Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Feb 1920, p. 5

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pe G Hunter Ogilvie TURSDAY, FERRUARY 12, 1920, ey " FOR SALE - ~PIPES, all sizes. ~RADIATORS. ~MILITARY TENTS. Large pleces of CANVASS, ec, ole. I. Cohen & Co. 275 Ontario Street. Phone 584 -- . LASSCO'S PURE ; - . --Strawherry Jam w--itaspherry Jam Black Currant Jam a --Plum Jom Peach Jam wlanoneberry Jam Orange Marmalade w=ited Currant Jelly --Cribapple Jelly ! Jelly hrambleberry Jelly p. COUPER ceas Street sal Prin Prompt delivery, [woop Sawed in Stove -- Lengths BOOTH & CO, Foot West Street ~ Phone 133 AA AAA AAA AAA, 'We have a supply of cut hard wood and J. Sowards Coal Co. 'WeHave In Stock Just Arrived Campbell's Tomato Soup Campbell's Vegetable Soup © Clark's Tomato Soup Clark's Vegetable Soup "Distributors for "ed Ruse Tea--the R. McRae & Co. GOLDEN LION License No. 8-543 2 BIG BARGAINS License No. 8-37140 Phone 1544 W. / Insurance and General Broker § Stocks, Bonds and Sectrities tor sale. 'Property for sale or to rent, Hsted. Agent for Royal Exchange Firs As- suranée and Excelsior Life. 281 King St., opposite Custom House Phones 568). and 1087. al SEA EE AEE LEELA EAL EALLLE How to Cure PHONE 1670 0. Aykroyd & Son Carpenters and Builders 21 MAIN STREET ~» Fresh Cut Flowers | Ferfin, puimas, funeral designs, floral sprays, wedding houguets made to order F. J. JOHNSON, Florist. | 115 Brock St. Phone 228. PAPER HANGING Estimates on work freely given. Wall Paper for Sale. H. ROWLEY |] 840 Barrie St. : Phone 1206). I 'WE SELL ON EASY foo TERMS [ Yadles' Suits, Dresses, Skirts, {Men's Suits, Overalls, Underwear, | Yewelery, Suitcases, ete. | N. Morris, 374 King St. | | { It Pays to Buy Your Groceries And Meat R. J. Shales & Son 71 PINE ST. Phone 1588 and Get Prompt Delivery FOR SALE House and barn, and three acres of land, two miles from the city. W. H. GODWIN & SON Real Estate and Insurance 89 Brock St. Phone 424 mm an~ Repalting, Watchmaket: and Joweler 6. W. LYONS 340 Princess St. Phone 1866. Repairs done accurately. promptly, and guaranteed for one year. ; Try one of our unbreakable Watch Glasses DO YOU KNOW That the quality of our JCE CREAM is unexcelled ? Prove it yourself. High Grade. Chocolates in bulk and fancy boxes, We stock only those fn de- mand. HOT DRINKS. # 1 3 i 2 Be 83 « THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG AA aman mand agin, "ABS _K ingston 4 ------ and * To Inaugurate Services. The Canada Steamship Lines will inaugurate services shortly to the Mediterranean and South America. pe ------ Earned Their Objective, Word has been received from Brockville that the Delta Methodists have exceeded their objective of $2,- 6500 by several hundred. He Was Successful. K. B. DeMille, , Picton, has been successful at the secent examinations at Kingston in obfaining a certificate as first class marine engineer. ---------------------- : Appointed Matron. Miss Evadne Cotter, who did very fine work @s & nursing sister in France, Nas been appointed matron of She hospital in Prince Albert, Sask. ------------ , Sold Impure Milk. Magistrate Page, Brockville, im- posed a fine of $20 and costs of $5 on David Rutherford, milk dealer, convicted of selling milk which was considered impure and dangerous to health, Are In Kingston, Mr. and Mrs. William Clark and family, Mountain View, have come to Kingston. MM Clark is going to Maryland to see about purchasing a farm. His family will remain In Kingston while he is away. Clean Off the Walks. The police are giving the usual instructions to citizens to clear off their 'sidewalks. The majority of citizens comply with the by-law, but every winter there are a number of people who neglect their walk and the police will have the guilty parties summoned if they do not cqmply with the orders, ---------------- A Merchant's Complaint, A merchant complained on Wed~ nesday that as a result of the snow being piled up so high in front of his store on Princess street. the wa- ter was running over the sidewalk. The engineer's department will have & plow run through the snow and have it carted away in order to rem- edy matters, B » - Canada Steamships Start Service. A direct service is being establish- ed between Canada and Bordeaux, France, for the first time "in. his- tory. An announcemeént to this ef- fect has been made by the Canada Steamship Lines, general agents for Compagnie Canadienne Transatlan- tique, Limitee, now known under the trade name of Fracanda Line. The Late Mrs. O. E. Robinson. It was with regret that Athenians, on Monday, learned of the death of a former AtHenian girl in the person of Mrs. 'O. ¥. Robison, Wollaston, Mass, who basséd away from pneu- monia. Deceased was Jessie Arnold, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Arnold, Athens.' She was born in that village some 35 years ago, and there spent her early life until her marriage to O. Eugene Robison ten Years ago. A New Steamer, The Montreal Transportation Com- pany has purchased the steamer Val- cartier from the Algoma Central Steamship lines, of Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., and will .place it in service on the lakes and river. It is understood that there are other deals for bulk freighters pending. The Valcartier was formerly the W. H, Mack, own- ed at Cleveland, O., and was built in 1903. Bitten In Separating Dogs. There was a lively dog fight in "AFTER INFLUENZA The Grip, Fevers and Other Poison. ing, Prostrating Diseases. It is absolutely necessary that the blood be thoroughly cleansed, germs of disease destroyed or driven out, appetite restored and the kidneys and liver restored to perfect regular ac- n. Hood's Sarsaparilla has been be- fore the people for 46 years as & general blood-purifying . alterative tonic medicine and it has given per- fect satisfaction. . Men and women whose grandmothers gave them Hood's Sarsaparilla are now giving {it to their own children and grand- children with perfect confidence. It is the ideal family medicine, for a wide range of ailments, always 'ready, always does good at any sea- son of the year. Prepared by edu- catad pharmacists. Nearly 50 years of phenomenal sales tell the . story of its remarkable m rit." For a mild, effective laxative, take Hood's Piils. wiih ay = Tet _ hd a ¥ Jicinity an Ernglish setter. owned by James Stanley, and a bull terrier owned by Albept Scobel. In trying to part the dogs Mr. Stanley received a bite in the left wrist which it was necessary for Dr: H. H. Smith to dress and Mr. Scobell had three of his fingers nip- ped. - Provincial Council of Churches. Archbishop Du Vernet, Prince Ru- | pert; B.C., diocese of Caledonia, well known fgre, is urging the creation ot a provincial council of churches. He said: "We cannot lose sight of the fact that organized labor and organi- zed Christianity are rapidly drifting apart. The proposed church council would co-ordinate in the work of in Christian citizenship." ' Went Over The Top. -The Madoc Presbyterian church of which Rev. De MacTavish is pastor, in one day attained, not only its fin- ancial objective in the Forward Movement, but went beyond it by mora than $800. During the past year the pastor's salary has been in- creased, and at the recent Snnual congregational meeting reports showed that never before had the congregation given so liberally to re- ligious and benevolent purposes. Heavy Liquor Seizure. Some 180 cases of high class li- quors, valued at over $8,000, was seized at Rockport. The liquor came to Rockport in two shipments during the past two weeks, consigned fo J. Inglis, a New York millionaire, who has a summer home across the Ame- rican border on an island opposite Rockport. It was stored in a cellar at Rockpert, it i¥ believed, in order to be taken in small lots across the line. 7 Methodist Conference at Kemptville. The Montreal Methodist confer- ence will convene at Kemptville on the last Wednesday in May, and the stationing committee will. meet twg days earlier. This is the first time the conference has been invitéd by 80 small a town as Kemptville, but the pastor, Rev. Dr. Taylor has had much experience and success in en- tertaining former conferences. The members of the Presbyterian church havé voluntarily placed their edifice and -homes at the disposal of the conference, : A Tractor for Winter. The first of its kind in Perth, says the Expositor, is the tractor used by the mining company who are operat- ing the Silver Quéeh mica and phos- phate mine in Burgess township, The tractor is built like the ordinary mo- tor truck, having large propelling wheels in the rear, on the front are sleigh runners to ride for the winter roads, This tractor 'will draw three large sleigh lodds from the mine to Perth for shipment. The cat- erpillar, which is the name given it by the makers, attracted considerable attention in Perth this 'week. 3 The Late Mis: A. B, Chai . Lo i. 4. B rambo. the Rev. A.B." Chambers, formerly of Napanee, died at Toronto on Feb. 7th, after an illness of less than a week from pneumonia. Mrs. Cham- bers was the daughter of the late Rev. William McCullough, and was born in Belleville in 1844. %She was educated at the High School of the Nazarene, Brantford, and took the Josree of 'Mistress of English Litera- ure at the Ladies' (College, Hamil- ton, in 1866. Dr. and Mts, Chambers celebrated their: golden wedding on June 15th, 1918, Mrs. Chambers was PRESENTATION AT INVERARY. perme Mr. and Mrs. McWaters Remembered . by Sunbury Friends. 9.--A very pleasant t on Jan. 6th last, ber -of Sunbury home of Mr. and rs. Thomas McWaters, of Inverary, for the purpose of renewing old ac- quaintances, and also to show them in a small way the appreciation of thelr kindness while- among them as neighbors. For two score years, Mr. and Mrs. MoWaterd have been valued residents of Sunbury, but having dis- posed of their farm some time ago, they removed to . Inverary, where they purchased the "Union House, which they have since renovated and made in every wey quite up to date, much to the delight of the travelling public. 'The guests were warmly welcomed by both Host and hostess, and a few hours were spent in musie and dancing, when Shannon was called upon, and on behalf of pre- sent read an add 'in wi was shown the esteem in which Mr. and Mrs. McWaters and Miss Mamie are held by the people in whose they had resided so long. They wa then: presented' with' two ¥ in Cape Vincent, N°Y.; Sunday pene educating the people of the province |' Manufactured by The T. Milburn Co., racter, Heirlooms Are Stolen. When thieves foredd an entrance to the mesidence of Lieut.-Col. W, 8S. | Buell, C.B.E., in Vancouver, B.C., re- cently by means of a pantry window, they stole a quantity of valuables, including money and jewelry, whieh had been left when the occupants were elsewhere. Included in the loot was a gold watch which had belonged. |" to Lieut:-Col. Buell's father, the late Lieut.-Col. J. D. Buell, M.P,, and a ring fashioned from a pair of cuff links which had belonged to Admira Lord Nelson. Remarkable For Longevity. Another Prince Edward county fa: mily remarkable for longevity, has been brought to notice. The combin-. ed ages of the Parks family, compris- ing five men and two women, amount ta 557, There were ten ju the family. The living members are: Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth Windover, Chatham, aged 86; Mrs. Reuben Ferguson, Desei- onto, 84; David Nelson Parks, Nap- anee, 82; Mrs, Clarinda M. Hambly, Hay Bay, 80; Wm. B. Parks, Deser- onto, 78; Mrs, Bathsheba Jackson, West Lake, 75; Mrs. W. H. DeGrof?, Bloomfield, 72. Resigning as Manager, ' H. E. 'Smith hes resigned his position as manager of the Canadian branch of the A.H. Lewis Medicine Company, Smith's Falls, to take ef- fect within the next week or so. He has been the Canadian manager for the Lewis Medicine Company for many years, in fact since the com- pany established a branch in this country, and has worked up a big business for it from Sydney to Van- couver. He is resigning in order to give his whole time to the interests of the Rideau Specialy Company, of Which he is owner. Goes as Medical Missionary The Toronto Globe states that a || Kingston doctor has offered himself and hisservices for a missionary hos- pital or medical work. The Globe has evidently reference to Dr. C. M. Sel- lery, son of Rev. Samuel Sellery, tor- merly of Queen street Methodist church, and a brother of Mrs. C. E, Taylor of Kingston. Dr. Sellery serv- ed overseas with a field ambulance for two years. He offered his services to the mission board for medical work in Chinx and has been accept- | ed. It is expected that he will leave | next summer. Dr. Sellery is a gradu. || ate of Queen's University, A Good Dairy Herd Recorg. George Humphrey, Wiistead, from @ herd of seventeen dairy cows, with ordinary good care, has made what is considered a good average return from his herd. During the season from March 156th to Dec. 15th he de- livered at Wilstead factory, over and above milk for household use and feeding calves, a total of 118,068 ibs. of milk; total money in return $2,633.31, or an overage per cow of 6,945 lbs. of milk, and a return of. $154.90 per cow. Mr. Humphrey at the present time has a fine bred Holstein cow produe- ing as high ag seventy-five pounds of milk per day. BAD COLD LEFT HIM WITH BRONCHITIS However slight a cold you have you should never neglect it; if you do it can have but one result. It leaves the throat or lungs, or both, affected. 5 : Bronchitis is one of the most com- mon affections of a neglected cold, and neglected bronchitis the most general cause of consumption. Dr, Wood's Norway Pine Syrup is just the remedy you require to cure the bronchitis. It does this by loos- ening the phlegm and mucous, and stimulates the weakened bronchial organs, allays irritation and subdues inflammation, soothes and heals th irritated parts and thus prevents i becoming chronic. . Mr. R. P. Sundblad, Francis, Sask., writes:--"I had a very bad cold which left me with bronchitis. I tried several cough remedies and oils of all kinds, but they all failed. At last I got Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup and after using two bottles I have never had a sign of bronchitis since. I therefore can honestly re- commend it for coughs and colds." Don't accept a substitute for Dr. Wood's. The genuine is put up in a yellow wrapper; 3 pine trees the trade mark; price 25c, and 50c. Limited, Toronto, Ont. To Keep Your Skin wevwvwews | a lady of superior mind and cha- | «+ Weare in the market to buy Saw Logs | of all kinds, in sleigh lots or car lots. S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bey and Walliagton Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 66. Factory Phone 1415. : Do you know this Queen of Bulbous Flower? If not, call and receive a pleasant introduction. They are just coming on the A.D. HOLTON 280 PRINCESS STREET - - - Phone, 661; Res., 2036W. 'Buy Shoes Now THE SHOE RETAILER in its issue Jan. 17th, 1920, sayst ~The present high prices will be maintained for a year or more. Those manufacturers who use the best of -thaterials will be compelled to.increass their prices in the n@ar future." HIDE AND LEATHER, Jan. 21st, 1920, states: "Both packer and country hides are worth more money - today than ever. The demand is for the high grade Footwear and there is not a sufficient quantity of high grade leather in the country to' supply the demand." . OUR BIG MONEY-SAVING SHOE SALE OFFERS YOU A CHANCE TO SUPPLY YOUR SHOE WANTS: THEREFORE, WE SAY-AGATN: "BUY Now." A wl I RRS erland & Bro. ME OF GOOD SHOES Our Milk Is Thoroughly Clarified A Completely pasteurized-- ade . ed--veliably bottled It is clean--it is safe--itis good. It is 14c. per quart. : PHONE 845. . Price's Dairy uately cool« HOLDERS OF UNITED KINGDOM, ANGLO FRENCH AND OTHER BONDS PAYABLE IN NEW YORK: Do you realize that the U. 8S. change situation to continue to must get busy soon and grant commerce with herself. The above bonds are falling off in price each day and it you wish to take advantage of the present high premium on American funds as well as a good price for your -bonds we . assure 'you of profitable service through our New York con. nections, / We invite enquiries. BONGARD, RYERSON & CO. "The Home of Good Investments' Phone 1728. - - . ~. 237 Bagot St. cannot allow this foreign ex~ bottle up her exports, She proper credits to adjust world 5 Women's Women's Fine Kid Reduced To Women's fine kid; with cloth Sia regular $7.50, for". tress nae .. 35.50 Patent Kid, with cloth tops, wo Poe ol in Reg. 37.30. for ie -$5.50 } omen s t y, witk ops; Co : 'heel; duced to ........5$5.50 JENNINGS |

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