"COUGH COUGH . THE 103 ft. deep. Price $2,900; for five years, Phone 68 and"874w. 7-room brick house on Barrie Street, wonderful location; fairly mod ern; one of three door ro $ 1,000 cash. THE J, K. CARROLL AGENCY GRAN TO-NIGHT ves: {New Vaudeville Policy | 4--Big Keith Acts--4 i Bright--Clean--Clever In Conjunction With Feature Films Bessie Barriscale --] Nae "Her Purchase Price" OPERA HOUSE near Cricket Balance can stand 56 Brock Street | Arbuckle Comedy and To our many friends and cus- tomsrs our most sincere thanks for their liberal patronage dur- ing the past year, and at the same time express the desire that one and all may have a Happy and Prosperous New Year. HOAG'S DRUG STORE Branch Pest Office. OFF, YMCA, KINGSTON, ONT. | | | | i i ! SPECIAL NOTICE Orchestra formerly known as Al- | Salsbury, has heen reorganized | is now Allen's Orchestrn, being | posed of the former musicians, ex' ' Pianist and Violinist, who have replaced by the best talent in tom, 4 public may be nssured of the i Best there is fn orchestral work. 3 W. J. ALLEN Phone 1841W, neo reference to stra, whe will VACCINATION SHIELD§--WE HAVE THEM. A. G. Williams 171 WELLINGTON STREET PHONE 4 NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION 'The business heretofore carried on at Kingston, Ont., by M. Susman and | A. Speizman, has bgen dissolved. ! All sums due to the business 'are to be paid to A. D. NELSON, 805 Af. fred Strect, Kingston, Ont. M. Susman. A. Spelzman. Kingston, Jan. 10th, 1920. COUGH ® YOU CAN GET RELIEF BY USING Dr. Hall's Cough Balsam An excellent specific for obstinate # Coughs, Throat Trouble, H ete. On sale only ate 1" Prouse's Drug Store PHONE 82. mrs * Physic Report Paper - Collegiate Note Paper Science Note Paper ' Square Ruled Paper Owing to Tremendous Demand for AUCHON Will be retained for Thursday After- S noon and Evening. Book seats now, | "Why Smith Lef Three hours married, and he hadn't kissed her yet. He then--a train wreck, a fire, an earth quake, a cloudburst, tried to separate them--no wonder Smith left home. Notice is now booking farm nnd stock sales In Frontenae County, secure chelce of Kingston Poultry Ass'n Wirter Show Admission Children (under 14) JANY. 20-21-22-23 Trio of thorpughbred birds given away Other Pictures MATS. 2.30 EVGS,, 7.30 28c., Any Seat 23¢c. and 50c. THURSDAY & FRIDAY Janvary 22 and 23 | Spéetal Sehool Children's Matinee Friday at 4.135 pom, The Original WINNIPEG KIDDIES | | New Revue i | [The World's Best] SOULS | SEE met Seats ville--a Cyclone of Comedy PRICES ---Evening 23-50-75-81.00 Matinee: Children, 25¢; Adults, 75e. eats now on sale. --irtE | | 2.30. | Speath & Company present Bryant Washburn J. Et FIRE CUR E BLUES A Joy Play in 3 Breezes A SURE- € FOR a Whirlwind PRICES Bargain Matinee 25c. 'and 50¢. Evening 25-50-75-$1.00 Seats on sale Thursday. No " Home started to-- WHERE EVERYRODY ny gf TOM) | TE SPEED MANIAC The fastest moving mo- tion picture in the his- tory of the screen. EXTRA! Big V. Comedy Topics of the Day BEDFORD, THE AUCTIONEER List sales early and dates. 134 QUEEN ST, KINGSTON Phone 1721. IN ARMOURIES Screen Magazine COVERED RINK JUNIOR O.H.A. yg HOCKEY - MATCH RM.C. vs. KINGSTON WEDNESDAY, JAN. 21st Same called 8.15 p.m. General Admission . ' : Plan opens Tuesday, 10 a.m. 4 ILLUSTRATED LBCTURE by Government Specialist, Tuesday and Wednesday (only) each evening. a ma CWVA (Incorporated) Club Rooms, 67 Princess St. General meeting FRIDAY at 8 pm, Subject for discussion: -- : "Resolutions for conven- tions;" "Individuals or parties in polities." 20c. per 100 BRITISH WHIG JOR DEPT. A A------ i, 1 in 100 persons have perfect eyes, perhaps you will consider yours are perfect because you can read for an hour or two. GROCERIES ---- A ------------ i ps---- YOU LIKE BUTTER--YOU WILL LIKR KINGNUT And Fresh Vegetables go to . "The ell Made Nut . Sold on a money-back guaran- tee, by all grocers. without trouble and can see well In the distance-- but you may be getting this good vision at the ex- have to suffer for it. Con- sult us. We use a m ern and drugless rhethod ould tell the : your ex. World's Fastest Vaude-| SATURDAY, JANY 24 THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY | Bargain Matinee Evening 8.15 Begins with a Zephyr and Ends with { DAILY BRITI . | fa | ER a CoNprNsED ADVERTISING RATEY First insertion, 16 & word. Bach cons secutive Ir Aa hsreatier, half- cent 3 word Minimum charge for one insertion. 25¢; three insertions, 90: #ix, $1; one mont The above rates are of When charged they are double. HELP WANTED, A HALL GIRL WANTED, APPLY AT Hotel Randolph. A COMPETENT Miss Ferguson, 181 King Street. MRS, WALDRON, A COOK. APPLY Hmily Streets. corner King an GOOD EXPERIENCED MAN TO WORK on a farm, neds tie city. Apply at Whig Oftice, MAID FOR SMALL FAMILY, TO GO TO Ottawa. Apply Box F-14 co. the Whig Office. |A COOK GENERAL; NO WASHING J or ironing. Apply Migs Hora, 18 Wellington Street. eee ee ped esi XPERIENCED, SINGLE OR MAR- Tied man to work on farm; must be steady. Wrile, phone, or apply personality, to R. M. Van Luven, Portsmouth, Ont LIVE MAN WANXTED--SPARE Tins or steadily----selling oy Buaran esa trees and plants. Outfit free. Lib eral commission. Brown Mrothers Company, Niurséerymes,- Limited, Brown Nurseries, P.O. Ontario. DO PLAIN, | LADIES WANTED To i whole light sewing at home, Spare time; good pay; work sent | any distance; charges paid. ! Send i stamp for particulars. National Manufacturnig Company, Monte real, : IMMEDIATELY, FOR Qollegé, one female Wages $30; also WANTED, Royal Militar fasistant cook; kitchen maid; experience and sential, Apply Military College, Kingston. food references es- Ouselteeper, Royal GENT IN canvassing the (cofty or trees, rose bushes, etc. Part time or steadily. No expense experience needed. Don't uniess you mean to Work. Thos. jowman & Co, Lid, Ridgeville, shrubs i | | | BIG MONEY FOR A LIVE f } | W. E Omt. | TRAVELLER CALLING ON THE RE- | tadl trade wanted to sell our high grade Chocolates and other lines Candy. Good commission proposi- tion to the right man. Men replys ing give fullest information as to connection and territor covered. Hodgsons Ltd, Candy Manufactur- ers, 45 St. Maurice Street, Montreal i + | FEMALE HELP WANTED, We need you to make socks un the | fast, easily learned Auto Knitter, | Experience ucngeéssary. Distance | immaterial. Posvively no canvas sing. Jo. stamp. Dept $4C, Auto Knitter Co. Toron.o. vi | Goon WAGES FOR HOME WORK. POSITION WANTED, A GIRL, GRADUATE OF BUSINESS College, would like a._Josition as stenographer in good office. Refer. Snes. Apply "Box D.21, ce, TEACHER WANTED, PROTESTANT TEACHER WANTED for 8. 8. No. 15, Bedford. Salary bn Apply, ating £1porience to GP. e eretiary Trea y Bedford Miils, ¥> Treasurer Ont. i UPHOLSTERING CALL on DROP aA CARD To . dali! uphiolster. 1s Youd: F. W. HAROLD WOR YOUR wp. }oinering and general repairing. Leave orders at or arop a card to 104 Clergy street. FOR SALE The Presbyterian Chureh snd Mhnse at Harrowsmith, Separate sealed tenders for each of these propenties will be recetved hy~the undersigned up to 4 o'clock in 'the af- ternoon, on Monday. "thé 16th day of February next. Purchase money paydble one half in oash, the remainder in five equdl an- nual payments, with interest at. §9. The highesi pr any fender may not be accepted. Ronde 10 be addressed to the Rev. W. T. Wilkins, Box 219, Kingston Post Office. WM. THOS. WILKINS, Clerkof the Presbytery of Kingston Late Mrs. John Kennedy The many friends of Mrs. John Kennedy were shocked to hear of her sudden dedth on Tuesday night. eking a The late Mrs. Kennedy retired in her usual health, passing away shortly after from heart trouble. The de- "eased was an Anglican in religion, la life long and faithful member of St. James' Church, and an honorary president of the Women's Auxiliary. She leaves to mourn her loss, one brother, John McCaul, of this city. The funeral is from the tesidence of her nephew, James Evans, 279 King street west. Michael D. ge be 3 t ; h ® al his residence, 152 Ordnance street, Sans ng. Mo seven iy sis about a year ago. And was || =| THE PE cash only; HOUSEMAID. APPLY ore wages $36 a month; er cent. ta 7] Write odérn Art Co, Toronto. | -- Meo - ------ - No | Yarn supplied. Particularg | POWER, §0N AND DIREVER, ARO Wile | ON ects, 'orbants Bonk iia ONL. an in-' Co En hth hhh OPLE'S BOONILEAND part pay { ocagh part 0 ianos and £ C. Wo in ny Limit in incess street. WANTED---MEN AND BOYS TO" PAT-| rondze J. W. Curzon, barber. Men's and boys' hair cut, 20c. Shave 10c.| Ragors honed 25c. 936 Ontario St, near Brock Street. 3 WANTED TO RENT DY MAY iat, s TO | § roomed house, with modern eon« | veniences; central Jocation; by | careful tenants: no children. Ap. ply Box U-14, Whig Office. | FURNISHED oR UNFURNISHED | Apartment, in business locality, or nearby. Must have lights and gas. Family of two. Apply Box X-19, Whig Office. ss clude ete. | ICE PLOUGH FOR SALE. APPLY Al. bion Hotel : i ene deg ON MONDAY AFTERNOON, ON |. A WORK MORSE FOR SALE. APPLY Alfred Street, & pair of rim- | | 18 Stephen Street. ; 8% 'nose glasses, in case. i ave same at 133 IA SPEND CUTTER. APPLY 191 t | Frontenac street. / {| A SMALL COOK. B, ALMOST | 4 new. Apply i Ra Street. Juds | RABIAZON, Cov KK Yous CRr siart easy. 'Ss Auto Tops, i Hrockviile. SOR. a i | SOLID BRIUK MO 0S. 230 282, King Street Macnee, 143 King St S$. AND t. Apply ¥. HK | BONDS--SOME 10 YEAR reet West CALGARY, yielding 6.40%. Thomas Mills, 1% Clargnee St. 4 FURS--LARGE QUANTITY OF FURS; natural and black wolfe; cheap. Bedford, the Auctioneer, 124 Queen wner ma Victoria S A BUNCH OF KEYS, ON PRIN- cess street. Owner may have same by calling at Wailg Of. fice, FOUND ARTICLES ADVER. TISED FREE, Anyone finding anyihing and Wishing to reach the owner may Go #0 Dy reporting the [acts Lo dhe British Whig. The advets lisemeat will be printed in tails column free of charge. "Found articles" aves not In- logt dogs, cattle, horses, These, if lost, may be ad« Vertised for in the "'Lost™ column MODERN, BRICK HOUSE; ALL ie] vendences; will pay cash. State] price and location] weet of Prin< Céss preferred. Apply Box Z-20,! Wiig Office. : | | YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN LEARN | telegraphy; positions secured; fees moderate; day and night classes. Apply instructor, over C.P.R. Tele- graph Office, Clarence street. - WANTED, CUSTOMERS TO BRING their bicycles to be cleased .and stored for winter. Skates sharpen. ed and hollow groun ; also baby | carriage tires put on while you | wait. George Muller, 371 and 373 King st. Phone 1033w. AGENTS WANTED. $10 A DAY IS BEING RARNED BY our ageuts right through the Fall, séliing our high class Personal Greetiag Xma , curds in spare or full time. Bave our customers 36 No outlay or experience. 1 ONLY SATISFAUTORY CANADIAN War Book, written by Canadians. | lotroduoctd by General Curie. | i "Canada's "Sons and Great Britain | | in World War," offers returned men | and others, men or Women, wonder- ful opportunity to make $50 to $75 | weekly. Charles Marshall made ! $120 first 18 hours; Mr. Peel aver-| | ages $80 weekly; Miss Robinson makes $60 or more every week. | Join our sales force at once: work | spare time or full time. Outfit free. | } Winston, Co., Dept. D., Totonta, TO } PERSONAL | PAIR OF RIMLESS NOSE GLASSES, | LIVERPOOL, 1ONDON AND FRONTENAC LOAN | | STORAGE wOR FURNITURE; CLEAN Street. Phone 1721, HAKD AND SOFT BRICK FOR SALE, ia Jarge or small guaniities. App. E E. Wathen, 143 Neison st 'hone 13v1J. or $18. TOP CUTTER, IN FIRST CLASS CoN- dition; cheap for a quick sale. Ap~ ply J. Brown, R. R, No. 1, King- aun. Phone 1102 R. 3, 3. NO. 338 QUEEN STREET; STONE) newly shingled; improvements; hot Fire Insurance Company. Avaiiaole | Water. Possession Ist May. Thomas assSels $61,187,215. In adaition to Mills, 79 Clarence St. Which the poilcyholders have for | HORSE FOR SALE---WOULD EX. security the unlimited labilisy eof | ohange it r & good cow. Alse | city property, Insured at lowest | uprigat plano. Would take a goud | possible rates. Before remewing COW as part payment Apply Box! old or giving new business get | C-21, Whig Oftice. | i LOST, ---- between Mack and Princess streets, | as far as St. Andrew's, Reward if! Carmichael, corner of | fred. | FINANCIAL GLOBES | fe rates from Strange and Strange, | Agents. Phone 335. rrr GRAPHONOLA AND TEN selections; your own choice, $42.00. Werms, $5 cash, §1 pes w CW, Lindsay, Limited, i21 Prihcess St SKIFFS, CANOES, SKIFFS FOR OUT board motors; Tents, Awnt ete. Frank . street. Phoas, AND INVEST. ment Soclety; inverported i861. President, W. I. Nickle, K.C.; vice resident, A. B. Cunningham. oney issued on city and - farm properties, municipal and county debentures; mortgages purchased; investment bonds for sale; deposits | received and Interest allowed. R. | C. Cartwright, manager, 87 Clar- | ence street. Kingston. zoe i MONEY TO LOAN LOAN, $1,200.00 ON SoriEags at 1%. Apply to Box No. 0-18, hig Office. --- - RR a | TO-LET. Camp Supplies, Cooke, 319 Bagot 436. H. T. CHRISTMAS WILL SELL FROM 1 to 1,000 cakes of domestic fce at & reasonable rate at the same old plant As the lie Johan Gleeson. "hone 1329. rImsy | SOLID OAK BILLIARD oR POOL N table; size 8 x 1 feet; for home use: in perfect condition; complete with balls, cues, marker. FH est offer taken. Apply oon Y-18, Whig Of fice. 3 i AF i | WE HAVE FOR SALE ALL KINDS OF ®00d second hand furniture an Stoves. Any person having stoves and furniture to Sisposs of, ana dry. Appi 148 Poly Nelson sireet. E. KE Watheh, | Phone 1481). marks, skin cancers, scars, etc., re | moved permanently. Satisfactory glasses fitted and furnished after others have failed. Goltre femoved, | 35 years experience. Dr. Elmer J.| Lake, Eye, Kar, Nose, Throat, Skin. | mam, worms, wanrs, minTa.| i ! | { 308 Bagot street. . | es MEDICAL. | TWO UNFURN | Finsy } aul | FTORAGE FUR FURN | and dry. pay highest prices. . wou, 333 Princess Street. Phone hoo Ww, h GENERAL PURFOSE sound and Rind ia every way; rune about bugEy. set of single he a i ISHED ROOMS, sur. | able for coupie. ADply 203 Wiliam Street. ~ CLASSE ROOMS AND S0ARD mprovements; Ceuirally ivoat' APPLY 343 bsrock streed, JRNITURE, Claay | Moelann's Real Batas | Brock sweet. rooms | cutter, delivery wWagigou; also a Egg Chatham neubator Brooder; cheap to quick buyer. Ap Ply 401 Division sirest. city. ea. Agency, § 326 or 641. | i ON | DR, J. E..JKANE WISHES 70 AN. | | nounce thal he has opened offices | at 138 Wellington Street, opposite | Post Oftice. Uffice hours 2-4 p.m., | BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE. AND ONE SINGLE | $1000--FRAME; ¢ ROOMS; STONE F "centrally located: cellar, . ms. Apply Box A-20. | --l Ba { 31600-DOUBLE RR. CO. HOUSE; § E DOUBLE bedroom; v reasonabls te Whig Office 7-38.40 p.n. Telephone: office, 18267 | "1631. resid ARUHTTEOT Corner of Brock and Wellington streats. ; LEGAL, CUNNINGHAM & SMITH, BARRIST. ers and Solicitors, 79 Clarence | Street, Kingston. A. B. Cunning. | ham. Cyril M. Smith, AMBROSE SHEA, B.A, BARRISTER and Solicitor. Law office, corners of King and Brock, over Royal | Bank. Money to loan. Phone 1999, a CanrBNTERING, PE ------ * -- WHEN YOU WANT THE CARP: Selby, Contraoton, 8 see James University Avenue. Phone 1898w, ! UN LA TWO ROOM ATORAGE ROOMS > rooms each: improvements, i S, SUITABLE FOR LIGHT F100 FRAME; 6 ROOMS; IMPROVE. eping;: well heated; elec | ments; large lot. hited; all modern improve |* ne Abply 8 Garrett Street. | 2200 NEW FRAME, 5 ROOWS | eleciric lights. FRANE HOUSE; hous tric ments. ve 4 | provements; FoR FURNITURE, oLBAN | URLE rooms; ur own loek and rooms each; improvements. yo 'rost's Gity Storage, 293 -- QuAen street. ' Phone 528: res. ¥39. $4400--DOUBLE BRICK VENEER | rooms each; all Improvements, 7 moOms, u is : FURNISHED HEATED APART. | nent; suitable for Nght housekeep- | $2,300, FRAME HOUSE, ing; gas for cooking. Apply yi #4 large lot and stable. 406 Johnston Street, or phone hyn Y ' . | $2,200, BRICK BUNGALOW, § ROOMS, | i 11317. Te -- ---- improvements, electric Tight, STREET, | Secor | vieToRy moNDs von SALE, fn to Loan. Ap- --- FARM FOR SALE $6000---100 ACRES, ALL GOOD LA . facing the lake. Farm nove, snd 'ale ON PRINCESS suitable for oltice, newly » &&s and electric session on or about ¥ let ply to Box B-21, Whig' Office. M---------------- - MONEY pl tr TR he a RGE, BRIGHT FURNISHED, FRONT | bedroom; eleetrie lHghts; ht w ater heating: near Queen's University, suitable for two persons Occupant leaving city. Apply 144 Upper Union street, street car Junetion, barns. G' A. Bateman, ise Hegton Street. oR a DENTAL, EE, KNAPP, mA. office 238 Princess oS + ; A. Das, | SIGNS Phone caNADa MAIL CONTRACT SIGNS op 662. DRS. SPARKS ¥ ALL KINDS, quality and distinction, help .business. Address 199, Kingston. SIGNS oF Signs that 0. Box BEALED TENDERS, addressed to the Postmaster General, will be - received at Ottawa until noon, on Friday, the 20th February, 1920, for the convey. ajesty"s Mails, on g pro- Gt for four years, three times per week on the route Plevna ana {Ularendon) Canadian Paelfic way Station from the Postmaster-General's plea- sure. Printed notices containing further in- formation as to conditions of Pro] H. MERRICK, ' Post Offfce 1 ay oon Jap Shor. ce BO 8 ce, ng-~ stom, Janunry oh 1820. 5 TOWNTHIP OF PORTLAND Carloads of fresh Coal arriving--the best Coal mined. { Jas. Swift & Co,, - Limited TENDERS will be received by the ------ TTT undersigned up Hil 12 o'clock noon, op faturday, an. 318t 1920, for re- hy ng the Townshi Ha s Kapie Boor and a op oy a painting wah 30d ceil & with two contator Separate tenders soe pled. The lowest or a or he aw ar BY tender not neces "AIL kinds of speeiul GEO. A. WRIGHT MACHINIST Fiax aad turned out Phone 1284, 40 PRINCESS STREWN Axles for Aut lew or ut ! { | | | THOS. A. KERR, ~ Township, Claeke: Harrowsmith, Ont. valid practically since that time. 'was the immediate cause of death, The d d was a marine engineer and during his early years sailed the lakes. When he retired from active outdoor life, he bacame proprietor of the Lake View hotel and conducted it for years. He is sur- vived by his wife. He was a Roman | Look AT THEM aNGWERS | 19 ¢ DONT GBT A LWVE UN OUTA