Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Feb 1920, p. 6

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oo en THE d1ISH WHIG | _ carmos wp omen. PAGE SIX ! THE DAILY BRITISH the services of a leader who could . The Reason Why ! » 87TH YEAR. - | insistent criticism of the |imterpret.to the pubMc its ambitions i | church is that it stands !dle when [and its accomplishments In the F work is to be done. One man com- plains because it does not establish enough city missions and settlemeént houses for the attraction and eom- fort of the poor. Another wonders why ploneer towns in the newer west are not being better served. Another grumbles at the lack of enterprise displayed in the rural districts whera the small "barn of a church" searce- ly reaches the apecial interests of tha community. Still another asks why the church falls to establish and con- meantime, however, its critics were not sllent, and as a result the popu- larity ot the goverhment suffered. Though Mr. Meighen, .in his address in this city, did not refer to thest facts, he no doubt understands them well. He has done something, though, to. acquaint the people with the problems and the duties of the present day, and bas given expres- sion, in some measure at least, of the government's desire to supply leader- ship and direction to the aation in How Does Water Put a Fire Out? This is at first a pussling ques tion, because back in your mind is the thought that since hydrogen and oxygen are necessary to make a fre burn, it seems strange that water, which is composed of oxygen and hydrogen, will also put it out. A burning fire throws off heat, but if too much of the-heat is taken from the fire suddenly the temperature of the fire is sent down so far below the point at which the oxygen of the air will combine with it that the fire cannot burn. We speak commonly BIBBY'S MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR STORES THRE | 1 Ry duct employment bureaus. Another |these critical days. as though water thrown on a Sze | Sra asks what is being d to reach the drowns it. That is practically what : ng done to re h Scientifically what hap- unchurched masses of the cities. pons is that the water thrown mpon There are two reasons why the church has not yet achieved its whole task; first, because of the sudden growth of Canada and the kaleidos- PUBLIC OPINION the fire absorbs so much of the heat to itself that the temperature of the fire is reduced below the point where oxygen will combine with the car- bon in the burning material and the Waiting. copie changes of conditions. A great Logon Y ee fire goes out, organization, like .a stately liner, Sir Herbert Holt advises to put T § 0 answer the unasked part of must have room' and time to turn {your money in the bank, not to spend your question he a same el 1 around, The second reason is in the (it on amusement or goods. Prices, Tu, 00 par yvarogen and oxygen 3 oing down goon, he says. Hurry ONBS: lack of money resources. It takes |%r® & } when combined as water will put the up with the proat, Sir Herbert, fire out rather than make it burn, enssesaneces B43 woes mo 1 earn, i 3 Hoy $6 Build missions and homes, more because when tuese gases take the form of water they are already to furnish them properly, to main- a x Boston ipt) tain them and pay a staff adequate | , ine Tap oosion that once burned, and you know that any- salaries for their management. It | a stronger appetite for work would thing, substanee or gas, which has may be taken as a general rule that | result in giving some of the hungry alrendy Bol burned sannet ba burg the men who are most censorious and | European people more food wit again. requ great h 0 gs ail £00 | most eager to reveal shortcomings in | Which to satisfy their hunger for make oxygen and hydrogen combine paid bread. and form water, and it also takes doer io A eae {150 | the church are those who are not re- great heat to separate them again. : 4nd threes months pro rata. gular contributors to the work al- Bo they are really burned once befare UT-OF -TOWN REPRESINTATIV (Buffalo News) they become water. F SMder 22 Bt. John St. onErat ready established. The men who All the other countries of Europe, | : Oa yh Nis 'know what live things are being |. adopted the daylight saving ---From the Pook of Wonders L.R-Northrup, 236 Fifth Ave, New York done now, in the various congrega- | plan during the war; intend to hold Published and copyrighted by the R.Northrup, 15610 Ass'n Bldg. Chlodke |... oo home, in the mission fields {to it as a measure of economy. It is sureau of Industrial Education, Inc tters to the Editor are published |i Canada and elsewhere, cannot re- | nly extravagant America that has he even he - | ante" Sver the wotual name of frain from wonder at oil that has oe Soupidered returning to the pre eu oat job | Deen achieved. o"- Attached is ome of the best Job Dee Ss reat i-- printing offices in Canada. They, more than any outsider, are Real Experts, ; Canada-East and West (Buffalo Courier I ee IS DREAD Eriol | Sager fur 10g Expansion of the work. | ¥od experts at a convention this ® circulation of T ey realize the sudden and unpre- | week ' in Cleveland are discussing spr WHIG is authenticated by ®* || 0401000 pressure of the times. They | Ways to prevent waste of food. Houss | Dominion Happeifivgs of Other : o know what exchange discounts mean Jiivts wis have heen strugghng wha »n goo any months to a missionary and his family. They could probably give them some in- A good way jn which to avoid the [are uneasy over the salary list of | teresting information. flu--keep warm physically and cool | these men---the men who Know mentally. who are most ardent in their support -- of the Forward Movement, and who The experts predict that eggs are | will subscribe to the limit of their to drop. If they drop. on the toast | resources. at breakfast time all will be well, -------------- If stable industries could only be NEEDED WORDS OF ADVICE, attracted to Kingston as 'easily as The . address of Hon. Arthur amusement houses, all would be well. | Meighen, federal minister of the in- a terior, before the Canadian Club of -- "Wanted----girl for cooking," reads | this city on Friday evening wes 0 ges . : * an advt. in the Buffalo Evening News. | very able presesitation of the cond! We presume the advertiser will in- | tions that confront the dominion tc sist that she Be young and tender. (day. He performed & national se: -------- vice in calling attention to the pr War appears to be the chief ocou- | ylems that face us and in insistin pation of the Bolshevists of Russia-- | that every individual citizen should A strange indulgence fora DUE? hai assume his full share of responsbil- claims its mission to be to put a stop | ity, to fighting.--Guelph Herald, Canada's dedt, which before the Be ------ ------ 1 war wag only about $300,000,000, Hon. W. E. Raney has draped the |}, mounted to nearly $1,900,000 by {76ugh of patronage in the altar cloth | tng end of 1919. This fact alone, the Of merit," shouts the Toronto Tele- ,inister polnted out, should con ; gram, Perhaps (somebody Knows | i. everyone of the necessity 'of what this means, but we grestly |coiring down to h ard w ork in order | doubt it. ' to reduce this enormous burden. 4 ern Pacific on Jute 13th of that emp m-- Greater production was imperative, 4 year. at was when the Fort was The thermometer has been steadily sod tn Sob to meet our obligations Bi b completed and the flag of the Com- golng down, while everything else pany run up for business. this production must be nearly three | The old Beaver was familiar has been goifig up. Yet human na. : | A Xie 15s that i 18 quit times as great as in the past. Mr, sight along the coast for many years ire 0" Per yorse G00 | Moighen also dwelt upon the present weathering some great gales but in Itkely that it will not acknowledge its \day -tendency toward extravagance, | July, 1888, it was her fate to run on gratitude. * a rock near the entrance to Vancou- \ and by so doing he sounded a note of : ver harbor. There she became a tote! Education Is the task 1 warning that all should heed. Wo A wreck. sli on he ot landing are buying vastly more than we h 3 Although the Beaver opened steam people to What is best--and making noed. 'Io 20Me 3363 oven Dara than navigation on the British Columbis what 18 best out of them. The two . ' the United coast it was not until fourtéen years £0 hand in hand and are accomplish- | We a3 pay for, from the Unite 4 after her arrival from overseas that , &d by the same means. + The training States, he Sectared, 33 Hast, Sane 3 . 5 8 3 Satipasion Vessel Snijy out, 104 i adian money to-day stands at a 8 er ' Sach makea men Happlest in them- count of ten per cent. It is a humi- "fons, which came trom London to selves is sure to make them most Hat De for ohh oh 5. country Vancouver in five months. serviceable to others, ng post b as Canada, and is something that © The United States has deported {must be removed." The only way|' ~ 8,000 Reds, yet enough of them are |t0 remove this humiliation is, of Jeft in the homie of the free to cause |CONrse, by making and buying our | Gonsterpation. In commenting upon | OWR goods. the situation, President Gompers, of | In closing, Hom Mr. Méighen em- the American Federation of Labor, | Phasized the need of stable govern- ~ ¢ondemns the Red movement com- | Ment in Canada So-day----a need that pletely, finally and for all time. Uncle | thoughtful men everywhere must re- Sam apparently agrees with him. cognize afd admit, Fanatics and ex- ; rtm tremists, though noisy and forceful, © By tts shipbullding policy the Ca- | must not be permitted to lead the Dadian government has done much [public astray. It was, above all, a replace the world's tonnage sunk [time when moderate men of every' henna an "rearasssasnnense Would Help Some. BUBSCRIPTION RATRS ; (Dally Baion) year, delivered in eoity Only Extravagant America. : I Should Say ! Y. No doubt you must get tired reading the store advertise- ments with big head lines--20% off January Sale -- Selling Out Sales--Going Away Sales. Now we would say look them all over, then come in to our store and ask to see bur range with the plain price in plain figures. We are quite safe in say- --y ing you will think you dropped into a wholesale house, because our prices in comparison with o thers will look like wholesale prices. \ : AB Audit Bureau of Circulations. ~~ The 8. 8. Beaver, The pioneer steamship of the Nor- thern Pacific was the "Beaver" whose history Tagen to last was Huge Profits, (Buffalo Express) romantic one. The/vessel was built Morris & Co., one of the "Big the Thames for the Hudson's Bay Five" packers, report profits last (Company'and was launched in 1836 year of $703,641,25. This, it is claim- in the presenle of at least 150,000 ed, Is only one-eighth of 1-'per cent, People and King Willlam-as well as on the total sales and.1,26 per cent. a long list of the nobility of the land. on a capitalization of $56,025,684, Cheers from thbusands greeted her This report doesn't help to show &gain when she sailed for the new where the consumer's dollar goes, | World, She was a side wheel steamer 101 teet In length, twenty feet beam and a tonnage of 109 tons. Her ma- chinery was in place but for the voy- age to the Pacific she carried her paddle wheels on board and sailed as a brig. Under canvass she sailed for the Pacific on August 27th, 1835, in command of Captain Home with the brig Columbia as her escort. Two hundred and four days later--or on March 19th--she drooped anchor in the mouth of the Columbia River. At once she went into commission on the coast touching at all the little ports and trading stations in her quest "of furs for the Company. On the 13th of March, 1843, she atriv- ed at Camosun with Factor Do and some settlers to found Fort Vie- toria. There she fired, in honor of the occasion," what is probably the first salute ever heard on the North " . a . . Here's some interesting items: -- . Young Men's Overcoats Fine quality Irish Cheviots, Vicunas, some silk-lined; ex- tra special value . . . . $35.00 Young Men's Tweed Raincoats New Waist-line models; nobby patterns; extra special value 'av evnnies wy 318.00 Men's Wool Socks Grey, with blue heel and toe Men's Wool Socks Black; ribbed . . . .50¢. pair Men's Wool Underwear Combination or two piece; special value . $3.00 per suit Young Men's Overcoats Fine quality Meltons and fancy Tweeds; extra special values ....... ....$25.00 Men's Khaki Handkerchiefs Men's White Handkerchiefs sositia nse sene 3 fOr25e, Men's Linen Collars Discontinued and broken lines; all sizes . . .2 for 25¢, Men's Fancy Lisle Hose Men's Black ' Cashmerette : . Hose Special value. .3 pairs for $1 A Cup of Real Hot COFFEE Sounds good these cold morn- ings. Ik will taste good too if made from our Java and Mo~ cha Blend. Roasted Weekly, ground daily, » HAY BAIL TIES ALL LENGTHS; BEST QUALITY; BEST PRICES, BUNT'S It plowed the field that forenoon HARDWARE And, when the job was through ning or Hummed a pleasant little tang and asa ] x lle it churned the butter too. by the German submarines, Cana- class and connection should stand ATES TP CRAIN ss PE Then 'it pumpe d tho water for the Fr en ch stoc fq together for the good of their coun. HARARE A DOG 3 MUSICAL] try. Only thus, he declared, could » JAP PA 4 And ground a erib of corn & remarkable dog in Lomdon.' And hauled the baby roumd the » | Lay to the Fordson Tractor; * The Fordeon om the farm arose Before the dawn, at four,, It drove the cows, it washed the : othes And finished all the chores. Then forth it went into the fle Just at the break of day. pr, It reaped and threshed the golden A | yield And hauled it all awsy. Jas. REDDEN & Co. Phoucs 20 and 990, MAA crs rt ty DAVID SCOTT | Plumber Plumbing and Gas Work a speoiale ty. All work gusranteed. Address Tv oO ry ; {14d Fromtonse Sireit "Famae HY | Beautiful cases and dainty sep- arate pieces. the ship of state weather the storm a arkable dog fa Lenson. : and steer safely through the pros he o" Satleaturiet, owns this chant marine is a credit to the |blems that confront us. Such a con- was Mke We 3s Ys : : dition requires an able and outstand- ing leader, and this the present gov-| ernment has not given the country. . n A strong and masterful guiding hand played hg Ry Jad not Jemt dyed Milk Company, of which |ig required at the helm to-day. For astract| Read by the Feri 31 ge OB. ¥. C. Briggs, Ontario's minister | a1; practical purposes, Canads is Encking a aw and | The patient Fordson stood outside public works, 1s a shareholder. |jeaderless. Premier Borden is no Picture shows Toge| ADd ran the dynamo, holdings of the minister, Mr. |goubt Il and deserving of the rest he Sel -- Darlington, Wis., Journal. charges, jumped from $2,000 | seks far away trom his public dut-| . " 1912 to $11,000 tu 1917. The ies. Upon hia shoulders during the will certainly bagk Mr. Dewart | war period there fell & vast responsi- nding an enquiry. ' a AA 'response to the appeat on"bb- | lock To still its cries forlorn. Thus ran the busy hours away By many a labor blest, And yet, when fell the twilight grey, DELAWARS LAUCKA "ANNA and WESTERN RAILROADS | CELEBRATED -- COAL 185 PRINCESS ATRERT The Standard Anthracite. Chief Distributor for Kingston Crawford Foot of Queer. St. Phone 3, . Ni PERFUMES and TOILET WA $ and STATIONERY, ada owes a great debt to Sir Robert Borden for his untiring work during ' war. Bat, man wag not available from within the government or could not be found

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