& Ly ------ a A __ _PAGETWO L 0 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG_ > | WEN EDAL Avian, SAAMI To PLAY IN CLEVELAND! INCIDENTS OF THE DAY IFS : : ---- | (OTES AN sMS or | g £ 9% mn aston moore 0c sons m0 mes || Spryseribe Now And Save LEAVE ON THURSDAY MORNING. | They Will Play Exhibition Games on | Happenings in the City and Vicinity | . y Friday and Saturday--A Very | What the Merdiants Ofer (0 one n merica's Fine Team and Spares Will Be in | rs of the Whig. z | Police Constable John Naylon is Line, i : ! . 4 enjoying a few days holidays. Kiugston hockey team, winner of W. Swaine, plane tuner, orders at the intermediate group honors, leaves | McA uley's, or 'phone §54w. | for Cleveland on Thursday morning Mrs. W. H. Deschamps, Brockville, | for the p of play} exhibition : 2 De Bina Sot. | cme to Kingston to attend the fun PRICES ADVANCE FEBRUARY 10th gt AE manager of the b Six major-generals were the pall : P « acu pov. a am wi Mo | Sor, Sethe ears of Go i Suls; pete Fob 0 . C en, a team which will certainly well re- Adjutant Foster, of the Salvation | present the Limestone City. Toban 2 b FT OAL rpramih) Yow on Avy Doms), Sag lasen to the Gu COSMOPOLITAN » atte miei aty riya $2.50 $3.00 | defence, while the forward lme will { gm bulance. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING $2.50 3.00 be composed of "Jimmie" Stewart, | J ewis Bros, wholesale hardware HEA «a » ey $3. Ruby Millan, Bill Cook and "Joe" | dealers, Montreal, say they are not RSIS .... $2.50 . $3.00 Smith, Sebator Powell will accom- pany the team and Norman Millan Tor hed ovale Proposed mpve, #8 MOTOR ................%. $4.00 © $6.00 { Will go along as spare man. Some of the members of the staf | HARPERS BAZAAR $4.20 ro ie loch hoy ennai to run | of, 2 marine dapartment. otava: 1. MOTOR BOATING . . 0 $o00 against & hard proposition. SED the chy dis ihe Duljose gf : ha $2.50 $3.50 . Now 1s the u © I 0 ---- y i : * . . diulion' Carine Games. piNOV, is te me wo nave your Place your orders immediately to commence with January issues. On Wednesday morning two ames | tuners and will assure entire satis : were played by the ladies at the curl- { eq : TS Hh pos by Sar | "ekom,, 5, W. Hinde. Limited | Have You Seen The Dollar Edition Of Motor ? yeorge B. McKay won from Miss itt fier. : : . Goin by 14 tn and Bi i: Gort | commits wae Geld Tuesday after ntains 0 pages and is a directory of every Automobile and Ac- wright's rink won from Mrs. R. Wal- | 4 concern which desires to locate cessory made in Canada or the United States; also showing all the dron by 12 to 8 , The rinks were: there. Mrs. F. M. Gibson Mrs. Melvin A neéw conpaup: Blows as Famous new | 920 models. ee hs --- 3 ge | MTS. G. B. McKay, Miss M. Gordon, |g,q lB i Ag ar Regd ! he { olle e . Book St F. J. Wilson, general secretary of : ag ore 2 ing one of the places selected. rs, F Waugh = Mrs. Eaton the Y.M.C.A.; | to Toronto to | : frs. H.C. Weich MisaE.Cunninghein | o¢vond tne meeting ot the Nations] | Telephone 919 Open Evenings : M N J Miss Betts Mrs. Macfarlane Cotineil of the Y.M.C.A., which i Vi CT RO LAS Migs Cartwright, dre RS. Waldion | being held in that city daring the ~s +212 sas am week. ------ | Tho sndwsiorm of Tuesiay over. | ANENNNNNENNNSENRRNNNEENENNNNNEEENNEERNEEENERER J] Curling Games ing necessitated the engagement of a MR ESTABLISHED 60 YEARS TRADING : met RAW FURS We pay the highest cash prices. We select the finest skins only for our manufacturing Far Depdrtment, ' JOHN WECKAY LIMITED 149-151-10157- Brock. ST KINGSTON , ONTARIO IT ETT H The cold weather is greatly appre- force of men Wednesday clearing the ciated by the local curlers, » Yester- crossin gs. Of course the man of the AND any majiy games were played at the |, 0 pod his usual shovelling to per- : form. In the club game the rink skipped Miss Louise Leiner, aged fifty-five by A. B. Cunningham won from H. years, whose home was in Napanee, i ' . . : Master S Voice Newman By 13 16 o- | died in the Hotel Dieu on Tuesday SR Bailey from T, Copley by 17 to midnight The remains were sent hy 5 A G. Dorland from J. Matheson join Oorneliug, undertaker, t6 her A bp : late home, 9; D. c a from A. Records Wile by you dianan The rinks | We. Will rent you a plano, and at TROLA X., $185 were: end of six months if you-feel like vic gd J Ris ne J. McCartney purchasing instrument we will allow : : AM gney : the six months' rental on purchase Ba = m ™ Bm = = na BW MW = Ww CM. Sm NW. Wews |Drics.and arrange easy terms on bal- |i A, B. Cunningham H. Douglas In the col hen his horse n = ae wm om = mW Wi 5 mW Skip......13 BKip..ovs..T ran away on Monday, William Mur- 2 h NCE SENSATION - Soe ray, driver for W J. Crothers, sus- THE SEASON'S DA RD: Sloan Lamon tained broken ribs. He stated that 216098--TAXI, One Step--Henri's Orch. Intr. Don't W. H. Dyde Wm. McCartney ae came slightly faint and lost con- Put That Tax en the Beautiful Girls, and A. H. Warwick H. W. Newman Those Wro profess to know state THAT TUMBLED DOWN SHACK IN ATH. that the influenza epidemic is caused LONE raltz. Intr. "Please Learn to Love -- « | by cold houses and insufficient nour- JiOl Ee Nala 2a Soa] hee » Manhaw RL. McCaint ishment in this wintry weather. | A. B. Treadgold H. McCartney Thome who Heep Yarm and well fed HEAR THIS RECORD AT: 8. R. Bailey T. Sopley : This evening at the ¥.M.C.A. sym~| Proawss. nasium, two more games in the jun- : Rk* for 8.8.A.A.A, basketball series will AHOOD BROS. [lls ime Taoma [5 ses don ® Won EW. mah meet in the first game and Sydenham HE HOME OF THE VICTROLA a ¥ aa and Cooke's in the second, \T B A. 8 Dorland_ | J. Matheson On Tuesday evening, owing to the : Kingston Poultry Association's show 50 yards of nice quality Sealette; two shades only, Taupe and Beaver; 52 inches wide; Thursday " Special, per yard sri sae saa 30.05 SALTS SEAL PLUSH--best quality and in a per. fect shade of dark brown; extra special at . . . . . .. could be held of the 14th, Regiment, cou held of the 14t] ent, 2 Mogers ht B. > Jadars P.W.O.R., but a number of new men D. Bath rig A Sires were enrolled, in the orderly room, Skin angn 14 "8ki 3 and the first parade on reorganiza- Pers gun Prbneess tion will-take place next week. GLASSES GROUND ON THE PREMISES Whig Challenge Trophy Games. BUGS, FLEAS, FLIBS, MOTHS, I ------ I A.C. Neish "G. L. Guillet | - m 5 ou : = i HOME BARGAINS J3 the Whig ¢ allense trophy ser. COCKROACHES, and all insects = , a jes M. P. Re won {rom TEC | cannot exist in contact with Keat- | $4800--Johnson Street-- SAVE! Lawes by 1340 9. o ing"s Powder. They die-- EVERY E rick, § rooms; hot water «A MAGIC WORD" W. H. Reid Prof. Scott one: All insect vermin carry disease | Bl eating; hardwood floors. J. Baker J. McCartney --therefore KILL them with Keat- Streets The by-words of the day are W. Frizzeil W. H. Wormwith ing's. Sold everywhere, 1Bc., -25c. Stone; 8 rooms; furnace; Saying, Economy, Conservation M. P. Reid George Lawes and 40c. hardwood floors; lot 66 Xx and Efficiency, Skip. .¢...12 Skip = w z i wm EYESIGHT 8.. R. Bailey will now meet M. P. The annual meeting of the direc- SAVE YOUR Reid. tors of the Kingston Agricultural In a mixed match, rinks skipped by | Fair Association was held Wednesday have a defective a with glasses BE. ©. Gildersleeve and A. Turcotts | afternoon to receive the auditor's re- Y ve time played a tie game. The rinks were. | port. The meeting was addressed at aa oe on energy. Mrs. G. B, McKay Mrs. H. F. Mooers | length by R. J, Bushell, manager ai-brin rve your seeing JJ| John Angrove 8. C. Calvin and secretary. ~-You - conse ¥ Miss Cartright Mrs. R. Cartright A very interesting and helpful ser- Brick; 9 rooms; hot water power, and LC. A. Turcotte ~Becoms more efficient in [J Say dstsienry 8kip vice was held in Princess Street heating; wood floors 3 electric! Bare 3 everything you do, which In the curling report published id | Methodist church on Tuesday night, {S0000---.Clerfly Strost \ means Tuesday's Whig it sald that the rink | conducted by the members of the Double brick; 9 rooms each; and Cents t Y skipped by George Smythe won from | men's Bible class. The president, W. ~ furnace. 0 ou J. Macdonald. It should have said | E. Connolly, presided, and John All- Money to loan, won from J. A. Macfarlane. mark, R. H: Peters and John Jarrell made earnest appeals, Victory Bonds bought and sold. . McCA JS. Asselstine, DOS. A Game OF Singles, 4+ ; M od. . . An interesting game of singles aal M : was played at the curling rink on The annual congregational meet- THERE'S PLENTY OF ICE Wednesday morning . between F. § Noisy and EN. F Sactalane. hela in tne shuren sail wont ot Fourteen Inones THick lf You can safely buy with your a o'clock. -- : Kingston Ice Company Engag- eyes closed at these prices Brick; 10 rooms; furnace; lot 95 feet front. ewman & Shaw "The Always Busy Store" could toss the Styne -- Aithbe leit or right hand. 8 Tr arm is ou of business, due to a strain. . - ed Getting In Season's : ! Supply. ON MONTREAL STREET---$4000---A new brick dwelling, with 8 rooms; furnace; electric light; B, and C., Toronto Club Not To Enter. a A A On Wednesday morning T. M. As- 7 Ice cutting js now the order of the ON QUEBEC STREET--$3000.-4 new brick bungalow; all {m= T---- } provem 4 selstine reteived -a letter from the nm TI is plenty of ice of good secretary of the Toronto Ladies' R Sa SR RnY Pi ae atatod ON WILLIAM STREBT---$5200-- Semi-detached brick; 10 Curling club stating that the club ' i en to the Whig, on Wednesday, that the rooms; combination furnace; electric light; gis. would not send any rinks to com- ) Kingston Ice Company has a staff oH FIRE INSURANCE---MONEY TO LOAN. pete in the Ladies Tankard Compe- men at work and that a fine crop, tition which is being held in King- 3 thirt and fourteen inches thick, E. WwW MI JI I J & 8¢ IN ston on Febiuary ud, 3rd and: 4th, \ was being gathered. The recent cold . : N BUYERS AND SELLERS OF REAL ESTATE Granite and Queen City Lady Curling spell was a great boon to the ice clubs of Toronto will likely sena a : and they are assured of a good INSURANCE BROKERS. 4 HR . supply. "The men engaged on the 3 : A © 0.00 Ea Pia BE] i mn rr ee ------a 0 aif S84 Brockville ourlers will play King- a the crop. £ ston in the C. O. C. L. games at the A ---------------- FINEST CAPE COD CRANBERRIES ......18c. qt. 3 for 85c. Sink on Fiidey Sat In the ater . ASSESSMENT APPEALS searsanaash vat wrarsdBe Ib $A nels Wacly. that Heard by Judgs Madden on Wodnes- : a LL Elliott, Dr. Waugh, J. F. Mac- x 3 orning. SWING QUIS +.uuutvnsiosmesainsimn sme mesos TB0 Ih and W, i mery, will al Judge Madden heard two appeals) Gd SN B Fa) \V( RB 48 1 Hamburg Steak .uo.vecsnissrsnnnsmnss 200 Ib skip the local rinks, R. Mac- against income tex on Wednesday arlene ha « He confirmed the as- ROASTS--~choice, young, farm fed stock; cuts 3 to he n accotfut . sessment of B. A. Turser, now of TRI ica ete a B00 The i Montreal, and allowed R. H. Robin-| G¥ Hed ws { a BAM Stewlag cuts... oneness 20¢. 1h. re Le 5 |flsen ensiait of tne income tax be: (f H W | Modium-sized Fronts ....cecéncnssnsore.. B70 Ib : and. : AA : a Torn an vow harried in ot ater ot €S | MARGARINE--vwith a true butter flavor; fresh and re | enc ar B 2 : Be * "sweet, wholesome and economic; 1 Ib. oils +400. NI ockey. teama. het 'ne | n price. Hore. | : @ ATOMIZERS. AND SYRINGES . Other brands ........... 000. usviiens (800 to 420 3 ; ! | ' 5 2 os a on ret ee wo. ton [| SCARE mopar rcs 313 [1 : arr ig All new rubber goods-~it will pay you to Onions, Turnips. ; ! should take, tet ll 1 mussiAN | ' ; pret a ~ see our prices, Retail Meats, 458. Grocery Dept, 459, fH} Eo. wt: ' STUFF--Lettuce, Parsley, Celery. = ~cholce stock--8 to 13 pounds each.