | Four truths concerning Christ--the | the curative properties > TAR Se lgn the ie Sombiuin the world--men who search the hearts | four pillars upon which the Church virt! p : 8 of their fellows, and set them to cry- | stands--were strongly put by Peter, | irtnes of COD LIVER OIL. v 5 ing Jn contrition--these are more to| One was the Messiahship of Jesus. | Colds, when neglected or badly treated give rise to be desired today than any new move- {The other was his crucifixion and | consequences of s:icha grave character that youshonld fi ments or organizations or campaigns. | death. The third was his esurectio | isk using inferi i The many-tongued world will witness | The fourth was the kingship o ri using inferior preparations. | rensedy ; new Pentecosts, hich wi { Christ: his right to rule. { putation caused b 5 A tions od hiss For i by fire the cor tions of our time, | That day, with its three thousand haa fo up Imita of value. | MY When it he a the witnesses to |converts, began a new social unit in | _ ON sy the power of the Redeemer. { the world, a fellowship which has in- | creased to this day and is still in- at greatly reduced prices. We also carry a complete range of Ladies' and Men's Boots and Shoes, and our prices of same must not be over: looked. rein? EEREDEERERGN ; wa i | creasing. Some of the persons present x | In a Polyglot World. /\ .|were hunted into wildernesses and |, Within five years we have moved eaves by the Roman Government; but BEAVER BOARD {into a Rew, great world, embracing all | their cause gves-tumed and Sutlived, y " " races and countless strange tonyues. Today that cause and its rist are | A ASTE space is "slacker" space--put ft to work. The We know ourselves cosmopoljtes and | the ay sure hope of our perplexed Ply attic might just as well be a den, play room, study or re®bonsible for the setting of | and suffering World extra bed room. Even the basement can be transformed into a westions undreamed of a short time | al g . . workroom of laundry. In business buildings Beaver Board also . y At To previous study of the | Provides the practical way to permai intly restore old walls and Pentecost story have we so clearly | A FINE ENTERTAINMENT. iailings, partition offices, build extra rooms, and utilize unuséd {understood the reality of the al -- | Or other waste space. {gue of nationalities who heard Peter's| Was Given in Methodist Church at | 9 . { sermon: he might almost have been Phillipsville. i Allan $ Lumber Yar d ; i reaching at the Paris Peace Con-| _ Phillipsville, Dec. 26.--Mrs. Robt. . . jference, or on the East Side of New| Preston is again quite ll. The an- Victoria Street Mork. As we think of it all now, we | ual entertainment of the Methodist understand anew that: its meaning | church Sunday school was held on | {must apply not only to Luke's list, | Christmas night, bringing out § good i | ranging Ry Parthians to Arabians, | crowd. The programmes consisted of | {but also to vast groups of mankind | recitations, #alogues and music by | {unknown in Peter's time. The Message | the school. Several choruses by the | {of Pentecost today has a wider scope | Young men of the school were weil | | than the New Testament world. rendered and much appreciate "| \One of our modern poets, Richard | Dents Downey, of Windsor and C. { Burton, has yoited the universality of | Ralph and wife, of Delta, spent Men's and Young | Boys' Coats ? : Men's Coats Our range of Boys' Coats can't be beat, as we have a large An extraordinary fine range | assortment in various makes and materials. Prices from $12.00 to $16.50 of Coats in grey, brown and as- sorted tweeds, made up in form- ¥ | Burton, as mien fitting, ' waist-litie and belted Only 6 Boys' Coats left. with models. Prices greatly reduced. fur collars' (Hudson Seal), sizes Eg rpnkin ee olieate | Loud summons ¢ to War, and the tithe : | from 32 to 34. Regular $30.00. So wondrags rare is he air, 5o crystal | Childr Saturday, $19.45. Their call is to arms; but One, in the | el - A | RNR | conturies long ago, > { ~The Great Wall of Modern Science [| | wer mri I. | -- Sickness Prevention | 8 Georgette, Crepe The Great Wall of China'ls cen factor in itself because by reduci ] As Pentecost pictured, the Word is | = : : turies old, but its basic ides is the bodys power of ian | [to all the world. Since the |. D Chin : di 9 C sound it is bets k kes i for sickne de- | x i J ERegSARIR Meal fy Secncisonimies) SS NER e es Ladies' Coats after Rave entered. tion, prevents he sbuotption of | : : : 1 ve I Cl \ : » 3 od {The plasof moder medical science jhe Poisacs which otherwise wou | i Ives : 4+ : . : : dn x en netndscnons be taken into thc Hood nd wader | i be doi - y AND JAP. SILK BLOUSES AND DRESSES po) mn "on ) 3 3 " > + venting the spread of disease Nujol softens the food waste and | : I ti : ' Er curlog ity and in its xe Bin eae bvewina] oe] Fanteles to. | hol : Je : Be. nC : : : & H a | h # v ' % i . * - . . ge foi ot 2 oe is ob Suse of sonstipicnsadeeiyn- | | y Very nicely trimmed in all This timely reduction of La- ; i lish bowel 5 ! n gy + ot 5 » a 4 ¢ ofa Sacre --conmipuin : fy em ni Te : . : shades, at greatly reduced prices. | dies' Wear should not be over. This Nujol treatment. healthiest world. a A iS; have in a i ee : / . Ht Bor % 3 Se Ave ih Thi P of I a A 5 : x ; abora Oe Re rg ener fen suri : mid oly i lat dt dri he Md rac i ox Te Bers. Bewosirs of product vepresnsed 0 bo "hi Nols You vats safle from subset, 5

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