WEDNEEDAY, JANUARY 8, 1020, THE DAILY BRITISH 5 WHIG an a SBD AAD - s=iPES; all sizes. w= ADIATORS: | PHONE 1670 0. Aykroyd & Son Carpenters and Builders #1 MAIN STREET Kingston and Vicinity » » » i» nder Treatment Hervey MILITARY TENTS. a ploces of CANVASS, || wey oto L. Cohen & Co. 275 Datario Swot. Phone 534 od . w-- ro ' i | =| J. ey Tro Trenton, who has Foran, palms, fuseral *a Fl wedding bodguets m F. * 118 Brock St. Fresh Cut Flowers ma a Sora) JOHNSON Florist. star street 'were in operation for ? {the first time last night, and gave Phone 228, ---------- | been gpuffering from trouble with his tonsils is In Kingston undergoing treatment, | They Gave Satisfaction. { The two new lights installed on satisfaction. LASSCU'S PURE ' w--Strawbetry Jam Raspberry Jam --isek Currant Jam ited Curmant Jelly Crabapple Jelly - Jelly ira nbieberry Jetty D. COUPER Princess Street 341-3 Progpt delivery. . Phone 76. 'WOOD Sawed in Stove Lengths 'BOOTH & CO., . Foot West Street Phone 133 H. ROWLEY House Painting nnd Paper Hang- jug, Estimates om work freely given. WALL PAPER yon SALE 0 BARRIK REET. PHONE 12083, - ~ Helped the Roads. The mild weather of Tuesday helped to open up the country roads, and as a result a number of farmers were able to get into the city. Reduced Price tn Boys Clotifing Prevost, Brock street, has in stock fifty boys suits, all wool tweed, also olue and black serge, at low prices. wk SELL ON EASY TERMS Tadfes® Suits, Dresses, Men's Suits, Overalls, K alawr Sniteases. etc. Skirts, TTndorwear, 'Morris, 374 King St. See the value before buying else- where. Death From SI leeping S Ciifford Reynolds, ickness, Goodlands, victim of sleeping sickness. Deceased was a former well-known resident of Warkworth. It Pays to Buy Jour Groceries And Meat R. J. Shales & Son 71 PINE ST. Phone 1583 and Get Prompt . Delivery To Inspect Equipment. Following the meeting of the fire andl light committee on Tuesday 'af- | ternoon, the members paid a visit to {| the Ontario street fire hall to inspect the equipment. Removing Snow From Rails. On Tuesday the street up the snow which was close to the rail. The sweeper, which is used for the purpose, did excellent work. A Skimming Station. There is a report in circulation that a cheese factory in the Enter- We have a supply of cut hard wdod and kindling, J. Sowards Coal Co. TY { prise locality will be taken over by a | Toronto produce company and will Repairing, Watchmaker and Jeweler 6. W. LYONS Repairs done accurately. promptly, and guaranteed for one year. {be used as a skimming station. | a -------------- | Attendance Officer Chosen. {| The management committee gf the | Board of Education selected Mrs. | Easson, agent of the Patriotic fund, as school attendance officer. "A depu- tation of the teachers of the Col- legiate Institute was heard in regard to substantial increases in salaries. Was Overcome by Gas. William Fram, employed on the rock excavation for the new Catholic church at Alexandria Bay, N. ¥Y., was overcome by carbon monoxide gas, ¥ rn WeHave In Stock Just Arrived Campbell's Tomato Soup Campbell's Vegetable Soup Clark & Tomato Soup Clark's Vegetable Soup Dissributors for Bo Rod Rise Tea=the Ww. R. McRae & Co. GOLDEN LION License No. 6-543 9 BIG BARGAINS 70¢. Red Rose Tea : 25¢: Clark's Pork & Beans 18c. Bon Marche Grocery Cor, King and Karl Streets. License No. 8-37160 Phone 1844 Excelsior hin, Consult G. HUNTER OGILVIE, 281 King Street, about taking out a Policy NOW. Life Insurance is the one essential, 'the cost of which has not increased. * Ask for particulars about the 'Monthly Income Bond. % G. HUNTER OGILVIE. {DR. A. W. WINNETT DENTAL SURGEON Bem to announee at he + Sori Ta sna Waling nson Kingston. Te mhovn 301 v | the tesult of imperfect gasoline com- | bustion, while in' the boiler house, BARGAINS, in all. kinds of new Mattresses. Why not try us? 'We also renovate and recov- er all kinds of old Mattresses, Frontenac Mattress Co. 17 BALACLAVA STREET Phone 2106w wm and was rescued by his wife who hap- pened to pass. To Serve Eleven Years. William Lennox who was sen tenced at Ottawa to serve eleyen years in connection 'with the death of his aged mother, was brought to the penitentiary on Tuesday morning. Providing his conduct is good he will be given his freedom in 1928. Decided to ine. At a meéling of the former mem- bers of the Y.M.C.A. cabinet, heid on Tuesday evening, it was the unani- DO YOU KNOW That the quality of our ICE CREAM is unexcelled ? Prove it yourself. High Grade 'Chocolates in bulk and fancy boxes. We stock only those in de- mand, HOT DRINKS. LBAR' 288 PRINCESS STREET, PHONE 1128, | mous opinion that the cabinet should be organized 1 A nomi- nating 'committee was appointed to bring in a slate of officers for a meet- ing to be held on Saturday gvening. Major Howard Appointed. Major Lawrence F. Howard, Ayl- mer, Que., stationed at Brockville, as officer commanding the 230th Forestry Battalion following the de- parture of Lieut.-Col. Rene deSala- berry, has been appointed superin- Man., died a few days ago, being a | tendent of employment offices tor | tar rio in the miniature series of the |§ Canadian Rifle League competition | the Dominion. | Bastern Ontario under the Depart- | ment of Labor. |and fourth place in SHINGLES + Nothing superior to Cedar Shingles'to shed rain and keep, one dry. | Twelve silver scarf pins have been. Buy Steambarge {awarded gs individual prizes to Ver- Lehigh. A Quebec despatch states that the | non Weir, Clarence Ketcheson, John | steambarge Lehigh, formerly owned | Motrie, Fred Deacon, David Batche- on the great lakes, and which was | lor, Bert Wells, Franklin McArthur, | seized for debt at Quebec, was sold | Maxwell Matthews, Stewart Moors, by Public auction on Saturday in the ! | Leo Manley and Gerald Vermilyea, Quebec Admiralty Court, for $32,500. | - The purchasers were the George Hall | Simcoe Chapter. Company, of Ogdensburg. ! As a result of the nomination -------------------- jmeeting of the Governor Simcoe Sustained Terrible Injuries. { Chapter of the 1.0.D.E., Trenton, the Joseph E. Harte, Montreal, who |fcllowing officers were returned by lost both legs below the knees when | acclamation: Hon. regent, Mrs. F. W. run down by & G.T.R. engine near | Armstrong; hop. vice-regent, Mrs. the Point St. Charles station, is a na- | Peter Miller; ; gepent, Mrs. OG. A tive Brockvillian, third eldest son of | White; first -regent, Mrs. P. J. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harte, 9 North | | Roache; second vicéwegent, Mrs. Alley. He is a veteran of the war, | Caverly; secretary, Mrs. Glen R, | White: treasurer, Mrs. G. L. Bonter; | standard-bearer, Mrs. Russell Weller: | ---------------------------- To Hold a Four Days' Fair, At the annual meeting of the Peterboro' Industrial Eghibition di-| To Discourage Unworthy Schemes. rectorate and members it was decided | The members of the Belleville to hold a four days' fair next fall-- | Chamber of Commerce and the public on 'Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday | erally, will be protected from un- and Thursday, of the week following ! worthy solicitation, for a sanctioning the close of the Toronto 'Exhibition. Henry Bullock Dies. Henry Bullock, aged sixty-seven | years, died at the home of F. H. Crandall, Cape Vincent, N.¥., on Jan. 24th. Bullock and had passed the greater | portion of his life in Harrisville and railroad | employees were engaged in plowing | Philadelphia, N.Y. Removing Snow, The snow during the past week has been so heavy that it was neces- | Depart- | sary for the Board of Wor ment to have "he snow removed from Princess street. The snow is being dumped in the cricket field. On Tuesday men were engaged in plow- ing the snow at the intersections of; the streets. The snow was so hard | that it was necessary to use the| plow. Made Assistant Manager, T. A. Dark, F.A.S,, has been chosen assistant manager and actuary of the | Mr. Dark, an honor | graduate in mathenfatics of Queen's | Excelsior life. University, and a Fellow of the Ac- tuarial Society of America, has been | connected with the company for the | past fifteen years, and his promotion commends itself to insurance men generally by whom he Is well regard- ed. The 34th Battery. Under the militia organization scheme Belleville 1s to be the head- quarters of the 34th Battery, Cana-| dian figld artillery, which furnished | so mafiy young men for service over- seas. The 34th was organized April | 1st 1912, and in its short career be- | fore war broke out hecame one of the most popular of units Major W. Roy Rierdon now Lt.-Col. Rierdon, D.S.0. was the commanding officer. Their Sixtieth versary. In celebration ef sixtieth anni- versary of their marriage, Mr, and Mrs, Solomon Manhard, formerly of Brockville, who now reside with their | son-in-law, Oscar Forrester, at Mal lorytown, were, on Saturday, the re- ciplents of congratulations from hosts of friends. there are eight children and fifteen | grandchildren, several of whom were present on the anniversary. The | couple are re enjoying splendid health, "Best in in Province. Belleville High School Cadet Corps | secured the highest standing in On- Markets Reports | GRAIN QUOTATIONS. -- "~ Toronto. Toronto, Jan. . = Manitoba wheat--No. 1 North yn; $2.50; No. { 2 Northern, $2.77; No. 3 Northern, $2.73, in store Fort William. Manitoba oats--No. 2 C.W., 96c; No. 3 C.W., 93¢c; extra No. 1 feed, 93¢; No: 1 feed, Sle; No. 2 feed, 87c, in store Fort William. Manitoba barley--Neo. 2 CW, ~ = ------ ss 't he Telgmann School of Music Plano, violin and other stringed instruments; elocution and dra- matic art. Pupils may begin at any date. Terms on application. Engagements for concerta ace copted, 216 Frontenac Street. + Phone 1325 $1.80%;: No. 4 CW, $1.46%; re- jected, $1.36%, in store Fort Wil- jam. American corn--No, 3 yellow, $1.80; No. 4 yellow, $1.77, track, Toronto; prompt shipment., Ontario oats--No. 3 white, 98¢c to $1.00, according to freights outside. Ontario wheat--No. 1 Winter, per car lot, $2.00 to $2.01; Ne. 2 do, $1.97 to $2.03; No. 3 do., $1.93 to $1.94, fo.b/ points, accord- ing to hts, a 1 Spring, Ontario wheat--No. $2.02 to $2.08; No. 2 Spring, $1.99 to $2.05; . 3 Spring, $1.95 to $2.01, fob. shipping points accord- 3, Barley--Malting, $1. 30 to $1.32, according to freights outside. Buckwheat--$1.45 to $1.48, ac- cording to freights outside. Rye--No. 3, $1.75 to $1.77 accord. n freights outsid, : i Delivered $45; 1 , per tom, shorts, per 1352; good feed flour, $3.60 10 8 Te _Hay--No. 1, per ton, §2 7.00 to 20.06; mixed. Jor (0. $35. track, Barley, $1.18 to $1.45. to ($1.68%. Flax, $5.28 to $5.35. 989 barrels. Rye, No. 2, $1.67% Bran, $43.00. ° Chicago. Chicago, Jan. 27.--~Corn--No. 2 mixed, not quoted; No. 3 mixed, $1.61 to $1.53; No. 2 yellow, not quoted; No. 3 yellow $1.62 to $1.56. Oats--No. 2 white 88% to 88%¢; No. 3 white, 873% to 88%¢. Rye.--«No. 2, $1.67. Clover Seed. .$45.00 to $58.00, Pork--Market nominal. Lard---$23.40 to $23.50. Rips---$19.25 to $20.00. LIVE STOCK MARKETS Toronto. * Toronto, Jan. 27.---Heavy steers, choice, $14 to $14.50; baby beeves, $12.60 tg $13; choice butcher, $11.- 50 to $12.25; medium dutcker, $9.50 to $10.50; common butcher; $8 to $9.50; light, common, $6.50 to $7; heifers, toychoice, §11 to $11.- 50; butcher cows, 'choice, $10 to $10.50; do medium, $7 to $8; bulls, choice, heavy, $8.50 to $11; do good, $9 to $9.75; do light, $7 to $8; can- ners and 'cutters, $5.25 to $6.50; stockers, 800 to 990 Ibs, $9 to $9.50 feeders, 960 to 1,000 Ibs, $10 to $10.50; spring lambs, $19 to $19.50; to $12.75. 1 g Siar Fi 2340. oe 25 1 . 8 i ti i Mr. Bullock was born in Os- | ceola the son of Artemus and Harriet | By the marriage | : 23e to 24c per Th Abo 18c. 66c; we | $2. | committee was authorized by the {Board of Direcetors, which will in- | vestigate all proposed projects that wish to solicit for funds. If a solici- | tor comes, one need merely ask { "Have you an O.K. from the Cham- ber of "Commerce Sanctioning Com- mittee?" If the solicitor does not { have this O.K. the committee did not | think well of the project. Real Estate Transfers. Recent sales Vo. 161 Division st treep, owned by W. Truman, to Mrs. J. McAuley. Frame | dwelling, No. 59 Elm street, G. Cramer; brick dwelling, No. 559 | Princess street, owned by W. Tru- man, to Miss E. Burns; bungalow, tNo. 178 Montreal street, owned by | Mrs. E. Rodgers, to J. Brooks; brick dwelling, No. 178 University avenue, jowned by Mrs. S. Medley, to S. Mur- i ray; rough-cast dwelling, No. 9% {| William street, to W. Duncan; brick dwelling~Montreal street, owned by E. BE. Wathen, to B. Derbyshire; building lot on Sixth street, A. Andre; brick~ dwelling, Nelson | street, owned by W. Truman, to Mrs. A. Buse. to | To Speak at Queen's. Probably the most distinguished | visitor Queen's University will have {during the present academic year is the Hon, «J. Stitt Wilson, ho is to speak in Grant F '} this evening at eight o'clock and on Thursday and { Friday. The Hon. Mr. Wilson has had a distinguished career as a labour | leader and a lecturer, and during his | present lecture tour he has been re- {ceived with great enthusizsm, He {comes to Kingston after a series (f | lectures at McGill, where he made a f very great impression. He is an On- | tario man, but much of his work has been done amongst the working classes of Great Britain where he Hved for eighteen years and spoke in all the great industrial centr of England. The general subject of his lectures is: "Constructive Christian Democracy," and he treats the fol- lowing themes: "The Master Task of the New Age," "The Master Prin- ciple of the New Age," "The Master Virtue of the New Age," "The Heal. ing of the Hurt of Humanity," and I: "Democracy Incarnate." These Jec- tures, which have a strong bearing | upon the problems of the present day, | should be instructive and inspiring. { The doars of Grant Hall will be open to ticket-holders up to 7.50 p.m., and ' after that time to the general public. | Per bag, car lots, $3.75 to $4.50. Dressed hogs-- Abattoir killed, $26.- 50 to $26. Lard-- Pure, wood pails, 20 lbs, net. 29 to 30c. New York. New York, Jan, 27.---Feed--city bran, $49, dnd Western, $49, in 100- 1b. sacks. Hay---No. 1, $1.75 to $1.80; No. 2, $1.65 to $1.70; No. 8, $1.50 to $1.56 shipping $1.35 to $1. 45. Hops--State, medium to choice, 1919, 75 to 85c; 1818, 60 to 6bc; Pacific coast, 1919, 80 to 87¢; 1918, 60 to 66c. ---- GENERAL TRADE. Toronto. Toronto, Jan. 27:---Butter, choice dairy, 62 to 68c; butter, creamery, 70 to 80¢; margarine, 1b, 37 to 40c; eggs, new laid, doz., oc to $1. 00; eggs, cooking, doz., 63 to 65¢; cheese, 1b., 35 to doc; fowl, 1b., 30 to 34¢; chickens, roasting, 88 to 45¢; ducks, 1b., 40 to 45¢; geese, 1b, 30 to 35¢c; turkeys, Ib., 50 to 55¢; apples, bkt., 50¢ to $1.00; apples, bbl, $5.00 to $8.00; cranberries, qt, 15 to 18¢; oranges, doz., 20 to 60; lemons, doz., 20 to 25¢; grapefruit, each, § to 10¢; pineapples, each, 15 to 25c; rhubarb, bunch, 18 to 15¢c; beets, bag, $2.00 to | $2.25; carrots, bag, $1.75 to $2.00; cabbage, each 10 to 25¢; let- tuce leaf, 3 for 10¢; cauliflower, each 25 to 50c¢c; cauliflower, head, 13 to.20¢; onions. bkt., 65¢ to $1.25; onions, green, beh, 5 to 10¢; pep- pers, dox., 50 to 70; parsnips, bag, $2.25 to 'sa. 50; parsley, bunch, 18 to 15¢; potatoes, bag, $4.00 to $4.25; potatoes, , 75e; potatoes, sweet measure, 25c; squash each, 25 to 40¢; turnips, bag, $1.10 to $1.25: 3: ery, head, 10 to 28¢c; leeks, bunch, Oc. ' ast creamery, a Dlacits, Ee; dairy butter, solids, 58¢ new Jad 85¢c a ans "Large small, 35¢; cooked, 48c. , 32¢ por. Bacon --V Boe parlb.; breakfast, $0c to 48¢. per Ib, chiek- ens, 37¢ ta 38¢ per 1b; Towls, 28¢c to 326; geese, 30c; Surkeys, Sie; ducks, * ; Sugar, Jie por 1b. picked, 5.50 per bushel; fous, $4.50 per of real estate by E. | { W. Myllin & Son are: Brick dwelling, | to Thos. |§ 'S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lambef Yards, Bay and Wellington Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 66. Pactory Phone 14185. FREESIAS Do you know this Queen of Bulbous Flower? If not, call and receive a pleasant introduction. Ther are just coming on the market, A.D. HOLTON 280 PRINCESS STREET Phone, 661; Res., 2086W, Our M ilk Is Thoroughli Clarified ugly Completely pasteurized-- adequately cool- ed--reliably bottled ' It is clean--it is safe--it is good. It is 4c. per quart. PHONE 845. Price's Dairy | en, ! Robertson's Limited Headquarters for CROCKERY We have added two new patterns té our already big variety of open stock lines, This giving us the finest and most 'extensive range yet shown. " Also some new patterns in + Diner Sets Just opened. These are very. moderately priced. CALL and SECURE YOUR SET EARLY Robertson's Limited dn ~ eer #| » RE Our Mid-Winter Sale Second Week en's Black Calf Receding Toe, Yih cote htop: sizes 64a 10; ; regu-. : our ice . i ..vy + $4 ae Lice $740 Calf ding Toe; free 10; tegular price 5.00. Mero Bias Bal Fibre Sole and Rub- ber Heel; regular $7 and go Sosin Odd Ion of Bit and Brass Basta fibre soles and rubber heels Is Now On The |