THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG GRAND i= EE eee . / FOR SALE To-night and Wed. < ; wonderful location; fairly modern; one of three door row; lot 105 ft. deep. Price $2,900; $1,000 cash. Balance can stand i 4 Bi Keith Acts--4 | > for five yeirs. | Bright--Clean--Clever ! THE J K. CARROLL AGENCY In Conjunction With Feature Films | | i . " i 2 : | . Bessie Barriscale CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES | WANTED GENBRAL FUR SALE. Phone 68 and 874w. " 56 Brock Street (| we] Nowe First ingertion, 10 & word. Each 5 | FURNISHED HOUSE OR APART. | "tor | FOUND i J 18 Stevens Street. "H ice" T er P urchase Price cent a word. Minimum cbarge at once. Telepho articu | She inkertion. 250; three insertions. 1818, pone 5 en | A BUNOH OF KEYS, ON PRIN. | [4 SEAT.D OUITER. APPLY, 162 ! | A WORK HORSE FOR SALE, APPLY secutive Insertivn thereafter, ment in good locality. Possession | i AAAAAAASAAASASASAAS 2: han, : : hd d . RAM - E0e; wix, $1; one mont 3 i | Arbuckle Comedy and | 3 9%: ons month ys 7 ] When charged they are double. |BECOND-HAND vPRIG C street. Owner may have game by calling at Whig Of- | | A uA] COBK STOVE, ALMOST ipl ! hew. Apply 23 Russell Street. i | | » TERRES | ® ? { Other Pictures for ash of in part par dens © ow | obo . - | ' i yr 1 MATS. 2.30 EVGS., 7.30 HELP WANTED. fay Limited: 193 Bribosss Brest | FOUND ARTICLES Anvan. | RADIATOR COVERS--MAKE YOUR W W h To k ® 9 a pe GIR, N T Anyons finding anything and | er 31841 shay. Judson's Aute Tops, e IS ' | 25¢., Any Seat 25¢c. and 50c¢c, | A HALL GIRL WANTED, APPLY A : tl rockville. . FA) | wishing to reach the owner may mn, ssn crasts Bh soot BEDFORD, 'THE AUCTIONEER | ----rY) landoiph. WANTED-MEN AND BOYS 70 PAT. | | | Wishing reporting the facts 0 | | SOLID BRICK HOUSES, NOS. 350 AND } i PIANO | 3 ron. barber, The British Whig, 'The advers 252, King Siceet Bust. Apply ¥. Ho : A COMPETENT HOUSEMAID. APPLY and boys' hair out, 20c. 3 w is now booking farm and stock wnles fn 4 0 " tisement will be printed in this Macnee, 143 K reet we. Extend Fromtenne County, Jat Shien surly ans Miss Ferguson, 191 King Street Razorg hoheq 395; 236 Ontario St, column free of ohare. : n id 0g Bt 0 st es. | A COOK. APPLY TO MRS. WALDRON, ound articles' does not ia. FURS=LARGE QUANTITY OF PURS | 124 QUEEN 87. KINGSTON | corner King ang kimfly Streets. . 7 lost dzgs, 'cattle, horses natural and bLiack wolfe] cheap, : A | | an ary 22 and 23 | WANTED TO RENT BY MAY 1%, 8 TO igrnese, if lost, may be ad. | | Bedford, the Auctioneer, 134 Queen To our many friends and cus-| Fhoge 1721 ! MAID FOR SMALL FAMILY, TO GO TO | 8 roomed house, with modern oons Yertised for in the "Lost" column street. Phone 1711. tomers our most sincere thanks | | Special School Children's Matinee Ottawa, Apply 'Box F-14 00. the veniencas; central location; by | Soe : for their liberal patronage dur-| A MN . Friday at 4.15 pan, Whig Office. careful penanisl no Children. { is Frovins SOFT Balok on sali . : i » Box U-14, Whig Office. { 0 large or sural guanticles, a ing the past year, and at the! 5 . .s A COOK GENERAL; NO WASHING DY | { E, EK. Wathen, AM3 Nelson street. same time express the decir. NAENANEERNNERNNED | The Original Ur ironing. Apply Miss Hora, 18 | + LOST. Paond 13¥1d or 81a. i Wellliigton Street. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED | { Apartment, in business locality, or| 4 PURSE, ON SATURDAY, BETWEEN | TOP CUTPER, IN FIRST CLASS CONe that one and all may have a . | \ Happy and Prosperous New| Band at Covered Rink to- | IPEG MAID FOR STORE-ROOM; ALSO nearby. Must have lights and gas. Anderson's Grocery, up Garret to dition; chéap for & quick sale. Ape 2 Family of two. Apply Box X-1J, University Avenue, Flnder please ply J, Brown, R. R--Ne. 1, Kings Matron, Kingston General Hospi- Wiig Office. leave at Whig Office or Anderson's aie HR: s Y et dream ---------------------- ry, | Grocery NO. 25¢ QUEEN STREET; STONE; 5 g 'S DRUG STORE "WKIDDI g | AN EXPERIENCED, SINGLE OR MAR. | MODERN, BRICK HOUSE; ALL CON . newly shingled; improvements; hot 4 ried man to work on farm; must be Veniences; will pay cash. State FAN CIAL Water, Possession ist May. Thomas GHNNEEE IMEEEEER } « steady. 'Write, phone, or apply price and location; west of Prine --------TNANGIAL - Mills, 79 Clarence St. Van Luven, tess preferred. Apply Box Z-20, Ey | eérsonality, to R. M. ' | New Revue | | ppmenaiier. ie x r Wins oer HIVERFOOL, LONDON AND Gioms) TESTE CKAFINOI So REE = S$ n : Fire insurance Company. Availaoie selections; your owa choice, $42.00, i , | LIVE MAN WANTED--SFARE T1Ma | YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN LEARN | 187,216. Aerms. 35 cash, §1 per week. UW, A -- | o The World's Best or steadily ---selliug our guAraltesy telegraphy; positions secured: fees a nla] ae. oa Addition for Lindsay, imited, tH Princess St. | i trees and plants. Qutfit free. Lib. moderate; day and night clisses. Security, the unlimited lability of | ! in er ow World's Fastest Vaude pal commission. Brown Brothers Apply instructor, ovek C.P.R. Tele- city propérty, insured ag lowest | SKIELE, CANONN, SHIFRS TOR Ou. " | - ompany, Nurserymen, mited graph Oilice, Clarence street. sibl ates. Before rehewin ear motors; Cents, ' SPECIAL FanicE Ab i il C 1 f Brown Nurgeries, P.O. Ontario. Sia or, iving new business got samp Supplies, pe, prank 8: tra former! nown as Al- | IN ARMOURIES { rates from Strange and t. i Couke, agot street. a A ovata vd 4 { Ville--a Lyclone o : WANTED, CUSTOMERS TO BRING| Agents Phone sas nd Strange 36. and Is mow Allen's Orchentra, being 9 | Comedy LADIES WANTED oy Do FLAN, he ai Sia to he i ed and IR CHRISTMAS WILL SELL FR composed of the former musicians, ex. | ght sewing al ome, whole or stored for nter. atés sharpen. » T. © AS i 4 0M copt Pianist and Violinist, who have JAN Y. 20-21 -22-23 PRICES wEvening 25-50-75-31:00 spare time; Sood pay; work sent ed and hollow ground; also en 1 to 1,000 cakes of dpmestic ige at replaced by' the best talent Ia { Matinee: Children, 35; Adults, 75e any distance; charge paid. Send carriage tires put on while you m : a reasonable rate at' the same old toma. Admission ibe. | » ' y 40H stamp for particulars. National Wait. Qeorge Muller, 371 and 373 A plant as the late John Gieeson. The public may be assured of the| Children (under 14) be. Seats now on sale. Manufacturn g - Company, Mont- King st. Phone 1033w. gr te A. W Cunningham, hone 1329. réal. one Meoued on cit apd farm rOpOrtion, mynicipal ang county | SOLID OAK BILLIARD OR POOL mortgages purchased; table; size 8 X 3 feet; for home use; Dest there in ny Sheatral work. JLLUSTRATED BECTURE hd A Government rialist, Asp, a y pecialia . . WANTED, IMMEDIATELY, FOR AGENTS WANTED, eb onturex: . i Retisct eondition; complete with , cues, marker. Highest offer taken, , Apply Box Y-19, Whig Of« ce. : Year. - £ ui at i malds for general help, Apply to night. Admission, 25c. | A a ----: Branch Post Office. OPP. YMCA, KINGSTON, ONT. Kingston P 0 assistant cooks; wages $30; also ' , kitchen maid; wages $25 4 month; | $10 A DAY 18 BRING RARNED BY C. 'Cartwright, manager, &7 Clare RIEL EAR IY experience and good references es- our ageuts right through the Fal ende street, Kingston. t each evening. | i | - : to xp SP NO CE i : WHERE ELVERYHODY CoOF 7s sential." Apply Housekeeper, Royal selling our high cliss Persona Military Shere, Kingston. Greeting Xmas. curds in spare or | | WE HAVE FOR SALE ALL KINDS os | TO DAY full timo. Save our custothers 25 MONEY TO LOAN good becond hand forniture an: arnt shove Rotige hus no reference fo | 5 - L i ger, sant, 2 odtla or S2bac one. | ---- stoves. Any person having stoves ie F. J. Sa ¥ ' { TRAVELLER CALLING ON rite Modern Art Co. oroato. ! . . + i Lv Se NiTun An . [10 LOAN, $1,20000 ON FIRST | { ! | be nt the old address ns In the past TLE od 3 h Re. ang finite to dispose ote ll | ra. wante x se our y ex rices. . Riteen years--21 Sixth, Street. Phone 1 OM MIX grade Chocolates and other lines morigage at 71%. Apply to Box No. afidy. Good commission proposi. 0-13, Whig Office. Trio of thoroughbred birds given away Phone 1841W, ' " Tuesday and Wednesday (only) i. Royal Military College; three male -- investment bonds for sis; deposiia : received and Interest allowed. MN. bal ih NO 333 Princess Street. ' Phone 1800w, * 1008W and J. (Incorporated) mI Non tion to the right man. Men reply- | PERSONAL GUOD, GENERAL PURPOSE MARE) sound and kind in every way; rane ey ; { 3 ing give fullest Information as t i Club Rooms, 67 Princess St. | T conpection and Ania covered | TO-LET. 3 i | about buggy, set of single harness Sn General ting FRIDAY ||| y ora 38 5% Ma {oo Breet, Monoror | MAIR, MOLES WARTS, BIRTH-| FURNISHED BEDROOM; St Bae Dchairery waggols alse a 28 SEN Eo. " BE eneral meetin / . , 46 Bt. Maurice Street, tr J y - ] S DRO mr Two | i c 3 VACCINATION + SHIELD WE | at 8. pin. g | The fastest moving mo- Sniteal marks, skin cancers, SCArs, eto, ro- | girls.~ Apply at 247 Lan street. | Fue Shathum Fo Or. And HAVE THEM. per ti ict in the hi ' moved ted a rr atislactory | meee iy 401 'Division strest, city. . iasses n | on picture in € nis MALR HELP WANTED others have falled. Goitre removed. | STORAGE FOR FURNITURI CLEAN | BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE, 36 yeArs' experience. Dr. Elmer J, Kad dry. Apply BK. . Wathen, ---- ke, Eye, Kar, Noss, Throat, Skin, | 143 Neison sireet. Phone 1891) | $1,600, FRAME COTTAGE, § ROOMS, | | WORK, | 255 Bagot street, i i improvements, electiic light, in politics." | - PHONE 40 TWO 3 rea - -- | I | fast. easily learned Auto Knitter. TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS. SUIT. > a OUSE a -------- | EX RA! Experience unnecessiry. Distance | MEDICAL. { able for couple. Apply 202 Wiliam | oa. Moly TF gil ig 1 ROMS. immaterial. Positively no can-| | Street. - = | $2,200, BRICK BUNGALOW, 5 ROOMS, ~ : dm ------y | vassing.: Yarn supplied.. Partious | b 2 dma y | Big V. Comedy lars 3c. stamp. Dept. BAC, Auto| DR. J. BE. KANE WISHES 70 AN. | Fins ULASS ROOME AND S0A&u, improvements, electric light. o ) f | ; ¢ | Subject for discussion: -- A. G. Williams] "Resolutions for conven | tory of the screen. gt ve ITI WELLINGTON STREET tions;" "Individuals or parties 1 i y GOOD WAGES FOR noue i | We need you to make sboks on the | emmme adi . . a Knitter Co., Toron | nounce that he has opened offices | SU wprovements; centrally ives. ~~ : . : | at 136 Wellington Street, opposite sd. _Abply ¥43 broek stree ICK HOUSE.'Y RO g 288s Topics of the Day a B | Post Oftice, Office hours 2-4 p.m., | = 3 | $2500, nEICK akoons; ALL . TEACHER WANTED. 7-5.30 p.m. Telephone: office, 1535; | YIOBAGE FOM FURNITU tra) he TO CONTRACTORS | 4 resid 1631. | §84 ary, McCann's te | " § Pursuant to the requirements of the | Se 5 8. 8. No. 15, Bedford. Salar > 4 Canada a ned ey lo reen Magazine 3425. Apply, stating experience to UPHOLSTERING 4 | or sold separate, % rKe < - od i «TT 1 i i PE Swamp" will be received by the under. | Boatard iis, oretary-Treasurer, | mmo | DOUBLE AND ONE SINGLE | vromrory Hoxie o : signed until twelve o'¢lock noon, on, : Si es cutee - " S| CAL bedroom; very &emtrally locat ;| VICTORY HONDS FOR SALE, MONEY $ L OR DROP A CARD w. J reasonable terms. Apply Box A-zo. | to Loan, \ : : work, oomstruc¢tion of concrete strucs | improvements, semi-detached, cen« NOTI | Al ' BE CE PROTESTANT TEACHER WANTED rr A bt sting Asaney, 621. Brock street none | 46 000, DOUBLE BRICK, 7 ROOMS for S each, all mprovements, central, J 0 | . v TO Mondsy, February 0th, 1020, for the | 8 = i . Gaviae, upholster. 2k ag ot ; i -- s | cleaving, grubbing, earthwork, rock | Cau' BNTRIRING, street. » Suge hig Office. { FARM FOR SALE iy $6000---100 ACRES, ALL GOOD LAND, -- | --------. tures, Quilding of guard rail and other | A EI ¥ ter tpt + tbs i | ecessary work om the Provincial High- | 3 bh Pa WHEN YoU ow, .| TWO ROOMS, SUITABLE FoR LIGHT | facing the lake. Farm house and The business heretofore carried on way in the Township of Pittsburg, at| Ste see Tunes Behr CoE TEN Posten) TOR re. housekeeping; well heated: ele | barns. G. A. Bateman, 158 Wel. # point about flve mileg east of the University Aven Pho 1898w, Leave orders at or drop & card tv tric lighted; all modern improy -| ' at Kingston, Ont., by M. Susman and | &,5%} Kingston. The Photo Dramatic Super-prodace J 104 Clergy street" ments. Apply § Garret: Stemiy J -- Plans. specifications and forms of A: Bpeizman, has been dissolved. ay, Tamuary 200 1070, atthe otice og | tom that held an audience spell. | PREDICTS LIBERAL SWEEP. Rs, FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN | / , 1820, £5 £ Y : . gary, alry rooms; ! MUSIO. tha. HeuNiens DOEIneor. Sauabents ot bound for two hours. INSPECTOR IS SOUGHT. key. "Peoare Gly Sots 58 | lington Street. All sums due to the business are | the Hes: gt w a AE Su-------- : "ity Engl » King- hat Hon. Mackenzie ep---- Queen street. Phone 626: $89. | MISS G. CARR-HARRIS, PUPIL the office of the City winear, ng King Says at Dominion Police Scandal in Quebee res. $0 GARR-pARALS, PUPIL or. | to be paid to A. D. NELSON, 305 Af-| wion, and at the office of the omder- : Quebec. Fa signed. ' Quebeo, Jan. 20.~Hon. Mack Is Spreading. LARGE URN i | plano and theory. Puplis prepared O A marked ohequé for Five Humdred + ' . Mackenzie ; » BRIGHT FL RNISHED, FRONT for the Toronto Covservato of #0ed Street, Kingston, Ont. Dollars, payable to the Minister of bp. \ Xing ryived in town yesterday on| Quebec, Jan, 20.--The Dominion Daan: misotrlc lights: hot ater Mule examinations, Studie: 23 . "kr 4 ray ; . : e niversity, | ' lic Works and Highways, Ontario, must 8 return from the Maritime pro- | Police scandal in this city which led suitable for two persons. Geen ansi | Mack street Telephone 1592w, : M. Susman. 5 i accompany each tender. vinees.. Referring to his tour the | to the arrest of Col. Whitehead, the leaving city. Apply In i Es A.' Spelzman, Pt Caran) Company's. band -for. tes Liberal leader stated that Mr. La. | chief, on a mumber of charges, and Union street. strooy ear Iaiorper ARUHITEOT Kingston, Jan. 19th, 1920, | | Will be required when the contract is pointe and he had received ovations | a preliminary inquiry in the police EE ---- signed. from the people and not satisfied to court, has taken another develop. DENTAL. he lowest or any tender not neces. Judge by this, they had interviewed | ment with the issue of @ warrant for sarily acoepted. y B® A. McLEAN, local chiefs who had been unanimous | arrest of Inspector J. H. Horman, in BE. KNAFP, BA, LDS, DDS, 4 Ww. . Deputy Minster of Public Highways. in guaranteeing a Sweeping victory | charge of Riviere Du Loup, who is office 258 Princess Street. Phong 3 Department of Public Highways, for the Liberals in those provinces, | charged with misappropriating funds 652. Jronto. Ont. January 13th, 1920. ' He attacked the present administra. | 58id to amount to about $6,000. SPARKS AND SPARKS, tion for its incompetence, insisting | It is alleged that Hofman collected tists, ts Wellington street, over ers and . Solicitors, he ' Bg » COUGH : FOR CHOICE Joba, for i nee, and the lack of | to turn them in to the court. , » Solis o 3 unre . representation in the Cabinet of Can. meee SIGNS ham Corsa - Cunnitffe #da east of Montreal to the ocean | CIVIL SERVANTS ham, Syth M. Smith. | allinncsn | and ref i Vi . < used to comment on the com. Worked Out. 199, Kingston. | Bank. Money to loan. Phone J ""\ £ YOU CAN GET RELIEF BY USING GROCERI In concluding Mr. King predicted a -- SIGNS OF ALL KINDS, SIGNS OF | ANnROPR SRE Sinaia Dr. Hall's Cough Balsam I ing session which would be ruled by Toronto, Jan. 20.--A superannis- . . quality and distinction. Sie & that sure victory in the coming elections | Superannuation Schéme Is Being help business. Address Bo) thay . ang _boleitor, Saw oftice, ta $e And Fresh V Don't miss it! Only two more d; a two-headed Government while the | tion scheme for civil servants is be ly days. ey . chief was away. {ing prepared by Civil Service Com- go to L. An excellent specific for obstinate FRIENDSRIP'S BOOK YOUR SEATS NOW. -- missioner J, M. McCutcheon and is Oo ble, H e almost completed. It is sald to place Coughs, Throat Trouble, Hoarseness, Old Trethewey Brings $100,000. the .age of superannuation at 70 Nut C oO al » . mining ete. sale only at-- Fresh | Quick Service. V Toronto, Jan. 20.--Following the : 6 Goods. » . . years and require at least ten years . CO ERED RINK week-end visit to Cobalt of President service. Many of the civil servants : ; : 216 DIVISION STREET Prouse's Drug Store PHONE B45 ene | Wickeott, of the Trethewey Company, | think sixty years should be the limit. PHONE 82. on the Dogloet of the harbor of St. | fines paid by draft-evaders and failed OKT Shots 448. CUNNINGHAM & SMITH, BARRISTe st. Cla; JUNIOR O.H.A it is announced that this company's | The allowances are to be on a slid- inl cobalt property hes been sold to ping scale, according to length of ser- Carloads of fresh Coal arriving--the best Coal mined. ' adi b Conlagas at a figure stated to be |.vice and salary, , K.&S. TIRE & RUB- H O C KEY A LETTING GO. . = 'ye is BER GOODS, Ltd. for tae on its Gowsanaa proportion." | Premier Gouin Fapaotid to Resign Jas Swift & Co - Limited Preferred Dividend No. 1] IVMIATCH re Ay he . WII bs . Physic Report Paper Notice is hereby given that a divi- : ' Family Wiped Out. ~ consensus. of opinion is that Sir R.M.C. vs. KINGSTON Philadelphia, Jan. 20.--4n entire | 1omer Gouin will resign after the | - ~ & * %h 3 3 ' Collegiate Note Paper [den ct 1% on rr \ {family of five was wined Gut by gas | present session of 'rer eiriar, (he A : N P Ing: December 31st, 1919, (being at Josterday In their home in this city. | Although ne is In touch with every- Science ote Paper the rate of 7% per anbum); has ' . 21st The dead are John J. Kelly, fifty- thing that is going on, he absents : -- five years old, real estate dealer; his | pimeoit more frequently during the NOTICE 5 been declared, payable on January : j Square Ruled Paper 15th, 1920, to shareholders of re- Game called 8.15 p.m, | Nite, thele sixteon-Year-old, S0u, tS giitings, and rooms to bo SVE Hs | father of Mrs. Kelly and a domestic ministers an opportunity to get used GEO. A WRIGHT no Slgent price paid for houses . . offects ha will purchase all 20¢ per 00 cord December 31, 1919, General Admission ...........85¢. 1 By order of the Board. Reserved Seats . ........25¢. Lage, forvant, to conducting the affairs of the y Sy : J. O'MARA, . ai province without his add. + aa BACHINISY : BRITISH WHIG JOB DEPT. . Treasurer, Plan opens Tuesday, 10 a.m. hg 8 - ne le stron Axles for petal . on ' Toronto, Jan. 15, 1920. ; ¥ Capt. D. McDonald Ford, C.A.M.C., 8% uickle steel. Fhome 1264, L. Lesses of Port Neuf, near'Quebec, a passen< 1205. : Phone 1045w ger on board the Royal George, died 40 PRINCESS STRERT 1 $307 Princess 9t. Cor Chatham 88 and was buried at sea during the A A og ios A. Na ----- yoyage. on Bar Sunehacly Saluible Sibpury st ig seriously into consideration the {the late Sir William r, Bart., 2 . ing seriou that nickel coinage ought {it is said, been given to his alma FOR SALE ! FURNITURE to be substituted for the smaller sil- | mater, McGill, by the terms of the MILITIA RUBBERS AND i em * rem perfectveyes, perhaps you A ; ; famous physician's will. - OVERSHOES have anything to well lef we : : y The Governor-General bas signed . HORSE BLANKETS § know ang we wil be on the will consider yours are | be the order that the law take its course fob. perfect because you can Margarine" the Canadian [and Lacoste, Lemay alias Delorme, J. SHAPIRO J. Tur'., Phone 705 © read for an hour or two = ' and Allen, will all be executed at 42.45 Princess St. Phone 1237. $1 ny i without trouble and can ; : 180 0 Montreal next Friday, . see well in the distance-- § Codi ! : : but you may ba getting . a \ : \ . ; this goad vision at the éx-. § na fi . 4 ; 54 1 PPT hs pense of the nervous sys- Fo ' = . SRR . > (30 ASE i MUZIER Saw COUR Al : R 1 1 : hg Ae, | AMD BAYS dm To TAKE Joon o> Sov LESHONS ~ WERE'S TRE tem, and la i 2 8 Ww ; 1 in. 100 persons have