~ ~ hala THE DAILY Bai1ish WHIG : = ==--------------= fs} STANING VOTEITHREE MONTHS IN JAIL} | Price Is Not All lf momen mma i mamas | A Report by the Citizenship Comuit- | Frederick. Wells Admitted . Stealing IH teo--Eligibility For Municipal Of-| Some Harness, and Was Remand- fices--To Post Dates of Meetings. ed Till Monday for . Sentence Hl - | m= z ep poe-veeses-- aries QS ----" IT IS NOT WHAT YOU PAY for a SUIT that counts--it is what you get for your money. One suit could be poor buying at $18.00, and another Suit could be big value' at $45.00. : "Whether you give us $18 or $45 for your Suit you get full value for your money every time. Try us for your next Suit. D. J. WILL "THE MEN'S STORE" 3 5 The local branch of the National | Police Found Missing Harness in . Council of 'Women held its regular! Second-hand Shop. monthly meeting on Thursday after-i oo months in jail was the sent: noon, Feb. 19th, in the Committee! "1. od Magi ". . n mposed by Magistrate Farrell | room, city buildings, the president,| = goss Cote, a*young man, in the Mrs. John Macgillivray, in the chair, | 1 Those present included Miss Machar, [police court on Friday morning Jor Miss Mucklesioh, Mrs. Lavell, Miss g Ronan, Mr& Alexander Mrs. McCallim, ) aving received Stolen goods, know- hail | ing the same to have been stolen. Macphail, | 7he goods tn question consisted of a 8. Arthur EIS, | ooantity of coal which Had been Mrs. Bruce Taylor, MggeW. F. Nieklé | p03 up on the Grand Trunk tracks | Mrs, Day, Mrs. Jordas, Miss Mowat, I % young brother of Cote. 'The | Mrs. Strachan, Miss Bajus, Mrs. Cole- youngster was gathered in by a man, Mrs. Sandford . Calvin, Mrs. |G. nq Trunk constable in the local Ranedy, iss. Dremmond, ad uo. | yards on Wednesday night. ded by "Mi oF ha and carsed accused pleaded gullty to the charge. Ing ote, "That s Exe- Frederick wells, an other Founs cutive meeting, representing Wur lo- (an, a A Siulins Wik. cal council, now place on record its! Ham Denney. Hé admitted his gulls, {| warm appreciation of the long com- | = di 11° Mi '| tinued and faithful services remder- tang was Jemanded. § onlay fo ed by our late Hon-President, Mrs. | ""'o ooo i oils purloined the harness from Hugh Fraser, who presided over its | id Th 2 early growing years, and by ber wise | DenRY's stable. e theft Wis re i to the police, and Constable a ~ | and kindly leadership, greatly pro- | POTtEd 10 the Bo he missing NOX A COLD TABLETS ™oted its social services in_so.many | osslie Clark a second-hand' Shop, " { harness in A sate and for different 'directions. Flu, & mild laxat! Breaks a ge ' Saturday { where Wells had disposed of it. Con- coniding th solution, Miss o ours Jo. second £ tho Teslutla regard | Stable Jumes Cotter rounded up the few houss. Get the genuine, tor ietlate Mrs. Hugh Fraser with | di? , Sine 380 per hex. wiigm she had been ott ciaily connec- | ., The ease of W, 3. Face: who is Sold at . d y charged with having secured $5 from er tl tien ss to Smith Bros., jewelers, under false FR Brice Taylor," converior of | Pretences, was up for the setond y ; time. The accused stated that he peitiaéishly commities. called atten | 4" sme money to make restitution, land the magistrate is giving him a Women's White and Grey Rubbers . . . «vou eos. 35c Odd sizes, Children's Black Rubbers ....csees..35¢. for many years, in the local | 1 a----. . MINIATURE WAR DECORATIONS ERB yotewill find eye glass We have in stock, vis: comfort. If you prefer spec- tacles we will adjust the nose plece and the bows to fit your facial characteristics. We are skilled in { the profession of optometry and can de trusted to make an exact inquiry into your éye,condition and to pre- scribe for you the glasses that will restore your sight, ~=Military Cross ~Military Medal --Mons Star 1014-15 --D. C. M. ~=Distinguished Flying Cross. A miniature of any Decoration, Order and Medal can be pro- cured. . J.J. "The House of Better Glasses" Opposite the Post Office KINGSTON. Kinnear & d'Esterre » 100 PKLICESS ST. PHOSPHODINE. LAND FOR SALE, Olden Township, 301 acres, min- etal Fights reserved, amber lot, hie wood, valuable. oe a. ATRICK, © OR 4 : YOUR OLD TIRES " Give Double Mileage if They Are REBUILT | By Our Latest Process 10 p.c. DISCOUNT FOR 10 DAYS ONLY.ON ALL UILT TIRES TIRE AND TUBE REPAIRS, DON'T WAIT TILL SPRING, I A finding but that so many of those have not the necessary legal qualifications. This difficulty is not insurmountable and the council would urge the mem- bers of each society to activity along this line this year. "Many questions are to be before cur city council in (ts coming ses- sfons, and several of these require that a by-law be passed by the pro- | perty holders. It is of. vital interest to the women of the community to have a thorough re-organization of few indeed are the women who do not wish to see G. Y. Chown's scheme of a free library realized. To the ful- filment of both these schemes it is necessary to pass a money by-law, and guly those men or women asses- sed as owners of property can vote on a money by-law. It is therefore of paramount importance that women with broad vision and with a true love for the progress of the munici- pality in which they live'should qu- ality themselves as quickly as pos- sible. - "To be eligible for any municipal to have a vote as regards the coming by-law it is necessary that your name should be on the voters' list of your municipality. This list is made up from the assessment roll by the city clerk, and is composed of all men and women, married or 'single, of 21 years of age, British subjects asses- sed at not less than $400, or who pay taxes on an income of not less than $400, (but only those assessed as owners of property can vote on mo- ney by-laws.) "Women who are living in a house owned or leased by their hushands or fathers should ask their men-folk to make them a deed of gift giving them a share equal to at least $400, in the property, in which case the assessment roll will show the man and woman as joint owners, and both their names' should then be put on the voters' lists. This gould enable women not merely to vote at the mu- nicipal elections, but to hold office." Mrs. Day reported that the health committee hoped to arrange for some moving pictures to be put on at one of the local 'theatres, which would have an educative value from the standpoint of health. | Mrs. Bruce Taylor moved that a register of prospective meetings of different societies and clubs be kept Hn the public library, fo prevent the overlapping of dates of meetings or entertainments. Mps. Lavell seconded 'this resolu- tion, which was carried unanimous- ly, and Mrs. Kennedy announced that she had a frame at the library, suitable for just such a purpose, and that she would willingly post the 'dates of meetings, if a card were = | sent her by the secretary of societies interested. This is another instance of how the library may be used for "reference," and of how ready the $l obliging librarian is to be of service ~~ DOITNOW Tomorrow May Be Too Late Yot Can SAVE MONEY Today Good HHT ERR HHT sizes 8 to 10%. Tel : Misses Higheut, Gun Metal Calf and Vici Kid Bas; ; , Simes 11 t0 3. | y : Mesh Co ROW convennvsasanes chsssscessmmr manasa en » Ax ~~ AE 5 a A SHOE STORE : La : ed 111 PRINCESS STREET © x! oy t 3 iE Z| to the public. It is hoped -that the societies will make use of this re- gister. ? > NAPANEE MAN APPEALS. - 3 ---- Ice-Cutter Dhjscta Pay Damages For Boys 8. C. Denison, Napanee, brought an appeal before the court at Os- : Hall in regard to the $500 which he was ordered at the assizes to pay to Mr. and Mrs. opening made by Mr. Denison's ice- operations, and: were drown- e site of the fatality had been used for: skating for thirty years, and. there were some branches which looked like the goal posts used by the boys. : '"The difficulty in getting candi=| dates for: manicipal office is not in | olen suited for civic werk | the Kingston General Hospital, and | office whether on the council or on | one of its standing committees, and | Castaldi because their two sogs, An- ite =| tonia and Pappina, skated 'into an than | for a de chance to pay up. { THE ROCKET INVENTOR. Professor Goddard. of Worcester Col- Women's Carpet Slippers .. ....cveeneransicssss 306 These goods must be cleared out Saturday. { lege, Massachusetts, | with his new rocket and its apparatus. 'BIG FIVE DRIVE OVER OBJECTIVE $11,749,000 NOW Denomination. Objective. Reported, Methodists ..$4,000,000 $4,266,563 Presbyterians. 4,000,000 4,000,000 Anglicans ,..2,600,000 2,600,000 Baptists .. .. 850,000 878,188 Congregational alists .. .. 100,000 104,882 Totals ..$11,450,000 $11,749,633 | They've done it! 'Every one o. the five great Protestant denomina- tions in the Inter-Church Forward Movement drive has reached the goal set for it. As a matterot faet, more than a quarter of a million dollars has been reported above the objec. tive. for the quintet of deénomina- tions. Kingston Old Boys' Association. At the annual meeting of the Kingston Old Boys' Association of Toronto the following officers were elected for the year: President, J. J. Donnell; vice-presidents, Messrs. J. C. Hardy and Clarke Allen; secre- tary, J. M. Sherlock; treasurer, John Mol.eod; auditors, J. V. Massie and C. W. Livingston; chaplain, Rev. Dr. W. R. Young. The honorary presi- dents of the association are Justice Britton and Brig-Gen. Sir Henry Pellatt, M.C.V.O. McAdoo's Belief. New York, Feb. 20 --Willlam G. McAdoo to-day declined 'to permit his name to be voted on im Demo- cratic presidential primaries of Georgia, declaring "Every effort should be made to send uninstructed delegates' to the national conven- tion "from every state where poss- ible." i But, McAdoo sald, he n arded It to accept nomination if iti should come to him unsolicited." The women teachers of the public schools are not satisfied with the In- creases "by the Board of Education and are asking for better rms. b Mrs. Marjorie Grant Craig, wife of James P. Craig, of the stockbroking firm 'of Craig, Luther & Irvine, Mont- real, and a daughter of M | eral Sir vid and Lady Watson, | Quebec, died in influenza on day. She was only twenty-four years married in October last. : The rumor that Sir Lomer Gouin would leave shortly after the session i experimenting || Fur Neck Pieces and Muffs We have the new models in the fashionable Furs and now is the time to buy as next year's prices will be higher. ? Come.in and look. ASTOUNDING FAOTS THAT COUNT Household Furnishings are "pouring" out of this ims mense stock dally to our ute most capacity. It is a fact that if the buying public knew the conditions of the market, to-day, the advanced prices that are coming, and the great sacrifices we are making, they would grasp the chance while it is on. James Reid Phone 147 for Services ' Sah 1 CAMPBELL - BROS. Kingston's Oldest Fur Store HET A CO AO "as the imperative duty. of any man |. SAKELL'S Our Ice Cream is ofthe prusect quality, made only from the best of farm cream, and our Fruit is of the finest, but what is the use of telling you all this--what we want is for you to ay our Cream and we are as- sured you will ever use any other. prolonged visit to Europe. is| A Great D