a. 1 -| FRIDAY, FEBRUARY, 27, 1020 20 YEARS SEMGH | 18 SUCCESSFUL Halifax Man Gains Twenty Five Pounds and Ends Trouble. "When a man has had stomach trouble for years so bad he couldn't eat anything without suffering agony and then finds 4 medicine that fixes him up in a few weeks time so noth- ing hurts him, I think it's time for him to talk for the benefit of) others. Well, that Is what Tanlac ¥as done for me and more, for I am twenty- five pounds heavier than I was when 1 began taking it and am feeling just like a wan made O¥gr, The above statement was recently made By Frank Walsh, a. stationery onginger living at 62 West street, Halifax, Neva Scotia, and although remarkable is by no means unusual, as many thousands in all parts of the American continent have testified to having used the medicine with the same wonderful resulis, ' "For about five years, he continu- ed, " 1 suffered almost continually with my stomach. I had no appetite and it seemed that everything I would eat disagreed with me. There was a feeling like a lump of lead in the pit of my stomach and I would bloat up. so with sour gas that could scarcely get my breath. I would have tewrible cramping pains and vo- miting spells after meals and would be In misery for hours. Some nights 1 could hardly close my eyes to sleep, | my stomach hurt 'me so, and I have had to get out of bed and wis «i floor for hours trying to get relief and a little rest. I have gone for Weeks at a time with such an awful Pain in the pit of my stomach that I could hardly stand it; and I could hardly retain enough of what I conld t to keep soul and body together, yas constipated all the time and hist splitting headaches, and was so weak and. played out that I had to lay off from work two and three days at a time, ' + It would be almost impossible to tell just how bad I did suffer before I got Tanlac. Why, I simply dreaded to eat and had fallen off nearly thir. pounds in weight. but Tanlac has anged things completely. around for me. I have been taking it now for a little more than thirty days and ean eat just anything without having Ss a sign of indigestion and 1 doubt i there's a man in Halifax with a bet- * ter appetite. I haven't felt so well | in years and haven't an ache or pain of'any kind, I don't have any more of that tired, no account feeling and have been putting in full time every day since right soon after 1 began taking Tanlac. After Tanlac has done 80 much for me I would go out of my way to tell others about ft, there's nothing too good to say for such a medicine." Tanlac is sold in Kingston by A. P Chown, and by the leading drug- gists in every town. ~--Advt. A A ie DONT BE A SLAVE T0 YOUR NERVES Good Advice to Nervous People People -who are excessively ner- yous, tired out and all run dowm, who get the jumps and fidgets, who ¢an't concentrate their minds on work, have fits of blues, trembling, nervous headaches and dyspepsia and that "don't give a hang" feeling so common to nervous folks, it as a certain fact that t is dpe to impoverished gf devitalized «nerve force. Their nee cells are Starving and when they Afve out en- i tirely, complete nervous prostration or breakdown is the result. A splendid tjeatment for weak nerves is found in the famous Ferro. : Pepting, composed of six of the best imerve vitalising elements known to | modern chémistry. 'tablets go .| straight to the nerve cells and begin "x (immediate action. Take a Ferro- Peptine tablet, wait ten minutes and watch yourself perk up. They feed thy blood eircilation and normal di- gestion. Then you brighten up, put on a smile, get some of the old-time "pep" back in your system and feel as happy as a clam at high tide. Fer- ro-Peptine is absolutely harminas, sontains no dangerous habit-torming drugs, is easy to take, inexpensive and all' druggists sell it on a posi: five guarantes of successful results or money back. You Can Bring Back Color and Lus- | tro With Sage Tea and Sulphur, © When you Serkan your hair with Sage Tea and 8 iphur, no one can , because it's $0 naturally, 'evenly, this mixture, Eh, at home Is mussy and roublesome. At Httle cord can buy at Jay drug state 2% ae preparation; improved » on of other ingredients called yeth's Sage OF soft ; aa 'ai , and, aft . appears, after fo application or two, your hair mes beautifully darkened, glossy © and luxuriant, Gray, faded hair, though no dis- ce, is a sign of old and all desire a you '| bate dog tax. Council adjourhed to -------- From The Countryside PORTLAND. Feb. 23. There are a great many people in the village and country at present laid up with colds. The roads are in such bad condition that the farmers have not been bringing any wood into the village. R. Morris spent Saturday in Smith's Falls. Clay- ton Sly, who has been on the sick list for some time, is improving. A 16th, and was well attended. Mrs, Richard Morris is in Ottawa, taking care of her son's wife, who ls quite ill at present. Born: to Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Freeman, a son. Miss Bell Morris, who has been {ll for the last couple of days, is improving. The saw mills have not started to work yet. On account of so much snow, the logs are coming in very slowly. iy t SELBY, Feb. 23.--There was no school last week on account of the teacher being sick. A number attended the | sale at John Hughes' on Monday. { Miss O. Pringle and Mr. Henderson | were married on Wednesday last. A | number are laid up with la grippe. F. L. Amey returned home on Sat- {urday from Toronto, where he has {ben attending the automobile school. { Mrs. Martin * 'has gone to liwe with { her nephew at Bath. Visitors: Mr. {and Mrs. A, Martin'at B. Robinson's; { Mr. and Mrs. Ramsey and children at C, Arnold's; Mr. and Mrs. Me- Leod at D. Deénison's; Miss Farns- worth at her father's; Mr. and Mrs, G, McFarlane and children at M. Dridge's. { Prince Edward BONGARD'S. . The regular meeting of the Ladies' Ald is to be held at the home of Mrs. Shepard, the first Thursday in March. Mr. and Mrs, Blake Harr son, of Adolphustown, were in this vicinity on Sunday. KB. Hobson has sold his farm to D. Kellar, of Wau- poos; and purchased XK. Peterson's rm. Mr. Peterson intends going to Oshawa to reside. | Estella. Eaton is visiting | friends at Conway. Many here are il] with grippe. Mrs, H, Carnahan en- tertained some (riends to tes re- cently, Township Councils PORTLAND. ) Verona, Feb. 2.--Members all pre- sent. Minutes of last meeting amended by making the rate of wages for snow shovelling 30 cents per hour for a man. Moved, Cowdy- Amey, that council endorse petition to Hydro-Electric Power Commission respecting Petworth dam. Carried. Tenders. for .the ve-flooring and painting interior of township ha'l were received from Bava & Co, for painting, $180; James Selby, for painting, $178.30; Fred Young, for painting, $155; Charles Hebert, for painting, $1956; E. M. Revelle, for painting, $150; Thomas Cowdy, for painting, $185; Herbert Dowker, for painting, $120; James Selby, for re- flooring, $420; Thomas A. 'Andre, for re-flooring, $400; Thomas Cow- dy, for re-flooring, $245; "Herbert Dawker, for re-flooring, $280, Moved, Amey-Wannest, that Her bert Dowker be awarded the contract for re-tlooring and' painting of walls and ceiling, table and chairg of the township hall according to his tend- or, $380. Carried. BH. Martin wus given permission to cut a tree on the rs. Thomas Trousdale. Moved, Amey-Vannest, that the township-yf | Portland pay their share of $100 ex" penditure on Hinchinbrooke build. ing, providing they approve of the location of the work, Aceounts paid: $7, Alfred Redmond, one cord of wood for township hall; $7, Thomas Cox, one cord of wood for township hall; $2, Jackson Press, book for auditors; §2, Mathew Trousdale, re- meet in Harrowsmith, March 1st, at 1 p.m. ------------ Both France and Engladd were compelled to confer military rank on np pg : men phys made' the Shoriase to call large numbers of women into the service. i Jane Gregory, daughter of former United States Attorney Gen. eral Gregory, who has pledged her- self to support three Belgian war orphans, has been awarded the Order of Queen Elizabeth, % Monday, dance was held in the hall on the I posite the rty of |. your famished nerve cells, start heal- Hs hon n re _THE DALI Y BRITISH WHIG HOW TO MAKE YOUR! HAR BEAVTUL Ten Minautes' Home Tae a a { Wonders, St Dandruff and Rakes the Hair Soft, Brilliant, Lustrous and Fluffy. 4 -. Better than all the so-eslled "hair * tonfes™ in the world is a simple, old- | fashioned homd recipe consisting of | plain Bay Rum, Lavona (de Come! posee) and a little Menthol Crystals. These three mixed at home in a few minutes, work wonders with any scalp, Try it just one night and ses. Get from your druggist 2 os. Lavona, 6 oz. Bay Rum and 3 drachm Mea- tho! Crystals. Dissolve the Crystals in the Bay Rum and pour in 8 os. bottle. Then add the Lavona, shake well and let stand for an hour be- fore using. Apply it by putting/a | little of the mixture on a soft cloth. | ° Draw this cloth slowly through the hair, taking one small strand at a time, This cleanses the hair and scalp of dirt, dust and excessive oil | and makes the hair delightfully soft lustrous and fluffy. To stop the hair | from falling and 'to make it grow agein rub the lotion briskly into the | Scalp with the finger tips or a med fum stiff brush. Apply night and mornlsg, A few days' use and will A6t find a single loose or MIag- gling hiir. They will be locked on your heads as tight ag a vise. 'Dan- druft will disappear. You will find fine downy 'new hairs"Sprouting up all over your scalp and this new hair will grow with wonderful rapidity. Any druggist can sell you the above. The prescription is very ine expensive and we know of nothing so effective and certain In its results, A mab edn so hon ve end ~ COR OUT AND HE WENT > SET Tha BOTTLE Down oN Tue IT'S UNWISE to put off to-day's duty until to- morrow. If your stomach is acid-disturbed take Ki-M0ID the new ag to digenifont Jopbfort today. pleasan from the discomPort of acid-dyspepsia. MADE BY SCOTT & BOWNE MAKERS OF SCOTT'S RMULSIO IN a en tt HOW TO DARKEN GRAY HAIR A Cincinnati Barber Tells How to Make a Remedy for Gray Hair. - Mr, Frank Harbaugh, of Cinein= atl, Ohio, who has been a barber for more than forty years, recentl made the following statement: 'Anyone can prepare a simple mix ture at home, at very little cost, that will darken gray hair, and make it soft and glossy. To a half-pint of water add 1 ounce. bay rum, a small box of Orlex Compound and % ounce glycerine, These ingredients can he bought at any drug store wt very Ilit- tle cost. Apply to the hair twice a week until the desired shade is ob- tained. This will make & gray-hair- ed person look twenty years young- er. It Is easy to use, doses not color the most delicate scalp, is not sticky or greasy and does not rub off." was filled with the most. wonderful sights. From its top, hung lon strings of precious jewels. Here an 'there funny little men with funny little faces hopped around on three legs before a wonderful throne made of diamonds and rubies on which sat Canada's Coal. Canada's coal production during 1919 has probably been about thir- teen million tons. This is rather dis- Appointing when compared with the 1918 fgures, for it shows a reduced output of about 13. per cent. Strikes i even with a production 15,000,000 toms, Can- to import over. 21,000,000 uring the nancial year that Tit, i i Scoville-Mumm, . a former Kansas d New England furnishes the great- y shiefly, alae lack of tonmage for the tion cutting | f of guar girl, for reinstatement as an Ameri. | citizen, Dicky and David Peep into 'Fairyland Dicky and David ran down the path that led into the woods as fast as they could go. Suddenly, abou: ten feet in oni ®f them went a streak ur. a . squirrel!" cried Dicky, "Come on, we'll see where he goes." MDen't frighten him tos much, Ah! Fine For Corns Takes Sting Right Away A painless remedy, sure jt is-- just paint it on a sore corn to-night and to-morrow your feet will feel like new. made absorbs pain Nothing ever hi out of a corn like Putnam's Extrac- tor. It dissolves the hard crust, acts quickly, never land above all, it brings the troubler out by the roots. You'll be satisfied with Putnam's Tr. because it's an old time remedy (hat is just as represented. Dealers everywhere sell this specific est amount of granite in the United 'Stat : for warts, callouses and foot lumps only a quarter. : Dicky," cried David, trying his best to keep up with his little friend. "It may be fun for us, but for him it's dreadful. I know what it means to be frightenad.' : "Frightened, nothing! exclaimed Dicky; slowing down. "He's be ond us now, e went up that old tree over there. I'd like to have seen him closer." . "So would 1," laughed David out of breath a8 he cameup to his friend's side. "Look, the tree has a hole in the trunk!" 3 4 "That's the one the squirrel ran up," replied Dicky. "Oh, say! You just hop on my back and peek in, maybe you can sce 'where he went" Dicky spread his feet apart to bal ance himself andeleaned over, "Climb up and take a peep." S David put his hands on Dicky's shoulders and got up on his back peered into the hollow tree, e gave such a cry of delight that Dicky almost forgot his position and moved; and David the ground. ; t did yout see?" he asked éx- cited : : 1y. : "Oh, Dicky?" exclaimed David: tting his fingers to his lips. "Don't et them hear us talking or else they'll chase us away." : Just 'then a funny little man poked his funny little head out of the hole in the tree and looked down at the "" boys as Dicky was about to climb on David's back. Why, hello came tumbling to Dicky." cried with the funny to do that. both" Before happening there e funny little may ttle face. It's not nice spying on folks. Just come right on : "sure our king will be glad to see you ; f the boys Knew what was they were | right through the hole into the hol- Hollow nothing! Why that tree ~~~ | the pretty gray squirrel they had been chasing. c : Other funny little men with funny litle faces were digging in the dig mond sand that covered the floor of the cave, for that was what ithe hols low tree seemed to be to the bi bringing up spadeful after spade of shining bright gold. They Dicky and David fill their full, for the Squirrel King said. they must be kind little boy# not to stone him when they had the 'chance. "We had no desire to do that," said David. "We just wanted to see where you lived." s "Well, right. here," laughed the Squirrel, King. "Any time boys want gold to huy candy and marbles Just come here and fijl your pocke There's plenty for bogs who are £00 and kind to the wood folks." David jumped down from Dicky's back and laughed heartily: "Really, did you see all that in that tree?" asked Dicky, : { "No, of course I didn't David. "It's just like any ¢ low tree. But don't vou wish jt was filled with diamonds and Dicky laughed, and Hak} through David's, the went on with their play. ~ ---------- Women employed in the of engraving and printing at ingion claim - that they are doing skilled and semiskilled work for J Wages than those paid for ul laborers. Fi David and "No need + in. I'm both { jerked BRINGING UP FATHER '88 8 = of 38 | HATE TO OISAPBOINT | ro WELL YOUR BROTHER is Ny IAL AGAIN + SST in #3 3 oe BA ww 13 + DON'T snow HE'S WANTED FoR MANY THINGS: WHAT Say 010 me WHE THEY Him upp N OCKED OH-HE JUST ASKED | THE JAILER IF THERE . WUZ ANY MAIL £ te Sa