Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Jan 1920, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR : : THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG r-- eee : HERE IS FOOTGEAR FOR EVERY SMART OCCASION venin Low Heels For Morning High Heels For E g gowned women for aftersoon The hours of the clock are told by | 5 Wear, fashions in feminine footwear. For : Fo short vamp French slippers morning there are English brogues oH 2 8 © on the instep are making Am chocolate brown, light tan, Rus- J. 3 great headway (n America. They are. San calf and black calfskin. The ¥ made of suede for street wear and of, : } : rounded brogue toe carries a wing ; f black or colored satin for evening! urs a Il a atur a tp and brass eyelets are "the thing | i { use. Worn with lace striped stock- | 9 A on these shoes. | ings they give the impression of | If gaiters are desired they Some in 47 ¢ ; smallness. ; 9 shades of fawn, gray and white for é For evenin i . y : : & wear thére are high ° vear with low-heeled, Wing-lipped French heels and baby French ey t OC ett S Amps én black, brown an al, rea slippers in silver, gold, brocade, vel- ins only to the spring of the in- Yet and satin. These slippers usual- _ Tho proper stockings for wear Evening Stockings Are Rich and Sheer | carry buckles. Rhinestones buck. | vith bi 8 are ribbed wool, or silk pat 3% ure the 'most popular, although o.. . » i ey A i or oy SHI tack vamp French heel shoe with a | straight tip tan leather shoe is smart | cut steel is als wens. Every family in Kingston should welcome news of a sale of Boys ord and heather mixtures. The plain | light &ray or tan suede upper that is] for any day-time oar als last Is] , Tanint Stockings aie sheer and! Boots. Boots are Boots these days and we offer you for Three Days "eave wool stockings are clocked in| very attractive with dressy gowns. [also made in black a ¥ Striped varieties are in 5 . J h ontrasting colors. Silk or French | This model comes in patent leather brows. leather dull brows French | . g s some great bargains. We advise buying for Spring--put them away * - d 1 2 tent leather nt - . ® . . : . or, PS ATS Norm With gait- | and dull leather and also in brow leather heel pumps without bickles | : lll if you do not need them just now.' but by investing you: save just For afternoon wear there is a If a Cuban heel is your choice, the' are worn with spats by many sma 75% to 100% at these prices. No refunds: no approval and no from & one-piece frock or a tailored changing after February B ne ih hom ame to nx he Bev i fre R Seen oi ff] 12 pairs Boys' Calf Boots; 23 Daina Boys Rox Kip, |in_ primitive fashion oqrig to, ut alsize s; for ........$3.25 t lace, with solid leather | upble gold ribbon and small gold soles: size ] to 5 BY ANNE RITTENHOUSE i 18 a stremmg deposition to sa] 15 pairs Boys' Tan Grain, | these pendant circles at the edges of heavy Boots; size | to 3 a % REIT AA | several kinds of garments, and the 5 15 pairs small Boys', lace; : | | Woman who wants to be in the fashion a : nice shape; 1 ' | 2, | 3 ta $2.65 (Copyright. 1919. vy the M*Clure Newspaper Syndicate) {may as well make wup her mind to | 5 : B ' : : kA. i . Backid. like them. After she finds that they pairs Boys brown Lace, The Separate Skirt with Its Various | Weeks, is against that of uc ng | catch and break, she may relinquish } les: si 3 : , Blouses Continues to Thrive, for | that we may soon.change all our ideas the fashion, but all experiments are colin soles; sizes to 12 pairs Boys heavy tan i . 1 2 Ww, in It E | about the solar system. NO o Measure, Rh Hoonomieal) Nothing is stable Nothing i 3a] Torth uYing, bluchers; 11, 12,13 . __$2.65 | cure. Nothing is established. . | . . s Th d | If women had been told two years { truth is especially vivid to us today, | : 25 pairs Boys black, Ve- ursaay ago that the popularity of the sepa- | when 'so much is being thrown over- | 1 if] . 30 pairs odds and ends: in Frid rate skirt would be Jevived and that { SO hroverded or te-ustablished. dl our calf, lace ' Neolin : I to 131 t : v no one would question its des il- ashions go hand in hand with all | . 5 sizes Oo ya rom riday |ity, they would have been a movements and conditions. | Edited by Anne Rittenhouse. soles; Regal make yn $4.95 ? d jand quite skeptical. | Whatever applies to the rest of the | Welt soles size | to 5] tan sas slesanis $2.25 up an gBut 2 is wiong to de skeptical | world applies to them. Certain fash- | ' 2» {about the revival of any fashion. The |icns are espised one moment, restor- | GOOD THINGS FOR THE WINTER : » . Saturday. centuries should have taught women {ed the next, discarded, revived and | LUNCHEON, 18 pairs Boys Box Kip enturi d have taugh i ved 40 pairs odds and ends: in that the most despis style mounts | made popular. They go up an down, : 8 A } . the ladder and reaches "to fhe. top | ramet Soh Lor, Tbe¥ 80, up and down, go llied imen Mix together a Blucher cut, leather soles. some excellent Boots; at every few cycles. Each eration | dren ride on at fairs and picnics. of sugar and flour, half a teaspoon of Our best boot os ainny, $3.75 from $2.75 up to $5.00 changes to a certain extent its creeds : Sa i customs, socially, financially mustard and a little Raprika and add 8 SUITS J ond morally, and it laughs at the The Colorful Tunic. oh Jespoon _of of ¢ two hater, She it: | i i 0 22S, & quar- : ty freeds of the generation' behind if; | The separate re a estas EE of Lv eres. a quar. If you have boys you will want Boots--if you want Boots you can : § but every now and then the old cus- |b | - ; i i 3 OVERCOATS Sms Sore a and one begins to | years. It was so low in the scale of | three Guarterd ofa rr of Neh milk save a lot of money here. - od § believe that the progress of the world, | fashion that it always carried a coat [ from which de bo ol sanied a mon, Balance of the |in a moral and economical sense, runs with: it, even in the house, so that the Ib Cooprcs and skin have i : i ed. Cook until the eggs are i irele, and t in the straight | public would never see the juncture of | Deen remov rom ; 5 I | lines of Buctia, rue | skirt with the Blouse 8} the wash cre f of loom, and, acd Hye | OCK E I S Dwyer stock. fA Jom 2% this point one is ve- Lin al the. shops a "the delight of | Déen softened in cold water ares) . minded that the new science o stein, which has filled the papers for {the home dressmaker, Why ? Because aud cool Omélet---Beat # i | * | the tunic has made it possible. thos or Omelet.--Beat five eggs, | As long as white shirtwaists domi- ents) separating, until they are, nated the fashions, the separate skirt | light £4 creamy and then add half a remained in oblivion. We had become | "uP of cream. Pour into an omelet pan bp - . 1 i rtistic to realize that our [80d add a dozen oysters, each cut in See window for price : fuielenly Sitisti lo realise tha our | dnd 444 4 dash ovsters, such a iin i centuated by the p! of a belt be- |PePPer. Brown the omelet evenly and : and sizes. 1 ; tween awash blouse and a dark skirt, ike 1 ry ; 8 That H Ma : We realized that if we inisited upon Mike Toast and Poached gg-- alr tress ! | the straight, primitive line from € SIX 8 of ulinred toast, v beas : : \ shoulder to hips, we must drop the 3piiad Yery lightly anchovie ma ) dangerous material along a straight line. Paste. |] d pnd a ed egg as . -" This is what we have done for sev- Ba T . too little OR HOSE FEATHERS eral seasons. We do it more definite. | Banana Custard --Out i When the skin is sallow or yellow, the 1 sHouLD 'Ba mmNOvATHD " { ly with the combination of a tunic and E lengthwise and then cut them in es dull, the d sl brok 2 a separate skirt. It makes little dif- half-inch slices. Mix three cups of ey head aches or eep broken NOW. $55 US: Wi" 'aga j ference whether the blouse and the | Milk with four éggs and pour over the and unrefreshing, the back es, or there skirt harmonize in color or fabrie, al- | bananas--with a very small pinch of is 15 right a} 1 i EXPERTS: though fastidious women see to it|S8lt. Bake until the custard i$ firm a pain-under the gh shoulder blade--it . es Rn and slightly browned. Serve hot or is indication that 112 Princess St 2 v; Hat Hey do, cold with cream and sugar. an on the body is being poi- i An Economical Measure. Cheese . Toast--Three tablespoons by poorly digested and imperfectlyelim. : i - | breaderumbs, two tablespoons melted ¥ re Ie Of I rs a Lene, ablosposns melted inated food-waste, It is a wise thing to take rson who wants to indulge in this | tablespoons cream, one cup grated ind of costume is 'responsible for |cheese, salt and SAyenue, Mix bread- the belief that it is the most economic |erimbs, cream and butter. Add grated i a 556 Prin St. - Phone 602 that can be chosen. One gets more [cheese, mustard, salt and pepper. rintess St. 2w, an d Busin variety from it, that is sure, than [Spread evenly upon slices of toast and brown quickly in the oven. ; Ta -- Bath oad, sans mere 1 S Gaia) 't Hitch--To Be Fit and Yet | ] th Road, Jan. ~~Where is oF RECRR, What You Like. Follow Your LADY PIN KT0ES: the +0 rbd prophesied i ine to relieve these symptoms by § end Meals Nuh Starts DIvpepal 3 ! H from gripe or coMs. Sympathy is _ helping to remove the causes 2 Nor Heaviness of Indigestion HAS ER INN NGS ajisnded M 3a. a Sold everywhere in Canals. In bones, 8c. Ste, | to Antes men aud women are apt sms father the day before he died when 10 fall for the peculiar theories ad- she herself was taken suddenly ill, 'vanced by food faddists. But it isn't | There is no excuse today for and for several days her life wis des. what you eat but what you digest| -- ! women to have ug! paired of. Mr. Orser, who had been ; 'assimilate that should command | 4 } ugly, n Sat E and . ful sent for, returned home on Saturday, thought and attention. : You may eat a Yiak ps , 'Painiul corns Mrs. Orser's many friends will be eggs, sausage, ham or bacon | f pleased to hear she is petter. Her or rank taat, and a Jaki tpn a | daughter, Gertrude, is with her. Mr. | 3 ch time u follow the meal | C. Hall is quite ilk. . and Mrs. J. : with s Stuart's Dyaponya Toure: "os | 3 tor ounce of the agle drug frame | Moulder spent Sunder or Sioa 3 Your mach 1s full ot gas, sour, recently discovered by a Cincinnati] The Jrgen Bios have teams hauling or a WIRE sensation oi wow v.- ice to their house, Ress instead of the keen sense of ap- += a few drops of this freezens te, Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets re-| a iw urdp Amol hue nin Poet these distresses and introduce | 3poa ta ach ne Nh > ty; aif, If the amateur pianist would con- Fou to the next meal or a day's work ' anc. 'as Me yas, pr a Ors u | ine his operations. to classical music with a aulet, oat ful stomach, h A will find the joey or callus 20 lovte De Publi sould be less apt to no- 1 J t ' es. . for. Indigoation, dyspepsia, that you lift it out, root and all, with Nothing takes the conceit out of d other digestive disorders, as they the fingers. : Some men more than being compell- contain Properties that Just think! Not one bit of pain ed to serve on a jury, work with an. @ effect just as Blouse for informal house gayeties, | before applying [Ireezone or Yes, Alfred, when it comes to s s when in perfect! made of golden brown Georgette Bg aa t even irritaté the Araving conclusions women are na- > . " surrou . ! tural born artists. for Dusinas mon aan are Mapt- I To tama Sloth of gold ning. | Hard corns, soft corns oF corns be- You may at least learn something often called upon to discuss im.| It Is rimmed with narrow gold | tween the toes, also hardened cal by trying to teach am old dog new tant business matters at a lunech- ribbdn, and the short sleeves and pluses on bottom of feet, just seem tricks. or dinner. pointed hem are finished with [10 shrivel up and fan om ¥ithout tre ldicious diet and exercise will = ? " un particle. requently improve a man's opinions ' ILL EARL CE IIT 1 IIH a Taney. ooh SoUALts Drs. _ small gold balls. hariing Lt his neighbors. {i EEE EE HHI -- : all you want of what you like : pao . . : \ : pa ing, Silene mach. Bo sour, a SES 3 ; By GEORGE McMANUS, nor heavy, drowsy feeling af- i i : Cp i e tmmetiti ne ess ------ a ------ TAANNEY YY VY rye sy iy NN PN yt Tone up those straggly ferns £] OO a ia. at puna - FOR HOLIDAY COOKING we They are Starved = COVERED ROASTING PANS--STOREY CAKE TINS--PYREX : We carry the best brands of # ii OVEN WARE MIXING BOWLS Plant Foods--the clean, odor- less fertilizers that contain all the elements necessary to gy! 5 strong, vigorous plant growth, ~--ALUMINUM AND ENAMEL CHILDREN'S SETS and it costs next to nothing, --AUTO STROP SAFETY RAZORS = A. D. HOLTON : FLORIST, : 280 Princess Street. Phone 661, Residence 2038w. | | MISSED A WIT OF Ul ! | MAGEE - | HAVE YQ LOCK CLOTHES YESTERDAY. : : | 2x TinGS UP a iv abo) : (LL WEES MY Doom LoCkED : HE . i * a, ii 5 Sar RD Rt

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