Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Feb 1920, p. 10

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| THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG PAGE TEN pe Your home is perhaps lonesome by the absence of I n s the World of Sport | _ one of the members. We have the ideal cure for | this--a good Phonograph and some good records. | ken up. buehall aad they like Boy of Australia | We sell both. Drop in and look over our stock. We | General Sport | bis Giger va "Take to Athletics will be able to suit you, and our prices are not high, Js 8 dull wes in baseball ews | 7m sory of The SabMe school in| >] : 14VINg Qisposed Of oeve oath (thet doesn't spring a fabulous offer | : . . although the quality 18. : nau ly 18 of | from some club for Roger Horusby | America and also the smaller col-| President Frazee now has or the Red Sox to sign up for the com-| of the St. Louis Cardinals. jasts have heh making great stfides | ing scason. . +, | they do not begin to have the enthus- oe : Hank Gowdy refuses to sign with | jam for this line of sport in compar- The local basketball team will ithe Boston Braves for the salaty ison with the populations as the wear their new shirts on Friday offered. The veteran backstop. is | sehool boys of Sydney, Australia At 5 = night, The trousers have not yet ar- desirous of being shifted to some the twenty-fifth annual track and Hved ~Mishigan City News. Zero | other team. Seid championship of the public TOBACCO SERIES No. Vii weather, too. Mu : {schools of New South Wales recent- " p ni mpthod) -- Joe Guyon, the noted Indian foot-{1ly, a Chicago man saw some of the stil ATS ir Gd Prthad). This Perhaps the fact that Fred Fulton |ball player and all-round athlete, | best athletic events among school process a | a cus or Tain paced or got $2,000 for bouncing Tom Cowler [has signed to play ball with the boys seen in thany a day. Ty port. on the floor caused the Minnesota Atlanta team of the Southern| Not only was the enthusiasm great The * Tobacco with a Heart" which has been heavyweight to offer to fight Jack | League. among 'the boys participating, but @ favorite for 60 years. Dempsey for nothing. there were over 35,000 persons in mri -- From the way foreign athletic | attendance. The meeting lasted two : * ip 44 " 1 Word from California has it that | committees re engaging Americal days. The quality of the young athle- 3 3 Jim Jeffries has produced a species [trainers it begins to look as if all tes, who ranged from 13 to 17 years r The above 18 the type C Columbia Grafono a at of corn. No doubt this will put the [the Olympic teamé at Antwerp will | of age, was of the very highest. They $75 00. This Phonograph 18 substantial, beautiful old, champion on his feet. be handled by Yankees. participated in all the track events y -- and field events known to the Ameri- in tone and lines, complete in every detail. This After seeing pictures of the Demp-| Bobby McLean, the American | can school boy. It can easily be judg- . 3 sey-Willard fight the English ring skating wonder who meets Oscar|ed as to their ability by the time \ can be pietured m ¥shegany or quartered Golden 157 declare that Willard would | Mathieson at Christiania for the nade 1B some 3 the dashes, th i OBA C CO 1 - ne. € have [have won had the fight taken place | world's title, possesses 119 cham- ne e fellow, P. J. Heath, ran Oak, and is a fine, all-around*machin in England. Must have been trick |pionship titles, In 1,500 starts he |the final in the 100 yards in ten se- cabinets to match this machine if desired. pictures. hasn't met defeat a dozen times. j onda Sac, Jumber 5 he beats This talk about the Yankees cop-| A. Horween of Harvard, and "Bil" | This is remarkably good time for ping the world's series this year Steers of Oregon, the two stars of | 5¢hool boys. The 220 yard race was rdoesn't interest the Huggins pastim-|the Harvard-Oregon football .game | Won in 23 1-5 seconds, and a 15 year ers td any great extent. They |at Pasadena; have been elected cap-|0ld boy Won the 220 yards of that haven't collected their bit of the [taius of their respective outfits. class in 24 seconds. 1019 world's series money. --- In the 120 yard hurdles, the dis- S- 3 A Boston boxer fighting under the | tance was covered by a youngster There is a noticeable change in|name of Young Muggsy is gaining | named #. W. Edwards in 16 2-5 sec- i the style of play of the rookie won- {quite a reputation in New England | onds. The mile run was won by Law Em ders signed by the highest ups now. | through his ability as a knockout ar- Rutherford, a 15 year old boy, in 6 a . acays. rTrevious to this year tne l¢ist The youngster's wallop is of | mifiutes 4 seconds and the 440 yard : AIX? - 50. youngsters were second Ty Cobbs, [ihe * " i was taken by a little fellow named This 18 the type B Columbia Grafono] at 4 but now thes all hit like "Babe" the "dreamland variety. McFaden, tn 53 seconds flat. In the | This is an ideal machine for the small home and can |Ru. For thece' track. 'boxers to. be shat put D. G. Munro won with a re- | . : -- k ight i cord put of 39 feet 8 inches. This be procured mn Fumed Oak. We have Cabinets to Something like 84 would-be man Knocked om ae ie Bat i was Tor the 12 pound shot and a 15 | 3 1 agers are pestering 'oung ob | ight h year old boy won it. These games are | match this machine also. Fitzsimmons to hook up with them pened He Mike held annually at the big Sydney cric- | "With a complete stock of different priced Phono-|and theyll make him champion of | Loe", Milwaukee, Frankie Burns | ket ground where the seating capa- 'graphs ($30.00 up) you will find this an ideal store foe rampion as ore his! fhe KOd, Bahe Asier at Jersey. City, Hy 18 foe over 50,000 people. to ; with your Phonograph problem. Come in |riloting. = at the hands of Billy DeFoe. and talk it over. Our advice is free and we will be| Looks like the interview with . . . President Stonehim of the New RTS BOO Swimming Associations. \ = immensely pleased to give you our prices and terms. | vork Giants, in which he was quoted 3PO Booming ORIENT International swimming competi- ul " A i § I h a Nl iL 7 a ----- i INTERNATIONAL EVENTS. imcon! by Canadian and US. : : as saying that all of the Giants will tions between this country and Can- Remember our stock of Columbia Machines and [33 sin substantial raies in S€rY, | Athtetos trom Gina, Japan, the 248, ik De encouraged by athiotic | ill Records are the best ever and-we will satisfy your [was put a little too strong, to suit Phillipines and other far eastern |i was announced at New York non |B AF 1 4 i le -- 123 ) n * M * " the Giants' boss, and all the other x 19 » countries may be contenders for |p ¥ f the schedul f dat needs. Better call in to-day. You will be surprised [17s 1eaguc mags. honors at the seventh Olympiad, t0 | for several Indoor Coradiay aio an Phonogra i " -- be held at Antwerp next August, | ming championship events. Leonard at the company a ograph and some Records | Stan" Zbyszko, whose real mame | und for a cortainty will be formid. | N,caamplonship events. Leonard will be. 2 Stanislaus yayyeke Cyganiewicz, | able contenders at succeeding Olym- | Amateur Swimming Association, ex- jue. geat olish__ wrestler and |piads, so keen has become the tended an invitation to = American brother of Wladék Zbyszko, is due | interest fostered by tbe Y.M.C.A. in | swimmers to compete for the Can- ye] ' ® to reach America this month. With | these countries. adian tities ' 2 ¢ : ' i two Zybszko Cyganiewiczs in the In China, particularly, the inter- * game at the same time, writing | est {in American athletics has caused grappling news will be a fine job. |a demand to come from all parts of Wonderful Bilious eo R bHe f native this great new republic for a on Dining oom By decision of the Cleveland Box- | national amateur athletic association, R medy Act lly . -- during the last few years owing to Georges Carpentier says he al-|intorsectional athletics and China's ousness,--they are constipation and lows himself just three cigarettes a|participation in the far eastern |defective liver action. | All lat Jesi d finish i ini impo When Dr. Hamilton's Pills are tak: atest designs and finishes. day while training for an important | Olympics, held at Manila. On the oc- ny Ty Ton ars tal " : fight, cassion of the assembling of the The Place to Get That Record." Chinese team of more than 100 piok. Fated bowels, but act upon the liver 88 PRINCESS STREET Serbians and Roumanians® have oi Jen at Movil It was donided to Quite unlike: ordinary medicines 'Phone 529 Torah which purge and give temporury re- | e ec" Pale Cheeked Women |*% A ites was appointed to lief: Dr. Hamilton's Pills remove the || / e . dralt a Ppo conditions which cause billousness, | Bi el present such a constitution ® ® Told About Restoring and by-laws, This has been done, and and thas permanent rack: . _ ' . Cal ally uses A Rosy Complexion!t has been distributed for correction 1. yiyuiition's Pills will ever enifer LEADING UNDERTAKER PHONE 577 The Washipgton Monument, Washington, D.C., completed in . _jand criticism. The Sompletion . from the headache, bad stomach, or 1884, is.an undecorated obelisk of white Maryland marble, fifty- A few years ago the girl with pale, | 2 Organization certainly will be ef- | ious complaint. Get a 25¢ .box to- five feet square at the base and five hundred and fifty-five feet drawn cheeks scarcely knew what ty | (o¢ted during the coming year. ath. a7: in height. It cost about one million three hundred thousand do in order to restore her fading ap-|, A Erest rivalry in Amer China| ® dollars. pearance. At that time there was no | 10408 has sprung up Det OED aia y blood-food medium made that really|20d Japan since the Chinese ath- nh H [f ing Commission baxefs who stall or R. A. Leake, physical director for * Sh G \ try to put over a fake will get no the "¥" at Foochow, China, reports Prevents Attacks |§ F t be oods Co money. that "the.need for 'this hes grown There are two great causes of bili : urni ure ® ! letes outpointed the Japanese in the would put color and strength into far 'eastern Olympics last s or, . SLinglon Systems that Were more or less worn although the meet was won by the o » Philippine islanders. Great care should be tak# B*'Todas i's afferent. The brood itppine islanders. oo . can be quickly nourished, can be popular in Japan, and although that 1 i made rich, red, and healthy. All you en in the selecti®h of the have to do is take two Ferrozone|COUntry is called the land of the * {Tablets with a slp or two of water | Cherry Blossoms, parts of it have stone from which a latter meals. The effect is almost|hoavy falls of snow and several | magical. weeks of splendid iee each winter. i i y h . | China has taken the hint irom Japan, memorial is cut. . You AT Trango thm: |and an Oriental Johnnie Nilsson may 1 3 well, appear on a sport programme in the should avail yourself of al nd tas ey Bale, distant future. kn 1 ed | FERROZONE will rebuild them 2 a Swing Sud te am our. expert OW. Take your own case--is your bloo ! ge strong and rich? - Have you that old- | quired by the far eastern athletes, and allow us to quote {time strength and vigor, or are you | who are getting down to a real train- po q e somewhat under the weather? ing basis. * . 'FERROZONE will supply the Daseball, football and. basketball, prices and submit appro- strengthening elements you require. | In addition to track and field sports, It {is a-blood-forming, nourishing |are rapidly growing in popularity in 1 d : tonic that makes every ailing person | many parts of China. John Brad- priate designs. well. shaw, physical director of the "Y | FERROZONE is a marvellous rem- [at Amoy, China, writes: "Thé bas- , it contains in concentrated form | ketball league has proved a splendid 'certain rare qualities that especially | success. Large crowds have attended lingering THE McCALLUM GRANITE C0, LIMITED it it ip cases of anaemia, poor color, | the games and a great deal of inter- YN JEM dl : S thin blood, tiredness, and loss of |est has been shown, so that even the Admiraity, was associated with ) 397 Princess Street 3 weight. middle schools have taken up this , I | ed e Marshal Foch in the armistice Kingston, Ont, Vary 07 You put off using FER- sport. negotiation with Germany. | | | Ta ; pes . | ; 111 \ fs 9S ol 1 i i ROZONE you lose ground. Get it to- 3 ins day, sold in 50 cent boxes by all deal-| It's:a good plan to be an econom! TI ers, ¢al dealer in both praise and pity. \ JEFF'S IN LUCK. HE DOESN'T HAVE TO DOPE OUT ONE OF THESE CHINESE PUZZLES, M-ML A LETTER FROM IT'S THE (INDIVIDUAL IACOME see K (8), PAGE 2.--- WHAT'S THiS 2 UNMARRIED THE OFFICE OF THe TAX RETURN BLANK. M-m! ENTER AS 27, BeLow, MEN WHoSE TOTAL THANK GOODNESS, GEC, I PEEL SORRY COLLECTOR oF (INTERNAL INCOME FROM FIDUCIARIES. MINUS ITEM 2Y, IF INCOME 1S LESS THAN THAT LET'S ME | FoR FELLOWS Like REVENGE: 1. WoNDER »--x+ STATE INTEREST f EE TIM BT ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS OUls T oNLY ROCKEFELLER. WHAT THE oLD DeAR'S Recewed BY PERSONAL SURTAR AT goc' WRITING TO Me SERVICE CORPORATIONS: SHOWN JN COLUMN BS. ARs Srgut It A ves. ABouT. ON TAX-FREE COVENANT MINUS ITEM ONE. »o-» BoADS (INCLUDED (WN (TEM EVTER IN Column ST" 14, COLUMN Toot conn - MM J ONE MINUS == --

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