¢ SEY Ll 'TRE DAILY DKILISH wniu 111 Tr -- THE EWE AT LAMBINC ee re | Hints on Care of Both Mother | No less than twenty days in the | month of December are observed as | and Lamb, bank and public holidays in the var- | Bolore Lain tm lots states and countries throughout 4 2 ¥ & % ia ¥ 5 oR That boy of yours has great possibili- ties. The chief factor in his success is good health. The chief factor in good health is cleanliness inside. Keep his mind keen and his physical force ever increasing through the proper elimination of waste matter and intestinal poisons from his system. By an entirely new principle Nujol will keep the waste moving out of the body. Every other form 'ot treatment either irritates or forces the system. Nujol works on the waste . matter instead of on the system. Nujol prevents constipation by keep~ ing the foqd waste soft, thus helping Nature blish easy, thorough bowel evacuation wt_regular intervals-- the healthiest habit th the world. ; It is absolutely harmless and pleasant to take--try it. N sold by all druggists in sealed bottles od TOE omar: Write Nujol Laboratories, Standard Oil Co. (New Jersey), 50 Broadway, N. Y., for Booklet, "Thirty Feet of Danger." A New Method of Treating an Old Complaint CHEAPER THAN CARPETS BEAVER BRAND HARDWOOD FLOORING Allan Lumber Co. bone Luv42 ee ® e Victona Street Efficient transmission equipment and labor are two inseparable factors in keeping down manufacturing costs. Each repair you have to make to your belting equipment means idle machines, idle oper- ators and loss of production--the total coét of this in itself is often greater than you would pay for better belting. Dominion Wa » a ~ Friction Surface Belting is built for "service first." Through its long life and continuous performance it practically eliminates the necessity for repairs and replacements. It keeps ma- chines from standing idle and eliminates needless waste of time - At your convenience, our belting experts will be glad to analyze your transmission equipment and prove to you that you can put in the profit column most of the losses created thraugh idle machines and em- - All you need to do, is 'phone, wire or \ write our nearest service branch. folicololic | 4 A terres HCO HE) [hd ] -- [ofc lol jo) oislice--------0 How to Help In Cases of Poor Delivery =A Good Ration for Ewes When Raising Lambe. (Contributed by Ontarie Deparment ot Kgrieulture, Toronto.) HE two main factors contri- tributing te, a satisiastory lamb crop are the proper feeding and care of the sheep during the siz months previous to lambing time together with care snd detalled attention given to the flock during the lambing oderiod. Plenty of exercise coupled with suid clent amount of the right kind of feed tq maintain the ewes ia good thriving condition will usually result in the birth of active rugged lambs, for which the mother will have a sufficient supply of milk. In practie- ally every flock, no matter how well cared for, the attendant must be on hand frequently, day and night, dur ing the Jeriod the lambs are arrive ing. A little attention at the proper time often results in the saving of not a few lamba. Absolute dryness and freedom | from draught are v csseptial for | the flock at lambing time, and whea the lambs are expected in March or even early April provision should be ! made for resacaable protection from the cold. | Wosel balls in the stomach is often the cause of much loss in young lambs, ' This trouble as well as dim- guity in getting the lambs to furse may be avoided by clipping away all loose and dirty wool from around the udder and quarters of the ewes. It must be borne in mind that at this time the ewes, heavy in lamb, should be handled gently, otherwise serious loss may occur from ewes ping their lamba. vision should be made for a few small 'pens located along the warmest side of the building. The ewe about to lamb is much safer separated from the main flock' and in cases of dificult parturition, weak lambs, ewes disowning their lambs, and numerous other difficulties that may arise they can be looked after a great deal more satisfactorily when confined in small enclosures. It not infrequently happens that a ewe has difficulty in delivering her lamb; this is more commou in the case of young ewes with their first lamb. When the lamb has come forward far enough so that the nose and front fest are in sight and the head is unable to pass through the ewe should be assisted by gentle pulling on the forefeet.. If this fails smear the inside of the vagina well with linseed oll; this has the effect of softening and allowing the opening to stretch, and will, unless the case is a very severe one, give relief. No action should be taken until it Is reasonably ceftain some assistance is needed, and before Investigating the hands should be perfectly clean and disinfected. : Lambs may be born weak and ap- the world. The list has been com- Canada, in the United States, Alaska, | Hawaii, the Philippine Islands, Porto | Rico and the Virgin Islands, but also i in évery part of Hurope, with the ex- ception of Bulgaria, Gruece, Rou- mania, Russia, Serbia and Turkey, (where it 1s' observed by foreign banks and merchants); in of the Euro- pean colonies in Africa and in Liberia and Morocco; in every country and colony in North, Central and South' America; in ail parts of Asia except , where it is observed by the Other December holidays through- out the world are as follows; <= Monday, December 1.--A holiday (Flag day) in (Azores, Madeira Is- lands, Portugal, Portuguese East Af- rica, Portuguese West Africa; also in Liberia (Newport day). Tuesday, Dee' 3.--Siam (king's coronation). Ce Thursday, Dec. 4 --Bulgaria (un- official), Rhodesia (Shanghai day), Roumania, Russia (church Yestival day, Petrograd Stock Exchange clos- ed), Serbia. Sunday, Dec. 7--Cuba. Monday, Dee. 8.~-- (Immaculate Conception).--A holiday in Argen- tina, Austria-Hungery, Bolivia, Bra- sil (not legal but"gemerally observ- ed),. Quebec, x Islands, Chile, Columbia, Costs Rica (unofficial), Germany (Catholic only), Guatemala, Honduras (unofficial), Italy, Mexico (half holiday), Panama (unofficial and not observed by banks), Para- guay, Peru (unofficial), Philippine Islands (not a legal holiday), Salva- dor (not observed by banks), Spain, CE aagag, Doe. De-Brasil (Stats of Tu , Dee. te hive Friday, Dec. 18.---Mexieo (Our Lady of Guadeloupe), : ' Saturday, Dec. 18.--Greece (un- official). Monday, Dec. 15~~Brazil (State of Las Paulo). . ; Tuesday, Dec. 16.--Brasil (State of Parana), Bulgaria, Greece (un- official), Rounania, Serbia (half holi- day), Venezuela. Tuesday, Dec. 22--Spaia. (Fete of the gueen, limited observance). Wednesday, Dec. 24.--Ceylon, Gib- raltar, Salvador (mot observed by banks), Siam (Bangkok), Sweden (half holiday). Friday, Dec. 26. Austria-Hun- gary, , Basutoland, Bechu- analand, Belgigin (unoficial, the Brussels-Bourse does not close), Ber- muda, Brasil (State of Espirito Santo only), British Guiana, British Hon- duras, Cayman Islands, Ceylon, Chi- ns, (unofficial), Curacao, Cyprus, Denmark, Dutch East Indies, Dutch Guiana, Finland, Germany, Grenada (unofficial), Hoag Kong, India, Italy (half holiday), Jamaica, Leeward Is- iands, Netherlands; New South Wales, New Zealand, Norway, Nyasoland, parently lifeless, more particularly in ~ase of dificult delivery. ese may be revived by quick action on the part of the attendant. First re- move the phlegm from the mouth, then hold the mouth open and blow gently a few times to start lung ace tion. Next lay the lamb on its belly and gently beat it on the sides next to the heart just back of the. shoulder. A ewe may lose her lamb and still have a supply of milk. She may be orphan lamb bel ng to another ewe to raise. Thif may be accom plish by skinning the dead lamb and throwing the skin over the one to be Kadopted. A ews may take to another lamb when held and the lamb allow- od to suck, where a ewe has a full flow of milk, When a lamb is born during a cold spell it may become so thor oughly chilled as to require atten tion. Place the lamb in hot water until well warthed, rub dry, then wrap in a cloth and place beside a fire until restored. A little warm milk 'aken | trom the mother should be given as "| soon as the lamb will take it. A few drops of whiskey in a little warm water may often prove beneficial. Ewes, like dairy cattle, vary a one side only and the other side will hold the ewe aud allow another lamb to nurse. or milk out. In case the udder has become hard bathe with hot water for five minutes with a woollen cloth, dry thoretighly and ond (warm) pure melted hogs' g pees iF given a lamb say one of twins or an. Especially is this true' en, land (unofficial), Tasmania, rks and Caicos Islands, United Ki m, Victoria, Western Australia. Dec. 28. --South Austra- la (Proclamation: day). 1 Monday, Dee. 29.--Costa Rica. Tuesday, Dec. 30.----(Costa Rica, Philippine Islands (Rizal day). Wednesday, Dec. 31.---Costa Rica, 'Philippine Islands, Switserland (un- official). : he Shipping In Montreal. That the first year of peace was a banfer shipping year for Montreal is reflected in the statistics plated be- fore the harbor commissioners of Montreal. In the season just closed 786 ships came to Montreal, of which 702 were trans-Atlantic ships, as compared. with 644 last year. The British tonnage totalled 1,646,532 and total of other tonnage was 532,748. Inland transportation to- talled 7,499 vessels, with 4,357,734 tonnage, an increase of 1,397 ships and of 1,048,838 over the previous category being 84, with t 187,642, as com with y 30 easels, and tonnage of 22,861 in|. become inflathed and' caked. Either n s i : Hi "Rev. W. H. Quartermaine, Ren- frew, and Thomas Tosh, Pakenhant; have been awarded veterans' jewels for twenty-five years continuous membership . in Marion Lodge, 1.0. O.F., Renfrew, Maria E. Perrett, relict of the late William Gibson, and whose death oc- curred in Ross township on the 29th ult., was a sister of H. W. Perrett of Pembroke. She was eighty-two years of age. ' W. H. Bromley, reeve of Pem- broke, has resigned because of un- controllable circumstances. A bye- election will be held on Feb. 19th and 26th. & RR SOUDIER / re Reltabid Readyto-wear Clothing and Pertect Fitting Tailoring STRERT ? Real Values In Winter Overcoats And Suits \ 181 PRINCESS Free coupon. A Ten-Day Tube of to show you its effects. See wo glisten, Teeth Do Not Stain It is Film that Clouds Their Whiteness All Statements Approved by High Dental Authorities You can sce that the isgone,