Daily British Whig (1850), 31 Jan 1920, p. 4

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. PAGE FOUR Night Coughs s Prevent Sleep WEAR OUT THE SYSTEM, The dry, hacking cough, cough, | day and night is very wearing on the system. The constant coughing dis-| turbs the rest and keeps the lungs and bronchial tubes in such an frri- | tated and inflamed condition they get | Bo chance to heal. | You will find in Dr. Wood's Nor- | way Pine Syrup a remedy without | an equal for curing coughs and] solds, soothing the lungs, loosening the phlegm, strengthening and heal- ing the breathing organs and fortify- ing them aginst serious pulménary disease. Mra. Fred Fairburn, Copper Cliff, Ont., writes:--"1 caught a heavy ¢old, got a sore throat and had a terrible hacking cough that I could not get rid of. I could pot sleep at night. I had tried quite a few reme- dies, but they did not do me much good until I took Dr. Wood's Nor- way Pine Syrup. By the time I had taken two bottles my coilh was all gone. It seemed to loosen the cough right away so that I could spit up the phlegm that gathered into my throat, and also took that hot, raw; burning fever out of my bronchial tubes. 1 feel that Dr. Wood's has no equal." Price 25¢. and 50¢c. at all dealers. Put up only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. "PEMETINE" for PYORRHEA Sore and Inflamed conditions of the usually the focs.runner Pyorrhea, Most Sy "" PameTive" is the best preventative of Pye orrhea or diseased gums, By far the best Month Wash, Keep it handy and use it daily. Bt saves teeth, and protects your health, Druggists everywhere. Price 75¢ bottle THE PEMETING COMPANY INE. EL NEW Yomx city LONDON, CAN, All kinds of Skates hollow ground; guaranteed oil finish- ed edges. Ground while you wait. 10c. YER PAIR. J. M. PATRICK 140 SYDENHAM ST. fs For this month only we will make Ladies' and Gentlemen's Suits and Overcoats at reduced rites. We have special prices | Bor those who have their own | cloth, We algo are experts in Mars. : - M. YAMPOLSKY 853 PRINCESS STREET | the attack on the Drocourt-Queant | defence system of the Germans Sate { the first day of September, was clear Bee he ee Bitoni How Men From Canada The Canadian V.C.'s Earned the Empire's Highest Tribute for Bravery in the Field of Battle. J & No. 58 PTE. C. J. P. NUNNEY, V.C., D.CM., MM. For most conspicuous bravery during the operations against the Drocourt-Queant line the first and second of September, 1918. On Sept. 1, when his battalion was in the vicinity of Vis-enArtois, pre- paratory to the advance, the énemy laid down a heavy barrage and coun- ter-gitacked. Pte. Nunpey, who was at the time at company headquar- ters, immediately on his own initia- tive, proceeded through the barrage to the company outpost Mnes, going from post to post and encouraging the men by his own fearless example. The enemy were repulsed and a eriti- cal situation was saved. During the attack on Sept. 2nd his dash econ- tinually placed him in advance of his companions and his fearless example undoubtedly helped greatly to carry on and warm. All day the heavy artil- | lery behind 'the Canadian lines | pounded away at the triple wire €n- | tanglements in front of the Drocourt- { Queant line, The iafantry carried | out several minor engagements in order «to improve the line for the | main attack. { At 6.30 o'clock in the evening the | Germans, who had been massing all day for attack, swarmed down the] slope on the Canadians. Enfilade fire | was turned on the newly-made trenches and the enemy charged th position. In a short time the Ce mans were driven back from the 38th Battalion front, leaving two machine guns and one prisomer in the hands of that battalion. Pte. Nunney, of the 38%» Battalion, was at company headquarters near Vis-en-Artois, Sunday! afternoon, when the boche counter-attacked. Im- mediately, on his own initiative, he went out under intense fire to bat- talion outposts in No Man's Land. He went from one to the other, en- couraging the men there, and infus- ing into them his own indomitable the company forward to its objective, He displayed throughout the high- est degree .of valor until severely wounded. --Official Record. By CAROLYN CORNELL. (Registered according tv the Copy- right Act of Canada. Book . Rights Reserved. The Canadians came into line for urday night, Aug. 31, 1918. The 38th Battalion passed through Vis- en-Artois where the Arras road crosses the Sensee river, under cover of darkness, and sought out firm ground on the eastern slope of the valley for the advance which was to be made Monday morning. Sunday, spirit sv that the ground which was lost in the first onrush of the enemy was retaken and held later in the eve- ng. At zero, Monday morning, the Can- adians in line were still engaged in hand-to-hand fighting when the fresh troops passed through to the main at- tack on the great trench system of the enemy on the high ground above them. Three belts of wire, 76 yards in depth, were to be crossed before the Canadians reached the Drocourt line. The slope up which they climb ed was au open glacis, covered with short grass and stubble. Eight fresh German divisions were sent in to drive the Canadians back, but they failed to do so. The men from the British dominion did not turn back but the advance was only possible by the wonderful individual bravery of the soldiers. , Ahead of hig company ran Pte, Nunney, his agging courage an inspiration to officers and men, His - neh rf You don't want a slow remedy when your stomach is bad--or an un- certain one--or a harmful one-- your stomach is too valuable; you mustn't injure it with drastic drugs. 'When your meals don't fit and you feel uncomfortable, when you belch gases, acids or raise sour, undigested food. When you feel lumps of indi- gestion pain, heartburn or headache, from acidity, just eat a tablet of Pape"s Diapepsin and the stomach £4 INDIGESTION At oncel--*'Pape's Diagepsin" corrects your Sour, Gassy, Acid Stomach--Relief awaits:you! ree cesses eee stbesh dines distress is gone. Millions of people know the magic of Pape's Diapepsin as an antacid. They know that indigestion and dis- ordered stomach are so needless. The relief comes quickly, no disappoint- ment! Pape's Diapepsin tastes like candy and a box of this world-famous indigestion relief costs so little at| drug stores. Pape's Diapepsin helps neutralize the stomach acids so youn can eat without fear. i Our Golden Jubilee The Father of the Mutual N the year 1869 the late Cyrus M. Taylor of Waterloo, Ont., his VE VO YE So Canada. service rendered the Ye Sd 0% El - The Company has its first aim in view of Canada with the amount of life insurance at west cost. - argent the lowest cc What is the t attended secret tha the Taylor and answer is "He Lived Usefully" The Mutual Life of Canada was instrumental ing a Company that has made name famous--The Mutual Life Assurance Company of In the year 1863 the same far-sig moter had established the Waterloo Mutual in organiz- hted pro- to place faith in his new enterprise. There was a great amount of unselfish icyholders in the days by Mr. Taylor and his associates. Much of their work was entirely without Honand their self-denial supplied the capital, . . of steadily kept of the success efforts of Mr. his associates? The - ENE ReTT LO RE NN ES CH THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG daring leadership made hinrz-target or a German gunner and he was severely wounded. He was carried off the field of his glory and his sac- rifice to a dressing station, then to! he Canadian casugliy clearing sta- | tion, where he died Sept. 18. But the tory of his herofsm Hves in the mili- | tary documents of Canada, for he was awarded the Victoria Cross post. | humously, for his service Sept. lst! and 2nd, in driving back the Hum irom the valley of the Sensee. | Claude Joseph Patrick Nunney was born in Dublin, Ireland, Dec. 24th, | 1882. He was a painter by trade | and was following this occupation in | Ottawa, Ont, when he enlisted with | the 38th Battalion in March, 1815. Pte, Nunney was already the possess or of the Distinguished Conduct Medal and the Military Medal when he won the Victoria Cross in the | operations against the Drocourt-| Queant line, THE MAN ON WATCH iDg thal Cal po. of wil.saey did not fast long. The islanders do not know why "Butch" should take the joy out ef life, ! The chairman of the Board of Health should give a "swift kick" to the next milk delivery fellow he sees handling milk with filthy hands. Which is safer--bottled or unbot- | tiled milk? Well a good many people : are glad to be able to get it at all. 3 With calls for another extemsion | to the Kingston Collegiate the Lamp- | man does not see any reason for abo-| lishing the fees of that institution. An idea: The Forward Movement | leaders, led by John Hughes, should | visit all the big dances held in town | and press the claim of the church. | They would get large audiences it | not large contributions. | It takes the nurses to show the farmers how to get in and out of | town when the roads are snowbound. That party which rollicked it to Cat- araqui should be hired to break the| read again, Because a man has 'reached the | age of sixty or so he should not be kicked out of his job and left to get along _as best he can. If the Govern- | ment is not going to give such men | a living, it has no motal right to] kick them into the street. | A rural correspondent writes that the minister in his village was pre- sented with a handsome and "much- needed" fur coat. "The Lampman is glad to see that the people of that place so remembered their pastor. Other rural constituencies might fol- low suit, seeing that so many of them are hoard.ng potatoes and sell- ing them at $4.50 a bag. They can well afford to buy their ministers fur coats. Those Wolfe Islanders almost landed enough whiskey last week to enable the reeve to start a hospital, There are widows in Kingston with three and four little children who have to get out to work to sup- port their families. If any women are deserving of a decoration it is these mothers who would not allow their homes to be broken up but keep the little circles together by toiling from morn till night. Think about it you people who never know or will know want. -- There are hundreds of cases of grippe in Kingston just now but there is no necessity of advertising it as some places are doing. It is just old-fashioned grippe, and those laid lew with it for a day or two have a chance to ponder how frail they are after all and how mighty is the Ilit- tle pill that restores them to ¥igor|, again. ~--THE TOWN WATCHMAN A Justifiable Increase. Christian Guardian, Toronto, Last week, in the eity of Teronto, there was a great mass meeting of teachers, held in Convocation Hall, to urge that Toronto wake up and make a beginning in the belated re- adjustment of the salaries of its teachers. Now Toronto has rather prided {itself upon its progressive school policy, and it is rather startling to find that that policy in this respect has been anything but progressive. The minimum for a first-year teacher in the public school is now $800 a year, and the maxi- mum for a grade teacher is $1,500, even if she has taught successfully for twenty years. When we remem- ber that board and lodging now runs $10 a week and over, it is easily seen that our teachers are in no enviable position. ing has increased between 75 and 100 per cent. and industrial wages have increased between 50 and 100 per cent.; but the salaries of our teachers have been increased only from 11 to 22 per cent. They are asking now for a straight increase of 25 per cent., and this is at best only a scant measure of justice. They really ought to-have a 50 per cent. increase. We cannot afford to starve our teaching staff, and their demand for a 25 per cent. increase is only/ unreasonable in that it I¥ too sm to meet the needs of the case. Again, we shall have to face the fact that We are paying women less than for exactly Since 1914 the cost of liv-|- Greatest of | All Tonies Virol | Ask any doctor if he can suggest a bétter tonic than the following Vinol formula. Cod Liver and Beef Peptones, Iron Bs Resa For all run-down, nervous, anaemic conditions, weak women, overworked men, feeble old people and deli- cate children, there is no remedy like Vinol. We guarantee it will build you up and make you strong or we will give your money back --atleading drug stores -- look for the Vinol sign on windows. For Your Aching Head ~ | Take one ZUTOO TABLET and ia 2¢ rinutes, the pain is gone and you feel Te UTOO will step eny Headache, Siok, ervous, Dyspeptio or Moathly--in 20 | nutes by the clock. 250 at dealers. | - Corner King and Princess Sts. Eggs Eggs FOR NOTHING Will make your hems lay like Parina Serateh Feed and Chow. der, Place your ongders with us ®t emce and obiaim the best re- sults. Delivery to nll parts of the city. - PHONE 400 safe, reliable repuiating medicine, Bold in three dee of strength--No. 1, $1; No. 2, $3; No. 3, 85 per bos. by all druggists, or sent of . pa be ubed THE COOK MEDICINE CO, TORONTO, ONY. (Fermecty Wingror) AILINOS] + ROM WEST ST. JOHN to Feb. 4--Scasdissvian, Liver'l Feb, $--Sioluan .. Havre-Lon. Feb, 14 ~~ e Lag ma Liverpool Feb. l§--sScotfan ...Aniwerp Feb, 2T---Melita ... Liverpool Feb. 28--Grampian, havre-L'n Mar. §--Scandnavian Liverp'l 11--Preporian Glasgow Smp. of France Liv'] elagama . Liverpool 8 sail on arrival od trains leaving Mont- real, 1240 pm and 7 p.m. Gay previous. Apply to "local CARADIAN PACIFIC Cr.R. agents or----- Five hundred women students of | the Now Jersey State Normal schools | have | in Newark and Montclair pledged not to marry for two years. 2 Drink Charm Black Tea Sold in Packages. Only GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, Limited my | Byelo Wait'll You See, IT SET ETTORE i "His \\ aN i i aria dh . YY TY YT YY YY YY YT TY YY . b 58 Princess Street. Aree: b h New Song Hits Latest Dance Numbers Comic Songs. Was There Ever a Pal Like Youl-- rr--and--| Never Knew eas Patches Harton sani Vera Mclean 216080 nd--Let Me Dream Fox Trot Coleman's Orch. 216078 Love Will Find 2 Way--Waits-- 90c for 10-inch double-sided Hear these new records to-day at any, Master's Voice" dealers f hd an We are always pleased to demonstrate Victro T. F HARRISON CO, LTD. 229-231-233-235-23 do Bedard ---------- (Tenor) RAILWAY SYSTEM FOR ALL STEAMSHIP LINES For Information and rates apply to > | PF. Ranley, C. P. & T. 4, GT. Ryy | Kisigston, Ont. [ow sna LA SED) RO od ROR] ANCHOR-DONALDSON REGULAR SERVICES Cassandra .... 1 Saturnia TO Ww VI ew Y «Colun New New Y You LY PLY MOU! Aug. Vict. ..Feb, 28 , HAVRE, SOUTH. {PTON TO or May 29 LONDON «Feb, 14 «Mar, 23 AND ' A Lo... Feb X For rates of passage. freight d furthes particulars apply to re ne a THE ROBERT REFORD C0. LTD, 5 GENERAL AGENTS KING STREET EAST TORONTO, ONT, New ¥ TO PLYM( N wk... New we «58 ia... TO PATRAS, DNUBROVNIC TRINSTE x ¥ IN -- we Women in France are petitioning | for suffrage on the ground that woe | men vote in Great Britain, Denmark, { Norway, Finland, Germany, Aus tria, Poland, Bohemia, the United States, Canada, Australia and New { Zealand. TAA sana For February To-Day Operatic Arias Concert Songs Instrumental Solos Pagliscci--Vedti la Giubba (Tenor) Edward Johanson Vieni sul Mar (Tenor) ' Earico Caruso 64305 Her Bright Smile Hisunts Me Still Edward Johnson 64839 CAL AET Dreaming Alone in the Twilight ssil Werrsarsth. $4043 The Bells of St. Mary's (Soprane) Frances Alda 64844 Thy Beaming Eyes (Contralto) cno-Heink 87305 10-inch Red Seal, $1.25 Messiah--Oh Thou That Tellést Good Tidings to Zion (Contralto) Louise Homer 88614 216077 7 Princess Street. Wi WA F. W. COATES iui dh dh nh a a ~~ MAHOOD BROS. Agents Victor-Victolas. itu AAR AAAAA (Volin) sche Helfetz 74400 12-inch Red Seal, $2.00 - las and Victor Records. Phone 90. WR Vv Ww Agent Victor Victrolas, Phone 445. 113 Princess Street. hd re dh

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