- IY 'WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 21, 1920. -- PR mt tener E -- . ------ HITS WITH A PUNCH Y 4 was captured b Hotel. From ou step up and ask for more. Listed below. Peggy--Fox Trot Tell Me Why--Fox Trot My Baby's Arms~--Frofi "Follies of 1919"--¥Fox Trot On the Streets of Cairo---One Step ' The Hesitating Blues--Introducing Beals Street--¥Fox Trot Those Draftin' Blues--introducing (1) 8t. Frances Blues; Tishimingo Blues--Fox Trot ........... " : Patohes--Fot Trot Sweet and Low--Waltz ........... samen es go's and #These Hickman Records have proved to be big sellers. yours. Be sure and git some of the following hits, alse: ' Carolina Sunshine--8terling Trio Give Me a Smile and a Kiss--Charles Harrison wc... seems coe co. Bye, Low--Campbell and Burr \ I'll Always Be Waiting For You--~Charles Harrison .. . You'd Be Surprised--Irving Kaufman Just Leave It To Me--Irving and Jack Kaufman ... Out of a Clear Sky--Henry Burr Lullaby Time--Harrison and James ... ri a ee Sr heme meses Call in and get a February Record Catalogue. Out of town Phonograph Owners: Send us your record orders for promptness. Get the habit. "For Records, Try Treadgold's First." Every available Columbia Record in stock. "The Place to Get That Record." 88 PRINCESS STREET "Phone 529. ------ "HALLIDAY ELECTRIC C0. Distributors for G. E. MAZDA LAMPS _ Largestock on hand. 345 King Street - - '- . Phone 94 ER ENERE ERNE NINERS EON, ; ~~. JUTE BAGS WANTED We will pay highest prices for all kinds of Jute touch with us. A. SPEIZMAN Bags. Get 1a Art Hickman Orchestra from the St. Francis Hotel, San Francisco, is unquestionably the supreme Jazz | orchestra of North America. Hickman was man- ager of an amusement park when he inaugurated] i the music--music of such irresistible snap and fas- | cination that it carried away every hearer. Then he! ! the manager of the St. Francis at day the fame of Hickman's Jazziteers has reached the sky, He makes records! exclusively for Columbia, and his Jazz will make His new ones are A2312 $oec. A2811 90c. | A2813 | i 0c. | A2814 | the glittering ivory balls as once he THE DAILY BRITISH WHIGC In the World of Sport PAGE NINE GREAT BILLIARD EXPERT DEAD | Jobn Roberts, the greatest expon- {ent of all-roamd billiards the world { bas ever seen, died at Worthing. He { was in his 73rd year, and had been | in feeble health for some time. | He was the last of the autocrats, {ruling bliliards with a despotism-- } benevolent but iren-clad---which ne- | ver weakened even after he had long { passed his zenith. Other players Tore- red their way upwards and insistently j contended that the G.O.M. was no jonger champion in anything but | name, but Roberts would not con- {cede an inch, steadfastly refusing to play on level terms. {+ ere was pathos in the last ap- pearance - of Roberts in London | {writes Regent"). For Londen had { forgotten "him, and that very nearly broke the Old Master's heart. He and Melbourne Inman played a fort- night's match in Hanoversquare on a table with pockets under standard. John came into the saloon on the first afternoon and glanced round to see row after row of almost empty i benches. Not a flicker of emotion passed over that rugged face, but Just then John Roberts must have realized, as he thought of the old Egyptian Hall and Argyll Hall days, that his star had set. He was crush- ingly defeated, for the magic had gone for ever from that wonderful right arm, and he was no longer the Great Wizard, caressing and cajoling | could caress and cajole them. The C.| match was a dual tragedy for him, | Come in and get but he went gravely through with it, a "big" man to the last. John Roberts "made" billiards, in A27701 tne sense of lifting it from its rather 90c. | sordid atmosphere to the status of a A2827 fashionable entertainment, to which 90¢ | the modern Corinthians extended a A2815 90c. A2822 0c. {lavish patronage. It was considered the thing to go and see John Roberts play, and he made a great fortune by his methods of incomparable show- manship, i AMERICA OUP RAGES To Be Sailed In July Over Sandy Hook Course. The New York Yacht club will de- fend America's cup in a race against Sir Thomas Lipton's Shamrock 1V off Sandy Hook about July 18th. The statement was made by a res- ponsible official of the New York jolub dn answer to a United Press cable from London that Sir Thomas 'Lipton had been notified in a pri- vate message of the a ay i the challenge. { The New York club met Thurs night, but it was reported after the meeting that no official action had been taken on the challenge. "Details of the race have been ag- reed upon practically, the papers have not been signed. There is no doubt that they will be, however, within a week or 0," it was said at the club. "The challenge was accepted ten- fatively in 1914" it was said. "When war caused a postponement of the race that year, assurance was { given the Royal Ulsier club that if it | would challenge later it would be ac- | cepted. {| "There fas been no question that the New York clad would be willing 10 defend the cup. Aceeptance of the challenge, officially submitted seve- ral months ago, has been delayed by negotiations over the time of the race and the course. But it has been decided to stage the race in the mid- die of July off Sandy Hook. i "Sir Thomas Lipton's Shamrock 1 1V, which is now being refittéd here, (will be the challenger, and either ithe Vanitie or the Resolute will be the defender. Both the Amerjoan can- didates will be brought out in May and tested in trial races during the months of May and June." | Sir Thomas Lipton was greatly gratified over assurance that the , challenge had been accepted, and {was apocially pleased over the ton- { cesglony made. To the United Press correspondent in London he said: "Of course, the date of the race is three weeks later than I suggested. Corns Go! You Bet. | Just Use "Putnam's." Nothing simple in the way Put- dll nam's Extractor clears away corns-- { I's magical. No more of the old fashioned fuss. ; ing with pads, plasters and flesh-eat- ing salves. Away with such relics of iii the past. i! ThA Des, newest, surest and. most dependable remover of corns, cal- il: louses and foot lumps is Putnam's Corn Extractor. You'll be satisfied, you'll have hap- 1 | py feel; you'll dance with joy after YA-AS! MUTT OLD THING GAVE A STRANGER TEA DOLLARS FoR [A ~----c WATCH AND Now HE'S: DISCOUERED IT'S ONLY BlsominG BRASTL RIPPING! EX, wor ? IT TickLEs "Me MUCY GOT STUNG : TEN Bucks FoR A BRASS WATCH OH, Mammen! j using Pulnam's Extractor, 25e. dealers everywhere. at { However, this is unimportant, What | pleased me most is the concession | made in agreeing to the race over i the Sandy Hook course. The Newport course, favored by the New York! club, would have meant a serious| disadvantage to me, as it would have required a great knowledge of local conditions from my pilot, who, is fa- miliar only with the Sandy Hook course." : bg Regret was expressed at the yacht ¢lub here that the race could mot be beld late in August as a climax to the yachting season. It was also re- gretted that the Newport course, which is much clearer of commercial | traffic, was not favored by the chal-| ienger. } HOCKEY TUESDAY NIGHT. Intermediate O, H. A. Belleville, 11; Trenton, 5. U.F.0. TEAM WINS, AS BATTERSEA AULTS The U.F.O. hockey team of Joyce- ville won from Battersea bw the lat- ter's default on Tuesday afternoon. The game was to have been played off at Washburn and the U.F.0. team was early on the ice fit for the con- ! test. The U.F.0. won from Battersea last week and this was a return game, The Battersea team did not sut in an appearance and the impa- tience of the waiting team grew to something worse as the time passed ond no word was received in expla- { nation of Battersea's failure to keep the engagement. The U.F.O. team is as follows: J. Joyce, goal; Norman Greeley and C. Martin, wings; K. Wiltsie and Hec- tor Hughes, defence; Hilliard Berry, centre; R. Wiltsie and G. Reed, sub- stitutes, W. B. Fanklin, of Joyce- ville, is manager. . Mr Franklin hae his team In good shape and will make a strong run to capture the Edwards' Fontenar Cup as another U.F.0. trophy. The first game in the series "A" will take place between Sydenham apd U.F.O. { at Washburn at 8 p.m. on Friday. COCHRAN IN CONTROL. Holds Contract on Carpentier For BR ¢. B. Cochran, the English box- ing promoter, announces the receipt of a cable message from M. Des- manager of Georges Car- ef, in support of his claim that | he 18 the only one who can stage a 's championship bout in 1520. hran said he had paid $25,000 o Deschamps for the French title- holder's service this year. The mes- sage read: "Awaiting your decision. Have entertained no other offers what- ever. Will mot do so until released by you." Cochran, who will sail home next Saturday, intimated he would hol the bout in England if he can sign up Jack Dempsey. Major League Schedules. President Ban Johnson, of the American League, has returfied from a hunting trip to Louisiana, where, with President Heydler, of the National League, he drafted the ' contested exhibitions seen at the "V'* BAPTISTS DEFEATED z YOUNG HEBREWS In the senior 8.8.A A.A. basketball game played at the Y.M.C.A. gym- nasium on Tuesday evening, the Young Hebrews met their first defeat of the season, when the Baptists out- Scared them by 11 to 3. The game was probably one of the mos: closely this season. APSBalf timo the gocre was 5 to 2 in favor of the Hebrews, but a few minutes before time was ct)ed the winners played superior ball. The defeat of the Hevrews last ovening means that there will be a great more interest in the senior series. as a number of the teams have lost only one game so far this sea- son. The teams lined up as follows: Young Hebrews-- Yanpolsky, Mor- ris, Abramsky, Sugel and Friedgut. Baptist--Cruse, Reid, Kaight, Hansell and Singleton. Referee--Kenneth McCullough. Cooke's failed to put in an sppear- ance and Sydenham seniors won the game by default . TROTTERS FOR ENGLAND. | { One Hundred Head Shipped Over This Season. | After having shipped "and more than one hundred American trotters to England this season, George Watson has booked forty-five more for export on the SS. Manhat- tan, of the Atlantic Transport Line, which is scheduled to sail from Bal- timore on Jan, 28th. The Manhattan is due at New York on Monday with thirteen valuable horses, eight of which are thoroughbreds, end 258 Jersey and Guernsey dairy cattle, owned by T. F. Cooper. of Coopers- burg, Pa.; Charles Hill, of Rosen- dale, Wis., and other importers. Owing to the outbreak of foot- and mouth disease in England the i United States Government has sus- | pended all permits for the impor tation of British cattle. This lot got in only when the steamship com- pany arranged to transport the ani- mals from the islands of Jersey and Guernsey by boat direct to the SS. Manhattan, without allowing them to set foot in England. Three hun- dred more valuable Jerseys and Guernseys are awaiting shipment on the SS. Michigan, which leaves London on Jan. 26th, and the offi- cers of the Atlantic Transport Line are now trying to obtain permission | from Washington to bring them in under the same conditione. Racing in Spring. That there will be horse-racing in ' Canada in the spring was the siate- ment made by Lieut.-Col. William | Hendrie at Hamilton. "Will there be betting?" he was asked. "Yes. Without betting it would be useless to have the races. Another thing, without the pari-mutuel or booking system in effect there would be iiticit betting and that would be one of the worst evils we woull have to contend with," was the answer, Colonel Hendrie added that pre- parations are already being made at Woodbine for the spring meeting. "Yank" Hockey Six For Olympiad sold major leagus schodules for the 1920 season. - The schedules will be pre- sented for adoption at the joint! meeting of the American and Nas tional League club owners at Chi- cago next month. Baseball Notes, Cleveland is the first to claim the The National Hockey Association' meeting in annual session at Boston decided that the ultimate winner of the Cornelius Fellows Cup should re- present the United States in the Qiympie hockey games at Antwerp in i pril. The trophy is now held by the! Pittsburg Athletic Association, American League pennant of 1920. George Gibson Is receiving en- couragement and commendation from all sides as manager of Pitts- burg. { Presidént Navin, of Detroit, has | officially announced the appointment | of Tommy Daly, of Toronto, as train-' er. C English Runner Retires. W. R, Applegarth, the famous English champion sprinter, is un- likely to again coatest the sprint championship. He Is noWw demobil- ized, but the effects of malaria, con- tracted In the east, Have go far un- | dermined his constitution that he feels it would be impossible to find his old form and will nrabably con. fine himself to coaching. More "Heavy Metal". ! Moncton Transcript: ---- Dempsey wants $500,000 to go to France and fight. He places & high value on his fighting powers. Perhaps that is why he stayed at home when other men were going to France to fight for $1.10 a day. It is rather surprising {that he would demean himself to fight with a man who fi t for five cents a day when he was@ifered a big sum to come to America." THAY L THERE'S MyTT Now. IT'LL GET HIS GoAT. MUTT, 0Lb DEAR, WoukD You MIND BOKING AT YouR NEW WATCH And TELLING Mme THE TIME. Tes Hee. whose team will defend it against an All-Boston sextet and teams re- presenting St. Paul and Cleveland Athletic Association in a. series of) matches to be played next month, It's easy for a minister to tell his congregation how to reach heaven, but Ye might tind it difficult person- | ally to conduct them there. The annual ski tournament will be | held at Revelstoke, B.C., Feb. 10th , and 11th. | Cures Catarrh, Bron- "aw . x chitis Without Any Dr u . If you suffer from a cold, snessz- ing or ca.arrh----don't use a snuff-.- use a sensible treatment like Ca< tarrhomone. It heals and soothes, brings relief at once, cures thorough- ly. In bronchitis and throat trou- ble no doctor can do better than pre- scribe Catarrhozoste. Try it---see what wonders it works--what power it possesses. Different from the old way--you inhale Catarrhosone, Get the doliar outfit which includes the inhaler and is guaranteed. Smaller size Suc; sample size 25¢; at all deal- ers. : | i } | Hi LAL I Tr rem "Master MAsON always makes 2 hit wherever Sportsmen con; SEate. s a_grea ideal Smoke for the great tdoors Great Stock Taking Sale Of Furniture At Old Prices RR EAA UR Yoo ay naa TY OY There is sure to be another rise in prices. Most buyers are taking advan- tage of the situation at R. J. Reid LEADING UNDERTAKER LOEW THEATRE UNDERWRITINGS The most profitable investments in Canada. Government bonds, stocks, grain, cot- ton. Investments yielding 5 to 10%. Consult us before making a decision. BONGARD, RYERSON & CO.- "The Home of Good Investments' Phone 1728. . . . . 237 Bagot St. # Memes, WE HAVE IT--YOU NEED IT LET'S GET TOGETHER Allan Lumber Co. Phone 1042. « . . . Victoria Street IT HAS JusT BY GoLLy, I'm GLAD © DIDN'T ASK Yeu an