Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Feb 1920, p. 8

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wy PA GE EIGHT a -- In a ---- ¥ Tg HE DA ILY BRITISH W HIG - THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1020, 3 teresting Features i] NOTICE | [is We will still maintain reduc- ed prices on all grades of Mat- tresses up to Saturday, Feb'y 14¢h. . Ask us about our YCOMFYDOWN" It's second to none. at? Coffee Coffee am be 100% wholesome. Seal Brand Coffee ir 300% whole- SEALBRAND _ Kingston Mattress ih Company 836 Princess St. Phone 002w, o. 1, $11 r box. - or sent a Aden: - THE COOK MEDICINE co, (Formorty Windeer,) Stock Reducing | = Sale bm i LEY | We offer for this week or until our stock is sufficient. ly reduced, FOUNTAIN SYRINGES and HOT WATER BOTTLES at Spécial Prices. See our window' and. note prices. Prouse's Drug Store Opposite St. Andrew's Charch THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987 Wanting anything done in the ea tery line. Estimates given om all Kk nds of repairs and new work; alse hard. wood floors of all kinds. All orders will receive prompt attemtiom. Shop 23 Queen Street. ny THE BETTER WAY TO TAKE CARE OF FLOORS AN O-Cedar Polish Mop will® free you from the hard- * est of all house-work--the dusting, cleaning and polishing of floors. With this Mop you dust, clean.and : polish, all at one operation. The O-Cedar Polish Mo d a 3 4 li Acts like a Charmin = = - ff DIARRHOEA ....0.w fw CHOLERA u | DYSENTERY. arrests those often fatal disensss-- FEVER, CROUP, AGU. Rsowa for COUGHS, COLDS, Cheeks 20d The beat Remedy = by ves. Soon after Mme. Gordon had gome downstairs I heard her excited voice sounding over the phone. - "She's talking to John," I thought to mysel, and I was sure of it a few moments afterward, when I was called to my phone to hear John ex- claim very roughly : "What's this niother has been tell- ing me about you, Katherine ? Have you been running around with Helen Van Ness 7" RA His tone and manner angered me yond measure. 'John, I will not quarrel or discuss personal matters With you over the phone. Nor will I allow you to speak to me in that tone of voice." I'm your wife." And In my rage I hung up the re- celver, : It seemed only an instant before it rang again. For a time I paid ne attention to it, but the jangle was so incessant that I finally said, "Hello!" "You may think this is very smart, my lady, for you know very well that I can't ride around this town and come over to the house without getting every confounded reporter in the ctiy on my heels. But you had better heed what I say." "What are you going to do about it, John?" There was an "incoherent, angry sputter at the other end of the wire, which I Interrupted, saying: "When you can speak to me in a gentlemanly manner, John, phone again. Mean- time, I must go ahead with my pack- ing." "Packing? Packing? . What are "you packing?" With great impatience I answered the phone again shortly, but instead of John's angry tones it was Bobby's suave voice that came floating to me over the wire. "I have the tickets, Katherine, and | the stateroom, but you'll have to | hurry, for your train leaves in about {an hour. This will get you into Atlantic Oity rather late, but you two girls won't mind that, I guess." "That's very kind of you, Bobby. Please tell Helen how much I owe you." Willing to Pay ses, "Oh, that's all right. I'm so glad that Helen is going fo be with you while I am gone that I wish. you LETTERS 10 [HE EDIT A Boom For Bushell. Kingston, Feb. 11.--(To the Edi- the Kingston Agricultural Fair, I was more than surprised at the success of the same, and how it has become a success under the judicial marage- ment of Robt. Bushell and his com- mittee of workers, ' 1 believe there is no man who has the interest of the farmer more at heart, and the success of the fair, than he has. are making great strides in the politi- cal arena, surelyMagricultural interests will be greatly benefited. If Mr. Drury would take Mr, Bus- hell into the Cabinet, I do not think he would have so hard a time to get a constituency to open up for him. ; He would make a capital representa- tive for the farmers and a man no one need be doubtful of, He is clean, honest and outspoken in his views, 7% and when he goes after anything he generally gets what he wants. | He knows the needs of the farm- ers as well as the labor and business needs, and not alone would he make a good rural representative, but also for a city. The agricultural fairs would be well looked after, and that is one great stimulus to the farmers. It is also a great benefit to the cities and towns in which the fairs are held. Look at the amount of money spent in the few days of the fair .in our city. People come for miles about who never come afy other time. Now let all the farmers from near and far bring ia something to swell the exhibit for this year, --J. MOSIER. A Veteran Defends Mayor Nickle. Kingston, Feb. 10.--(To the Edi- tor): I trust you will permit me 3 few words regarding the veterans' g g gf frat tor) On reading over the report of Now, as the farmers . MARRIED the noted author Idah MSGione would let me pay your expenses. You can keep the money, then; that John gives you and buy some jewelry or a gown." . "No, 1 think I'll pay my own way, Bobby, for you know I don't care particularly for jewelry, and just imagine how 'poor little me' would ok in a Paquin gown." "lI don't know anything about French gowms, my dear, but you made me wish the other day that 1 could matoh that diamond and emer- ald pendant you were wearing for Helen. Where did John get it? I think Il bring her one from the west." "I don't know where he Rot it, but I don't care for it at all," ¥ said, "and seldom wear it.» Gn I shall never wear it again, I said to myself, as I said '"'good-by" to Bobby, and hastened to finish pack- ing and dressing. . : Agajn the telephone Interrupted my activities, and Alice's voice said anxiously : "Katherine, is it really true that you and Helen Gaylord 'are going somewhere for an indefinite stay?" "Yes, sister." "Both John and mother have been calling me up and franticplly implor- Ing me to insist that you should not do this thing. John declares that if you do he will never live with you again." "Did you tall him that I.had not asked him for that favor?" Tanes are Awed. "Dp you mean this is separation?" came in awed tones over the phone. "Yes, I mean it as a separation. Untilgthis moment I was not sure for just how long it would be. But of course John's ugly ultimatum has made me decide that it will probably mean forever." "Oh, Katherine, don't say thafl" "Well, at least, I am going away to think it over." oo "John has made me promise rot to lend any' money," said Alice with a laugh. "Thanks to you, my dear, I don't need to borrow. Good-by, Alice!" "The taxi is waiting, Mrs. Gor- dom." (Copyright, 1920, by National News- paper Service.) To-morrow--John's Threat. Have you ever: tried celery stuffed' with cream cheese? (Ingerset Cream Cheese Spreads Like Butter pr ht tht ch ch SY TODAYS FASHION By MME. FRANCES HOW TO TREAT STOMACH TROUBLE A Tonic Medicine is Needed to Build Up the Digestive Organs. The old-fashioned methods of treating stomach diseases are being i ed. The trouble with the old- fashioned methods was that whén the treatment wag stopped the trouble returned in an, aggravated form, The modern method of treating in- digestion and other forms of stomach trouble ix to tone up the stomach and glands to their normal work. , Every step toward recovery is a step gained not to be lost again. The recovery of the appetite, the disappearance of pain after eating, the absence of gas, are steps on the road to health that those who have tried the tonic treat- ment remember distinctly. Dr. 'Wil- liams Pink Pills Are a tonic every constituent of which is elpful in bullding up the digestive organs, and therefore the very best remedy- for simple or chronic cases of stomach trouble. The success of the treat- ment is best known by hundreds of cases lke the following: Mrs. Chas. rg cton, Ont., says:--"For up- ferment 1 my stomach, and I would béich gas with a burning sensation. Often I would be troubled with nau- sea, sick headache and dizziness. Notwithstanding that I was under medical treatment the trouble grew S0 bad, that I would only eat when absolutely forced to, and I was'in constant misery. I was finally, ad- vised to try Dr. Williams Pink Pills and had only been using them a few weeks when I found th. were help- ng me. I very gladly continued their use and the result {s they have thade me a well woman, every vestige of the trouble having disappeared. 1 am go grateful for what Dr, Williams Pink Pills strongly advise any who may be suf- fering from stomach trouble to give them a fair trial, and I believe that lke myself they will find a sure cure." You can get Dr. Willlams Pink Pills through any dealer in medicine, or by mail, post paid, at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams Medicine Cb, Brockville, Ont, ? -------- CANADA'S WAR EQUIPMENT, Siege Artillery Arm win be Much Stronger N » London, Feb, 12. heaviest field gun the old 6-inch howitzer, wil be bet- ter equiped with siege artillery: in future wars, Brig.-General W. B, King is now in Britain and will ar- range the purchase of new 6-inch howitzers and $-inch howitzers which were the heavy calibred pieces used by the Canadians in France. The question of the . purchase of trench mortars will also be taken up. Na mechanical transport equipment, '| thmibered wagons, or similar material 'whith were used by the Canadian army are being returned to the Do- 'minfon, Canada having acepted their disposal value in Meu, on terms con- sidered very favorable, The bulk of ordnance equipment, however, will be shipped back and though the War Office 'undertook merely to provitle serviceable equipment it is under- stood the artillery and machine-guns will be practically new. s OANNOT 11VE ON PAY, Cardinals Ask Pope to Raise Their . Salaries, 3 Rome, Feb. 12.--The Giornale d'Italia says that the Cardinals liv- ing in Rome have asked the Pope to raise their salaries, as they cannot make both ends meet, owing to the increased cost of living, | - With the exception of the Papal Secretary of State, the chancellor of the church and the archpriest of St. Peter's, the Cardinals, it is pbinted out, recetve only what is called a "cardinal"s = dish," amounting te 21,500 Mre yearly, plus 2,000 lire for privy expenses..- At the present rate of exchange this amounts altogether, to $1,176 yearly. ia A genius 18 a man who is able to unload his troubles at par. \ Fashionable charity always has'a card attached. to. it. . i investi this t ward WP years I was a great suf- i ferer tein Indigestion. Food would have done for me that 1]. GIVES SECRET OF YOUTH EDISON THINKS A MAN SHOULD His Own Case an Example---Vigorous and Alert, Does Full Day's Worke-- "Do It Now!" His Motto. «New York, Feb. 12--"Do you believe that there is really any such thing as growing old?" : This is the question that wes put to Thomas A. Edison, grand old man of American science, on the éve of his seventy-third birthday. And here is Thomas Edison's reply : "If man delighted in studying the natural element in' which he exists, and if he used this knowledge to pro- tect his body against. the malignant Pre eA ---- i -------- THOMAS EDISON actions of his environment, I think that he would live at least twice as. long as now, with his mentality un- impaired at the end of life. "As man learns more of his en-! vironment and is thus able to protect himself more and more, there is no reason that I can see why his form of life should not be as long as that of the Sequoia trees of California, which is several thousand years." It was under unusual cirgnm- stances that the wizard of electricity, who makes it a rule never to give out interviews, consented to talk for publication. Harper & Brothers, publishers, call- ed at the inventor's office in the Orange, N.J., laboratories and was introduced to *'the old man" by Mr. Meadowcroft, who, in addition to be- ing Mr. Eidson's biographer, is his business assistant. "You want an intgrview, do yon?" he said "Write, down your ques- tions, and I'll see if I can dictate the answers for you." . - "_ "Dg you believe it is 'a good thing for a boy to map Out: his career years ahead, or just peg away?' . "No, the boy, while being edu- cated, should tfy many hobbies, dhanging from one to another as many times as he desires, the more the better, until ie finds one that de- lights him---one that he is sure he will succeed in after he leaves school --because he is happy. while pursu- ing it after trying wmiany other hobbies. With this hobby he can succeed, and with no other, because when a man is vitally interested in a thing his memory becomes 'highly efficient in that pursuit, but in all Other lines normal. A good memory ieans executive ability, and with this comes 'Do it mow." " "What, in your opinion, consti- tutes success?" was another question. ""Dhe above' pombination means Success. ** It never fails," was Mr. Edison's reply. . z . The question, "Who. were the 'friends whose con gave you encouragment wilisii you: were strug- gling for a foothold?" brought forth this charactéristic reply : : "1 bad no such friends. They were not pecessaty. In fact they are dis- ate le A representative of | | DDYOUEVER USE SLOAN'S? Keep ReNef From Rheumatic Pains and Aches. W Liniment will do, as' thou sands of men and women the it handy. You will use it for those "twinges of rheumatic," for relieving soreness, aches, all sorts of external pains and exposure aftermaths, out rubbing. Soon penetrates, scat tering the congestion, bringing jumping part. Made in Canada. Three sizes---35c., 70c., $1.40. like to know his name. Sloan's Keep it handv A man is as old as his organs; ne can be as vig 70 as at 35 if he aids his organs in performing their functions. rt eri Handy to Promote Prompt HEN you know what Sloan's world over know, you. too, will keep that lame back, muscle stiffness and Only takes a little, applied with merciful relief to the throbbing, Any druggist has it. If not we'd Linniment vigorous and healthy at Keep your vital rgans healthy with advantageous. The hard path gives | one experience. One loses this if {they are helped by friends. It is ! like having a rich father." HANNA WILL NOT RESIGN Says No Members of House Have Ine tert Toronto, Feb. 12.~Denial of a rue mor that he contemplated resigning from his position as-presidefit of the. Canadian National Railways, was authorized here by R. B. Hanna, who" has just returned from a holiday trip south. During the fifteen months in which he had filled his present posi« tion there had been no indication of any intention on the part of a Cabi- net Minister or Member of Parlia- ment to interferes with the manage ment of the railway. Some women derive as much pleas. ure from weeping as some men do from laughing. " Show us a man who thinks he un- | derstands women and we'll show you a gold-brick buyer. Your Health and The Children's Health should cause 1g - the merits of beverage -- # . certain of purity wholesomeness. Hs Sold by Grocers ; Canadian Postum Cereal Co. Ltd. Windsor. Ont.

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