- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG PAGE EIGHT WEDNESDAY, ol FEBRUAR $4 7 In the Realm of Z Mon So Interesting Features Soft and Comfy That's the way to keep baby's things. His little under shirts, his stockings, his tiny sweat- er, his cap, coat, leggings, even his white boots and his go-cart robe, can all he fearlessly wash- ed again and again. How? With the 'creamy, copious, instantly-ma ly-made LU lather--gently cleansing and as rales as pure water itself. Fr tls ca ve a LOK Fp Beles Sel oe el LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED TORONTO, ONT. | papers and you are, . Charm Black Tea Sold in Packages Only GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, Limited think that because stomach 8 Dotause est food tion. 2 : bowels to functionat ly, and in dla Da 'ootwear * Women's Gunmetal Calf Shoe; fleecelined; Nolin sols ....46.95 omen's Felt Boots, lined or unlin- 'ed, with leather soles 'and heels 2 srrrave teenies "$250 and $3.50 Men's Felt Boots with leather soles 2 For Bo vi re ies -.$400 : Men's F with felt soles nd Boats, a sre. Haesesad Madam 'Gordon Gets the News. My order for the man to bring my trunk to my room brought Madam Gordon to my door. "Where are you and'John going?" she asked, as she entered without knocking--a habit of hers which al- ways exasperated me. "John has or- dered his trunk to be packed and sent to the station. I don't see why he can't:come home and do it him- self. Then one trunk would do for, you beth." "It won't do for, us this time," I answered quietly, 'because I don't know where John is gaing. I am go- ing on a trip with Mrs. Gaylord." "Do you mean to téll me you are going on a trip with that woman who aliemated the affections of young | Gaylord from his wife? No wonder | John insisted that he couldm't come home and wanted his baggage sent after him." "Up to date I don't think John knows I am going away," I answered. "Well, I'm quite sure that if he did he would put a stop to it!" "You might get him on the phone and tell him. I think you may find him in seclusion at the. Turkish bath." "There's no use being impertinent to me about it!" "I didn't now | was impertinent, but perhaps I did .resent a little your characterization of my dearest friend, Helen Gaylord." "If you go away with that woman, you and John will never make up again," ' "1 didn't understand that we had quarrelled. In a note. which John wrote me from the bath house he told me he was going to New York for awhile\and en®¥d with his usual protestations of love," More or Less Justified. "Katherine, why do you treat me in this high-handed manner? : You know very well that I have seen the rhaps, more or less justifiably angry with John. I presume you are taking this way to get even with«him." "What way?" "Going out of town with the one woman that I would not allow in my house and whom John hag' forbidden yqu to see." "How did you know this?" I de- manded, thoroughly aroused. "John told me so himself when I asked what he was going to do about receiving the Gaylords here. I plain- ly teld him what I thought about it; but, knowing that you and Mrs. Gay- Jord were such great friends, I was sured me that you would de' exactly as he wished." 1 am srry that John was mista- ken." "Well, I'm much older than you are, and I would like to advise you that the wife is happiest 'who does a8 her husband wishes." "Well, then, wives are happy!" I said somewhat wearily, 1 was tired of the whole thing. "Now, Katherine," Gordon in a more conciliatory man- ner, 'it won't do you any good to fly to pieces about this thing. Persomally I am sure that Karl Shepard must have said something very ugly to John, or he would not have attacked him. I know nothing about the quar- rel except what I have read, but from the reports it looks to me as though Karl Shepard was the ag- gressor." "Didn't Alice tell you about it? She was there." "Oh, I think Alice was prejudiced. For some reason, ever since you and John were married, she has seemed sald Madam anything Bess Moreland." I looked Madam face calmly, Too Large for Babying, "As nearly as I can judge, Eljza- beth Moreland {s five feet seven in- ches tall, and I would judge also that she carries a'little more weight than she would like, even for that height. She's large enough not to be babled." "There you go again. I wonder sometimes, if you talk to John this way, that he doesn't beat you." "Perhaps he's afraid to. Anyway, you and I see things so differently that we could never agree. Won't you excuse me while I pack my trunk?" "It is the first time in my life that 1 have ever been turned out of any one's room." I turned away so that Madam Gor- don could not see me smile. . Many times she had dismissed me from her room most summarily, and for once she was realizing the sensation that she had so often given me. Then she said, as a parting shot, "I am going to take your advice and call 'up John, for I am sure that he would not approve of what you are doing?" "That will hardly interest me at the present moment," I said, "for I have not approved of anything he has done for months," "John will forbid your going." "John has put it out of his power to forbid me to do anything." (To be Continued.) Gordon in the not sure what you would do. He as- Told In Twilight (Continued from Page 3.) Much 'interest was taken in the semi-finals and finals of the Badmin- ton tournament which were played | 1 = at the Ls on Saturday af- the former Mrs, Keith | Hicker ajor L shlan Hughes lost to' or Penhale and Col. Constantine. 'Mrs. Pennhale and Col. Gonstantine, therefore, met Miss Kathleen Cdrruthers and Major Horace Lawson in the finals, It was a splendid game and there were many very exciting rallies which were enthusiastically applauded by the in« terested audience, The result was a victory for Mrs. Penhale and Col. Coustantine, who'are, therefore, the winners of the tournament. ° After the game fea was served, some of being Col. and Mrs, those present 13. N, 8. Leslie; Lieut.-Col. and Constantine, Major and Mrs. wood, Mrs. W. H. P. Elkins, Mrs. Charles Constantine, Mrs. T. Callan- dey, Mrs. J. Whiting, Mrs. Jeremy Mrs. K. Leach, Mrs. A. W, Winnet, Mr. and Mrs, R. Bridger, Miss Bessie Smythe, Mrs. .G. S. Bow- erbank, Mrs, Ruth Hicks, the Misses | Carruthers, Miss Harriet Gardiner, Nit. and M Mrs. P. G ss Campbell, Miss ease Miss Nora Macnee; gt a | een Rogers, ar- fon ie is : Margaret Hem- J J.C. McLennan, Toronto, ask- a pumber of' university people to * me' up to the library of the physics building on Saturday to meet Prof. J. L. Morison, of Queen's, over a cup Dr. McLennan, who had of Upper Canada Col Grant, who was & predecessor of _OLD CLOTHES DYED MAKE NEW @RvENTS SIMPLE, WAY TO * TAKE OFF FAT There can be nothing simpler than taking a convenient Mttle tablet four times each day until your weight is reduced to normal. That's all--just purchase a case of Marmola Prescrip- tion Tablets from your druggist (or if you prefer, send $1 to Marmois Co., 864 Woodward Ave, Detroit, Mich.), and follow directions, cise. Eat what fou 'want as you like and keep on getting siim- mer. And the best part of Marmola Prescription Tablets is their harmless- ness. 1s - your absolute safe- ag lazy tory én Queen's. In evening the visitor dined With prot. ont Mr. and Mrs, T ay Milo left Sun- day for New York and Atlantic City. Mrs. 'R. W. Rayson, who is in-To- fonto forthe winter, hag taken quar- ters at 107 Spadina avenue. / Miss Lillian Mowat, Kingston, has 'been staying with her brother, Her: yor} Mowat, and Mrs. Mowat, in To- ronto, ing a vacation with her cousin, Mrs. Dulmage, in Kingston. Mrs. Sidney Adams; Gatanoque, is spending a fow days with rot. and Mrs, Maonhonaon College btreet, Justice Britton has arrived to live with his daughter, Mrs, D G. McPhail, "King street, ® -. . \ Wo Rev, Witvam Beattie, C.M.G., it » will probably remove ho Cobourg to "Ottawa with his family, He Is the head of the chap- laincy eérvice in Canada, and the capital, of course, is the headquhr- Sn Leggo, mother of Mrs, Stuart Hawkins, Centre street, is visitiag Roland B. Peacock, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander B. Peacock, weal- my Pittsburgh residents who I e time in Ottawa, Kingston, and will also Peterborough and To- and Mrs. Harold Silver baby son, who have been in China for not many modern |" to take an active dislike to poor little No disting. no exer- h 8 | Morison in the chair of colonial his- : Mrs, Hugh Conn, Ottawa, is enjoy- |' Russell, Bombay, | THINK THIS OVER Onn desire. DR R. NEWMAN | Licenses Plvmictor State of Nem Pork 286 Filth Avene, Now Tork, AL ? Desk C-289 Is it not well worth ypu while, to buy a Tea with an Established. 'Quality' reputation and so reliable } that disappointment is an impos- 'sibility. ------ LADA' | will prove its worth in a Tea-pot Test. = EB Thousands of of others have gotten rid of theirs WITH. OUT DIETING OR EXERCISING often at the rate of and W. PA SNS 2 Souind # diy aud WI ITHOUT YMENT I am a licensed practising Plot treatment for each individual case, thus remedies that will produce not only .a loss of bitt which will 'alsp relieve you of all the tro overstoutness such as shortness of breath, palpitation, rheumatism, gout, asthma, kidney trouble and varions other affio- tiens which often accompany overstou My treatinent will 'relieve that giving you 'renewed energy superfluous fat. = You are not required to 3gula: Made of living simple, easy and pleasant to take. If you are overstout do net and send for my FREE TRIAL TREATME whereby | am to be PAID ONLY AFTER TAKEN PLACE It yon so toness. but sit TT Sau wh av we Say = Da BR Nuwuaw, 300 MAh Ave, © V.. Kind d ndly send me your WFRER-- offer, Nume Peres erstor ses reset etTeRORTReTe Address oF RB. F.D...coceseirsncscss vr 3 TOWh.essrererases BRath. i eecsanonaes when - A Sf Bar ee When a young lady possts that a and personally select (he Subiing. me to duos ublesome symptoms of indigestion, tired, and vigor, & result of the loss of your ngs In the slightest from There is no dieting or exercising, Ts down right mow NT and my plea KEDUCTION HAS A woman's idea of 4 good com~ E sleepy feeling, SEPT vi! he -- - young man is crazy fo earry her, the. plexion is one that will wash, chances are that What daffy. the victim is some-. accident, Falling in love is often a serious Does father hate shaving? Perha the trouble is with the soap he uses. When She Waits: A Portrait of him or he one of her, we make "them -- the kind that pleases. The Gray Studio 2 Phone 1738 . 151 WELLINGTON STREET : This Month Special For this pec only we will make Ladies' and Gentlemen's Suits and Overcoats at reduced prices. We havé special prices for those who have their own cloth, We also are experts in furs, M. YAMPOLSKY. 853 PRINCESS STREET RAILWAY HERES AGENCY, FOR ALL ~~ STEAMSHIP °° For taformation and rates apply te J. P. Hanley, C. P, & T, A, GT. Ryy Kingston, Ong: Tw BAILINGS FROM WEST 8T. J Yd Han . eta sAntwer, 17--Scotian .;. Antwerp . 27--Melita |... Kifverpool . 38--Grampian, Havre'L'n + 8--Scandnavian Liverp'l A a retorian Glasgow : 13--~Bmp. of France Liv' ar. 17--Metagams . LAvegnool Mar. 19----Minnedoss, Live: 1 Steamers sail of' FC dirva of GR. ing leaving "Mont. p.m. an previous. 4 1 pm, Apply to To 1oenl agents or ° CANADIAN PACIFIC NJOEAN Girls are true friends when Wey ory together ln sympathy. Perhaps =~ it makes: too scant a latlier or dries quickly, or doesn't" soften his stiff beard, or leaves his him a tube of face: smarting. Give SHAVING CREAM | Tien his shaving troubles will Hg ito will squeeze half an inch on This will produce ius Jather that will op ed owen beard soft as ¢ He will find his razog, working smoothly and evenly, giving hic 'a clean and easy shave. down--easy to cut." "And his face witt not be rough or irritated. There is comfort in MENNEN'S ~ SHAVING CREAM. Then in a week ask him how - Give father a tube of MENNEN'S SHAVING CREAM fogay,