Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Feb 1920, p. 7

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f / i THORS, PRRUARY 13 Tv, = - Tre laionp DAILY BRITISH WHIG ee r---- ed | \ Famous Kingstonians Abroad ||" | Valentine | |, | Kingston Men Who Left Home To Gain Fame Greet ing Cards | Robert rr MP. | Bank of Hochelaga, and rm that a A {institution over many a rocky period : ' . 3 : Financier and Underwriter. {in its history. .He jis connected with I SEE OUR "SPECIALS" for LEAP YEAR =| re | 3 large number of insurance, trust | Following upon the Minister of | and investment Somcutng: He is a ' "a " - 5 Si i ea | 43 N 3 ' Sweetheart,' : Mothers, Wives and Finance, the next Kingstonian to take {director. of the Canada Life Insurance g ¢ { his place in the list of those who won | Company; director of the Westérn Children--a charming variety of designs {fame and fortune in some other part| Assurance Company, for which he is} {of the country is, by Soitieidencs, also branch manager for Fhe Pith Ge' off i gh 8 member of the fec parliament, | Quebec; = diregtor o e British. and clever sentiments for one and all, at | namely Robert ~ Bickerdike, wha Te: | Americn, Aosaranie. Company, dir. | presents a Mo.s{real constituency in |ector of the Imperial Guarantee gnd {the House of Commons, During his Agcidlent . Assurance' Company, | dir-| seventy-six years of life he has had a |ector of the Prudential® Trust Com- S | varied and interesting career, and has| pany, director of the Mount Royal = : ¥ ow 5 {well earned his right to take a place | Jnvestment Company 'and president of |. . § en u on in the halls of fame amongst Kingyithe Canada Securities orporation. }---. HEI§Y © y : {ston's most successful sons. | With so imposing a list of financial on 2 : . 141 PRINCESS STREET, | Robert Bickerdjke was born in |connections, it is little wonder that he . {Kingston in the days when this old is looked upon as one of Canada's apn : 4) a3 : {city wag at its ErSHtest , height 5% hechest fnancial wep. he fret . Boots ; : 0 it wart | 3 5 i ] IEEE AAR IIUITS | Eovornment for United Canada: Tia | peroumns Dickerdike made his first ap- {4 2 Ee : mmm --= entered the world 'on August 17th,|1897, when he was elected as .a ' tN | 1843, His parents were Thomas Bick- | member of the Quebec Legislative As- NOX A CcoLD TABLETS crdike and Agnes Forster (Cowan) sembly, representing pe of the Mont- A¥ i - o fur | Bickerdike. His father was one of real Divisions. He \remained in prov- Couette, Colder Haadacne, No | Kingston's' old pioneers, and was, a |incial politics for three years, 'when, Flu, a mild laxative. up a well-respected. and_esteemed member |in response to many requests, he ine few hour est Ihe genuine, of the community. In his early days | stepped into the wider field of Dom- vy Kingston did not possess the edu-| inion politics. In 1900 he was elected f . . ' Sold at Best's Drug Stores cational advantages it at present af-|to oe Toderal House of Commons, ; Odds and ends of lines; odd sizes, etc., Women & a fords so that the young lad had all {and has been a member ever - since, : > . having been re-elected in'1904, 1908, : Patent Button Boots; mostly size 3 and 4, but have {1911 and 1op%. He iB ole of the best . ' : {known members of the house, and has ? . 5 . THIN . Lmade himself famous » for hn ont {|}! a few of nearly all sizes; for a quick, clear out, we : standing convictiond on some sub- THE : : : % jects Only recently he came into the 11 have marked them down to $1.85. ~ MODEL < | imelight with a strong condemnation {of the present law of. capital punish- { ment, of which he is a strong. m=} ] il I [ont ut Mv. Bickenaibe's meekiubona {§] Some of the goods are worth $5.00, and most of WATCHES x § : {member of the provineial and dom- {y i 5) ® | |inion parliaments do mot exhaust the gli : \ $4 00. y ] : list of his good works for the benefit r them are worth $3.50 and day of his fellows. He was a member of 3 ' : : UR. experience optometrist can | We have ome particular 4" | DE ronastan. Commjtise on. Piblic 2 5 he dopended upen to speuity the | style of thin model man's bee, and worked hard on behalf of the Jog thit ¥ ] | > 3 your troubled eyes and to adjust |} Watches, which is strong, dur- F | | English schools of the French-Can- them in the manner that will bring | § able afd an excellent time- | |adian province. He has been president i 9 : ; your real eye comfort. . Optometry is | keeper, | of the Montreal Board of Trade and : an exact science and our study of | x. wus formerly acting-chairman # the . the subject is a complete one. Our | i i [Montreal Harbour Commissioners' 3 ' B . charge is moderate, It is based upon | The -movement is fifteen 4 | Board. He is honorary president of the the kind of lenses you need and the | jewel, with brequet hairspring Montreal Western ospitaly and a . : ountings you prefer. { ; " ER life-governor of the Montreal General { quality of Mount gy P and compensating balance, Bt * ROBERT BICKERDIKE, M.P. i Hospital, both of "which institutions oe ore {¢ ted in splendid quality gold have had good cause to be thanki~] : | filled, dust proof case. {his education at the Kingston Public |for his great interest in their work. o.J. " - | Schools. After finishing his school | He is also a member of. the National Price. $20.00. term, Robert Bickerdike looked | Battlefields Commission. - Thee, 9ad.100, {around for a lige of activity which} Mr. Bickerdike enjoyed a long and {Soul Satisty him, 'At hat Lime herg happy Tarried life, Jn 3865 he 'took o d. {was little to draw the abilities of |as his bride iss Helen ompson | - v i Fully Eyaraztee | young business men, but eventually |Reid, and for forty-one years an * "The House of Better Glasses" | {he entered the live stock export busi- (his partner in the joys and sorrows of | | . 'E st | ness. . {life. She died in 1907, after having | *~~ann Opposite the Post Office | eiTe | Starting from a small beginning, he | reared her family of nine children. | | | developed this line of activity to a | Her loss was a great one to her hus- Phone 699. RINGSTON. JEWELERS | greater extent than had ever before band, whose later years have been s ¥ {been known in Canada. He built up | left desolate by his loss, He has now | 100 PHIACKSS BT. {the exportifig business step by step, | reached a good old age, but still re- | » . { until he became known all the world |tains his vitality to a remarkable | D'S PHOSPHODINE. {over as Canada's greatest exporter degree. He is a sturdy, well-built man, . Pe es the whole | =~ --* |of live stock. For many years he car-| carries himself erect, and is of strong | y N ASTOUNDING FAOTS a) & nervous system, makes new Blood {ried on in this line, until the effort be- | personal appearance. In spite of his | | ; kp A: olin old Veins. Used for Nervous . LAND FOR SALE. | came too strenuous for him, and he| advancing years, he is still a keen | Ya ~~ i THAT COUNT i a Debuliy. Mental and! Brain orm Olden Township, 104 Acres. min. i fred. i Sickendil i Jebater in in ah 1% one of the | n Loss 'oj Is h ¢ eral rights reserved. r ut Robert Bickerdike cou not | keenest members parliament. He / ? the Heart, Ping Memory. Brice i per bor. six chiefly halqwood, a. retro into restfulness without having | retains membership in"several clubs, |§§ | < : : il \ Hougshold Furnishings are pkg. on receipt of price. New pamphlet mailed | 36 Clarence St, Kingstom. | some activity to take up his time and amongst them being the Rideau Club | * BN | pouring" out of this fm- . res. THE WOOD MEDICINE CO..TORONTO,ONT. energy. He devoted himself to finance, | of Ottawa, the Canadian Club, Mont. . : he mense stock daily to our ut- underwriting and insurance, and very | real and the Canada Club, Montreal. | ; Sl | | we i i hy ; st ity. It is a fact Rie soon became a notable fignre in these He! now resides = at "Elmerofer ; : ; most capacity. It is a. fac == | branches of the country's financial | Lachine, where he leads a quiet and | A that if 'the buying public == | work. He acquired an interest in the restful Jife. He has recently been suf- | . knew the conditions of) the Give Double Mileage if They Are Western Assurance Tompany, with [fering from a somewhat serious ill- T market to-day, the advanced | which he still has a Very active con- {ness, but his many friends and By Our Latest Process |mection, and in many other financial | admirers in Kingston will be pleased : ' prices that are coming, and 10 p.c. DISCOUNT jeoncerns, and became identified with | to know that he is once more in good u the great sacrifices we are FOR 10 DAYS ONLY ON ALL . {many of the leading financial move- | health, and is able to be back again at ) making, they would grasp. [many years: vice-president. of she. Compny ot Mentos" Amsurance the chance while it is on TIRE AND TUBE REPAIRS. DON'T WAIT TILL SPRING. - DOIT NOW Tomorrow May Be Too Late N MS Hw Y 2 > > We have the new models in the \ VA s 2 : iy : ®t Trepton. He léaves a widow and ty 1 10 ONTO OF HU two small sons. Deceased was about fashionable Furs and now is the A i ' ames e ; - forty-one years of age. : : HAD GONE FROM NAPANEE TO a Py a Najanects Sh uy a Wem Y's THE ADIN \ M 1 citizens, away, Wednesday, af- |B prices higher. ; Et TAKE EXAMINATIONS. ter a short illness at his home, Dun- Will be - : oe HE 1XADING 2 : Jas street. eased was formerly a |B Come in and look. J Lay $ Wilbur Card Spent Three Years' in | resident o n, but came, to Nap- . A Service. 'the British Navy--A Fine Musical | #0¢¢ a couple of years ago. - He was re hous 147 tor and Literary Event, about fifty years of age, | : Word was received in Napanee on . re N . (From Our Own Correspondent.) Tuesday of the death at Hamilton of Napanee, Feb. 12.--The death oc-| Mrs. Jacob Dettor. Deceased was a curred at Toronto on Monday of Wil- | sister of John Fralick, Morven, and bur Card, only son of Mrs. Emma ot the late H. V. Fralek, Napanee, Card; of flu. Deceased had gone to, The remains will be brought to Nap- ; Toronto about two weeks ago 30 lanes and interred in the family plot write on examinations for mates at Morven. ? A ; papers 'for the summer sailing, ah The Forward Movement has been : was takpn ill and' his 'mother and 4 y wife Wied tor. ; Deceased was. only meeting with great success in Nap E Rimgnows Oldest Fur Btore anee. All the churches, viz., Trinity, niin rm tu ony yl ie oF ches and onc Ane, All th Shure vir Trinity ; EA ha Shines Mathie oie gon trentaie ot ff wid ET 1 2 yours in the Web navy: is donc | Soccron, AB (hb canvassing is not r-- + SAKELL'S game ae a ® Soc) SOs HAY fends The regular meeting of the Nap- : : ca Es . Pr ? ap anee Musical and Literary Club was J LE Oy : a); Brougin Sr vatonte a aqussday, held in the town hall on. Tuesday : S AVING LIVES Our Ice Cream is of the purest quality Sug evening, the programme being ar-| NAY "made only from the best of farm cream, A CA e ranged by Mrs. W. 8. Herrington and | ; : Another sad death was that of Say Sih That is what BUCKLEY'S BRON~ a ia Hiram T. Webb, who died at the re-| va devoted tn Franch, mas. and | HITIS MIXTURE i domg every |= nd our Fruit is of the finest, but what is the sidence of his father-in-law, Cephas | jitorature, The visiti ft was | day for those who are suffering with |= i G 1 this--what we tis Spencer. Deceased had beer in Tall {Miew Mignon Telgmann, af Kinser, | BRONCHITIS, coven, corps, (= use of telling you all this-- wan , You Cun SAVE MONEY Today ing health for the past few months : ONCHIAL | = u to our Cream and we fare ass of emndumtian. Hs formerly ved [Sao,dpleaied, (is, aitionts wi | HOARGENESS AND Df efor you to tay ay 8d w MOORE' p~ : : ws | hor usual artistic and charming man- was Foss = sured you 22 The House of Good Tire Repairs : -- Ea Cn Saved DEERE LEE » a, : ily ail. srECAL |; Chili's Brown Calt Button Boots; extension soles; Co sites 8 0 10%. ea Misses' Higheut, Gun Metal C2) and Viel Kid Bals; | Regular $4.00 and $4.50 : © $2.75 Hf, meabtirelier_ns waiting. Your! - po A we | EEE EE ETA Hattie De ure, by 'wothing b 8 r \ 7 STUFFED FROM CATARRH ORACOLD 3 ions "len at pind on London. Jie Cream Applied'in ; $ Smith, Weyburn, Sask., spent a day * Opens dir Passages, Right x : This ask with his father, J.P. Sm, é clogged nostrils open right up; the A y aints 3 : || air passages of your head clear and! ine first church in Botlovitio district or, go 1 : : : you can breathe freely. No miore|is report over the top in tha Meth- 8 whe ' . Allan M. Reid, NOW onesies saves mass ansnn re hawking, jsuuffling, blowing, head: CE : 3 hawking, jun oi: head odist National breath at night; your cold or gatarrh : EES il Price She, Bi Sb All on | data. drug stores. Sold fa Kingston, >| Sargent and W. Oralg. = ' » + ag ie! tw Ag 1 111 PRINCESS STREET : i HH 82 gt i 'set of books Ca * ok of Jsy

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