a? . MONDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1020. Se pe se i ee THE DAIL y Y BRITISH WHIG CHEER UP | In the World of Sport Your home is perhaps lonesome by the absence of one of the members. We have the ideal cure for this--a good Phonograph and some good records. We sell both. Drop in and look over our stock. We - will be able to suit you, and our prices are not high, although the quality is. QUEEN'S LOST IN TORONTO OUTSCORED BY VARSITY IN SENIOR INTERCOLLEGIATE. i Stybnuous Game. \ lo Toronto Star (Weekly says : Good hockey, bad hockey in the meaning of the word, plenty of scrappy tilts, and, of course, penal- tes, were on the card Saturday. Varsity downed Queen's 5 to 3 in their first senior intercollegiate meeting, but the "Presbyterians" put Gp 'a d game, Melntyre opéned the sco for Varsity, while Queen's were gettifg {heir bearings. From then on the visitors were out for blood, and the Varsity clan wasn't {far behind either. Ramsay and : | Olson played good hockey, but for all { i that Stinson of Queen's looked the | best bet of the game, O'Gorman was | the bad man Langtry and Taylor | stopped plenty, although each one al- lowed an easy "fooler" into the net. Warnings after the second period had to be given by Inspector Bond. "Bobby" Hewitson had one real hard time officiating, and wasnt' inclined = The above is the type "C" Columbia Grafonola at $75.00. This Phonograph is substantial, beautiful in tone and lines, complete in every detail. This can be procured in Mahogany or quartered Golden Dak, and is'a fine, all-around machine. We have cabinets to match this machine if desired. i an error. to start the third period. The t 8 lined up as follows : Varsity. Positiqp. Queen's, Langtry ....Goal Taylor | Ramsay .... 3... Ferguson | Melntyre ... « + MeKalvey | Carson Gratton | Gouinlock. . . Stinson ' This is the type "B"' Columbia Grafonola at $50. This is an ideal machine for the small home and can be procured in Fumed Oak. We have Cabinets to "match this machine also. With a complete stock of different priced Phono- | graphs ($30.00 up) you will find this an ideal store \to deal with your Phonograph problem. Come in and talk it over. Our advice is free and we will be First Peviod.* Ramsay raced from his defense, and skating behind Queen's net al- most scooped the puck im. From a face-off in front "of Varsity's net Goulnlock ran up the boards and passed over to McIntyre for Varsity's first. Score : Varsity I, Queen's 0. The visitors seemed to be stage- struck, especially on the defense. Queen's forwards haven't yet found their "sea'" legs and slow up consider- immensely pleased to give you-our prices and terms. Remember our stock of Columbia Machines and Recoids are the best ever and we will satisfy your needs. Better callin to-day. You will be surprised at the company a Phonograph and some Records Treadgold Sporting Goods Co ** I'he Place to Get That Record." 88 PRINCESS STREET * + "Phone 529. NEE N EN NRE N NERA : ably on reaching the Varsity defense. Stinson scooped the rubber at'centre ice, and with three helpmates on the line with him, passed beautifully tc O'Gorman. Langtry did not have a chance to save Varsity 1, Queen's 1. The 3ocal boys took on new life and Taylor Wright got clean through only to have the goaler come out for his shot. Queen's boys here showed too much ability at chopping, and Me- Kelvey " son baock-checked the puck away and drifted in alone for Queen's second. Queen's 2, Varsity 1. First period score: Queen's 2, Var. ty 1. Second Period. . Olson and then O'Gorman/marched to the-penalty box. Gouinlock rush- ed from end to end, but was unfor- tunate in -shoolng. Carson bodied Ferguson into the boards, and the latter was carried from the ice. O'Gorman 'was next penalized for tripping Meclntyre. With both teams minus players, the goalers took cafe of several "felders choices" without Langtry saved a gor) 9y meeting the invader ten yards out. Ramsay rushed from his de "nse. The puck caught in Taylor's pads and toppled in. Varsity 2, Queen's o With a full team on thy ice Varsity started their gtrue form anc were in on every play, Olson missed the open net. Mcintyre followed in his shot and landed himself in the met. Box here put in some strong checking. Olson received his second penalty, McKelvey dropped Carson and evened sides. O'Gorman and Carson staged a "Donnybrook." Bobby Hewitson didn't engage for a boxing bout/jpnd consulted the time- keeper abe penalties. The heavy going weakened Queen's noticeably. Ramsey circled around Ferguson and scored. His move was entirely unex- pected 'but was pretty. Second period score--Varsity 3, Queen's 2. 7 Third Period Ramsay opened a burst of speed and scored on pretty individual work, Varsity 4, Queen's 2; With both outfits minus men tae game resolved into fast individua! work... Stinson faked a shot on Langtry, but O'Gorman with the de- fense bluffed, Overskated th» puck. The heavy work this pertod 1s some- what eliminated, being not quits so crude and deliberate. Box again put in some pretty dack-checking. Stin- son -scored the prettiest goal of the lay when he crossed in fromt of angtry and back-handed the puck in, Varsity 4, Queen's 3. Gouinlock missed Olson's pass. A moment later the boy from Western Canada circled arofind Queen's de- fense for a well-earned tally. Var- sity 5, Queen's 3. McKelvey was floored by Carson in legitimate body-checking while the crowd roared. Stratton worked hard. skated Gueen's but fell shooting. : Fidal score--Vansity 5, Queen's 3. A MONTREAL RUGBY J - COACH FOR QUEEN'S 7 The Montreal Star says: Th has been announced from Kingston that Queen's will have a profess 'ouch for their rughy team next fall \ departure, in this direction was nade by this college when they se- ured the services of Nick Bawlf to act as hookay coach, and it is possible that he may be retained to act as the rughy coach. However, they an- ounce that they have been endeavor. ing to secure the services of a former McGill star to couch their team, and if this is dome, Bawlf will not be used: for rugby. . Enquiry here has resulted in the announcement that the. MeGdll star referred to is "Bill" Hughes. Hughes coached the M.A A.A. team last fall, and it was under his guidance that they won the championship of the Interprovincial Union, As a result he has acquired quite a reputation throughout Qanada and his acqui- sition by the Kingston team may be the means of their becoming an im- portant factor in the yearly series of games, It is not yet known whether Hushes will accept the position or not. , KINGSTON HAS OLAIM » TO GOLFING FAME Toronto Star Weekly. The Cataraqui Golf and Country Club, which was organized in Kings- down in a success that the coming season the | members have decided to erect al handsome new clubhouse on their property, and plans - are now being | prepared. Golf has been played for | ton three years ago, has proved such The rp ER many years in the old Limestone |B | City, the Cataraqui being the second club formed there, but it is only of late that it has numbered many ad- | berents. To-day it is a very popular | sport there Indeed. It is not gemer- | ally remembered that Kingston has | O'Gorman dived into the Varsity net | the honor of providing the first ama- | while Gouinlock was rushing up the fee, Carson burned in and out teur golf champion of Canada, T. H. | Harley of that city winning that even: | around Taylor, but couldn't score. | for the first time just a quarter of a | Again in this had a busy minute. | E 8 penalized. Aguin Stis. | E period Varsity out-|eentury ago at Ottawa. So Kingston | has a very good claim to folfing fame, | | { McGILL CRITICIZES =: VARSITY HOCKEYISTS | The management of the Varsity hockey team of Toronto came in for criticism at a meeting of the MeGill AAA, 'when a resolution was pass- | ed seiting forth that the Athletic | Association disapproved of the action | of the maengger of the Toronto Hockey Club in declining toacceptthe officials selected for the Intercollegi- ate hockey game in Montreal a week I ago Saturday night, as the secretary of the Intercollegiate Hockey Union) H had previously appointed them. The United States Tennis Assocla- tion will send teams to compete for the Davis Cup, the British champion. ships and the Olympic champion. whipa. | LEADING UNDERTAKER PAGE ELEVEN og Man's Best Recommendation A Savings Account is more than a start towards financial independence--it is a mark of character. One of the strongest recommendations in the world or business that 8 young man can present, isa Merchants Bank Pass Book, showing @ record of consistent sa A Savings Account may be ope $1.00, which shows how highly we regard the arconnts af those wha dasive $n ova, You THE MERCHANTS BANK Established 1884, EA H. A. TOFIELD, Manager. AND VERONA BRANCHES, . J. W. McCLYMONT, Manages. ~ Safety Deposit Poses to Rent at Kingston Branch, Dining Room Furniture All latest designs and finishes. R. J. Reid PHONE 577 JUTE BAGS WANTED - + We will pay highest prices for all kinds of Jute Bags, Get in touch' with ws 4 A. SPEIZMAN 60 QUEEN ST., KINGSTON