Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Jan 1920, p. 13

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A IG R AN] opi free A -------- FOR SALE se fl ------ iste | [o | THE PEOPLE'S FORUM wate pire raglan Rong Eo oningion Stree; bot Big Double Programme | i T : P rooms $6 15--Reels Best Pictures--15 Sa TERMS CAN BE ARRANGED. . ALBERT RAY THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY | "LOVE IS LOVE" | coxpexsen ADVERTISING RATES | I Phone 68 and 874w. . 56 Brock Street {| BESSIE BARRISCALE riz: yovertion, 1c » wera, aon son: | Semra--sniany awn congmmsron | FOUND a green cvrre i t i a] Ni Sent 3 word JR iniman charge for stock, ing exclusive lines, ON WILLIAM STREET, BE. } § oR awa A i { One insertion. ©; thres inser { specis iy, grown only by us tween Bagot and Sydenham | | t LAA AAAs AAA , anna, é"@ i B0c: six, $1; une month, 32. . r agents, Elegant Streets, automobile gasoline {| RADIATOR CO VERS--MAKE YOUR Po, ae = THE WOMAN MICH- The above rates ire for cash only; free samples. Write now % oor tank Oven ARDY Waig i Car start easy. Judson's Auto Tops, { | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG CUTTER. AVPLY 1ek! A SECOND-HAND BELL ORGAN, IN { A EL M A RRIED" | When charged they are double. : coeries, Montreal ! Office. DONE x Brockville. I y . + | . | . } A KEY FOUND ON EARL ST. vac A rE JLDS--WE Comedies and Other Reels HELP WANTED. i : § between Sydentiam and Bag. the best of conditton. Apply 86 | . M. : V. . | en cot se ---------------------------- | 810 A DAY 18 BEING EARNED BY ot, Hk > rats | uebec Street. > : We Wish To syge i Sug erior Vaudeville |A CHAMBERMAID, APPLY FRON-| Ouf,akeuts right through the Fall | N NonDAy Tne Whig Oct in 11 ; A. G. Williams| Mat 2.30 Evg at 7.30 --="="" Greeting' Xmas cards in spare ot Scart in front of Abernethy's | | BARY CARRIAGE IN GOOD CONDIe > ! . rg ABR | A YOUNG MAN WHO UNDERSTANDS Ones May Pe a 1 2 | Greeting Xmas. cards in spare or| Shoe Store, Princess Street. | tion. Call morning or evening at 171 WELLINGTON STREET | Oc 5 canvassing. Apply McKelvey &| er cent. No outlay or experience. | ; § Jenkin Street. i Extend PHONE 40 i . 15¢. 15¢. & 25¢. | ited. i Witte Modern Art Co, Toronto. Salling at Abernethy's Shoe | | Store. | SOLID MRICK HOUSES, NOS. 250 AND | IVORY WATCH CHARM wiTH | | 352, King Street Bast a ly F. H. | awry U ------ : . ! i $4 2) 3 yr b, i ------------------ i YOUR | COMMENCING [A COOK ATE REAL NO WASHING | : gold cp, inltinied ae 1 Macnee, 143 King Street West. . i ! Veilin : St . | ONLY ATISFACTORY CANADIAN thas en broken). pply || To our many friends and cus LIS { | MON JAN | Wellington Street. ONL ar PET ACTURY yO NADIAN Whig Office. | SIXTY TONS OF PRESSED HAY. ») . : Introduction by General Currie. A GUL) RING ON COLBORNE | slightly mixed. For price and par~ | i | ticulars, apply to J. H. MoEwen, nt, tomers our most sincere thanks { ! for their liberal patronage dur- PROPER I ¥ | smany GIRLS WANTED FOR | ""Canada's Sons and Great Britain Street. Apply to 264 Col- ing the past year, and at the Ddily at 2.30 and 7.30 p.m. } Queen's Cafeteria. Gbod pay. Apply | in World War," offers réturned men | borne Street. Chesterville, O same time express the desire | For sale with us. 5 to Queen's kitchen. { and sthees, er a" ny ae] SUM OF MONEY IN ANDER- i r , ¢ : { ul opportanity to e 0 $75] 6 » AD Its . | ~ that one and all may have a FOR SALE VICTORY BONDS New au e . 0 : COOK AND HOUSEMAID BY JAN. weekly Charles Marshall made ap ohenertment: on PR AARGE QUANTITY on FUR iappy 'and Prosperous New | : Cy 5 1820 Apply Mrs. Norman! $120 first 18 hours; Mr. Pee! aver-! 4 'olfe; cheap. 3 4 { 1917 and 1918 issue bearing interest | | va 171s { no } - veekiv: have same by calling at An- Bedford, the Auctiol ear. ; [117 = & i raser, 174 'Earl Street. | ages 350 weekly; Miss Robinson Action Bro, onl avis Beglet She Auationeer, 134 Queen & X ¢ at 5% %. makes $60 or more every week HOA property. aha . | 4 : * | Jolin our sales force at once; work G'S DRUG STORE BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE OFFICE | Big Keith Acts--4 EXPERIENCED NURSE-MAID OR spare time or full time. Outfit free.|| LADY'S BLACK GLOVE. OWN. HAKD AND SOFT BRICK FOR saLx { PAY. Ea full timu. Bave our customers 25 Birch, L ted 158 Wellington Street i | housemaid. Apply Mrs. B. N.| Winston Oo. Dept. D. Toronto. | er may 'have .same &t Whig io large or small quantities. . Bright--~Clean--Clever. i Steacy, 162 Johnson Street. $ | | Office. \ B E. Wathen, M3 Nelson stroel. n : f EE i 2 'done i . or Branch Post Office. SPECIAL NOTICE {Tn Conjunttion with Feature Films | FEMALE HELP WANTED | FONE AuTiULEs anvEn, ih i | A GIRL NING 7 i o . TISED FREE. OPP. Y.M.CA. KINGSTON, ONT. The Orchestra formerly known ag Al- | LOR DINING ROON WORK! Anyone finding anything and | | NO. 25¢ QUEEN STREET; STON lem & Salsbury, hay heen reorganized | H. B. WARNER work in kitchen Ro ar ah i Wishing to reach the owner may newly shingled; improvements; he! and is now Allen's Orchestra, being | tenac Street : i ' n { do so by reporting the facts to water. Possession lst May. mag composed of the former musicians i F W. ' H { wn Eh | GOOD WAGES FOR HOME WORK, | The British Whig. The adverse Miils, 79 Clarence St. cept FPlunist and Violinist, wh. e | ora oman s ohor i - tiamen----: { We need you to make socks on the tisement will be printed in this } Been replaced by the best. talent in| | CAPABLE MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN | fast, easily learned Auto ponitier | | column free of charge. ¢ : ngwton, ARBU DY Ee, gy How | Lxperience unnecessary. stance - . - | ae RAP AND The public may be assured of the | BUCKLE COMEDY and Other #1 ance, for general housework by | immaterial. 'Postively no canvas-| Que ita ise eater rely 3 ING un FHOROLA ASN 3 Dest there in ba Srehantey wot | Films { small family. Phone Mrs. Thomp- Sing. Yarn supplied. Particulars! | etc. These If lost, may be ads Terms, §6 cash, §1 per week. N W,. J. ALLEN son, No. 932, after 3 p.m. i 3c. stamp. Dept. 24C, Auto Knitter | vertised for in the "Lost" eolumn. ndsay, Limite 05: Pe ats st MATS. 2.30 I EVGS., 7.80 | | Co., Toronie. i |. 2c, Any Seat || | AN EXPEAIEXORD. sin { ew i » Any § 25¢. and 50c. | AN EXPERIENCED, SINGLE OR MAR. | s==-- SKIFF, CANOES, SKIFFS FOR OUT. ried man to work on farm; must be | board motors; Tents, Arent | . | Phone 1841W, ! TE e------ steady. Write, phone, or apply POSITION WANTED. | LOST. Camp Supplies, etc. Frank 8 Cooke, 219 Bagot street. Phone The Telgmann School of | 434. ; Music | Piano, violin and other stringed | WHERE EVERYRODY COE of bookkeept , { y . V 1 > peeping. Apply W. J. Nes-| or housework. Apply Box D-30, ur "hi RCO a3 ri énd furniture to dispose of, we will. Instruments; elocution and dra- | bitt, corner Johnson Street and) Whig Office. Son aD avHig Office or to 331 Divi-{ Rd Birnity prices. J. Thompson. | , ! - - | Iw. | i | Personally, to R. M. Van Luven, | i Fartamquth, Ont, A LONG SILVER CHAIN, FINDER Fin : o rr tei eminent a -- A LADY CLERK FOR GROCERY a family of four and has to work PAIR OF SPECTACLES, IN CASE, ON good second hand furniture and Sunday, Dec. 28th. Reward. . Re- sloves. Any person having stoves Bh Hi ) | A MIDDLE-AGED WIDOW WOMAN , ¢ | Pd i | E | BY | NJ | wishes work by the day. She has| Please call 'phone 493. WE HAVE FOR SALE ALL KINDS OF Fg a el 9 5 § Wes store, one having some knowledge | to support them.' House-cleannig| matic art. Pupils may begin at TO-DAY University Avenue. 333 Princess Street. Phone 1 \ SUNDAY, DEC. 20TH, AMETHYST | any date. Terms on application. - | Engagements for concerts ace . . . | , LIVE MAN WANTED--SPARE TIME | p. bo : { Rosary, with owner's name en- | cop ERAL PURPOSE MARR) cepted, Special Holiday Bill or rieadily---selling our guaranteed SITUATIONS VACANT. ! graved on back of cross. Valued a kind in every way; ru ~ ! trgen and lapts. Quit: Tee. Jas. { as keepsake Please leave at Whig about buggy, set of single harn: ad . i eral commission. rown Brothers | taxa i i Office or 'phone 1852. { ys delivery waggon; alse a iby 216 Frontenac Street. | Thurs., Fri, Sat. Company, Nurserymen, Limited | RET RNED MEN WHO ARE TEM-/ a | Be ay A uDAtor and Brown Nurseries, P.O. Ontario. | porarily out of employment or Brooder; cheap to quick buyer. Ap . | | t or | on 25 { { whose disability recludes them | FRIDAY AFTERNOON, DEC. 20TH, | Ph e 13 J * { | from dang inside' Work, will find on Johnson street, purse contain: | Piy 401 Division street, city. ] | 1 { ) ers i CAPABLR LINOTYPE OPERATOR, remunerative occupation selling ing small money, wedding | - -- . | Ur shop. Well Hghted 1920 colored calendars surmounted | ring and English money. | | e n. | A AAA A tt a | i F-- | ve Steady or by historic pictures of many not-| Finder lea Whig Office and | BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE. | SIN 2 day 2 night job. Good! able men, among which Is an excel- | receive reward. | -- ling on ability. Ap-| lent likeness of the Prince of | = SE -- | 91,000 FRAME COTTAGE, § i improvements, electric light. Daily British Whig, | Wales in Khaki. Numbers of re-| . w ly a i , kine: Ont turned men are making from $6 to| TO-LET, | ----- { ms $10 a day st this work It will | IS ROOMS, ost ' us all { continue until the first of March. | FURNISHED APARTMENT. APPLY | $3200, RANE HOUSE, T . ' | } WANTED GENERAL. Call or write for illustrated catal- '185 Sydenham Street. | = 1 i ! ogue, free sample and full paruncu.! $2,200, BRICK BUNGALOW 5 ROOMS, { lars. WN wl 3 Hope, F ublisher, | TWO OR THREE CEC 8 improvements, electric light." i VOD-A-VIL | SECOND-WAND =~ UPRIGHT = PIANO Fate 33, 77 Victoria Street, Toren.) TWO LON Appiy 202 Wailiam St va AL N fA - | or eash or In par of new | . ---- ---- . | $3,500, BRICK HOUSE, 7 ROOMS Lo Now is the time to plant. ¢ "( ompliments Planios and grafonolas, C. W. Lind. MIOKAGK FUR FURNFIURE, OLEAS| improvements, semi-detached, Sen Nothing better to look at 3 i ! say Limited. 121 Princess street. | end dry. Apply i %. Wathen, | tral, DENTAL. 143 Neison sireet. Phone 1391). | o.000 DOUBLE BRICK, y ROOMS in early Spring than a § . ! 3 f th WASTED TO RENT OR SUB-RENT, A | } it . o e, MOVIES small furnished flat or part of] y FIRSE CLASS KUOMA AND So. i ben Tg BL ments, central, furnished Bouse. © Address Box|A, B. KNAPP, Bi. J.DS. Dos, ail improvements; cemirally locat. | -- F-20, Whig Office. Sftice 250 Princess Street. Phone od. APPLY 348 broek sireei. | VIOTORY BONDS FOR SALE, MONBY - ot Sos ! to Loan. | WATTS FLORIST Season" ] FEATURE COMEDY | ee ee eee. FIVE-ROOMED HOU SE, NEW, DE-| 100. WELLINGTON STRERY «179 WELLINGTON ST | ROOMS WAKTED FOR LIGHT HOUSE- corated. Will rent to suitable ten. | 'Just Arrived From Houland ANA { keeping. Would rent or purchase | DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN. IV al hose. Ton 2 GAUMONT NEWS | :iiferioifs Siallutitn | "al Monti ems, ot) SH nl hit Sir 50 4 | conveniences, Apply Box E-30,| carnovaky's. none 44%. - ant - . Whig Office STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, ClaAN ry. wann's vai t § Scenic, Educational WANTED, CUSTOMERS TO BRING | TEACHERS WANTED. Agency, ¥§ Brock Sureet none > } ! their bloyclés to be cleaned .and : 336 or 621. WHEN YOU WA 0, ! . see James Selby, ntractor, . University Avenua. Phone 1898w. CARPENTERING, i stored for winter. Skates sharpen- ed and hollow ground; also baby | prROTESTANT TEACHER FOR S. 8, i i: 3 ; 5 / carriage tires put on while you! No. 12, Richmond. Duties to com. | FURNISHED FRONT BEDROOM, CEN- | = wait. George Muller, 371 and 373 | mence Jan. 5th. Salary $625. Ap- tral, suitable for one Or two, gen- | En. A D. HOLTON. i Kiug st. Phone 1032w, | ply to A. F. Reid, Napanee. Yemen, Apply Box G-3, Whig Of- | MEDICAL. H it ts a RY . A ct Abt tA gt. Hoh... . i : . y DR. J. BE. KANE WISHES T0 AN- : i STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN For Choice Groceries and Sea- FLORIST, I~ -- | Returns received to date from the | STOLEN dry, airy rooms; your RE, UL and nounce Shat he has opened oRices oS tlclen Gronseicn 20 Princess surest | NEAL HART [austrsiinn sioctons 'matcssa hs on Brodit Senet EO Woop bt tte | { Premier Hughes has beeh returned | On Monday or Tuesday from the Queen siréet. Phone 638: res. bes. 7-3.30 pan. Telephone: o so Piss: . + Good and Quick Service. Phone 001. Residence 20368w, : : x ef New % | with a strong majority. The Hughes | | Glove Oounter at McIntosh Bros. a residence, 1631, | When the Desert Smiles party is known as the nationalist || pair of Black Leadyer Driving FINANCIAL ; : ERR ' UPHOLSTERING . . | ants. : Gauntlet Mitts and Astrachan backs. ' 210 DIVISION STREET FR A N { ir John Eaton announced that the Return or prosecution will follow. ' DN : o § ( > F( JR I ) I LIVERFOO LONDON AND GLOBE PHONE 545 | | IS j employees of the T. Eaton Co., Ltd., frre 0 Company. Available i { Would be presented with life insur-| ere @ssels 361,187,215. In addition to | CALL OR DROP A CARD a P which $5 policyholders have for ro) upholster. ne als | nf Nn Nr qa" 9 I i 4 { The Mystery of "13 7 ance policies and pensions as New security the unlimited lability of street. | Sars sifla. _ i oi ith en ers eity property, izaured at Joswest i \ -".. . aney, aron y Tey ed t 8810 ratas, elore renewin EDWARD EARLE |, MJ. fsaer, Toronto, resigned che F(t i eT mm { am [Ne : a - i rates from Strange and Sirange, holstering and general reptiring. : : |ada and is succeeded by H. J. Daly, Tenders will be received by the un. | Agents. Phone 328. Leave orders at or drop a card te Buried Treasure | Ottawa. dersigned up till noon. the Teh day of 104. Clergy street i | Miss Caroline Cassels was appoint- | Januar, 1920. Price per ton or cuble : OUR OPTICAL | Llo d C WwW. ki {ed a member of the Provincial Mov- Jard tos moving ae plone ¢from FRONFENAU ie iD VEST. Y om: BT nitentiary ie ociety; + ' y edy- eekly | Ing Picture Censors' Board. in the Township of Bingatan: res coal. President. W, F Nickie K.C.: vice: LEGAL. RAN SOR ETI n -in-C i t e loaded on sleighs o vesident, A. % unningham. DEPARTMENT STRAND 10 PIECE ORCHESTRA |, Sider of gel Prohibits. She With prison IABOF. 57 Yigg herr issued on city and farm | ARRIST Brightest Spot in Kingston rues | [FIDO Sh irty quer om other R. H. FAIR. properties, municipal and county CUNNINGHAM 4 Switm, BARRISES ¥ days. RR. No.5, Kingston. debentures; - mortgages purchased; Street. Kingston. A B. Cuan PA ur -- ES ng investment bonds for sale; deposits J hatoughly Sauipped witht GLOVER'S OLD STAND received and intessst allowed. NR. ham. Cyril M. Sm all the latest scientific in- J C. Cartwright, maiager, 87 Clar- struments, enables us to MAXO1 RES ence street. Kingston. AMBROSE SHEA, B.A | give you an accurate exam- ' | IF YOU HAVE A RIM CUT ON YOUR TIRES, YOU ARE and _Solleltor, ination of the Eyes. Always in Stock~--Whipping agst e S BOUND TO HAVE TROUBLE, IF YOU DON'T PUT IN A ARCETTROT of King and We wish you a Happy New Year. Cream and Milk. MAXOTIRE SLD BY THE Bank. Money to k s Jt Sou need £lasses we make QUALITY and SERVICE OLD ENGLISH MINCEMEAT them on the premises. STANDARD YULCANIZING SHOP POWER, SON AND DN ER ARCHI- : : 384 ONTARIO § T. COR. QUEEN A. NEAL MGR. PHONE 3038, Corner of Proce and Wellington MONEY TO LOAN . ener ee -------- -- TO LOAN, 8120008 ON rman Ask your Grocer for them. PERSONAL Eat Olice. Apply to Box WEBSTER'S | n woser Cia = : --- i HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTH- ; 3 : marks, skin cancers, scars. etc, re- SIGNS . R J. RODGER Phones: 47 or 780, : MN wr ¢ moved permanshily. Salisinctory § f glasses » an urnishe after Optometrist and Optician. .. Cor. BAGOT and BARL STS. eee | : i H others have fal Goltre removed. | SIGNS OF ALL jcrvns, SIGNS fie § daletin ~--and--- It you don't, our optome- . PLUM PUDDINGS trist will tell you frankly. i H 36 years' experience. Dr. Elmer J. uality and s 182 Princess St. FOR SALE BY TENDER. | | Lake, Bye, Har, Nose, Throat, Skin. Delp business. Address 20, § | ot. X nn. 258 Bagot stre 198, Kingwto "Where the Clock is on the © Two frame houses, Nos. 15 and 17 ~~ Walk." . - West Street. : Magistrate Atkinson, Timmins, Tenders for the purchase of these sald he would send all fllicit Mquor || two houses will be received up to makers to jail hereafter. Jan, 7th, 1920, Dr. J. C. CONNBLL . i Engineers' § Greetings § Night Class And Best Wishes fs bass Engineers on the 12th inst. For 1920 gm: : C. Beaudoin. ~ TO OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS: © _ Baroll forthwith at the Board of | All the Sm Effects, : Colonial Effects, er oar hy bring Pace and. : Education. Rooms, White Satin. White Kid, Patent Leather ant-Viel Kid, Shank Jou tar F Dutronage t roar ad hope. RE 3 OAR. © avauy The new Vanity Pumps in White Kid, Viel Kid, Out The Vagity Pump will not slip in dancing. EE wm Ai ---- i --------

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