PAGE TWO neg he ---- SE 73 EDWARDS CUP CAME ESTABLISHED 60 YEARS TRADING RAW FURS We pay the highest cash prices. Ne Select finest skins only OF our man acturing Department, Fur Moka w : } LimiTED 149-151'0lS7: Brock. ST KINGSTON ONTARIO ---- OL MIR, 5.66 s0n" Soturned oom: Botisvii Y His Master's Voice VICTROLA X., $185 Records Jascha Heifetz NEW HIS MASTER'S VOICE RECORDS Marvelous recordings of this young genius, whose playing of the violin has taken the Music Lovers of the world by storm. You are invited to come to our VICTROLA DEPARTMENT and hear the wonderful, new, His Master's Voice Records by this phe- nomenal young artist. ii Caprice--(Paganini) ......... wean. woo 04888 $1.95 . Guitarre--(Moszkowski) Srsersensis vances. 04808--81.25 Valse Bluette--(Dugo) terrscrsnnenrane anes 04708-3125 On Wings of Song-- (Mendelesohn) sss sess ees TAESS$2.00 Romance--( Wieniawski) rreriestea Tienes sss. T60000--$2.00 MAHOOD. BROS. THE HOME OF THE VICTROLA A HITHER CANCELLED T0 HEAR PROTEST OF WOLFE ISLAND The Island Club Stil Claims the Oup Through Verona Quitting--Re. salts of Curling Games. for the Edwards ¢np did not take place Thursday afterntoh. The game | agement of the Wolfe Island club | protested against the order and re- | quested to place their claims before {a meeting of the trustees and execu- | tive committee. The meeting is being | held this. afternoon and it 'will be decided whether the game is to be i played and when. It is understood | championship was decided at the game on Saturday last by what is {termed Verona's default after the {first period when Wolfe Island had ithe lead, If is stated, however, on | behalf of Verona that it was impos { sible to conjpjnue the game on ac- | count of the heavy fall of snow. It | was impossible at the time to. tell the puck from a lump of snow. While the ice was good, the snow pre vented the game being played under normal conditions, and the Verona players claim they were within their rights to decline to go on with: the game, Tickets for the Game. Ald. Thomas Angrove and J. T. last night, having secured 500 tick- jets for to-night's game fof the bene- {fit of the Kingston fans. These were handed over to the treasurer, In order to keep faith with those go- ing on the hockey special at 5.30 p.m,, the executive decided to sell tickets on the train only. 2 Curling Games. A number of club games were played at the local curling rink on Wednesday evening. J. A. Macfar- lane won from - T. M. Asselstine's rink, skipped by T. R. Carnovsky, by a score of 13 to 10; A. Warwick won from J. B. Cooke by 11 to 10; L. Sleeth won from C. W. Crozier by 13 to 9, and R. C. Cartwright won from A. G. Dorland by 11 to 6. In the ladies' club games, played pn Thursday morning, Miss W. Gor- don's rink, skipped by Mrs. R. C. Cartwright, won from Mrs. Davis' rink, skipped by Miss H. Cartwright; by 11 to 6. In the Whig trophy series, B. O. Sliter won from H. D, Bibby by 11 to 8. The rinks were: Trophy. J. McDonald BE. C. Gildersleeve R. C. Cartwright H. D. Bibby Skip... 8 Whig Slater W. McLean M. Elliott O. Sliter Bkip......11 T. A. J. BE. Club Series. R. O. Patterson F. Walsh O. Aykroyd T. Davidson H. 8. Crumley BE. Green J. A. Macfarlane T. R. Carnovsky Skip 13 Skip. .....10 D. Murray . R. D: Sloan W. Frizzell J. W. Power J. 8. Asselstine WwW. H. Dyde J. B. Cooke A. Warwick Skip......10 $3500-- Rideau Street; brick; 7 rooms; hot water heating; hardwood floors; electricity. $3760--Qarrett Street; brick; - 7 rooms; electricity. $4600 -- brick; 7 rooms; modern. . $4800---Johnson Bt.; brick; 9 ~~ rooms; hot water heating. . $2800---Barrie St.; frame; §€ rooms, W. 0. ~ $4000--King St. B.; double brick; 6 rooms each; B. and C. "You know boys," remark- ed Professor Wiseman Good- sight, recently to his class, "In China eye glasses are a badge ot Ihe student and the learn- "In Canada," continued the Professor, "they should also show that you boys have brains enough to make sure that your eyes are fit." : Take a hint om the heath- en Chinese and have your eyes examined by: " $3600--Albert St., brick, new, 7 rooms; furnace; electricity See complete list at office. Money to loan. fee ee bmi elena Sess eae reise Skip......11 F. Purdy E. Elliott BE. Walsh W. Chapman A. Fowler T. Frizzell L. Sleeth C. W. Crozier Skip......13 Bkip...... 9 A. C. Neish B. Mooers D. Buchanan B. C. Cartwright Skip......11 3 Curling, Mrs. Waugh Mrs. Richardson Mrs. Macfarlane Miss Cartwright Skip...... ¢ Miss Cunningham . Mrs. Reid Mrs. Welch Mise Birch Mrs, Melvin Mrs, Walsh Mrs. McKay 'Mrs. Cartwright © Skip......10 Miss Lewis Skip. »....13 The Wolfe lsland-Verons mated' Was ordered tobe played but the mar] | that the Wolfe Island club claims the | home, 1 THE DAILY BRITISH WH ENCIDENTS OF THE DAY : Local Netes and Items of General _. 'Interest. Redishes, rhubarb, Carnoveky's. - W. Swaine, piano tyner, orders at MeAusley's, or "phone 664w; A very large number of penitenti- ary inmates are suffering from infiu- en, Miss Julia Coulter, Glendower, re Fturned home, after visiting friends in Portsmouth and Kingston. It was reported on Thursday noon pthat the sum of $3,161 had been subscribed by St. Paul's church for the Forward Movement. NOw 1s the time . dave your piano tuned. We carry two exper tuners and will assure entire satis & . W. Lindsay, Limited. Willlam Blomley, who has been lo- cated at Norfolk, Wa., was called , owing to the serious ilness of his Mother, who resides at 238 Albert MoGill is planning « gala week- end with an Intercollegiate carnival in which athletes from Varsity, Queen's, Ottawa: Oollegiate, Ver- mont, ete., will take part. This evening's Vestry meeting of Bt. George's cathedral has been called or purpose of selecting a suc- cessor to Rev. 0, F. Whalley, who becomes rector at Brockville. It is expected that the new street car will be put on the Portsmouth line on Friday. On Thursday morn- ing the repairs, which the workmen have been waiting for, arrived. ' We will rent you a plano, and at end of six months if you feel like purchasing instrument we will allow the six months' rental on purchase price, and arrange easy terms on bai Lance, C .W. Lindsay. ' Prevost, Brock street, has received all his spring and summer goods for his order clothing department; also ¢ i \ ] _. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, i920. To Lovers of Good Music Hear the following big hits as played by the Strand and Grand Thea ei +. % tréOrchestrag:i-- ° : Patches, Bye-lo, Hawaiian Moonlight; Dreamy Amazon, Peggy Know, Bells of St You ic .Mary's ..... - - TO-NIGHT and WEDNESDAY Latest Magazines received "Designer, Good Housekeeping, | Companion, Motor, Hearst's, Ma Bazaar, Everybodys, Work, Peoples. ing, Family Journal, Woman's Home : Macleans, 'Physical Culture, Harper's Fashionable Dress, Popular Science, World's The College Book Store Telephone 919 ~ Open Evenings 5 in ready-made clothing and gents' furnishings department there is a big variety to choose from. Bad roads prevented the market gardeners and the farmers from the | district attending the Thursday mor- | ket. Alexander Watts, market gar-| dener, Portsmouth, was the only man | who offered produce for sale. Mrs. McWilliams, Winnipeg, who ie to speak at the Women's Canadian Club on Monday evening is a woman | of striking personality, a clever and | original speaker and a leader for the | efficiency of women in Canadian life. On Thursday morning, the Congre- gational churches of the city. report that their total, for the Forward Movement contributions is §,138 of an objective of $8,000. Of that sym, Bothal church has contributed, $1, 495. Cabbages, celery, etc., Carnoveky's. The city assessor will present to | the civic finance committee at fits | meeting next week a plan for the re- | arrangement of the wards of the | city so that the population may be mora evenly divided for voting pur-| poses, The funeral of the late W. B. Skinner took place from the G.T.R. station to Cataraqui cemetery, Thursday, and was attended by many friends of the deceased's fam- ily. * hi On Tuesday evening pext Cata- raqui Lodge No, 10, 1.O.O.F., will unveil an honor roll containing the names of all brethren who went overseas in the Canadi expedi- tionary force. ; : Miss Harriet C! Davy of this city, who is spending the winter in Miami, Fla, writes that she is delighted with the city and eclimat She is the guest of her cousin, Mrs. Frank J. Brown, 1712 Avenue H, Miami, Arthur Lavinge, alias Ray. a pris oner in the Portsmouth penitentiary, who was serving his second sentence for an offence. agaist a young girl, died on Wednesday. It was his se- cond term in the institution. He was fora time regarded as being mentally lent, Mayor Niol is keeping tab on the meeting of the civic committees and he had a great time So-day sr ing to keep the aldermen from going to Belleville for the hockey match this evening. The sporting aldermen Sonteract that they went to represent the city. - On Thursday moon, an aged lady, who boarded the street car as it was coming down Princess stréet, complained to the conductor about the number of men who per- sist in standing in the vestibule of the car and in so doing making it very Inconvenient for passengers to either A ---- For Colds, Grip or Influenza and as a preventative, take LAXA- TIVE BROMO QUININE Tablets, Look for BE. W. GROVE'S signature on the box. 30c. EENENNEENNNENNNENEG H oh FOR THE LADIES Suits to Suit the i rd to be Suit- ed. Popular Priced 3 . r Newman & Shaw "The Alway ays Busy Store" : re a \ . gateway in frat clase stath of repair r Fosension Map 1 BROCK STREET--Rough cast; 6 rooms; way a. Possession May 1st. : in good state of on ay 1s