FOR SALE 7-room brick house on Barrie Steet, near Cricket Feld; wonderful locauon; tuurly mod ery; one of three door row; lot 108 It. deep. Frico $4000; § 4,000 cash. Balance can stand for five years, 1He J. K. CARROLL AGENCY Phone 68 and 874w. 56 Brock Street USE MAXOTIRES BE IN STYLE--ARE YOU USING MAXOTIRES? IF NOT, WHY NOT? START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT. HALLIDAY ELECTRIC C0. {3 pays , # Distributors for | G. E. MAZDA LAMPS | Large stock on hand. - { F. J. SALSBURY 345 King Street is prepared to do turning of all de- scription and small machine Jobbing. WE WOULD |:mssmece ADVISE === the usé' of Wampole's preparation of : Cod Liver Oil as a good building up Fo | tonic. .It's both palatable and taste- { less; it has no equal; ange botties i SEs es inne Aarau We close at 8 p.m. daily except Saturday. HOAG'S DRUG STORE Opp. Y.M.C.A., Kingston, ee -= tr AAT NO AAT CHOICE WHITE POTATOES We have a choice lot of White Potatoes, by the bag or smaller quantities, A FRIENDSH 10 DIVISION STREET PHONE 545 14th REGIMENT (PRINCESS OF WALES' OWN RIFLES) Winter Training -- Tuesday Thursday Brass Band--Monday Bugle Band-- Friday 8pm. ARMOURIES SENNA, -- -------- an ot Photographs Photographs of the Children never Brow up--make the appointment to-day. THE MARRISON STUDIO . BEDFORD, THE AUCTIONEER ts now booking farm and stock sales In Frontenac County. List sales early sad RETRRREENEROWEN secure choice of dates. 124 QUEEN ST, KINGSTON 2 3 } Phone 1731. / | 3 Wanted ! i ALED TENDERS for the Painting AE Dee of the intertor of Trin- ity Church, Wolfe Isiand, will be re- ceivediuntil Wednesday, February 235th. The work to be completed by the end of March, 1920. The lowest «rt any tender not neces- sarily accepted. f out 0 be seen at the Rectory, Welfs Island. WA R. NASH ENTIST 188 Princess Street. i Phone 785 'We specialize in gas administra- tion, Pyorrhea treatment, Crown and Bridgework. Graduate assistants, Office Hours, 9. A TEST Uncle Blu The jshimal In that sage, Bobbie, Is a laughing hyena, Little Bobble: A laugh you tried to tell at the dinner and seo If he'll laugh, 2 Physic Report P aper ALAS Collegiate Note Paper chain: Alas, some of my poor | Science Note Paper |. Square Ruled Paper : : 20c. per 100 : BRITISH WHIG JOB DEPT. 1 Watch Your Step and | 130 | ment.of 200,000 women House SIX MONTHS ~ N.Y. a ORIGINAL METROPOLITAN CASY so LTR Susu CODLES OF HAPS Y-LAY GH ING DANCING ~ S11 6ING aid RoE What the critics say: PHILA. PRESS: "Best musical show | to play the Walnut this season." | PHILA. LEDGER--""Miss' Hutchison | has a voice of rare quality." i | BARGAIN PRICES: | | Night . . 25-30-75-51.00 | : | --BSeats now on sale, { COMMENCING 2 o, FEB. 2 Exclusive Vaudeville 4-- Big Keith Acts--4 Bright---Clean--Clever In Conjunction With Feature Films William Desmond fr | "A Sage Brush Hamlet" | Arbuckle Comedy ang i Other Pictyres MAT. 2.30 EVGS., 25¢., Any Seat | Ground fidor 50¢ --------ioion SAT, FEB. 7th IRVING BERLIN'S GRAND MATINEE AND NIGHT Syncopated Musical Revue 7.30 OPERA HOUSE § Balcony, 25¢. | | | | | A Riot of Color Syncopation | and Rag-Time Dancing { DANCING GIRLS { SINGERS, COMEDIANS 30 ~PRICES-+ | : -- Night, 25-50-75¢., $1.00, $1.50 Matinee, 25c¢., 50¢, and 75c. SEATS ON BALE THURSDAY St tg in pe SR SE EE 24 Bi | IN |B © 03 58 6 8 BF EN WHERE EVERYBODY COE, TO-DAY ENGAGEMENT EXTRAORDI NARY! DOUGLAS MacLEAN wR DORIS MAY we] Ne ; / 23%4 Hours Leave Two Hours of Hilarious Joy. NOT A WAR STORY Exceeding the Speed Limit. Peart Eby eter eo mi CYRIL MAUDE and VIOLET HEMING wo] Nien "WINNING HIS WIFE" | COMING! | ora trim | "CHASE ME CHARLIE" A | "The Lottery Man" A Paramount Artcraft Picture Why worry about the hikh cost of living when you can buy a husband i for a dollar? OPERA |. | AN EAPERIENCED, eet. y I 3 | | or J | CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES | #¥irst 'insertion, + & Word. Pach cone taersafter, hsif- om charge for insertions, s for cash ogly; are double. HELP WANTED. secutive | tent a wo ene insertion, 2 60 centa. The above rates ar when charged they ---------- A BOY 10 DRIVE: en's, King street rm tt te ta itt: A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, on st Apply to 172 Johns AN EXPERIENCED LADY STENO- grapher Apply A. Spelzman, 69 Wueen ftreet, v Te MARRILD"SAN TO WORK ON DAIRY farm. Apply, stating Weges to M. A. Binnington, Cataraqud. AT GIRL T0 CLERK IN piy bBakell's lce Cream Xt to Upera House. APPLY AT BOW. A SMART, store. Parlo -- FIREMEN--- BRAKEMEN a ------ monthly; experieice unnecessary. Raliway Association (addressed #lamped enveivpe) care Whaig. ---- pr pt me -- SINGLE OR MAR- Ord on I&rm; must be $leady. Write, pacne, or appiy Personalit, Ww KM. Van Luven, rortsmouin, Ont, et ------------ ried man to w | A YOUNG MARRIED MAN TO WORK he year at market gardening; sland reaming; no in- *ficed man need appiy. Ap~ Whig Oitice. by t uhde | WANTED--COMPOSERS OF VERSE iC to Wrile me at once. Bril- opportunity for good talent, Address Burrell Ven Buren, R112, Grand Opera House, Chicago, IM, U.S.A. or my LIVE MAN WANTED--SPARE or steadily--selling our Suarantged trees and plants. Outfit free, Lib- eral commission. Brown Brothers Company, Nurserymen, Limited, Brown Nurseries, P.O, Ontardo, Lrbres waNTED To Do PLAIN, light sewing at home, whuie or Spare time; good PRY. Wurk sent ny distance; charge paid. Send Stamp for particulars, National Manutacturnig Company, SMont- real. re ------------------ SHORTHAND MADE EASY AT HmoME y the "Wonder" of Mo- Ewan's Hagy Shortnand, book or pardculars wire Shorthand Corporation, Edison Building, Chicago, United States. Teachers wanted, -- ee ---- WANTED---MAN CAPABLY OF OR. Banging and managing crew of Silesnen for Canadian Home Journal. Permanent position; good salary and expenses to Well-recom- mended and Properly qualified man. Address R. », Hamilton, Cana- dian home Journal, Toronto, Can- a, + oe + WANTED General Clerk. One who h also a good knowledge of phot Brapny ana capsiie oi Hi. the firm's Photograpaic work. ADply G. avin, mecamnical en- glheer, Canadian Locomotive Co,, Vs ddd ee as 0 udung Said ts Free iP SEALE Ls s a CTTeYTeee NEP PS Bd MALE HELP WANTED r-------- GOOD WAGES FOR HOME Wo We need you to maxe sucks un tae fast, easily learned Auto Knitter, Experience unaecessary, Distence Imuniateriag, Positively no cane Yassing. Yarn Supplied. Partiou. lars ge. stamp. Dept. 34C, Aute Kalter Co. Toronto, pete FINANCIAL ty S-------------- | PAY YOUR OUT-OF-TOWN ACCOUNTS by Deminion foxpress Money Or- ders. ive dollars costs three cents. LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Fire Ipsurance company, Avallauie Kssets' $61,487,245, in madiucn to Which the puiicy hoiddrs save for security the unliniited uabuity of Clly properiy, Insured at dowest pussiole rates. Delore renewing Oid or BiIving new business get rates Irom susage and strange, Agents. Phone 348. FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. ment >gclety; incorported 1861. Presiden, W. ¥. Nickie, AA; vice. President, . - Cunningham. Money issued on city and farm properties, debentures; morigages purcassed; investment bonds tor sais; deposits Iecelved and interest ailuwed. R. C, Cartwrignt, manager, 3 Clars Street, Kingston. Ee AGENTS WANTED, ence roa EBACLUSIVE, 1 EMRTORIAL niGdTs LO PIugrllsive sascsiuion; bigs Pius {Hits Asnding au RoCeRaun 5. sie- Peat Ciuers assure Sealy JuCuwiue Waerever mmtroduced. write tor BR eLUy PluPoseisen, GReh cie Cun. Padiy, sriugewon, N. Jer, U.S.A. Wouldn't give a dollar for a hus-| band? Well, that wasn't the senti- | --all shapes, | ages, slzes and colors--who took a chance on the Lottery Man. Whereby hangs the tale. on'the screen. Not one chance million that you'll lose. Bee fit e Ina Francis Ford IN MYSTERY OF "ia.v POLLARD COMEDY $i A DAY IS BRING EARNED BX VUE wBULE TIO rvegd sue & dil, SELLE Our Aga caiss Lersunal GlesiLiog Ames. veras i sphere or Ubi faniw. DAVE uF Gescviiers 36 PEF Cont No QUIS Of eApes.In0s, Write Modern Art vo. Fvivite, ONLY SATISFACTORY CANADIAN Wir book, writen by lacrodueticn Oy Gendres «wire. JLAnRGA's SONS and uTest Britain An Word war," ollers returned men "0d olasrs, men or women. wongers vewvew PEMALE SELP WANTED. WANTRED--PUPIL NURSES TWO YEARS COURSE. MAINTEN. ance and extras. High school edu eation not ONRpUINOTY. Woman's | Hospital, 460 East Jind St, Stops, | A WILOW WANTS A POSITION AS practical nurse or housekeeper; country preferred. Apply A-30, Office. Whig . WANTED GENERAL. WANTED TO BUY-BUILDING SUIT | able for a hen-house; $x13, or larg- | or. State where seen. Apply Bux | B-30, Whig Office. i SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANO for cash or in part payment of new pianos and grafonoias, C. W. Lind- say Limited, 121 Princess street. FHE QUILTING ON SEVERAL QUILTS --<4ops, backs and filling suppiled. App.y, stauing price per quilt to Box A.B.C, Whig Office. WANTED BY OFFICER AND i small, Iermesaed apariment, suite | abie tor ugut nuusesceplug. HRepiy box Y-3u, Whig Office. WANTEL--MEN AND BOYS TO PAT-| ronize J. W. Curzon, varber. Men 8 and boys' bair cut, 20c, Shave lve. | Razors honed 6c. 236 Ontarlo Bt, | near Brock street. { WANTED To RENT BY MAY 1st, 8 rdomed house, with modern con- veniences; location; by{ careful tenants; no children. Ap- municipal and county! Piy Box U-14, Whig Office. YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN LEARN telegrapiy; positions secured; fees miderate; aay and night ciasses. Apply instructor, over C.P.R. Tele- graph Oftice, Clarence street. AT ONCE, TWO OR THREE FURNISH. ed rooms for iigut uuse-Keeping, by young marvied coupie; no child- Ten, Centrally ivCaced il pussidie; with modern impiovements. Apply | to Box! W-28, Whig Uiice, i WANTED, CUSTOMERS TO BRING ineir blcycies to be cieanea ed stored for winter. Skates sharpens | wd and houow ground; aiso baby | Carriage tires put on walle you Wail. George Muller, 370 and 373 Kiug raone iusiw. ' PERSONAL. REMIT BY DOMIN EXPRESS money Order. if i stoien you | &et your moaey b uf MARRY --DaSCRIPTIVE MICH PEG- ple; wall marry; FrER, wept. 8) 432% Calutorpaa St, dan Fraucisco, Cal CATHOLICS SHOULD MARRY CATHO- es, Friendsaip | dagazine tree. Mrs. seesaw, 9i1' Unerry, Grand Rapids, Mich. WISH A PRETTY write me. You Wealthy wile, | SWRIOp Lor reply. Lasan. sproul, Sea. | tion ni, Cieveland, Uno. | T AND | Loos CATHOLICS WISHING TO wanting ingroductions, booklet free. Write Catholic Correspondence Chup, Grand Kapids, Mich. WUT THIS OU FOR LUCK SEND birth date and lve. tor wonderful pe of your entire life. Prof. | Raphaei 94 Grand Central i New York. LOCOMOTOR ATAXIA--IV YOU OR any friend wishes to 168rn of a suc- cessiul weatinent. Address 44 South Gratiot Ave, Mount Clem- ens, Mich. A FARMER, AGED 40, REQUIRES A respeciablie housekeeper. Good home, easy place. Ticket advanc- ed, ir required. P. O. box 15, Ish- erwood £. 0, Roddick, Ont. NAaKMY IF LONELY; FOR RESULTS, try me; best, most sucvessiul "Home Maker'; hundreds rich wish Ma. riage soon; strictly confidentiu moet reliapie; oars 52 experience descriptions free. ® Successiu. Club," Mrs. Bail, Box 566, Vs kiaay, Cait, WARTS, BIRTH. marks, skin cancers, scars, ete, ree moved permanently. Batisfactory glasses fitted and furnished after Others have failed. Golire removed, 36 years' experience. Dr. Eimer J. ke Kye, r, Nose, Throat, Skin 258 Bagot street. STRICTLY PRIVATE CLUB, FREE TO ladies; hundreds of wealthy mem« bers, wealthy farmery' daughters, many of them weaithy orphans; Wish to marry; Working persons preferred. Their age is from i7 to 4. Enciope stamped addressed edi. v ope, B. Isherwood, Isherwood P. 0, Ont. HAIR, MOLES, PERSONAL---MARRY; FOR SPERDY ' marriage, absolutely the best; larg- est In the country; ewtablishied 14 Jean: thousands wealthy mem bers, th X, wishing early marriage; trot oconidenal; descriptions Toe. e Old ieiiable Club, Ms, cal¥rubel-" 108 Madison, Oakland DEAR FRIENDS. A WIDOW, WORTH $5000, would marr Business g 4 ful cpperiuaity to mae $50 to 3.3 »e Ghdries M : WHEN YOU WASNT CARP A a lar, Contra nivertiiy Avenue. Phone | VACCINATION SHIELDS--WE HAVE i ¥ A. G. Williams 4? Ew, | 4 MARRY, | THE PEOPLE'S SPELD CUTTER. APPLY 161 Fiontenac street. A BLACK FUR TALL, THURSDAY | | : Poin, near Mack aud Al- | IONE mAY MARE, SIX YEARS OLD, bert. Owner Bay ave same APpiy 18 Stephon Sweet. .....,..q @t 605 Princess ouFrF BALIAVIOR COVERS MAKE A GULD #UAUVERANM Youn Link, on Brock street, Wed- CAF SLATT shay. Judson s Auto Tope brockviile. 3 my bo th 08. SEASOAED PINE AND BASSWOOD GENTLAMAN'S GULL RING ON iumioer, Apply ww A. Foster, Me Froutenao St. © Uwner may Lean, Ont, 1 have sane by cailing af ii Patrick St A SEAL Mu ¥F, IN ST, GEORGE'S Caghedral. Owner ny Ave same by applying to xton. THURSDAY AFTERNOON, on Untario street, a swan of money. Owner will find Selue at J. Geo. Forrest, 103s Hachael Street Kast, Mont. Teal, Que. BAniGs STREET, JAN, 30, 19280, a suring of Prayer beads. Owner may have same at Gilbert's wurovery. FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- TISED FRAE, Anyone finding anything and wishing to reaca the uwner may do 80 Oy reporting the facts to The British Wuig. The adver- tisement will be printed in tails Soummnn free of charge. a id articies" does mot in. clude lost dogs, Cattie, horses, ele. These, if lost, may be ad- vertsed for in the "Lost" column. HL as LOST, WRIST WATCH, GOLD FACE AND Waith am works, on Tu Roening. Finder kindly return to Whig Office. AT 18 ALWAYS SAFE TO SEND & Vomiilon Bxpress Money Orden Five dollars costs three 3 SOLID BRICK HOUSES, of > 35% King streel last, Ap) ¥. Ho Macnee, 145 King Street "al Ra A SONORA, "IMPRRIALY STYLER) beautiful tone; used une year. Ap Pir 341 University Avenue. Phone $ibm. 3 CASH RLAGISTER, $50.09; ALSO COLNE Iwcks, each; ¥ Wiese, §.Uv wach. 'Lae Club, Friocess street. a ---------------------- - etter ---- NW COPPER STeBL WHEY TAN BOLLE 00 0s. 2 7% oul DUA x Wa wo devil UL WAL APpiy Be Bake, BDiug even, Unt. {i Fladmiaiun QUANTITY UO Yunsg Heiuial abd ascx wulle; caeap. Beaiura, tae Adiuioneer, 134 Queen Slreel. Foaone 1721, INCUBATORS IN Oue 4v0-vRE, 340; one Z8V-vE¥, 330; one liv-cxg, pid. Ads areas nox 4-3, Waig uaice. oh HBAKD AND SOFT BRICK FOR 4 ON ' CRP fnns na OCvaaition,; KE. KE Wathen, 143 N Faons 13¥id. or 618 GENUINE GRAPHONOLA asp Selections; your own choos, $86. Aerine. yo cusd, $1 Per week, © Lindsay, iamited, i231 Princess Ht SKIFFS, CANOES, SKIFPS FQR OU 4 board motors; 'ents, A Qunp Suppues, eto. Sooite, 2.9 Bagot street. la large or smal quantities. elson J + 80th, BLACK CURL CLOTH Robe, between Sydenham and Oates, Finder kindly notify L. J. Burns, R. R. 1, Sydenham. { RETURNED SOLDIER, POCKET Wallet, containing $159.00, Thurs- day morning. Liberal reward ir returned to Whig Uffice. BETWEEN SMITH BROS, 2238 Johnson, via Princess and Clergy, a Dair of rimless eye glasses. Finder please leave at Whig Office. LARGE YELLOW DOG, BLIND, Wrral short tall; large white stripe across back of neck. Answers to name of Pete. Phone 1695w., or 8 Garrett Street. BY AND WE HAVE FOR SALE ALL KINDS OF Sood second mand iurnfture soves. Person naving sto and turniture to aispose of, we Pay niguest prices. J. 'LBompgon, $33 rrincess sreet. Phone So WOOL, GENERAL PURPOSE Marky Sound and kind in every WAY, runs BDOUL DUERY, Bel of mngle hur 5 Cutler, demvery Waggon, ao & | : EE Chatoam AlCubator, h Brooder; caeap to quick vuyer. Ape PLY 40) Divison sureeg, city: i A FURNISHED BLUROOM. APPLY at 921 Gore Street. RAGE FOR FURN. and dry. Apply E. B. Wathen, 143 Nelson street. Phone 13914. FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD; all improvements; centrally locat- ed. Apply 2343 Brock street, STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN and dry. MeCann's Real Estate Agency, 88 Brock street. . Phone 3326 or 681. ONE LOUBLE bedroom; reascnable terms, Whig Office. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, A Prick bulguiuw wi 454 Alfred Furnace, eiectrie lights anda thaee wad ivnins, room, th Price pssvv.00, Wo wine up aa 169 Neison Street. STO ITURE; CLEAN AND ONE SINGLE ry centrally located; Apply Box A-30, Passenger and freight; 100 ft. ong. rrice and paruculars on Abpiucawn, woum 101, Booth odliaing, Utiawa, Ont. ROOMED HOUSE, ¢1 LIVINGSTON Avenue. Possession February ist. For information reply to J. Eves, 318 King Street, second flat, STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLICAN, dry, airy Toma; Jour gon lock and City torage, 209 key. Frost's us stree Phone 526; res. 489. een t. FURNISHED BELOROOM TO 3, ' suitable for one or two young lad- ies; ever convenience; home com- forts a use of Ring. Apply at Box J-28, Whig office, veets rey BATEMANS REAL RSTATE, C00--FRAME; 6 ROOMS; S10 RANE, ' Gi C. HOUSE; v rooms each; improvements. : $1600-DOUBLE R, = i W--FRAME; ¢ ROOMS IMPROVES ac ments; large lot. ee -- $4400--DOUBLE BRICK vEN rons each; all Improvements, $2,200, FRAME US ROOMSK large lot ad Rap v $2,200, BRICK BUNGALOW, 5 B improvements, electric light, oT yo leaving city. y Upper | Union street, street car Junction. ssremen oe Cor JuBction, SIGNS IGNS OF ALL KINDS, quality and distinotios help business. Address 199, Kingston. SIGNy oF Signs that P. O, Box == aa) MONEY 10 LOAN TO LOAN -- ' 81,200.00 morigage at 7%. App 0-13, hig Office. MEDICAL DR. J. Y. K'v@m wWissgyrs nounce that he has o offices | at 138 Wellington Street, opposite | Post Office. Office hours 2-4 p.m : 7-35.30 pom. Teiepuone: o Ce, 1525; | AMBROSE §, residence, 1631. | ana _oulicitor. EE hth fl of DEN TAL oa ARM FOR SALE i ACRES, ALL GOOD" LA faci th ke. bare e Ja e. Farm higise ON FIRST iy to Box Ne. CUNNINGHAM 4 ers and Soj Tn Street. Kinguton. bam. Cyril aM. an. ng Bank Money to 1 PP, B.A. KE. KNAPP, LDS, .p.D, Spice 258 Pri = DihSe ficess Street. Phone CALL OR DRO, fe Rr 2 Mo | rn PRS. ARR AD SPARKS, DEN. Sts, 180 Wellington stree over Carnovaky's. Phone 346. 8 meee NORE 36, MUSIO, Miss G. CARR-HARRIS, PUPIL oF Mrs. Harvey Own; te of iano and theory, Pupils prepared or the Toronto Corservatory of Music exa tions. Studie. 323 Mack street. Telephone 169%w, Nut Coal Carloads of fresh Coal arriving--the best Coal mined. W. HAROLD wi . otuteri and gefieral imag Leave o ; 104 Clergy rt arp o ARCHITECT? soy AND Rly erchants' Ban Brock POWER,