Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Feb 1920, p. 13

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5 ee of Wampole's preparation of Eat it's both 1 ' aal bottles rns PI aie We close at 8 pm. nly except Saturday. : 0AG'S DRUG STORE Opp. Y.M.C.A, Kingston. N otice! ioe oF Fm 13¢ QUEEN ST, KINGSTON G.W.V. A. " Clad Rooms, 67 Princess St.° General meeting FRIDAY | at 8 pm. ~~ Subject for discussion:-- _ "Housin problem." - _ - "gratuities to France-men. "Constitution of Branch | Executives." . tl ; ATG. Williams 171 WELLINGTON STREET Gersigned until wor | subject ty the wishes of the Municipal Coungll "TENDERS nS will > received by the un- TENDERS A by ws for hing 800 Coise {at-per tolse) stone for read bullding and road opal for the Corporation ©! She Towns of Kingston, tying the sea- son of 1920. The date of beginningrthe Kk. its continuance and its location i Tender tp have the use of the Town- ghip 'crusher, spre g waggons and bin with screen {subject to conditions). Satisfactory assurance as to the com~ pletion of the work will be expected. The lowest or any tender not neces- sarily wtcepted. mn AUCTION SALE 1 308 PRINCESS = #0 at Thar Saturday, Feb. 10th and wardrobe, plate mirrow doors. oak ¢x- tension table snd dining ohairs, cook- ing and heating stoves, Springs. mat- tresses, ™ bbara, overshoes, leycles, Rens ws Stomhing. esas Mounted het harness, un articles. ALLEN, THE AUCTIONEER Telephone 332. (Princess of Wales' Own Rifles) Winter Training--Tuesday and Thursday. Bugle Band---Friday 8 p.m., ARMOURIES JR. NASH 88 Princess DENTIST 3 Phone 788 2% specialize in gas adfninistra- aS, heciall treatment, Crown and work. Graduate assistants. Office Hours, 98. mn TOA SBARGAIN x When you "sufter from Riek headache and that + dizzy, tired fealing, do Jou ever wonder what i the cause of it all pick fotering Fin a dono hae -- see i wan, -- I a a at oy Bing pense of your nervous energy. your ot ub raise supply the glasses that Will make 34 A te North while. i ¥ NOTICE Training on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 8 p.m. sharp. Baseball practice at 7 p.m. A Gold Pin for that member secur- ing the most recruits by March 26th, 1920. ROOM 24, ARMOURIER RM.C. vs. QUEEN'S Intermediate Intercollegiate R.M.C. vs. QUEEN'S 'WEDNESDAY, FEB. 18 First game called .......>..7T pm. | Second sath ssersnsssvandidl pm. General admission ...........50¢c ~~Plan opens Tuesday, 10 am. Fence Wire Traps Renfrew Cream- Separators WH Cockburn & Co. Coriter of Princess and Wel. GRA N D| To-night and Thursday at 8.15 'Vheatrical Event of The Super-Eminent British Actos Tyrone Power |: the part made In Part a in og Remamir's Srestept nd of this age and "THE SERVANT IN THE. HOUSE™ nd specially company > Hl, Deeially Select ied in the Enge lish language -Harper's Magusine, PRICES: §0e., TSe. Bi. $1.50 and $2.00 ~--Soals how on sale . GRAND MAT. and NIGHT Sat. Feb. 21 The New York and London Laugh Hit : Selwyn & Co's Success The NaughtyWife A Cascade of ig Cumeny- 'A Brilliant Oat Ome solid year at Playhouse, London. PRICES Matinee ...........25¢, 50c., 78c. Evening ..25-50-75-81. A few $1.50 " --Seats on sale Thursday. Elin CRAY ¥r William Farnum --f Wigs of the Morning' Outing Chester Topics of the Day COMING! Thurs., Fri., Saturday BILLIE BURKE "SADIE LOVE™ | BEST) --' CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG and her own company present 'The Better Wife' 7 AY THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY ELSIE FERGUSON . In her latest Paramount-Artcraft =~ Picture . "THE COUNTERFEIT" KINGNUT BETTER Sold on & money-back guaran- tee, by all grocers. PARLIAMENTARY © NOTICE Monday, the twelty-sscond day of March next, will be the last day for presenting Petitions for Private Bills Monday, the twenty-ninth day of March next, will be the last day fof in- | troducing Private Bus. ae Sraday. the Bgnih ay Bra ie the. last Ap ARTHUR H. SYDERR Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. YOu | eran, Febrmcy fen 100 bi [oie fo 3 Lit wn BYRRT] First aD ie. 1s Sach SOR secutive insertion " Iereatser, cant a word. Minimum char insertions, ¢ne insertion, 25¢; three 50 cents, The *above rates are for cash only; when charged they are double. HELP WANTED, GENERAL SERVANT, TO GO TO ontreal. Phone NaS A YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST IN HOUS work; in shall family. Apply Clergy St FAN EXPERIENCED K 70 GO TO Belleville, Wagon 138 $35 a raat. Apply to 21 Sy GENERAL HOSPITAL wa IMME. diately; a good, stro kitchen woman or young man, wages given. Apply to the Matron. AN EXPERIENCED, SINGLE OR MAR- ried man to work $n farm; must be steady. Write, ay one, or _apply Vaan Luven, personalivy, to ortsmouth, Ont. CHEESE Ash BUTTER MAKER FO Glenburnie Cheese and Butter ed tory, for season of 1920. Duties to commence April ist "Apply to Matthew Shanon, Jee, y-Treasurer, . No. 2, Kingston FRPP DTP ERR PER . A Fireman for day or shift. Apply A. Dai and + ht 3 i Limtted, Kingston ery. 3 «PREF PPEPIRRIEPII EPPO MARRIED MAN TO HELP WITH work on farm; must have experi- ence In general farm work; free house, wood, eto. Apply Box Q-16, Whig Office. LIVE MAN WANTED-SP ARE ga or steadily-~selling our guarante trees and plants. Outfit free. Lib- eral commission. Brown Brothers Company, Nureerymen, Limited, Brown Nurseries, P.O, Ontario. WAR THI " MAN CAPABLE oF OR. ssnizing and managing ore tor Canadian Hom . Permanent tion; ey and 27ers to well-recom- ded and Properly qualified ty Address R. 8. ton, Cana- itn Home Jowrnal, Toronto, Caa- AGENTS WANTED. ONLY SATISFACTORY CANA war book, written by Canadians, introduction by General , Currie, "Canada's Sons and Great Britain in World War," oflers Ju Ieturned Kan and others, men or wom ful opportuiity ta bboy Yoo t ny 8 weekly. Charles Marshall made $130 first 19 hours; Mr. Peel aver- SAN agen ¥80 weekly: Miss 3 Ipinscn makes $80 or more every Baek. Join in our sales force St 3 Wor e or full time, free. inston Co. Dept. me. Sud © o . Thali, Bt att bt J. Seoree Bath Toad for ox Sreent of new in SE , Ldnd« say Limited: i121 rai ir WANTED Y MARRIED COUPLE FOR ril " furnished bedroom and fio good sized rooms and sont iy located. Apply Box 0-14, + WANTED TO RENT ON OR InponE ist, modern house, "rooms; will up to #o - month. fs culars te a N-12, Whig Lf WANPRD-MEN AND BOYS TO PAT. Tonite J . Curson. barber. Men's oys' Sadr out, 20c. Shave 0c zors honed He. 238 Ontario St, near Broek Btree WA BY. DAREFUL TENANL BY ist ed ¥. or Seonar. 4 house, in locality, SF Llanes 00d or unfurnished. ANTED, CUSTOMERS TO Jnine their bleycies to be el and slored for winter, Skates shar} ed asd hollow ground; Also CAr res ut on while hy wait. George Maller, 37) and 373 King st. Phone 1083w. Warehouse wanted to rent--a 3 air sized Warehouse on or near @ cocks. Stats full panticulare as size And number of floors, to x R-17, British Whig, Xing. n, Ontagio. * ESSE IEEE PIII III 0080S. FEMALE HELP WANTED, gege § sh dbddiddd >» GOOD WAGES FOR HOME WORK. l statin terms to Box 8.8, wile baiee al rovin roperty. oN read Sraoet TUESDAY morning, & returned soldier's button, wn will find same at as Office. BETWEEN KING AND UNION, on rN eTey - pair of glass- as. Owner may have same be- tween § and 7 p.m. at 52 Bev- Bip Stree * GREY WOOLLEN MIT- Tn Owner can have same by calling at 190 Clergy St FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- TISED FREER. Anyone finding anything and wishing to reach the ownar may do so by reporting the facts to The Britian Whig. The adver. will be printed in this cotumn he of charge. nd articles" does not in- Slide lost dogs. eattle, horses, These, if lost, may be ad- vertised for in the "Lost" column. LOST. ON MONDAY EVENING, AT G.T\R. IN. ner Station, on arrival of 7.30 To- ronto trai, lady's hlack bag, lined with purple, containing glasses and 15.00. eward on return to 18 rie street. STRAYED. ONE YEARLING ROAN MARE, OFF mises of Geo. Warmington, nyone seeing or knowing, notify W. Connors, Barriefield. Phone 317. ONTO Mey PREMISES, A HOUND, ON Feb. Sth. Owaer may have the same by proving property and pay- ing charges. Jas. A. Warner, Yarker, Ontario. TO LET. AMBROSE SHEA, B.A, BARRISTER ang solicitor. Law office, cones of King and Brook, over Royal i FORA : GOOD NIGHT GET OBR | ¢ "COMFYDOWN" KAPOR MATTRESS 1009 pure Second to none for comfort and durability. Kingston Mattress I" Company * 556 Princess St. Phone 002w. sank. Money to Phone 1999. gy. °7 MEDICAL a DR. gn B WANE WI on? AN- that he has opened offices a 7) ell a0 Suraet, opposite 24 3 Hai p.m. mi hiss FOR WIRING COURT HOUSE AND REGISTRY OFFICE AT NAPANEE tT ers a will be J be Jecetved for estiimat- o nH nd Be A iad: he 'ount Napanee, Bs and Ad- gington, up to Lowest y to Hareh not cepted. Address tenders to: W. G. WILSON, Comnity Clerk, rily ae | Clearing Dry Goods, nishings, $2,000 - Eine a - public in Napasee, Ont. Cash Sale - Thornton & Weigh! s Store Tamworth * The entire stock, consisting of :-- ,250. } Ready merle lothing. and Gents' Fur- | ~ Boots, Shoes and Rubbers, $2,500. 50% of the Above Stock Will Be Sold at Pre-war Prices. ose D2 hols stock gust be sold vogue: at, of price, by April 58 Lhe act ortunity. forthe ET) a stock of neces- y staples, at greatly reduced prices. i Commences on Monday, Feb. 23rd Store open daily from Sam. to 8 pan. Thisstock is well assorted and has not reduced by any p Those the frst and ho gome, g . vi ) us sale. soband old makin. Behe ne need ed_you, to make + socks on the ray Jsarnsd Aute A GOOD GARAGE TO RENT. APPLY 301 iminatorial Fostitvaly ag can Ean Street. lars 36 stam stainp Rpt. 34C, riiou- HOUSE; 5 ROOMS; NMAR BUSINESS Qoilese pply 14 Inton Street Knitter Son oronte. est or 'phone 1877w. FIRSY Sass ROHS AND 1EDARD,; v mprovements; centrally locat- LEGAL, ed. Apply 243 Brock street. CUNNINGHAM a SMITH, BARRIST. | STORAGE FOR FURNITURE; CLEAN ers and SolleMors, 1 Siarehce and dry. Apply E B. athen, Street, Kingston. Cunning 143 Nelson street. Phone 1331), ham. Cyril A. Smi MU RNISHED 3 CENTRAL LO. chality; Byer University; gentleman Bhs. Apply Box T-18, Whig STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEA and dry. MeCann's Real Estate Agency, 5¢ Brock street. Phone STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, dry, airy Tons; your own lock and key. Frost's ty Storage, 29% Queen street. Phone 526; res, 959 w, CARPENTERI NG WHEN YOU WANT THE CARPENTER See James Selby, Contractor, 219 University Avenue. Phone 1598w, UPHOLSTERING CALL OR DROP A CARD wow, J, Gavine, upholster, 216 . Bagot Bt F. W. HAROLD FOR YOUR UP. Bolstering and general repairing. Leave orders at or drop a card to 104 Clergy street. FINANCIAL LIVERPOOL, LO 4108 ae Ah add) Late tife policy holders h vo - sscurity the unlimited liability of olty prove rity, Insured at lowest Bossi Before renewing 1 giving new business get rates from range and Strange, Agents. Phone 325. ny, Avaiiasia or WRONTENAG DOAN AND INVEST. men clety; COrport 81. President, W. F. Nickie, Xe: v resident, A. Roperties, municipal and ebentures; investment bends for sale; de received and interest Aliows coun unis \ pv A SPEED CUTTER. APPLY 182 Frontenac street, HIGH GRADE PIANO. Cormack, 327 Montreal FORD TOURING CAR, JUST OVER. hauled. Phone 530. Nights 17733 FORD CAR, 1916 MOI GOOD * Fondant Apply 163 Nelpon st. or YT, Mee me ONE JERSEY cif "Revs Willian 200 Colin's ¥, Of ONE 120 EGG CHATHAM INC and a hot water Brooder. Apply n Stephen street. JUDSON'S AUTO TO We have the Plate back Cumalins, all kin ONE GROCER'S SONPUTING 120 1b. capac A don, Box 164, le! ont LID BRICK HOW 252, King Street Macnee. 143 King Stree egy A FURS--LARGE TITY OF FURS natural {oy hp wollte cheap, : Bedford, the Avotioneer, 134 Q street. Phone.1731, FIRST CLASS LOT FOR | 135; Earl Street ostlon En leaving city; will sell chéap for cash. Apply Box E-¥, Wing Uftics. HARD AND SOFT BRICR POR asl ia Aigeo or small quantities. B Wathen, 1 Bons 13801. or 618, Relscp hy GENUINE GRAPHONOLA anND selections; your own choice, nt w Herma, $6 cash, r week. C, Lindsay, Limit 21 Princess St GASOLINE LAUNCH, 22 ¥FT.; DOUBLE Cedar hull; good running order; - bargain 'Owner leaving . aly, Phone 404m., between 7-3 p.m. SKIFFS, CANOES, SKIFFS FOR our. board motors; Tents, Awnings. Camp Supplies, ete. Frank W. ke, ity----Bagot streel: Phone BROCKVILLE, Lights for W. Se, ty | mortgages plrchased. 4 CYLINDER, 4 CYCLE GASOLANE engine; 6 ins. x 6 Ins. suitable Roy voat; in §o0d wurking order, at i Kpan. Apply Box P-l4, ng mice. 'MEN'S SUITS, MEN'S AND BOYS boots, furniture, Stoves, heaters, & 800d wet single Aharness, si waggon. Also many other artic! Musi be sold this week. 308 Prine Cess Street. VE FOR SALE ALL KINDS OF ood second hand furniture and BiOovVes. Any person QAvVIAg stoves and furniture io dispose of, we wil} Pay higaest prices. J. Thompson, 383 Princess Nireet. Phone 1svow, we' GOOD, GENERAL PURPOSE M sound and kind in every way; rune KDvul buggy, set of single harness; Culies, deuvery Waggon, aiso & 260 Egg Caatham incubator, sad Brooder; cneap to quick buyer. Ap- ply 401 Division stress, city, IMMEDIATE PoSsuBSION, A NEW brick bungalow at 4354 Alfred St Furnace, electric lignts and gas; three bed rooms, pation, dining room, bath room nd tchen. Price 3800. .00, for a adie ye 0 win up an Datate, JA 159 Nelson Stree or te BATEMANS REAL ESTATE, $1600--FRAME; 6 ROOMS; sTonm cellar. $1600---DOUBLE KR. ©. HOUSE; rooms each: improvements. $2100-~FRAME; ¢ Roous, IMPROVE. ments; lurge lot. $2200-NEW FRAME; § ROOMS; IM. provements; electri lights. S4s00-DOUBLE BRICK VENEER rooms eacn; all dl improvements. bs $2300, FRAME OUS! iatge lot nuh J RoHS: 92,200, Shia AUNG IW, improvements, slag § ROO rie light. ny VICTORY BO FoR SALR, NEY to Loan. 2 ne -- FP FOR 96000100 B AL "fucing the Ng arms. GQ. a Patents. 159 hg 27 Street. PERSONAL. WANTED, COMPOS! VERSE musie, to Nite ngs at once. "Sat ant opportunity for good Address Burrell VanBuren. Pit Grand Opera House, on icago. 4 C. Cartwright, mana - +. ehee street, Kingston. ee DENTAL A. KN B.A, LD.S oRice 30% Princess Street. gi inte, 158 we ay Bay ngton over Carnovsky's. Phone sen E ARCHITECT POWER, SON AND tects, ts' erg dormer of Brock and We ington Sa-- - STRICTLY PRIVA FREE ladies; hundreds § td of weal mems bers; wealthy gr , . mény of them wealthy oH Working persons prefe 'ages from 9. one ie one, CLUR 17 a 40. fampsg addressed sherwood, Isherwood. EY HAIR, ' MOL marks, ski ap | Jas. Swift & Co, - fleg===

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