iv 4 ~ \ THE DAILY BRIT}SH WHIG TURSDAY, JANTARY 20, 1030. © | sr ---- te URLING PROGRAM = A =} Ht rr THE SYNOD EXECUTIVE] LADIES" C MET ON MONDAY TO PREPARE | FIXED FOR FEBRUARY 2ND, SRD | = ITS ANNUAL REPORT. | AND 4TH. |= Early Session of Synod to Launch the Five or Six Outside Clubs Expected = Anglican Forward Movement--On. | For the Tankard Games--Results = tario Diocese Asked For $06,000, | of Monday's Curling Games. = The annual meeting of the execn-| T. M. Asselstine, umpire for the Es j tive committee of the Diocese of On- | Ontario Ladies' Curling Association |= { tario was held in St, George's Hall ! Tankard competition, which is to be | ion Monday morning at 10.30 o'clock. | held in Kingston on Feb. 2nd, 3rd | | Bishop Bidwell presided, and also and 4th, has arranged the following | present were Dean Starr, the Arch- | Programme: | deacons of\Kingston and Ontario, | Monday, Feb. 2nd--4 p.m.. recep- i +d. | ton to visit which the | Rev. J. H. Coleman, Canon Bedford | are gor ating Suflem. ai which a Jones, Canon = Armstyong, Rural { p.m, first round, Tankard games, Deans Crisp, Smith, Swayne, Revs.| Tuesday, Feb. 3rd--10 a.m., Sec- John Lyons, R. W. Spencer, also the [ond round, Tankard game; first chancellor, Judge McDonald, R. J.| round, consolation - game. p.m., int Carson, Francis King, J. B. Walkem, | "yl o0peHtion = © W. BCarroll, J. H. Dawson, Jonz , -- final game, Tankard game; final = | ets G. F. Ruttan, O. H. Scott, R. | game, consolation competition. 1 = G. Wright, W. B. Dalton, Dr. Jackson | P-T0., presentation of prizes. = > It is expected t ve or six out | == | pec at five x _ a the secretary, Rev. J. W. Jones sido clubs will send rinks to com. | == Letters of regret at being unable | to be present at the meeting were gp- pete. Wits the visiting curlers are n the city they will be entertained i ceived from Judge Reynolds and Rev. > | R. D. Ffrench, by the Kingston lady curlers. An application for the sale of land Many Games Played Monday. from 'Delta, the proceeds to be used y ¥ y The January Sale Of Pure Linen + Damask Tablecloths And Napkins Direct TTT = a = == = = am = == = = == = = == = -- = = == = Be] = | Things were pretty lively at the A Great M any in the erection of a chancel for that church, was granted. ; Rev. R. 8. Forneri and Rev. C. J. Young had their superannuation al- lowance increased to $300 per year. The financial statement showed the funds of the diocese to be in a very satisfastory condition. The sum of $18,300 for general missions has been received for the year, and curling rink on Monday when five club games were played, which re- sulted as follows: The rink skippéd by J. Macdonald won from George Smythe by 9 to 8. E. C. Gildersleeve won from W C. Crozier by 14 to 8. M. P. Reid won from J. B. Cooke hy 7 to 6. J. F. Macdonald won from W. H. Wormwith by 23 to 7, and A. Strachan won from J. Matheson by 13 to 10. | From Ireland Buyers Have benefitted by our 20 per cent. Dis- count Sale in our Ready-to-Wear Depart- ment. Have you? But this great sale is drawing to a close. Don't delay. Lots of good Suits and Overcoats still here. All sales for cash. TO YOUR MEASURE All Wool Indigo Blue Suit for $65.00. If material was bought today would have to charge $85.00. Special price on made-to- measure Dress Suits, o o a Livingstons 75-77-79 BROCK STREET. "If Off Your Koute It Pays to Walk" the full apportionment 'to the north- 'west and foreign field, amounting to The rinks were: $8,300 was paid. All the missions in | 5 A. Watson R. O. Patterson the diocese have been occupied, and | W, Reid O. Ackroyd the salary of every missionary has! George Hanson H. 8S. Crumley been increased. George Smythe, J. Macdonald, A bonus of $25 was granted to the | Skip ,.. . 10 SN annuitants of the widows and or- phans' fund last year, and a notice of | W. R, Lyons an amendment to the canon was|J Baker W. Chapman given to increase the annuity for | W, Meliquliam T. Frizzell this year. : E.C.Gildersieeve, W. C. Crozier, The missionary clergy were grant- jed a bonus of $50 each to augment their salary for last year. The bishop's travelling expenses were increased to $500 per annum. The names of Rev. J. H. Coleman and Major the Rev. Creegan were added to the annuitants of the clergy trust fund. Bought before the big price increase on : Good Irish F. Purdy A. McLean D. B. Murray J. Newell J. B. Cooke, W. W. Gibson W. Frizzell J. A. Scott M. P. Reid, [inens A. C. Neish J. B. Townsend The sum of $8,200 was voted to | H., A_ Lavell G E. Kidd diocesan missions for 1920, and it is | BE. W. Henderson H.T. J, Coleman hoped that $10,000 will be placed for | W. H. Wormwith,], F. Macdonald, the M.S.C.C. Skip ...i..T 2 Bishop Bidwell expressed his per- | sonal appreciation of the work done by Canon Bedford-Jomes, who has been appointed principal of Lennox-|J. W.. Litton ville University. The bishop express- | J. Matheson, A. Strachan ed his regret that he would be leav- Skip Skip ing the diocese to take up that work. In the singles, F'. Lamb won from Eloquent tributes were also paid by | Dr. F. Waugh. other members of the committee. This afternoon there will be a A new assessment of parishes was | mixed match at the curling rink. The advised, and a report will be submit- | ladies are holding their regular ted by the finance committee to the | weekly tea. Synod. : A net. dividend of 5% per cent. on its trust funds for the year 1919 was paid. Bishop Bidwell intimated that Synod had been summoned for Jan. 28th, and that instead of the ordin- ary service, he. would deliver his charge at the synod service in St. George's Cathedral on the evening of Jan, 28th. ° His Lordship pointed out that it had been deemed necessary to have an early session. of the synod, so as .| to successfully launch the Anglican Forward Movement. He rejoiced that the most of the parishes had taken up the matter enthusiastically. He hoped that the objective, $96,000, will be reached next month. Theatrical At Griffin's. REAL IRISH LINEN Table Napkins REAL IRISH LINEN Table Cloths * In beautiful floral designs --guaranteed all Linen-- 2 yards x 2 yards 2 yards x 2} yards On sale as long as they last at the January sale prices. R. A. Bolton H. F. Mooers A F.G.Cadenhead J. S. LeFlair . P. D. Lyman = E Guaranteed all linen; BE in many lovely designs. = Injured In Collision. A collision occurred on Princess | street at 3.30 p.m, on Monday. A! team belonging to W. J. Crothers ran into a coal cart belonging to R. Crawford & Co., whose driver Mr. Todd, was thrown out and sustained cuts about the head. james Reid's] ambulance was called and Mr. Todd mE .- was conveyed to his home. 5 = Sizes are 22 inches x 22 inches 24 inches x 24 inches Special Bargain | IN 400 IRIS TABLE DAMASK CLOTHS 2 yds. x2 yds. 2 yds. x 2} yds. 2} yds. x 2} yds. 2 yds. x 2} yds. 2} yds. x 2} yds. and 20 dozen IRISH DAMASK TABLE NAPKINS Sizes are 22 inches x 22 inches; 24 inches x 24 inches--all at pop- ular prices. Very Specially Priced et ------ 1 Late W. J. Toppings, Bedford. The death occurred-in the Hotel Dieu Hospital on Monday of William Joseph Toppings, aged twenty years. The deceased was taken to the hos- pital suffering with pneumonia. He is survived by one brother, Jerome. The remains ' were sent by M. P. Keyes to Bedford for burial. OO DANCING ROCKS TT In The January Sale Bleached Turkish Bath Towels; Huck Face Tow- els; Hemstitched Half Linen Huck Towels; ia splendid sizes. Father Hanley Slowly Recovers. = Rev. Father Hanley, rector of St. E E HTT Mary's cathedral, who has been ill for the past two weeks with pleurisy, is still confined to his bed but is slowly improving. "- IN EE . An estate of $68,595, independent The most successful photoplay in| af his interest in the Bate-McMahon Which Tom Mix has appeared here, | Construction Company, was left by The, Speed Maniac," began a run at the late Col. Robert Smith Low, bet- Griffin's yesterday, and was greeted | ter known as "Bob" Low, contractor. by a Capacity audience of Mix en- Manitoba will spend $100,000 this thusiasts. Against a background of a year on technical education. harming story of love and mystery, om Mix stages some new and pow- erful scenes timt show, not. only; the HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR cleverness of that Wm. Fox star as Fr EE an actor and his long practiced skill N= of muscle and nerve, but also a mar- = vellous intuition with which he dares gE d I~ X £2 Es EE zg = = = a eath, yet most skillfully calculates Market Square, Kingston his hairbreadth escapes. The big auto race in which the star's car is wreck- DAILY MEMORANDUM. Band at Palace Rink to-night. ed, the rescue of a girl in a runaway tally ho, and a big boxing match at See top of Fags Three, right hand corner for provabiiities. John Laidlaw & Son, Ltd. which a young girl appears disguised as a boy, fanaich a few of ey thrills. For love, adventure and hu- man appeal "put over! by the clever- est man in his line on the screen to- A» AR ah a mba pn day, the inimitable Toni Mix in "The Speed Maniac" is a delight. The bal- ance of our bill is also of a high class order, and provides an excellent even- ing's entertainment. --Advt. ---- Right from New York come these new models; made from the very best of the most popular materials, » and featuring the very latest styles = DIED. DOYLE-~In Kingston, on January 19th, 3520, Margaret Doyle, aged 85 ears, 4 Funeral (private) from John Cornelius' funem Shape we Vedneada -- morning to St 's Cat ral, "Winnipeg Kiddies" Coming. * where a solemn requiem mass will Managing a bunch of kiddies is| asus °F "he NAPPY repose of her thie best fun I ever had--but it's ner- OCELEY--In Kingston, on January vous work," said Angus McLennan, They 1930, John Vincent Ockley, { manager of the Original Winnipeg aged 73 years and 10 months. Eh Kiddies, who are coming to the | Grand Opera House, Thursday and =| Friday, Jan, 22nd and 23rd. The rea-| frie son for this is that these kiddies are TO! without TTT ol : : --and the prices are very moderate. - May we have the pleasure of show- ing them to you? ET BOOT THE BOYS | Sl Thursday, Friday and Saturday BIG SALE OF BOYS' BOOTS i ! Sizes 11, 12, 13, 13% and 1 to 5%. These sizes only, but hundreds of them. | BOYS'.$7,50 BOOTS, REDUCED TO ....«..0rvunveivneusiiny ausiiinisney osmarnes res i8408 £ fl DOYS' $5.00 AND $4.50 BOOTS, FOR ..................... ........0 as cuisiasrsnns BRIN BOYS HAVBOOPB POR .....co. tein vei occas binant a, .. 52.95 ry # READ SPECIAL AD. ON PAGE 4. i va AA