MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1990, PAGE TWO. : : ft THE DAILY BRITISH QUEEN'S 1S NUCH PLEASED INCIDENTS OF THE DAY LOCAL NOTES AND ITEMS OF | me DC WHIG Ee im "THE WORLD'S GREATEST MAGAZINE" wf Ro ESTABLISHED 60 YEARS 'TRADING RAW FURS We pay the highest cash prices. the finest skins only for our manufacturing Fur Department. We select JOHN KAY M ho i LIMITED c 149-I5Ir0lS7- Brock. ST N ONTARIO KINGST mnie » VICTROLA X,, $185 AND Just Out 'On Miami Shore--Waltz--Beck's Orch. Peggy --One Step--Coleman's Orch. That Naughty Walts--Coleman's Orch. While Others Are Building Castles--Coleman's Orch, .. Patches Tenor--Charles Harrison Bye-Lo--Contralto--Vera McLean is Master's Voice Records 216078 Love Will Find a Way (Intro at Siesta Time), Henry's Orchestra; Nobody Knows (and Nobdy Seems to Care), Henri's Orchestra 216079--90c. Hawalian Medley March---(Hawaiian)---Ben Hokea-Al oy Ellis March -- (Hawaiian) -- Ben Hokea-Al La Gitana (Spanish Gypsy Song---Kresler Mennett (Handel) ~--Hana Kindler Hear your favorite Records at: cesar 216076---00c, 64842----31.25 « 64841--§1.25 MAHOOD BROS. = Now is the Time To Secure a Home for rooms. $4000--King St. South, brick, 3 rooms each. St., brick, 6 rooms, 3 $1650--Elm St. frame, 5 rooms' $2600--Division street, brick; 6 Money to Loan Victory Bonds Bought and Sold FRIEND? Our store is so conveniently HOW ABOUT YOUR . located that the busy man loses np time when repairs pr read- justments are needed. dur business to see that every detail of optical service is car- ried out in a way that prompt you to recommend your friends to us when they need Glasses, . It 1s will While weather conditions favor trans tion and sale of Fish it is by far the rta- eap- est and wholesome substitute for Meats, selling at noticeably higher prices. What is nicer than a plate of Fish, nicely cooked for Breakfast, Dinner or Supper. This week 2000 lbs. large Sea Herring .......9¢. 1b. - 1000 Ibs. fresh Cod for boiling . . . 10. Ib. Small Whitefish , ..............15elb. dium Whitefish Paimon (Quall Eclie (Now 1). j= EAS artery ¥ i ¥ aE es $0 Sara rarer ares en ses en Parsley, Rhubarb, wis carina 180 The Quallu. BC.) ......... san etsy a BBall 16e. Ib. . 18c.. 2 for 15¢. . oa Less reer rE a 0 OT intelligent policy. THAT HE! GOVERNMENT WENT DOWN TO DEFEAT. As Tts Faculty of Edgéation Would Have Beem Interf Withee Drury Govermment Policy Suits Queen's, . In a statement issued at Queen's University, Principal Bruce Taylor says: ; Graduates and friends of the uni- versity will be pleased to learn that the Queen's Faculty of Education has survived another crisis----and that the severest one of its history. There is every reason for believing that the late provincial Government had de- ciged upon the policy of establishing a central normal college for the | training of candidates for first class | public school and high school teach- | oe. ~dertiftoates, and. were merely : iting for returm to power to put | that policy into effect. This would probably have meant the withdrawal of the annual government grant in raid of the Qeueen's faculty and { would, through the discontinuance of all intramural work, have made the {continuance pf the faculty in its pres- ent form quite impossible, The new provincial Government has already declared against this policy of centralization and bas shown marked sympathy with the university for the continuance and enlargement of its Faculty of Edu- @tion. The university has already approached the Government for aid in the erection of an experimental school and has epplied for an in- creased grant to meet the increased expense which the erection of such a school would entail. The university has also made: strong representations as to the ne- cessity for a reasomable amount of freedom in the.control of her own Faculty of Education. Unfortunate- ly tor the university and for the pro- | vince, the provincial Department of Education has In the past insisted upon reserving to itself the detailed control of faculty policy and admin= istration, while at the same time it has sought to place the entire re- sponsibility for the results upon the university. It is entirely gratifying to the university that the new Gov- ernment has announced. its inten- tion of adopting a broader and more is -- ------" MILK INSPECIOR'S WORK DR. G. W. BELL TELLS WHAT HE HAS BEEN DOING Has Received Few Complaints Re- garding Quality of Milk--Makes Examination of Cows and Water Supply. When interviewed regarding the milk supply qf the city, Dr. George W. Bell, milk hspector, stated thet at the present time it is very satis- | factory. {year been very busy visiting dairy farms, and inspecting cows and their water supply, There were examined in all 4,500 cows, in Ernesttown, Storrington, Portland, Pittsburg and Kingsto townships, points from which milk is brought to the city for sale. In winter it takes 7,000 quarts | of milk to supply the city and this | quantity is furnished at the present time from 1,200 to 1,400 cows. About 6,000 quarts is consumed by families wad 1,000 quarts by hospis tals, and storekeepers. There are thirty milk venders selling on the streets, being an increase of four during the year. An estimaié of the amount of milk used per day per citi- zen, by Dr. Bell, is one half pint dor every man, woman and child. In addi- tian to the milk there is a very large quantity of cream delivered to ice cream parlors, stores and restaur- ants, This is also under the inspec- tor's supervision, "When the typhoid fever epidemic occurred in 1918, a special visit of | inspection. was made to every place | trom which milk and cream came and | samples of the water nged for the cat. | tle were obtained and analyzed," Dr. | Bell sald: "On this occasion I had to | go nearly to Brockville on the east, | It entailed a great deal of work but | nothéhg unusual was found on that | becasion. In the summer time, fewer | cows are needed to supply the city, { but this winter the cattle are general. i ly thin owing to the high cost of feed {and grein, the milk flow ia less in consequence, and a langer number of { cows are needed. In view of Lhis fact, | wo are very fortunate regarding the | price of milk. It is cheap at 12 and 14 cents a quart, cheaper in Kings! ston, 1 find, than in any other city of the sige. Asked regarding the health of the i "Very few," and they were inves- He had during the past 80. ! GENERAL INTEREST. | Happenings in the City and Vicinity | "What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. Four grape fruit, 26c, Carnoveky's. Dress vests, all sizes and prices. Livingston's, W. Swaine, plano tuner, orders af McAuley's. or 'phone i8éw Dieu suchre and dance, City Hall, Feb. 3rd. "1 50 a ocoupie. Now is the ime J. have your piano tuhed. We carry two exper: tuners and will assure entire 'satis 'action. C. W. Lindsay. Limited. A. Harten, aged seventy-five years, who for years was a bharness-maker in the village of Enterprise, died in the Kingston General Hospital on Sunday. sak Mayor Nickle ard License Inspec- tor William McCammon were busy on Monday delivering whiskey which had been confiscated by the police, to the hospitals of the city. If you have not yet used Daly's Good Tea and Coffee, get some. At Mahood's. Saturday saw the close of the cold- est January kmown to peonle here. There was never a brbak toward any kind of moderation. ~ot a u.u, w rain has fallen for several mon Dress vests that are classy. ingston's. | It is said that when the G.T.R. is | taken over, trains will run direct from Toronto to Ottawa, over the G.T.R. to Cobourg and' from there to Ottawa direct over the old C.N.R. ine. We will rent you a plano, and at end of six months if you feel like purchasing instrument we will allow the six months' rental on purch i price, and arrange easy terms on bai) | ance, C .W. Lindsay. | Joseph Knott, wh is serving a three-months term in the county jail for a violation of the Ontario Tem- perance Act, was taken to the Hotel Dieu Hospital on Sunday night to undergo medical treatment. The sympathy .of their many friends is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Michael Nolan, 329 Brock street, in the loss of their daughter, Frances, | | aged three years. The deceased had | | been ailing for four days with diph- | | theria, | Liv- POLICE COURT CASES. James Black, Forger, Sentenced to | Ontario Reformatory. | In Police Court Monday morn- ing, James Black, who has been on | remand for some time on the charge | of forging chéques on local merch- ants, was sentenced to the Ontario Reformatory, The time Black will ac- tually spend in the reformatory will | depend on his behaviour, as the mag- istrate told him he could be kept there for two years less one day. It will be remembered that Black was gathered in by the police, charg: ed with passing forged cheques. The accused was remanded a number of times in the hope that be could make good the money, but he failed to do A eitizen who was on remand charged with being under the influ. ence of Hquor after telling that he drunk on @ésbence of lemon, was taxed $10. The magistrate advised him to cut out-the drink or it woula hasten his end, 14th Bugle Band Re-organized. The reorganization of the bugle band of the 14 Regt, P.W.O.R, was effected on Friday evening last, about twenty-five being present. some of them former buglers and drummers. and Bandmaster Christmas is arrang- ing bugle and brass band music to be played by the combined bands. Drill and classes for N.C.O.'s will | take place on Tuesdav and Friday | evenings of each week, and the pros- pects for a full battalion before the | opening of the spring training are bright. ---------- Died In London, Ont. John Barrett, father of Edward | G. Barrett of the Whig reportorial | staff, died at his home in Londen, | Ont, on Saturday morning after a | week's {liness of influenza and pneu- monia. He was about sixty-five years | of age. Mr, Barrett was summoded to London early Baturday morning but did not reach there till ten o'clock that night. He is the only sur- viving member of the family. ----n m---- Oranges, 20c dozen, Carnovsky's. Kingston's Famous Fur Store FEBRUARY | A MONTH OF SALES others. Telephone 919 Cosmopolitan For January ' Now on sale. Stories by Robt. W. Chambers, Peter B. Kyne, Gou- verneur Morris, Meredith Nicholson, Rupert-Hughes, Dana Gatlin, Will Payne, Arthur Somers Roche, Royal Brown, Frazier Hunt and VALENTINES As usual, the largest and best selected stock in the city. SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR VALENTINE GIFTS Subscribe for Cosmopolitan, Good Housekeeping, Hearst's, at the special rates, Increased ratés go into effect on February 10th. The College Book Store - Open Evenings oa . ~~ NER EN JERARE RANR B ; Cold Weather Underwear SPECIALLY PRICED FOR FEBRUARY V #' WRECK PNEU 1A Kingston Brewery Manager on rain Derailed on the . Rutland Rallway. Mathew Hanson, Clarence Cham- bers, manager of the Bajus Brewery, Kingston, the wreek of the Montreal express on -the Rutland Raliway on Saturday. He contracted pneumonia from exposure to the cold, and was taken to. the tal in M. HANSON IN . DEVELOPS \ . . 3 24 only, Men's Spring Needle Shirts, in the celebrated Penman brand; broken sizes; to clear ach. art ih an eas eas at, "Best quality, fleece-lined Underwear for men; Penman's best; Shirts and Drawers; in sizes 34 to 44; to-day's price $1.25; yours OF . th tide tar irrins a ar aes aies areas 1033000 Men's extra heavy Combination Suits; all sizes and at a very BPECIAl PHOR sus ss cminin sais sass vib fant aia winsnbn sn Suit, $8.00 Ladies' White Drawers; winter weight; specially priced at 65¢. Ladies' Grey Vests, with long sleeves and high neck; winter weight; extraspecial at .....c.o ivi ns v de lever ans sor vss.85C SOCKS! SOCKS!l 50 dozen Men's Grey Waol Socks -- a clearing lot that we bought at much. below regular price. Yours for Ny Newman & Shaw "The Always Busy Store" e-- 'MAKE YOUR SELECTION. $2150---Albert Street--frame. 2300---Albert Street -- frame. 3000---Alfred Street--~Frame Cottage, $3000----Quebec Street+RArick Bungalow. §4000-Montreal Street; Hric k- Dwelling. $5600--Frontenac Street---Brick Dwelling. » MONEY TO LOAN. - E. W. MULLIN & SON BUYERS AND SELLERS OF REAL ESTATE «INSURANCE BROKERS. Cor. Johnson and Division $a, Phones 580w and 339). tigated immediately," Be replied. i il :: gd 31th +h Lo t8 0 NYoo ey ORITE DRUG STO PAGE & SE § CHOCOLATES | 8 $1.25 Per Pound Yen Mahood's Drug Store