¥ WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1020. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG a PAGE FOURTEEN i At Griffin's. FREIGHT AGENTS AND SHIPPERS | To-night will be the last Sppar- IE 5 | tunity to see Sylvia Bremer an ob- GET TOGETHER, { ert Gorden in the splendid J. Stuart The C Claims | Blackton production, "Moonshine | muse an Prevention of | Trail. It is the first of a new Series Were Discussed---Visitors Were | or pip jramatic human heart interest - Emtertained by City at a Dinner. | subjects that J. Stuart Blackton is to On Tuesday afternoon there was a | produce. "The Moonshine Trail" isa | meeting of freight agents of the story of youth---youth when it faces |' Kingston district and 'the shippers in lone of the big problems of life and | the district for the purpose of dis- | realizes how it must build for the | cussing the cause and prevention of | future. Miss Bremer is delightfully |claims., The meeting was a "get to- | cast in the role of a girl who is as | gether" gathering to give the freight (sweet and lovely as the wild azaleas agents and the shippers an opportun- | in her mountain home, while Robert iity of discussing the question from | Gordon makes the most of a difficult | § both sides, hearing suggestions, and | role. Don't miss this picture, and tin short, to put forth plans to best jon the same bill see Harold Lloyd in { moet the needs of both parties con- | "Bumpiug Into Broadway," his latest jcerned. | and greatest comedy, in which "the The gathering was voted a great | different' comedian performs in | success, and it is the intention to |splendid style, To-night this pro- {hold similar meetings from time to | gramme will be given a final presen- {time. The meeting was held in the |tation.--Advt, | Board of Trade rooms, and Mayor | -- | Hugh C. Nickle was present, and ex- At The Strand. tended a hearty welcome to the visit- One morning about ten years ago | mms ET IN CONFERENCE. HERE 557 = mS The 'January Sale Of FINE LINGERIE LE ET EEA ALY | ors, as did also J. M. Campbell, pre- [a youth entered the newspaper of- | sident of the Board of Trade, who | ice in a Jersey town and asked for | with N. P. North, trainmaster at|a job as reporter. He didn't know Belleville, acted as joint chairmen, anything about the business, but had | Among those present were: L.|a burning desire to write. The editor Harold, superintendent of transport- | liked his' looks and put him on the | ation, Montreal; G. A. Crawford, re- | staff at $10 a week. The "cub" made {presenting the general superinten-| good from the start, but after a few -l | dent, Montreal; D. W. Walker, re- | months the wanderlust attacked him presenting the division freight | and he left for the west. A few weeks |agents; W. Loney, representing , the | ago this same "cub" was again back freight claims agents, Toronto; J. D. | grinding out copy in a newspaper | McMillan, superintendent, Belleville, | city room. He has aged hardly at all, land agents from Cobourg, Napanee. but his salary has been growing by | Gananoque and Kingston were also {leaps and bounds. He doesn't even present. There was a very good re- | have to depend upon his writing for presentation of the local shippers. |a living, for he is Wallace Reid, the The meeting was a great success | famous motion picture star, and he | from every standpoint, and all pre- | bas the role of a reporter in his new | sent expressed themselves as being | Paramount-Artcraft picture, "The highly pleased and satisfied with the | Lottery Man," which will be shown | conference. | at the Strand theatre Thursday, Fri-| | The city entertained the visitors at | day and Saturday. It Is a "'property" | dinner in the Frontenac Club at 7.15 | newspaper office. "I still haven't gi- o'clock. The corporation was repre-| ven up that old ambition to write," sented by Mayor Nickle, presiding, | said Mr. Reid recently, "and some of | Alds. Kent and Craig. The Board of | the happiest days of my life were Trade members were President J. M. | those I spent as a reporter. That's Campbell, J. M. Hughes and J. G.|one of the reasons I enjoyed making Elliott. An hour or so were whiled | '"The Lottery Man' so much." s Hurry Along Sir! The privilege will be yours until we close at 9 p.m. on Saturday night, to buy Ready- to-wear Clothing at 20 per cent. Discount-- afterwards it will be too late. We've made a whole army of Clothing Buyers happy during this sale and many a household has been clothed up from the grandfather down to the little man. Better come than wish you had. All sales for cash. | Livingstons 75.77.79 BROCK STREET. "If Off Your Koute lt ays to Walk" From the woman who is lavish in her taste to the woman who takes thought of her income, the sales of Lingerie hold interest, for they offer beautiful pieces at very low prices. 500 Fresh, New Envelope Chemise Priced $3.75 to $5.00 Of dainty Crepe de Chene, priced $5.50 to $7.50. Of lovely fine Cotton and Nainsook, priced $1.25 to $3.25. away, after the dinner, with happy speeches and fragrant cigars. | Addresses were given by Mr. Har- | * old, who spoke of the great future in |& LITTLE WHIG ADD store for Kingston as a trans-shipping [& FOUND ARTICLES. point just as soon as the grain ele- | -- vators are erected here, | Everybody to-day realizes Mr. McMillan, of Belleville, made !& that it pays to advertise. a happy address, In which he offered On Saturday last Miss Bessie every assistance within his power to Stewart, daughter of Postmaster | Kingston. Addresses wera also given James Stewart, had the misfor- by ex-Mayor J. M. Hughes, J. G. tune to lose a watch and brace- Elliott, N. P, North and others. let on the street. She prized it -- very highly, as it was a gift from her brother, Rodgie Stew 3 art, who was killed in the war. . Exquisite Night Gowns Of fine Silk, priced $7.50 FE AT EE ey TTT An advertisement was placed in the Whig on Monday, and on Tuesday it was ascertained that the watch and bracelet had been picked up on the street by Sergt. Fowler, of the R.C.H.A, Sergt. Fowler served overseas, and was with the late Rodgle Stewart the night he was killed. At the Grand. The programme of Big Time Keith Vaudeville that is showing at the Grand Opera House for the last time to-night, is an exceptionally attrac- tive one, being made up of excellent acts, Sam K. Naoni, who has a re- Of beautiful Crepe de Chene and Wash Satin Priced $8.25 to $15.00 he tf i tod dL ECCLES REAR i : OEE ¥ For The Linen Cupboard Or The Blue Box - putation as the world's greatest gul- tar player, has a splendid musical act; Bud and Jessie Gray have a highly entertaining sketch, entitled, "Brilliant Bits of Vaudeville"; and Rialto and LaMont, "The Talkless Boys," have a musical act that would be hard to equal, and Frank Morrell, "Phe Calitornia Boy," has a alnging and talking act that draws great ap- plause, The feature picture is dne that will appeal to everyone, as it has love, comedy, pathos and exciting situations, all skillfully blended to make a picture of surpassing excel- lance, Zasu Pitts, in "Better limes." The comedy is one of the latest Ford Stirling releases and is a continuous laugn, and the Pletorizl Life is =a aighly entertaining picture, Tois vill will be snown for the last time to-~ aight.--Advt, Coming to the Grand. For 'Thursday only of tnis week the management of the Graud olier a splendid programme of ugh class photo plays and vaudeville. One of wae feature piotures will be "'Nige- venths of the Law," starring Misuel Lewis, This Is a great picture of the big out-doors and was produced in the Usnadian Nortn-west at van | couver at great expense!" Neither | money, time or talent were spared in | makiug LOIS teature one of the best | of ite kind yet ofered to Lae moving | ploture fans of Canada, The picture nas an iutenseiy gripping story, a! clever caste, and tne greatest back- | ground and setting that could be aesred for a picture of this type. | Uther pictures, including a comeay, | pictorial and complete the film programme, - An act of hugh class vauaeviile will com- piete thé programme .0r 'laursuay afternoon ana evening.~----Advi ---- "Let's Go" "The Girl With the Venus Form" has besn the usual designation of Gertrude Hutcheson, .the charming prima donna of "Let's Go" at the rand Opera House Saturday, Jam. news weekly, Willi ! police Court Brevities. In the Police Court on Wednesday | morning, Walter O'Donnell pleaded | guilty to carting without the neces- sary license, and was fined $3 and' costs. After paying his fine, ha\took out licenses for two teams. A young man was fined $20 and | costs, for being intoxicated in a pub- | lic place, and a citizen was fined $5 and costs for driving his automobile | on the wrong side of the street. CO 3 Clifford Butterill, son of George Butterill, Fermoy, was operated on at the General Hospital on Monday | evening for tubercular bone in the | foot. He is progressing as well as | can be expected. i HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR PRINTERS Market Square, Kingston DAILY MEMOPANDUM. Band at the Palace Rink to-night. See top ut Pag Three, right hans rner for probeh lities BORN. COLLINS--In Kingston, on January 28th, 1820, to Mr. and Mrs. Norton J. Collins, 152 Montreal Street, a daughter, Margaret Rita. DYDE--In Dawscn, Yukon Territory, on Saturday, January 24th, 1820, to Mr. and Mrs. W. Farrell Dyde, a son. GORDON--At 9 Alwington Avenue, Portsmouth Jan. 27th, 1920. to Mr _ and Mrs. 8. H. Gordon, a daughter. (Napanee Beaver please copy.) DIED. BOURDEAU---In Kingston, January 26th, 1920, Amelia Laclair, beloved wife of Baptiste Bourdeau, aged 74 Silk Bloomers A special *showing at $3.25 to $6.75 pair. Lovely Cotton & Nainsook Drawers In a splendid assortment-- priced 45¢. to $3.50 pair. | Silk Petticoats at $6.50, $7.50, $8.50 on up. - NAINSOOK PETTICOATS From $1.25t0 $10.00 mu Of very fine French Nain- sook and Cotton, priced $1.00to $3.00. Otheys up 'to $6.50. Corset Covers Several groups of fine- ly made Corset Covers --priced from 50c. to $2.25 Joli Laidlaw & Son, Ltd. Fan] il take piace rem er ese | SIO A residence, 138 wer Bagot street, Thursday morning, at 8.45 to St. Mary's Cathedral, where a solemn requiem mass will be sung for the Rapes repose of her soul. Friends and acquaintances respectfully ® AERA o invited te stitend. LSERAEEER EERE SEE EEE EE AOL LRA iH ---- 1st, matinee and night. Though CART - WRIGHT--On J 26th, 7 there have been many stage claim thShavehnetey a .. ith, 1920, ' NOW IS THE BEST TIME ran B.C.. the Rev. Conway Cart- to replace your stock of houseliold linens, Sheets, pillow cases, bed spreads, table nap- : ER Sh Sn DENNISON--In Chi kins and other useful household articles Avie, Gutava. ing our sale of Li o can be purchased to a great advantage dur- Saturday, on January" Hes. 950, Ww = second son; William at -- ews 7 qui Ri EXIGHT In Howl Dieu, Kingston, on 1920, Kalgh Ea oe. I. Mies ih, Fa 3 ner ing from Ja James Reid's Antesment wa Wilmur Cemetery. anuary Sale finishes the end of January, Judging from number of pairs sold the people appreciated this sale. Shoes are great deal dearer, especially the fancy kind. We still have some some Kid Boots with Back Tops. They and quits a few other mice boots. ha