PAGE SIX THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG -W ED NESDAY, FEBRUAR A He Bi i 1H Ww HIG | 87TH YEAR. Passi AHily asd Seoi-w eekly bY dk BRIEISH WHIG PUBL G OU, LIMITED Managing-Director TELEPHONES: SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Lally Edition) a One year, delivered in city a One, year, if paid in advance ....§6 One year, by mail t ara offices One year to United "Weekly | Ea tion) 1, h ¥ bY In mail, cas) . One year, iI not paid in advance §1. One year, to United States . 1. Six and three months pro rata. OUT-OF-TOWN REPRESENTATIVES \ lder, 23 Bt. John St, Montresl ¥ Thompann. or" Lumsden Bldg ory F.R.Northrup, 225 Fitin Ave. New York F.R. "Northrim 1670 Ass'n Bldg. .. Chicago Letthrs to the Editor are publi ished only over the wctusl name of writer. Attached ls ome of the best job | printing offices in Canada. RS ---------------------------- The circulation of THE BRITISH | WHIG is authenticated by the | ABQ Audit Bureau of Circulations. Hepp the Forward Movement. Great' Britain 1 has spent over thir- ty million dollars in building a sin-~ gle warship, This hardly suggests that we are going to have mo more ware. Never lose your semse of humor, The person who can't laugh never fi much of a welcome anywhere, as a matter of fact, doesn't de- / / serve it, in gi a-- The past week has been a sad one for Kingston, for sincé Sunday we have Jost two of our bet and most respected oftizens in David Murray and Richard Uglow. Plenty. of money is available for the erection of theatres in Kingston, but little, if any, for the comstruction of an up-to-date hotel, which this city needs more than anything else. Auisro-HungaFion prisoners, 'to the number of 875,000, are said to {lieve died in Serbia. While évéryone regrets their sid end, they will never again invade a friendly counfry on twenty-four hours' notice. ermine ou is a matter for regret that Premier Drury must fight for his seat in the legislature as the repre- sentative of Halton, while less de- serving members of the Government re elected by acclamation. The ext t position to "be fitted 1o- cally which is liable to cause some controversy is that of industrial com- fnissipner. The applications are now all in, and 'citizens of all classes are waiting to see who is to be the choice of .the council. The Forward Movement canvass. ers are calling on practically every Protestant home in Kingston this week. The sums asked for are rea- sonable, and they will probably be ' raised easily, for she cause is one which has stood supreme for nearly two thousand years. "Efclent schools are a community necessity," says a bulletin issued by the Bureau of Municipal Research. But the'sohools will not continue to Be efficient so long as the present , miserly salaries are paid to the school teachers. Young men and Women will mot train for the work antil the remuneration is made sufficient to be worth while. Col. Carmichasi Is Just a little he- ~ yond his duty in saying that the nom- ination of a soldiér as a%candidate * against Premier Drury is a discredit. able act. In this, and in other mat- ters affecting the veterans, he has shown that he is looking for faults, and not trying to give any help in solving the problems of efficient Te- establishment, ---------- The town councils of Camanoque and Belleville have enforced the of buying only Canadfan- goods, and will ve up to that. 'main thing, Bowever, is for the 2 to observe the same prin- eiple in all their shopping. The . the adverse. trade balance Canada fs wil the exchangs rate r return Bn | doubt or question, wiped out, the | fl rer's opinion, we believe there sre acknowleass your 'contribution and to forward i to headlnartess. Time and. again, says the Labor | Leader, of Toronto, yabor ties ayowed | ts doyhlty to Canada, and when the great test came the army of labor | went into the ranks of 'another army l and proved their loyalty beyond all! Canadian labor is sound and loyal at heart and has DO, use for thosa exiremists who would destroy the foundations -of hattonal progress and prosperity. A HARD PROPOSITION, The Queen's University professor of political 'edonomy hopes that our public men, our press and our stu- dents of public affairs will make | plain to the people of the United | States the basis of Canade's claim to a vote in the League of Nations | by showing fhem the change in our status--that we are no longer part of a state but a nation in ourselves. | Well, to get that intp the heads of our American nelgnbors---we can scarcely regard them as friends just now since they are charging fifteen per cent. discount on our money-- would be some job, Reosevelt, Taft, 8ims and other great Americans have { ones falled t6 make their countrymen understand that they did not win the | war, 50 how can we drive it into their heads that we are a nation and not | a colony ? Our American neighbors may have eyes but they see not and | ears but they do not hear. TAKE THE LEAD AGAIN. Kingston's medical profession has taken the lead in improving the clini- cal work of Queen's medical college, It is the same old story m regard to the Queen's medical school--its staft takes up the burden. With the Clinic to be established dnd the General Hospital gradually enlarged, Queen's students will not want for: Clinical experience, Another proof that the clinical 'material at hand In Kingston is not utilized is contained in the Queen's University Journal of last Friday, a medical student writer showing "that the embryo doctors get little advan- tage of the Hotel Dieu. There is no doubt but that a better arrangement could be entered into with the au- thorities of that excellent hospital, Notwithstanding the argument of those who have been moving for the transfer of the clinical department of Queen's to the new hospital to. be erected in Ottawa, medical students who come from outside places tq Queen's declare that the, training here is really better than at Toronto or McGill. According to students at the latter colleges there is more op- portunity at: Queen's for individual help. Old practioners highly oom~ mend the Queen's system of medical training, After all it is the finished product that counts, dnd what medi- cal echool can show a finer lot of talent than that produced in Kingston ? -------------- WHEN SCIENTISTS DISAGREE. Two distinet and irreconcilable scientific opinions have sprung out of the inexplicable circumstatice that some mysterious part of the universes is "talking in" on the 'Wireless Systems of the world and that it is impossible to find out who the re- mote talker is. y Signor Guglielmo 'Maroond, who invented the wireless as it is known around these parts, has the conclusfon that if the calls' come from another world; that other world maupt be the planet Mars. Dr. ©. G. Abbot, director of the astrophysical observatory of the Smithsonian Institution, takes Sharp issue with Signor MareSni and de- clares hig belief that it the "talking in" proceeds from a planet, #t must be Venus and not Mars. He cites the longer distance betwen Mars and us and 'the low temperature on that Reavenly body--about 100 degrees below ' freezing, according to our standards--in Support of Lls conten- thon that if there are other-world voices being wafted around us they must originate in the milder, pleas- anter and mare hospitable Venus. A good many of us are disposed to hope that Dr. Marconi is wrong and Dr. Abbot right. We have been hear: ing too much from Mars since the summer of 1914, anyway. it has bean | & raucous, screechy and appalling voice. The grim from Mars have made the world tremble and have done 4 good deal to tmpair its digestive processes and ruin its tem- per. We' are about ready for a change, and what could be a greater. transition from the harsh commands Ot Mars to the gentle influences of Vemus 7 | PUBLIC OPINION Not A Speman In spite of a leading manufacin- people who would weat = $20 suit of clothes--if they could locate it. A -------------- Apicture theatre development. or more agrecsble change than a |i Not Guilty, nionton Bulletin). bishop wahts men. to 'because women are ing Soincidunce for consequence, and the extent of mascu- a influence over the feminine Women who ey Te. likely do | it it their husbands didn't. | In matters of personal hati the fair | do not fellow the "lead" of the| less refined male of the species. Ra-| { ther ¥ £0 byicontraries. Dress, for stance. Who ever saw a man "got up" lke that? -- . Quebec's Example. | {London Advertiser) wy In this matter of forest conserva- | tion Quebec is far ahead of 'Ontario. The Gouin ministry has put into' force a vigorous policy of conserva- tion that is registerimg excellent re- | sults. Reforestation"is being applied | vigorously and widely, fire guards | are numerous and are equipped with | the latest forest fighting apparatus. | Even the ae-oplane has been recruit- ed to this most important sérvice of | the people. The Drury Government might .to excellent advantage study | what olir eastern neighbor has ac- complished {un the vital matter of ore est conservation, | The Reason Why What Makes Us Thirsty ? i Thirst is a censation of dryness and | heat which is generally communicat- | ed to us through the. tongue and | throat. 'The sepsation of thirst can be artifieidlly produced by passing a current of air over the membranes which cover the toagué and throat, but thirst is naturally due to a short- age of water in the body. The hu- man body requires a great deal of { water fo keep it in condition, and w Hen the Supply becomes, ow a warn- ng is given to us by making the Dea of the tongue and throat dry. In connection with thirst, however, as in the case of hunger, whére the warning is given by the stomach, thirst will be appeased by the intro- duction of water, either into the blood, the stomach or the large intes- tine, without having touched either the tongue or throat, which proves that it is not our tongue or throat that is thirsty, but the body itself. --From the Book - of Wonders. | Published and copyrighted by the | Bureau of Industrial Education, Inc An Attractive Investment. J. L. Mathewson, representing the Royal Securities Corporation, Ltd., of Montreal, is in 'the city in the in- | terest of the Famous Players Cana- | dian Corporation, Ltd. This corpora- { tion, which is capitalized at $4,000,- | 000, has purchased the Strand thea- | tre in this city and also operates | fourteen other moving picture houses In Canadd. It is building seven new houses which will ba opened this | year, and eight others which will be ready for business in 1921. Already | * about two and a half millions of | stock in the new enterprise has been | privately sold. The company is. now operating six theatres in Toronto, two in Vancouver, and one each in Hamilton, Kingston, Guelph, Galt, Port Hope, Ottawa, Victoria and Na- nalmo. Its development programme includes the erection of additional houses in Montreal, Winnipeg, Regi- na, Calgary, Quebec, Ottawa, Rd- monton, Windsor, Halifax, Moose Jaw, Brantford, St. John, Buskatoon and London. 'The present net earn- ings of theatres already leased or controlled by this corporation, appli- cable to dividends on first preferred shares, are at the rate of $200,000 per annum..The magnitude of the motion picture industry is one of the marvels of the present day. The gross receipts in the United States in 1918 were §$675,000,000. Canada offers a correspondingly attractive field Jo e new company intends" erecting in Kingston a-<theatre that will be up- to-date in every respect and that will cost about half a million dellars. a ------ fo | Glenhume, BUDGET FROM" SU NBURY. The Township Board of Health H 1S & { Meeting. Sunbury, Feb, 9--A large numbe: of thé residents attended the unve ing of the memorial tablet at Inver: wiy last Friday, and speak in'glowing terms of the addresses delivered un that occasion. The township Board of Health held la meeting at Inverary to-day and are | taking measures to put the com- munity matters on a health basis. 'Master Leslie Moreland, who was operated on last week for appendi, citis, is recovering very well and At is expected will soon be able to re- turn 'home. Miss Francis Sears, of with Mrs, recovering from a severe attack of { iliness, . | The farmers are busy getiing in! Wood and ice for the coming season and both are of good quality, George Ritchie had the sawing machine at work on Monday and got a large pile Tomnball has improved considerably uring the past few The financial canviss for the Forward Movement is proceding in the various churches in this locality and good success is reported. ONE OF POLAND'S BAREFOOT YOUNGSTRRS With shoes 411 but an unknown lux- ury, thousands of children in Poladd aire forced to go barefoot ithe year round, acoonding to reports of Jewish relief workers, This picture was taken in the late winter with the ther- mometer not far above freezing. SY "DODD'S Atk BT reg Ch furnace fire. the rusty poker more, Oh, the will not need to stoke her, Jolt us when they strike, but the springt drililng Somewhere up "the dusty pike; SPRING COMING. : Soon the farmers will be farming, plowing up the bosky dells, skies will soon' be blue and charming, . and the breezes nearer Spring, the season we admire; and this precious thought grows clearer as I feed the When 'I'm . when I'm heaving in the coal, this reflection goes a- ' flashing through the fibre shaking down the ashes, of my soul; and I wave and I slam the furnace door, for 1 in the spring time, any winter winds are chilli and they 's calmly and she's bringing birds and roses and a swarm of bumble bees; we forget our frosted noses when we think thoughts as these. with 'that luscious such Spring 1s coming, gentle reader, smile of her's, and the farmer with 'his seeder will be sowing cockleburs, and we'll get us picuic parties in where the happy the sylvan dells and glades, village smarties will escort the glg- gling maids; and we'll be knee deep 'in clover, and forget our every sore, for the 8 Wintgp will be over, and the spring will have the floor. is staying a short time Thomas Ritchie who is | tw ~ BIBB vs Men's and Boys' Wear Where the new things are shown first FOX'S ENGLISH SERGES $37.50 and $45.00 ° THE PRINCELY THE HAIG $45.00 THE STANFORD $40.00 FAS cge rena nnn tan NEW GLO VES Men's Fine Quality Blue Suits See our window display of fine quality, keenest of competition. fast in digo Blue Serges, at prices that will defy the All new m odels--tailored by master hands. SEE BIBBYS YOUNG MEN'S TWEED SUITS in the New Waist Seam Types THE BENTLEY $35.00 $47.50 The "Nineteen er Washers" FOR HAND 'AND WATER POWER, GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY OR YOUR. MONEY BACK. BUNT'S HARDWARK learning it trom them. He is mistak- ||| min ela que ae | We have private 8tting@oom and ex- perienced men apd women fitters DR. CHOWN'S DRUG 'STORE A Cup of Real Hot COFFEE Sounds good these cold morn ings. It will taste good too if made from our Java ang Mo- cha Blend. Roasted Weekly, ground daily, AN: "Jas. REDDEN & Co. Phoues 20 and 990, 1 ; wand 5 CELEBRATED "SCRANTON COAL Sawin Foot of Queer. St. Phone 9,