Baily KINGSTON. ONTARIO, FRIDAY; FEBRUARY, 27, 1920 5 an to Te armenians | WOULD MAINTAIN | einen (AADAS MILITIA Pitis > . | COMPARE OUR FRICES : ¥ AND CLOT i . flo We cam secure your Spring Suit order. ' 1 Collier's Toggery COMPARE OUR PRICES AND CLOTHS S¢ we eah secure your Spring Suit order. Collier's Toggery | ' LOUOR SELLING © ROUNLUP MAD | -- TP AND BOUGHT BOOZE FROM THE » BOOTLEGGERS. LAST EDITION ome ai ton ws TURKS, WILL BE Thyes.. Prominent Canadians | wa | SHOR OF POWER of Company. London; Feb. 37.--Colonel Grant | Morden, Sir Gilbert Parker a Sir | Newton Moore are among the direc-| tors of a company announced as ac- | quiring the weekly journal, John | Bull, amalgamating the same with | the publishing firm of Odhams, | which owns two Sunday papers and | a veriety of weekly publications. THE PEACE CONDITICNS { Lv ~ > pa | THIS FOOD DIRECTOR [1 PROVED A GRAFTER | ; - i Sensation Caused in Paris -by | Arvest, a usted | "These massacres in Cilicia are no ---- surprise to me," said Captain Geo. Brussels, Feb. 27.--A great sensa- | B. Hyde, wha only recently returned tion has been caused here by the ar- | from Armenia, where he was one of rest of M. Gaspaft, Director-General {the most active field workers for the Be ry of Fo ate, | Near Bast Relief, commentiai upon who is aceused, with two men named |the latest Turkish outrages in ths Doyen, father and son, of improper | vicinity of Marash, where thousands dealings in potatoes and sugar, and {ot innocent Armenians wera | of Sntuntion, + civil servant, who |Slaughtered. He pointed out that has always. been regarded us a man |the massacres at Aintab, Marash of the highest character, is alleged and nearby villages are a,continua- {tion of the wholesale ones that to have admitted that he was the technical advisér of the Doyens, who | shocked civilization during Turkey's { participation in the world war. paid him 15,000 francs a year, and tent of 50,000 francs in a fur shop | time T was in Aintab district 'there were isolated outrages, and' anyone with eyes could see the Turks and! Kurds were only awaiting the op-| portunity to strike again. When i got to Conftantinople I warned the Allied officials and the American High Commissioner of what 'was | coming." Gea. Curie Scores Those Opposed to \n Effic.ent Military ores. FE MRTLLERY RECORD acknowl. ©" | MADE BY CANADA IN THE GREAT edged ... i.4 vas$1930.48 WAR RECOUNTED A Friend '... «ss 5.00 ue A A AA ea A S-- Staicment Wade in te rth House By Lt a The capital of the combined com- pany is one and a half millions. Ho- | > ratio Bottomley - will . continue the ed torship ot John Bull. {DRASTIC ENOUGH TO SATISFY It is belleved that this new enter- BITTERES EMI | prise also contemplates starting an] TEN ES. other London paper. The London {The Dardanelles W newspaper field, in fact, is generally o elles Will simmering with changes and flew ventures. Previgusly At the Meeting of the Canadian Ar- tillery Association In Ottawa~--The 'Minster of Militia Speaks. Ottawa, Feb. 27.--Those people who were ppposed to, the maintenan- ce of an efficient militia force in, Ca- nada, were either . "Bolshevistically Evidence Before Magistrate Farrell ~--Some - Revelitions Regarding | Poker Playing in Veterans' Rooms, ' As the result of efforts put forth by detectives acting. for the provin- cial government, in conjunction with Be Opened and Removed From Turkish Con. trol--India's Fine Record. London, Feb. 27.--The decision not to oust Turkey from Constanti- nople was reached by the Allied! also that he took a share to the ex- conducted by the Doyens, who paid that sum for him. In that sliop was found hidden half a ton of sugar. The potato charg is connected with export licens hich it is al- TEACH RUSSIANS leged Gaspart gram BRITISH SPORTS in return for ha the Jocal inspector, Will charged with selling liquor. The men taken in charge are W John Gallagher, Barney Birmingham and fam Seals, Willlam Mitchell, Charles Grass. The oases came before Magistrate Farrell in the police court on Friday McCam- mon, flve men were" rounded up, foodstuffs against the Doyens appar-| + ently will bé dropped on technical grounds. They are remanded on the charge of corrupting an official, il- Wolves Go to Station; Meet Trains. Slam Negotiations. Winnipeg, Feb. 27.--Out at Gun- ton, a vHlage near Winnipeg, wolves parade the streets in "road daylight, to the Doyens | , 0 . ome presents. | The charge of improper dealings in | 1 A | As Nalin Premier Agecs to Fresh Jugo- and usually come to tLe station to ATT SHOWS MODERATION inclined" or they belonged to anoth- ly out of the war, declared Lieut.- Genera} Sip Arthur Currie, Inspector- General of Canadiam Forces, in the dourse of an address before the Ca- nadian Art:llery Association, at the annual meeting of that organization yesterday. One of the best ways of preventing attack, contended Sir Ar- thur, was by being completely pre- pared for all eventualities, and he er class which had profited financial- | All Prisoners in Hands of Sov= jet in Good Health and Spirits: Moscow, Feb, 27.--British prison- ers in. Russia are well treated Many of them are playing ina foot- ball team here in Moscow, and are teaching the Russians British sports. All ara in excellent health and good Supreme Counetl only after long consideration of the difficulties m the Turkish situation, Premier Lloyd George declared in the House of Commons yesterday, when. the ques- tion of the future of Turkey was brought up for debate. % The decision, said the Premder, 'was a balance of advantages and dis- | spirits, advantages, and it was upon this morning, and the magistrate had a. "field day" ot it, the session lasting until long after the noon hour. OC. meet incoming trains. So says Chris- topher Possett. Possett, who is sta- tion agent in the village, an' cham- balance, and after weighing care-| i There are only a few cases strongly advocated the continuanc ngly . fully all the arguments pro and oom of sickness. - M of Canada's militia. £) The prisoners are chafing under BY OFFERING TO DISOUSS NEW a R. fF ater conducted' "the prosecu- Detective Arthur John Jettrey pion wolf-killer in the districy" usu- ally slays two orethree in the marn- ing before breakfast, he told Mag's- trate Richardson yesterday when he came to the central station AGREEMENT. British and French Premiers Discuss Italian Zone in Asia Minor--The 4dentitied Seals as the man from whom he had bought a bottle of whiskey and. paid $7 for it on Feb. 18th. .The sale took place in the year ut the sitting room' of the Al bion Hotel. police for a permit to buy a revolver. Hungarian Peace Delegates' Reply. (Canadian Press Despatch) Paris, Feb. 27.--Premiers Lloyd- | George ahd Millerand were able to | BISHOP J. ®' LUCAS Of the Mackenzie River Diocese, who has been for 28 years working among | the Eskimos in the frozen North. Some | Artillery officers from all parts Canada assembled for the opening sess.on. Lieut,-Colonel B. R. Arm- strong was in the chair, Reviewing the policy of the Cana- dian militia before the war, Major- General Sir Edward Morrison point- edl to the fact that Canada was not as badly off from point of view of preparation as many people had The visit of Sir John the delgy of effecting the exchange with Russian prisoners. There are complaints concerning' food. ET BANKERS TO TAKE ACTION TO PREVENT SPECULATION IN OVERSEAS SEOURITIES. that the Council concluded thet on the whole the better course for! : achieving the common end Was to retain the Turk in the capital on the Bosphorus. Referring to the agreement made early in the war under which Russia was to obtain Constantinople, Mr. Lloyd George said this agreement | quickly reply to President Wilson's AMONG NEW ACTS 'SUGGESTED { note relative to the Adriatic through BY ONTARIO TREASURER. | action of Premier Nitti, who, anxious pram {to give proof of his moderation, con- views of his diocese are also shown. | thought. RUSSIA HAS EYES - ON CONSTANTINOPLE lad ended, so far as Russia was con- cerned, by the revolution of 1917 and the peace of Brest-Litovsk. He reiterated his pledge that there Deteétive Jeffrey recognized Bir- mingham as the man from whom he had bought a bottle of whiskey on Feb. 18th. The sale took place in French to this country had revealed "the fact that many ofthe Dominion Artillery units were sufficiently rained to go into the war without Which Are Being Dumped Back On the Canadian Stock = Market-- the Army and Navy headquarters. The money was handed over on a stairway, and the wet goods were delivered in a lavatory. Detective Young was present when the sale was made. Birmingham declared that he had never met either of the detectives in the Army and Navy Veterans' rooms. William Mitchell © was charged Increase of Succession Duties Sure-- | Some Legislation to Be Put] Through This 'Session. Toronto Feb. 27.--The Drury Gov- ernment is not intending through any more legislation than possible this session. to put However, there sented to enter into fresh negotia- tions with M. Trumbitch, Jugo-Slav foreign minister, says Pertinax in the Echo de Paris. The premiers, therefore, hastened to make known this new Italan concession to Mr. Wilson, begging him to use his good Acording to Pamphlet 'Alleged | to Be Signed By Lenine. Geneva, Feb. 27--A Bolsheviki | pamphlet, supposedly issued by Nik-! olai Lenine, the Russian Soviet Pre- | mier, and just received here, raises | much further preparation, and other batteries, according to that' distin- ished military authority, could be #4 with but a few weeks' train- i This was a gratifying fact and one at which many people were sur- prised, The war, however, continu- ed Sir Edward, proved the accuracy of the predictions of Sir John Statement Issued By President C. A. Bogert. (Canadian Press Despatch) Ottawa, Feb. 27.---Securities esti- mated to total a billion and a quar- tér dollars will be affected by the re- cent agreement reached with the bro- kers on Canadian stock exchanges. The securities: are Canadian securi- would be "a different porter i gates,' however. It woul ~ ae height of folly again to trust the guardianship of those gates to & people who had betrayed their trust he declared, and never again would those gates be closed by the Turks in the face of British ships. The Premier referred to the "'per- fectly deliberate pledge" are certain Government bills that are bound to be put through, to live up to promises made, Some of the most important meas- ares fo go through are--The Super- annuation Act, the classification of ties, Goyernment munfeipal and in- dustrial, sold in London before the war. Now owing to the collapse in sterling they are being bought in London and dumped on the Canad- ian market. Action is necessary if the price of. the Victory loans is to iven offices to facilitate an agreement. French. : & by The two premiers, the ter adds, also Seng the Italia one in Asia Minor, which, he says, will compromise all the western part of the region with the exception of the question of Constantinople. It asks why the Allies are deliberating on the future of Turkey, "which. be- longs to Russia under a promise made by the Allies in 1815 as recom- pense for the Russian effort." the British Gokernment in J 1918, in which it was ASOSRLeR That Great Britain was not fighting to deprive the Turks of Constantinople subject to the Straits being inter- nationalized and neutralized, and with putting over 'a sale on Feb. $4th. Detective Youpg swore tha: he bought a bottle from Mitchell ir a room leading to the lavatory at the Army and Navy headquarters that he paid Mitchell $6, afd that A Great Record. Sip Edward Morrison pointed to the record of the Canadian Artillery in the war, which, he said, would be fully told in history. Detactive Jeffreys was present when the box, ee Be 1e sore thas he ot 'nd Navy head 'A never seen the detectives, Detective Young swore that he isde a desl with John Gallagher r«the purchase of a bottle of quor, and that the bottle was de- 'red to Rf in the laneway at th: rear of Pappas's pool room on the night of Feb, 21st. The sum of §¢ { was paid for the liquor. Detective Jeffrey wag present when the money was paid. Gallagher, in his evidence, said that he went to the Army and Navy headquarters on the night of Feb 21st, about eight o'clock, and stayed the civil service, amendments to the Winister of Mines, amendments to . he Huccession Duties Act, act to nake -~rovincial {ncorhe tax, amend- nents co the Education Act, amend- nents to the O.T:A. ; ; The provincial treasurer is also of tLe opinion' that the province should mjqy a little of a rich: man's money vhile he is alive. Therefore, it is nost probable that an income tax act will be introduced by which every Jerson drawing an income in the pro. vince will contribute to the coffers of the province. This act, however, Well 10t hit very hard the man who earns v salary. It is the intention to get Workmen's Compensation 'Act, 'Moth- | tielf "ors" Pension' Xet, uét to sppoint-the Smyrna and its environs which will be reserved to iof 6 Fo Sin influence ~~ Meander Valley, while Greece was given Karahissar, in the Vilayet of Sivas, an important rail- | % road centre on the Bagdad line. + The Supreme Allied Council also!® considered, yesterday morning, the | answer to observations made By the | % Hungarian peace delegates to treaty submitted to that country by the Entente, Pertiax concludes. The + council, He understands, maintains the treaty terms in their essentials, & particularly the clauses relating to # territory. | + ination Coustan cessary, : ve to Italian} the [4 * The Soguient declares MOURNED AS DEAD; . NOW IN GANANOQUE . (Special to the Whig.) Gananoque, Feb, 27.--Anoth- er of Gananoque's soldier sons, whe. went overseas with the '3rd Battery of the 1st Brigade in August, 1914, and who has been mourned as dead by his mother since the close of the war, arriv- ed in town on Wednesday, ac- companied by a wife and young . some other fellows An a game of stated That he bought chips, and tha: i © ¢ase against Grass was also there till 11 p.m. He did not go ou! of the building, but engaged with *"stud poker." i Questioned by the about the poker game, magistrate Gallagher twen' ve cents was kept out of his money by the house for the use of his chair. . Birmingham declared Alt he had 4 "a gocial game of cards" in the Army and Navy rooms, and that he seen no money pass, although he ad- mitted that he had secured chips. Thomas Sherman said he had played poker in the Army and Navy rooms with Gallagher on the night of Feb. 21st: Witness said he had paid $2 for chips to a man named Judd Weir, who was in charge ot the room. : A second charge of selling liquor preferred . against Gallagher was heard before the court adjourned at 1.30 p.m. till 2.30 o'clock, when the taken up. A 2 1 Five government detectives, wih Inspector McCammon, of Kin worked on the case. A big crowd gathered at the police station to hear ifter the man with the big income, o Canada Bought Many of These in +! Last Calendar Year. Ottawa, Feb. 27.--It is difficult to define just what 1s a "luxury," but obviously Canada has been buying many of them from the States. . In the calendar year some of the outstanding imports under that head were : Passenger autos $9,290,131; phog- ographs and records, $2,887,847; oranges and grape fruits, $4,637,243; nuts, $2,620,223; tobacco, including raw, $12,151,454; furs, $6,631,696; films and slides and machines, 326,266; musical instruments, $3,- 772,02; fruits and nuts, $30,946,- 701; toys, $1,081,277; jewellery, §1,- 066,585. . 70 SAFEGUARD ORDER. Ebert Prescribes Death Penalty for Certain Offences. London, Feb. 27.--For the purpose of safeguarding order in' the indus- trial regions of West Germany, Pre- sident Ebert has issued a decree, ac- cording to 'a wireless message from LUXURIES FROM UNITED STATES + $1 son, both of whom had been ac- quired in England. The veteran # was Thomas Lucey, son of Mrs. # George Lucey, Main street, o@ » CPF PEPPEP ES PE IR e PP * od HIS FOURTH FAILURE. Marquess of Queensbury in Bank- Cours - Again, { London Feb. 27.--The Marquess of , Queensberry's affairs are again be- fore the bankruptcy court. This is his fourth failure and in his public examination 'he indicated that it was | dug to shortage of funds owing to | an expoit in Canadian oil and mineral i properties.' When he wag in Canada in December, 1518, his wife cabled kim $7,500, but declined to advance a further $10.000. Consequently he was stranded and cabled his friend Bob Sievier, wbo furnished' $1,600 to enable him to return. Sugar Prices' Stay Up. New York, Feb. 27. Increased consumption of sugar in the United States makes any large reduction in prices improbable, George A. Zabris- One fact which he wished to bring 'te the notice of his Yellow-officers was that Canadian Artillery had ne- 1{ ver lost a gun, U guns were temporarily 'lo through the courage of Dominion troops were recovered. When one gun was found the trail was piled as high as the breeches with empty shell cases, and all members of the crew had given their lives in saving it, It was a gratifying fact, he contin- ued, that the Government had adopt- ed the policy of perpetuating the names of units that served overseas, as officers. who' had seen active ger- vice in France would thereforé com- mand these units. Hon. Hugh Guthrie referred to the policy of the present Goverument in military affairs. The Minister of Militia said he did not think tle present Government had been courting popularity to any extent. and that if it had, it had not been very successful, judgi by rome newspapers. The policy of tlie Gov- ernment had been, he continued, to decide upon a certain course; decide upon wisdom of it, and then pursue it whether it was popular or not: WARNING FROM BRITAIN. Non-Moslem Peoples of Turkey Must be Protected. Constantinople, Feb, 27.--Circu- lars urging that attacks on non-Mos- lem peoples be prevented have been sent to the provincial autherities by the Ottoman minister of the interior, He Bases 'his appeal on the ground that such attacks "prejudice the good disposition of the Powers toward Turkey." The circular is a result of a,warn- ing from the itish high commis- sioriers, who decred that failure of the Turks to accord non-Moslem ele- ments adequate protection would lead to a modification of the supreme be stabilized. Stocks bearing Domin- uarantee, it is as- on 'maket at so low. > fhe Tecline: in sterling that they are being offered im Canada at priv ces to yleld as high as 6.10 per cent. To Discourage Transactions. Canadian ro... Desuacco 4 Montreal, Feb. 27.--An official confirmation of the action to be ta- ken. to effect the desired improve- ment in the stock market situation, which was the result of conferences at Ottawa, Montreal and Torqnto, is given in the following statement by C. A. Bogert, president of the Cana- dian Bankers Association: "The present abnormal British ex- change situation lends itself to spec- ulation in Canida in securities held overseas with the resultant aggrava- tion of Canadian finances. At the re- quest of the Government, in order to minimize and prevent this specul- ation, bankers will take' measures to discourage, such transactions until conditions improve, and in co-opera- tion with brokers and bond dealers will use every legitimate means. to accomplish the end in view." {ibe 8 he remarked parenthetically that this was what would be done with raits. % uid i . y ut the aid of India, Lloyd {eorgs pointed out, Turkey conld not ave been: congiibred, and nothing could be more damaging to British prestige in Asia than 'the feeling that Great Britain did not keep her word. He promised, however, that when the peace terms were disclosed they. would be found drastic enough . to satisfy Turkey's bitterest foe. & News IN BULLETIN. All notes regarding the Adriatie controversy were made public Thurs- day night, President Wilson's last note is very conciliatory. lieved the matter is at an end. Great Britain is considering the question of claiming compensation from the United States for the delay in turning over the German ships alloted to them. A raid on two barracks in County Cork, Ireland, Thursday night, caused several deaths and a large number of wounded civilians. The constabulary were unharmed. : I ey The Russian Soviet have sent out a peace offer guaranteeing also to pay sif®y per cent. of the Russian national debt. d { A Winnipeg newspaper announces it will not accept advertising matter until further notide on account of the shortage of newsprint. - i To Prepare for Next War. | Geneva, Tuesday, Feb. 27.--Cer- man 'war prisoners returning home It is be- Berlin, proclaiming sentence of death | kie, president of the United States for arson, using explosives, or flood- ' Equalization Board, declared to- ing, and damaging property. The ight. ~~ = : & death penalty is also to apply to ring- . jeaders and persons offering resis- tance. or guilty of violence riots or tumultzous les, council's most recent decision re- garding Constantinople which would be less favorable to the Turks. '| from France, of whom 200,000 have. already been repatriated, £2 through Switzerland singing 'Die Wacht am {Rhein'* and = "Deutschland Uber Alles" and declaring that they are going home to prepare for the next War. | the case, but they were given quite a disappointment, 'as they were not adinitted. The round-up of the men "bootlegging caused quite a / 4 onsation. around the city. "| "AINBRIDGE COLBY, OF NEW YORK and Mitchell found | 5.0 of tne leaders of¥he Progress: been | arty, ours Roseman whe : were aniity 4 ge in . Suits ved oo rt Lanst 8 a EST ng as" ane . 3 of State in the Wilson ASministracion. Expect Sugar Increase. 4 Ce sol Tat TYE IS hh ot Se] | | J 5 . ; ' WE Lot 0 , Feb. 27~--The & o | ; Ty | -- Lomi. OFFER OF GUARANTEE . SUCCEED 1} lifting the government control of | 3 § : : i TO WHEAT GROWERS DIN : BEATNG OFF TURKS sugar prices is as yet uncertain. Of- TERY : ticials of the St. Lawrence Sugar Re- | OF 100 Shillings a Quarter. | gy They Had Some Very Hard Be Mage BY Gaverns : Fighting in Aleppo, & $a i | seest - + THE LAURIER MEMORIAL mo: : | : © FUND. MATHIAS ERZBERGER German Minister of Loe Who re- | = of ng sense vidernce Hebe) suit, in which fe Ne) fctus- #d of making a fortune by misuse of his official position. Hy "A committee, of which Rev. is the chairs *% finery amd Atlantic Sugar Company are unable to state what the results | will be, but an increase in price is expected by them owing to the short- opie En eee Lee | (Canadian Press a : v k . London Feb. BT Eh) tar (Canadian Press Despatch) a ihe i sl Agrieniture sunounces that the). londsn, Feb. 27.--Offlclal desnat- : Eaieranent. NAS dechiod 10 _ [hes on the situat'on at Marash, in fn cee the wheat growers-of the Uniteq| Ne viiaret of Aleppor Syria, where wndred - shillings a French troops have been engaged in {a severe struggle with Turkish for- "és, anncunte that the French sue- 'eeded in extricating their coutin- gemts 'after very bard fighting, The French evidently withdrew hastily, as they were compelled to leave their wounded to be cared f Uy the American Cross. 2 A message from the same source confirms reports of massacres of Ar- menians in Marash section, but does | i . Sr not .substantiate from Armeniani + + Horse Killed, Man Escaped. quarters that geveral thousand were : Brockville, Feb. 37.--At three o'.|flavShteted. = = = : elock this John L. Dawson, ! of s TH ing trom a dance, ; struck a CPR. snow plow Hawkins" crossing, eight miles|r h of here. The horse was killed, 300 'escaped by jumping. MOVEMMNT THE LAST STRAW : Says Methodist Pastor In Withdraw- ing From Ministry. Hamilton; Feb. 27-rRev. F. W. ollinrake, who is withdrawing at the end of the present year as pastor of the Barton Steet' Methodist Church here and also from the Met hodist' denomination today. issued a statement giving his reasons. He be- lieves ih 'Nenialism which he says the Methodist Church seeks to "w a hia ot 130 Much tian: P TUS FOR WATCHING PLANTS GROW. "Jered With machinery which hamper- On the extreme right is shown the magnetic crescegraph. od .spititual development. He does plant is attached to the vertical wire suspended from the | 700 SPPION, Be ¢ lever. The lever itself is enclosed in the horizontal Movement, 'he walls tha last on the vertical upright. On the left is shown NEE i seit my rom ie £m ofl orgs ont 1 PLE er 8! ed mirror in of the magnetic lever, a ie re- 1 g =! A ction is obtained on a screen. Inset is Sir Jagadis Chandra | mined, prayertel drive for. souls and ' Pose, inventor of the apparatus. ; Ey A HE : 'material. trom Cuba, however, situation in the near future respect. EE . Hou. F. Riggdowr one quarter for thelr produte next sea- son. The minister says the govera- wont 18 gravely concerned over the dating in the «heat production of : TAR Mosedom which iy attri- Butable to state control and the con- cc oi a free. market, "the result being that almost any other crop gives the farmer a better return. : i i { that | - whl | PLEVRPPTP EPROP Lo Ei of an estate of $449,190.74. The beneficiaries are the widow, Alice Cochrane, and the two ehild-: ren, Wilbur and Edith Cochrane. | a ------------------ straw. "The devil," to appear court for war crimes, but offering to be tried by 8 German judge. * 4