TT EsGetwo. 0 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG : i ANNOUNCING THE SEASON'S FINAL RE- DUCTION ON ALL ODD FURS SCARFS STOLES ~~ MUFFS 3 to 1-8 OFF. i TRADE AN, » in spite of the fact that Raw Furs are advancing from 30% to - » 90%; we #re offering certain fur garméiits in stock at reduction. MEMO.-- Please note change of telephone number. It is now 603., J JOHN _ Cc - LIMITED 149:15I'0I57- Broce x. ST KINGSTON ONTARIO ' ERATE ARN. i TTY i { A complete novelty is here offered in t#® shape of Records by the famous BROWN BROS., Saxophone Sextette. It will be remembered that the Brown Bros, were one of the features of that successful production, "Chin Chin," and they also created & sensation in Stone's new production, "Jack O'Lantern.", Darkiown Strutter's Ball--Six Brown Hros. Raszberries--Van Eps trio my Saxophone Sam---Fox Trot--Six Brown Bros. Ghost of the Saxophone--Fox Trot Smiles and Chuckles--8ix Brown Comedy Tom Pussyfoot March--Six Brown Brds. Bull Frog BIMeS conn ioncniririiiarsi nina La Paloma--Six Brown Bros. Indéependentia~Medley March Peter Gink--One Step--Six Brown Bros. Egyptiand--Fox Trot Chin Chin--Medley Fox Trot--Six Brown Bros, Laverne--Waltz HEAR YOUR FAVORITE RECORDS AT: MAHOOD BROS. J THE HOME OF THE VICTROLA A =S "practice deception; NOOO OO SERRA C00D RESULTS OBTAINED CHANTS' ASSOCIATION. C. A. Beal, of Ottawa, the Organizer, Pays a Visit to XKingston----Im- portant Matters Now Being Com- sidered. C. A. Beal, of Ottawa, organizer for the Dominion Retail Merchants' Association, when interviewed by thé Whig Friday morning, told of the practical results obtained by the association during the past yedr. The bankruptcy law, which kas gone | into effect, is regardgd by bankers and business men as the best Can- ada ever had. Then there is the fire insurance act, an act to make cor- porations responsible under the law and liable fo penalties meted out to individuals who commit fraud and legislation to make the crime of stealing auto- mobiles 'subject to more. severs penalties; making the purchaser of goods on the Sabbath Day, equally guilty with the seller; mot to pro- hibit the manufacture and importa- tion of oleomargarine into Canada; amendments to 'the patent and pro- prietory: medicine act; the abpatats ment of a committee to invéstigate mall order charges; the appoint- ment of the Inlafid trade commis- sion or board of commerce. Among the other important mat- ters now being considered by the Dominion government are: Fixing the weight of cereal packages; ampndments to the adulteration act and false advertising act; removal of the war stamp from patent medi- eines; to make Thanksgiving Day permanent on Peace Day; a law com- pelling all merchants to keep books from the opening of their business. Many of the matters referred to by Mr. Beal were of very great im- portance to merchants in every part of the Dominion, and the legislative committee has accomplished wond- ers. He pointed out the desirability of the merchants in every town and city being members of the local or dominion body in order that they may know what is taking place around them, and learn more abeut the conditions that affect their busi- ness. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY Local Notes and Items of General Interest. W. Swaine, piano tuner, orders at | McAuley's, or 'phone 564w. Lieut.<Col. L. A. G. Roy; of the { Royal Canadian Artillery, is a visitor in Kingston, : ply of Daly's good Tea and Coffee. 'At Mahood's Drug Store. The Ontario ' Diocese Forward Movement $137,000. St. Géorge's Cathedral has contributed over $14,000. This Is exceptionally cold weather for the end of February. Early Fri- day morning the thermometer .re- gistered ten degrees below zero. Now is the time to havé your piano tuned. We carry two expert tuners and will assure entire satis- | faction, C. W, Lindsay. Limited. 'Mrs. W, H. Hall and son, Barl =| day for the. purpose of visiting "Any man or women who knows 'anything about machinery, wouldn't think of continuing to use an expensive machine which was out of order, but whuld have it repaired at once. But ,some of those same men and women will work their eves day 'after day when the pain of eye strain ws they need imme- diate attention, How about your own eyes ? Just consult: 1.5. Asselsiine, DOS. ABOUT THEM, 342 Street. Phone 1010w, The Busy Optical House THE BUSY OPTICAL HOUSER Protection against daniage by loss of life and property fiom boiler ' explosion, including regular inspection by competent engineers approved. of by the Government =~ at. measonable rates. gE 2 McCANN Real Estate and Insurance PHONE 830 OR 621. wn - HOUSEKEEPERS! Take advantage of "71 'GOOD VALUES 2,000 POUNDS CHOICE BEEF -- Stewing Cuts ...o........15¢ Ib. : Pot Roasts,. :....+-..:..:.20c. 1b ~ Hamburg Steak aia van 2208 Th, Stewing ingeuts .;.......... 20 1b Fronts... 0 42800b. berg Of the family for a few 'We Will rent you a plano, i end of six months if you feel lke purchasing instrument we will allow the six months, rental on purchase price, and arrange easy terms on'dal- ance, C, W. Lindsay Company Sergeant Major Michae! Mons, R.C.G.A., is to. be tried by court-martial on a charge of striking a private soldier. Lt.-Col sansom has been appointed president of the court before which the case will be heard. Prevost, Brock 'street, has received all his spring and Summer goods for his order clothing department; also in ready-made clothing and gents' furnishings department there is a big variety to choose from. The Montreal Badminton Club fs sending a team 'to Kingston next week to play for the three champion- Ship. cups 'at present in the possess- ion of the Kingston Badminton Club. Thess cups are for singles and dan- es : 5 Robert McCoy, of Madoe, under- 'went an operation for appendicitis able to return to his home. H accompanied by his mother, who 'was with him at the hospital for several days. Probably the most closely contest- 'ed game in the semior S.S.A.AA. basketball series will be staged at the Y.M.C.A. on Tuesday evening be- tween Baptist and Sydepham. The 'winner will meet the Young Hebrews in the game which will declare the winner of the Drury trophy. & ---- Loew's n investors are have another opportunity oy to anne of Loew's res. ul 'made 3 » 4 A us of Theatre issues have been cy a sorbéd, and are now having 2 Tegu- inves in view of the Fp ast common stock bonus often." wt g Hl Lake Roasts .......... i......30e Ib 500 Ibs. choice White Beans . 3 Ibs. for 25¢. Phones: esale | 1761. |} eo ais, 458. Grocery Dept., 459. |} 3 i if i: i Bi i g i I Before prices advance, order sup- | subscriptions now total | street, left for England on Thurs-| Fist Be at the General Hospital, and was: © was! i i £ : Is This Justice? { Kingston, Feb. 25.--(To the Edi- ftor): I am a returned soldier, and { Some time ago I applied Yor the posi- |tion of guard in Kingdton peniten- tiary and was told that I was over ithe age limit, the age being fixed at | thirty-tive years. Now, what I want { changed since or does it fluctuate to iswit the occasion or the parties in- terested? We were led to believe that we were entitled to first con- | sideration in regards to getting gov- | ernment jobs, and were assured from time to time that our claims 'would be recognized. Why break faith with us now that the battles of Flanders Fields have been fought and won and the war a matter 'of history? 1 have served over three years in the army, twenty months of it in' France. Am I not worthy of some little consideration? Now, when I was turned down for the age limit at the Kingston pen. I- was satisfied, because I thought as that was the rule it could net be broken just to please me, even if I was a re- turned man; but to my surprise I was told shortly after that a shoe in- structor, who had left the institution when the Conservative government came into power, had been taken on again in the face of the fact that he 'over the age Ifmit, and had been re as physically unfit, and re- ceived his gratuity years ago. This shoe instructor was not overseas, but was in business during the war. Now comes surprise number two in the person of an ex-guard, who played one of the leading parts in the investigation that took place at the pen. before the war. He finally resigned, reseived his gratuity and succeeded in landing a military job. He has held two different military jobs during the war. He passed the age limit years ago, but nevertheless he is back on the strength at the Kingston pen. The Kingston pen. being under the head of the Justice | Department,' one would naturally | look for justice. What I want to | know fs, is this justice from the {Justice Department? i --ROY BARKER. | 'THE NEW MINISTER." { Produced by Young Ladies of First i Congregational 'Church. | Ow Thursday evening "The New | Minister" was. presented to a full {house in the First Congregational | Hall, and was an unqualified suc- cess, the young ladies who made up the . cast exceeding their previous performances, Special mention must be made of Miss W. Woolgar in the { character of "Daisy Lovejoy. Her | singing was greatly appreciated. She possesses probably the highest so- prano voice in the city. Ernest Tre- neer fulfilled all expectations in the title role. The complete cast 'was as follows: The New Minister, Ernest Tre- neer: Daisy Lovejoy, Miss W. Wool- Tr. oe Music committees -- Hezekiah Sharp, Mr. Syarburipn; Crescendo B. old Male Odetla. Hasbin, Miss E. Barnes; Henrietta Sharp, Miss M, Fearne; Petunia Pimples, Miss A. Prager; Miranda Kethum, Miss 'M. Murray. Setts, A. Porter; Prof. Top- note, Harry Fields; Ralph Bunter, George Prager. + 3 For the Bick, Place one level « teaspoonful of GROVE'S O-PEN-TRATE BALVE in a hot saucer in the sick room. The ptic vapor rising from the heat- salve circu! in the air and makes breathing for the patient, It induces sleep and is & great com- fort to anyone suffering with Spas- modic Croup, Asthma, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Coughs, Colds, Whoop- ing Cough, Diphtheria or Pneumonia. The healing effect ¢f the vapor re- lieves the patient and is very com- forting. Price 35¢c. per box. If your druggist hasn't any, send 35c. min postage stamps to Paris Medicine Co., 193 Spadina Ave., Toronto, and = full-size box will be mailed to you promptly. ' ss ---------- : The budget will not be ready for presentation to the city council un- til the middle of March. JLETRS T0 THE EDO | BY THE DOMINION RETAIL MER- | to know is, has that age limit been Hoosick, B. omy ---------- | $4.00 : 3 rate of § SAVEONE DOLLAR BY - ACTING TO-DAY TORONTO GLOBE SUB. PRICE ADVANCES MARCH ist TO $5 PER YBAR, THREE CENTS COPY. New subscriptions and renewals per annum; $2.00 for six months. ~ 4 5. © With the opening of Parliament this week, the Globe will be unusually interesting. . To Present Readers of the Mail and Globe Renewals of subscriptions which expire on or before March 31s -the old rate if plated to-night or Baturday. Taga aed Ns The Mail & Empire will likely follow the G lobe and subsériptions ill be ace th 4.00 only, to-night and Saturday. " x te at fhe w x If impossible to come to the store to Phone 919, 3 The College Book Store ' Telephone 919 " \ will be received to-night and Saturday only at present rate of' TO MAIL & EMPIRE SUBSCRIBERS - this year, will be accepted at Pp -night or Saturday, send your order or renewal by Open Evenings 3 x The Vancouver train. It stops at points. * Good heavy quality; sizes 19 to 26. & Saturday Special . .......$1.25 pair. ~ LADIES' CHAMOISETTE GLOVES In Chamois color only; sizes 61, 7 and H; reg. $1. Saturday toclear ..........75¢c. pai LADIES' WINTER WEIGHT DRAWERS In white; one style Saturda On sale Saturday; 6 of each size only. Size2 yds.x3yds..........$ 9.00 - > a Ey NEE EERE N NEN RNR A ENE N RNA RN ANA RN ARAN : re Sl A Few Specials From The argain Counter Saturday LADIES' PINK CORSETS . pair only (open); reg. 75¢. pair. .50c. pair BRUSSELLETTE RUGS : J setae riic sbi Size 23 yds. x 3 yds. ........$11.00 Size 3 yds. x33 yds. ........$16.00 Size 3 yds. x4 yds. .........$18.00 'PICTORIAL REVIEW FOR MARCH Newman & Shaw "The Always Busy Store" algary-Vancouver, Passengers for Western Canada will find the "Vancouver . from Toronto, 10 p.m. daily via 'Ca- i nadian Pacific a most convenient and connects for all nist car. The most beautiful scenery in Ca- nada is along the line of the Cana- dian Pacific with magnificent Rocky Mountain resorts at Banff, Lake Louise and Glacier. 'a Pacific For Winnd- EN ------ JOHNSTON STREBT---Double brick; furnace; lights; cellars; extra lot; must be sold. $7,300. FRONTENAC STREET-New solid brick; detached; tirnace; Fig cellar; gateway; big lot; immediate possession, SIXTH STREET--Bungslow; furnace; in first class condition. $8,000. PATRICK STREBT--New trame; yard; gateway: collar; ligh Possession May 1st, 1920. $2,000. ghia, RUSSELL STREET New frame; 2 barns; big lot. $800. E, W. MULLIN & SON lights; big lot; gateway; INSURANCE BROKERS. "Phones FRESH SUPPLY OF OR Week-End Chocolates 60c. quality for 39. a pound FRIDAY and SATURDAY : Mahood's"