PAGE FOUR THE 'D a «112 Princess St ely to wounds of this Fleece Lined Shirts * and Drawers, Sizes, 34 to 44, 75¢. Each. "THE CLUB All orders attention. Shop ireatment. It is a pow! and should be applic indito pre jer of infection. is soothing and healing and quick- tis soothing and heating and quick bruises, cuts, , burns, gs. Just as reliable, too, | "neck, sore feet, cold sores, sores, earache ad toothache. from druggists for 30 cents. satisfied return the bottle and mosey back. r constipated or have sick head- Just try Wizard Liver Whips, s. little pink. pills, 30 cents. ning ve | | | | From the Countryside | Frontenac BUNKER'S HILL. { Jan. 1---There is very good | sleighing herd now. Timothy Bab- {eock is home from the States. Warner | Switzer and wife were down from { Latchford on a vacation, visiting his son, Ralph. Mr. Switzer is a road foreman at Latchford. James Wii- son made a trip to Godfrey this week. | Farmers are engaged in sawing wood and hauling it in. PARHAM, W. Comnwall's. The sporting club had ing, and all had an.enjoyable time, The English church will hold a box social and dance New Year's eve. Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Ball*spent Christ- mas at G. A, Smith's J, Lowery is at Belleville. Mr. and Mrs, J. A. Good- fellow and John Jr., spent Christmas with relatives here. Mrs. Fred Close and son have returned home after spending a few days at her old home, { Mr. and Mrs. W. Wagar are at Mrs. Mina Wagar's. Miss Ella Card is home from Renfrew. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Raymond at W. L. Goodfellow's. . WAGARVILLE. Dec, 29.--The farmers are making | good use of the recent snow, drawing | wood, The dance at Warren Corn- | wall's Christmas night was well at- | tended, Earl Storms {s getting out | ties. Russell - Jackson and Murray | Kirkham, Oshawa, are home, also | Miss Helen Wagar and Emma Jack~ son, who-are attending Sydenham high school. Migs Viola Storms, En- terprise, is visiting friends ahd rela- tives here. Mr. and Mrs. Ard Wagar jare at Mrs. Alton's, Tichborne. Miss | Ethel Steele, Bob's Lake, at/George ily of Kingston, spent Christmas fth her sister, Mrs. W. A. Wagar. Mr, and Mrs, George Cronk and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kirkham motored ac- ross Long Lake on Sunday to Frank Scott's. ' DESERT LAKE, Dec. 29.--The enow is greatly ap- preciated and the lake is safe for driving, The fox hunters are meeting with great success. Willet Babcock and family, have moved in the house lately vacated by Charles Orser, The prayer meeting at Dawson Snook's was largaly attended. The infant dau- ghter, Winmifred Edith, of C. N, Ab- rams, was baptized in the Methodist church on Sunday. Mrs. A, B. Page is seriously ill. Mrs. J. N. Abrams is able to be out again, Mrs. F. Clark has returned home. Miss Clarie Pe- ters of Wilton is spending a few days | with Mrs. D. Snook. Mr. and Mrs. C. | N. Abrams and family have returned te their home in Port Hope, after spending three weeks with friends herd. Russell Storms was the guest of Harold Snook on Sunday. McDONALD'S CORNERS, Dec. 29.--Mr. and Mrs. 'W. Jack- son spent Christmas with Smith's Falls friends. The Misses McKin- | non, of Toronto, who have been the | guests of Mrs. R. McDonald for the | Christmas. holidays, have returned 'to | the city. Mr. and Mrs. W. Dunlop | and family, of Perth, spent Christ- {mas with the latter's mother. Mrs. | J. Dunean, Lake View. Mr. and Mrs. | D. MeDougal have returned home {from Chesterville, J, Crawford, of | New Ontarfo, is visiting his sister, { Mrs. J. Adam. F. Jackson motored lto Smith's Falls Friday and reports the roads in good condition for cars iyet. Master Lee Millar, who has 'been seriously ill, is improving. Mrs. i J, Millar, Eiphin, spent a few days {last week with her son D. Mdllar. Mr. {and Mrs. R. Paul and children, of | Perth, spent Sunday with the latter's | parents, Mr, and Mrs. Hall. MOUNTAIN GROVE, Pec. '31.--We are enjoying real | winter weather but very little snow, i not enough for good sleighing. Rev. | W. H. Buckler held a song service ! in the Methodist Church on Sunday evening last. Nominations passed off quietly. The council were elected by acclamation, Melville Drew and D. McDonald, resigned their positions las councillors. The council for 1920 ed as follows: Joshua Cox, or Cronk, 8. Daw- son, Henry Godfrey, and D. Cox. councillors. Miss Bessie Hayes, has resumed her duties at Welland, after spending Christmas at home. Mrs, Géo. Boomhour has returned from the west, and is with ber mother, Mrs. H. B. Sanderson. John Godfrey Sr., is suffering from sciatica and in- flammatory rheumatism. Miss E. G. Coulter has returned to California, after spending her holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Coulter. Messrs. R, and C. Price visited Tweed last week, 080 STATION. Jan. 1.---The recent snow has made the sleighing some better. Our school has closed for the Christmas holidays. Josie H. Warren has re- turned from Kingston, after under- going 'an operation. Hester Baily fell and fractured her leg. Mr. and | Mrs. Bert Dousette, of Smith's Falls, - Dec. 29.--A number from here at- | tended the party Christmas night at | their monthly dance on Friday even- | Cronk's. Mrs. O. McCalester and fa- | } returned to their home, after spend- | Ing Christmas with friends here. | | Martha Ritz has returned home { from Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. John | { Conboy spent Christmas with friends | {in Bathurst. Many friends were glad | to see Mrs. Crawford and family able! { to be around again, after the narrow ( | escape when their horse ran away, | coming from the concert at Sharbot | | Lake. John Cooper, of Glenvale, is] visiting at Joseph Bourk"s. Thomas | | Myers, of Calabogie, is at Richard' | H. Bourk's. Herbert Conboy, who | | has been out west, has returned | home. | ---- -- | ¥ -s i [Leeds | i MORTON, | Dec. 29.-- Miss Olive M. Wilts | Athens, is spending the holidays with her father, B, N. Wiltse. Miss Hazel | Wiltse, Athens, spent a few days in the village. Mrs. Burns Simpson and little son, Jones Falls, speat a few | days last week with her Hiarents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Stewart Br. and Mrs. R. Tate, Lyndhurst, spent Christmas at J. Stewart's. William York, Pie. ton, is spending a few days with his | brother, H. York. Mr. and Mrs. Tho- mas Welch, Brockville, were in the | village calling on friends a couple of days last Week.J, O. Willis, Winni. peg is "home for a few weeks visiting with friends in the village. | W. Booth of Wingham, is spending a few days with his parents, Mr. and { Mrs. F. F. Booth, Mr, and Mrs. A. R, Jacob spent Christmas at Seeley's Bay. Mr, and Mrs. J. McGregar, Ale xandria Bay, spent a few days last week in the village, LOMBARDY, Dec. 30.--On Sunday evening, Dec. 28th, - the Christmas cantata! 'Hope of the World" by Schneker, was sung in Trinity church, Lom- bardy. Miss Evelyn Balte, Hamilton, Miss Evelyn Kelly, Lanark and Miss Evelyn Garvin, Perth, spent the Christmas holidays with relatives and friends here, Mijss Lucille Def- mady,' Kingston, is spending a few days at her home here. Miss L. Me- Donald, Ottawa, spent Christmas at her home. Misses Lola and Elva Weekes, Perth, were home for a few days. Mrs Jordan and Miss Effa Jor- dan spent the week-end with friends at Lyn, J. Hughes, E. O'Mara and D. Dooher visited Westport friends on Sunday, T. Healy, Kitchener, | lias been home for the past week. | Mrs. Hamilton, formerly Miss Annie' Rogers, Melford, Sask., is visiting Ber sister, Mrs. John Clark and oth- er relatives here, Mrs. F. Frayne and Mrs. E. Millan spent the Christmas holiday at Menrickville. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Wright and family spent a i | Miss Ovelyn Frayne, who is teaching Dear Gananoque, is home for the va- 'gation, y o ' MILLHAVEN. g : Dec. 27.--The school pupils held their annual concer" on Monday evening last. A. C. Clement spent Christmas with friends in Deseronto, Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Workman, of Wolfe Island, are visiting at F. Col- ling'. Ray Amey is spending his holidays under the parental roof. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Collins spent Christmas at. Thomas York's. Mrs, Harvey Amey entertained a number pt young people to a dinner .party Sunday evening last. ---- SILLSVILLE, Pec. 30.--The smallpox epidemic seems to be past, no new cases hay- ing develaped, and Mr. White and family are recovering nicely. How- ever, most people are still careful of one arm. Public gatherings are be- ing resumed. The U.H.L. Butter and Cheese Company held its annual meeting at the factory yesterday. The nomination resulted in C. F. Allison being elected reeve by acclamation, but there is a prospect of an election for the council. Much sympathy is felt for J. Vandyke and family in the loss of their home by fire. Nursing Sister E. Hawley spent Christmas with her mother, Mrs. R. Hawley, SWITZERVILLE. Dec. 28.--Allan Milley from the West, is visiting at his home hers. Misses Evelyn and Nina McKim, Na- panee, are visiting at. Charlds Me- Kim's. Mis¢ Geneva Spafford spent a few days recently in Napanee. Percy Shorey of Hamilton is home for the Christmas season. Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson have returned from their wedding "trip. Their. many friends gathered at their home on Frida evening and presented them wi beau gifts. They Lave the best wishes of the community. Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Spafford, Cherry Faller: are visiting at J. M, Spafford's C. W. Neville has sold his farm to Mr. Me- Oormick of Selby and will move from here in the spring, Mrs. P. E. R. Miller was in Buf- falo recently attending the funeral of her brother the late Mr. Lowty. few days with friends at Algonquin. [ig DAI ITI Methodist church at" the past two weeks, wf dership of Mr. Dixon, land; were weil attend Spafford of Teronto was" Christmas, 3 Mr. and Mrs. George Magee sp&it the holiday with the latter's parent§ My. and Mrs. Keech, Deseronto roady R. J. Allison is out again after hi§ re- cent fliness. Both the Bay of Quinte and Hay Bay have ice bridges sow, and the people are making use them ' to visit the surrounding villages towns, 104 VENNACHAR, - Dec. 27.--Johnston Holmes has returned to spend ths winter months | at his parental home. 6 Mrs. Alexander Jackson had fo be taken to the . Gemeral Hospital again this week. R. [. Johnston and family spent Christmas with his par- ents, J. W, Johnston, Wensley. Mr. andl Mrs. G. W, Jackson is with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Irish. J. H. Sallans and family at Andrew Lamkie's, Plevna. Goorge Sallam and family and Henry Shaw and family are at W, H. Sallans': A. Rosenblath at Thomas Villnefl's; Ezra Lloyd and family, Snow road, at A. H. Gregg's; Zara Snider and fam- ily at A. H. Gregg's. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ball at Wellington Holmes'. R. W. and Mrs. R. W. Conner at Simon Ball's, Denbigh; Charles TI a ¥ ¢ | r {last week. R. VinDusen, of Corn- SH WHIG tall, wos at Mrs, Shepard's mas. Mr. and Mrs, © ent Christmas Day. at 5. A. 8, Picton. Mr, and Mrs. Tho- ongard and family, also spent day at W. H. Kingsley's, Picton. Allan Harrison was here Sunday, the Buest of G. Hurlbut, Cressy. over SALEM. Dec. 28. -- The Christmas entertain- ment held in Salem church last Tuesday evening was a decided suo- cess, the proceeds amounting to about $40. Several from here at- tended. the entertainment held at Roblin's Mills on Christmas Eve. Rae Spencer has returned after visiting Iriends in Wellington. C. C. Wanna- maker and C, M. Kemp went to Hillier and Consecon on Sunday to Speak as minute men in Rev. G. D. Campbell's services. Miss Vivian Parliament, Oshawa, is spending her holidays at Charles Carnike's. H. McMasters, Brighton, is a guest at 'Charles Sager's. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cannons a son, and to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carnike a daughter. me sen ---- BRIEFS FROM SUNBURY The Forward Movement Is Being Pushed Ahead. Sunbury, De¢. 29.--The sick peo- Snider and Archibald Gregg, who have been working at the Hydro plant on the Mississippl, are spend- ing the Christmas holidays with the | latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. | Gregg. | | Prince Edward | > | : BONGARD'S, Jan, 1.--Mrs, Winters, of Picton, has been with her mother, Mrs. Wil- liam Storms, who is seriously {Il Miss Maize Carson, of Cressy; was the guest of Mrs. Clare, MeCornock Pons ple in our district are slowly recov- ering, and some have been able to be out the past few days, Several fam. ily re-unions were held in this dis trict on Christmas Day, and there were many visitors, Miss Huston, of Elginburg, has been for some time visiting at Robt. Dixon's Messrs. Nor- man Shammon and Frank Summers of Detroit, U.8.A., are spending a few weeks of their holiday season with their friends and relatives around here. The annual business meeting of the Preshyterian church here will be held on the evening of Jan '7th in the church. The reports of activities dur- Ing the past year will be received and officers elected for the various com- mittees of the coming year. All are B. Lu-| FRIDAY, JANUARY 2, 1920, Ee at. ISTORYE Ger. Stocssel January 2, 1905, the surrender of Port Arthur Fifteen years ago today, was agreed upon. Find a soldier, ur: Se Answer to yesterday's puzzle: Top side down, at mast. cordially invited, The Forward Movement is being pushed actively in our locality. An ef- fort is being made to secure a larger attendance dt the church services, and larger offerings for the work of the church at home and abroad. It is expected these objectives will be rea- ched. Nomination of candidates for the municipality of Storrington was held in the town hall here on Mon- day the 29th, and was largely: at- tended. and a lengthy discussion took place. It is-possible that the entire council may be returned dy acclama- tn, tion though a number of nominations were made, Skating is being enjoyed in this locality by the young people. 'A presentation to the returned sol- diers of this part of the township will be made in the town hall on Tuesday evening, the 230th. Robert H. Fair will be chairman. The marriage of Rev. Robert 8. Jones, Brantford, to Miss Edith Nes- bitt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam- uel G. M. Nesbitt, Brighton, Oat,, took place in 8t. Paul's Church, Brighton, on Tuesday. A 3 WE WISH ALL OUR FRIENDS A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR! | This Great Sale A Demonstrated Success CONTINUES WITH EVERY INCREASING WIDESPREAD POPULARITY. The way in which the public has res fact that the Lion Clothing House efforts to su price are appreciated. . Come, be numbered Timely and money SAVING. Our SALE P revelation of merchandising from every view body is going to the Lion Clothing Hou Every Men' Extra Strong Working Trousers, were selling for $2.75 and $3. Sale price $2.25 TT HEY ERY Odd lines and sizes of Men's Wool Ribbed Undérwear, regulor $1.75 and $2 valués. $1.19 Sale Price An unheard-of B Men's Good Suits, prices argain at these times: neat patterns, Sale No 3 9 22, ' ' $17 $20, $22, $23.50, $25 up to $39.50. A saving of $7.00 to $10.00 on each suit. Men's Good Heavy Working Socks, regu- lar 35¢ value. Sale price 19¢ And get the IDEA of this Sale Clear] FRIEN that MAKING The Lion Clothi The evangelistic services, held in the Nhe Pr r------ ee -------- DS is as important as ponded in y--we are not philanthro this great sale has again demonstrated the pply reliable merchandise at a reasonable among the many who find this opportunity. RICES are a SOURCE of WONDER to all, a point. . Come, you too, and have your share. se. Get one of our Overcoats during this great sale. Each coat will be worth from $10.00 to $15.00 more next winter. It will pay you to put one by ¥ $18.50, $21.50, $23.50, $25.00 Others up to $35.00. We are selling all our Overcoats at cpst price. Boys' Pullover Mitts. Sale price 25c¢ to Clear A ---- L,I r --. , Men's Fleeced Lined Underwear. Sale 90c Men's Wool Aviation Hats, regular $1.35 75¢ price value. Sale price MAKING MONEY. THE BARGAIN SPOT OF KINGSTON Look for the Lion in the Window. 4 gh sag 347 King Street, THE By GEORGE McMANUS pists--merely convinced 5 ng House Near Princess Street Aeris Cogn - atti kn. STATION AND I WANT YOU TO GO DOWN TO THE