A ' ep 5 THE DAILY BRIT ISH. WHIG. TINY FRIDAY, FRERUARY, '87, 1080 | Prices that take the guess ' ssn ----_-- Rau an Out of shopping Men' s Soft Front Shirts Sizes 1416 ...... = BenerQualie i Bs Fifty Boys' Suits Good, reliable Clothes; all sizes; new models. Specially ada eos ees oe SAOISHILTS = pri +. | Watch Our Windows for| Special Prices on Clothing ab \ * work] > W. G. & R. Collars, Shirts, Pyjamas Our Prices are lowest. Men's Heavy Socks Good qualities . .............. 25c., 35¢., 45¢. _-- . We are placing on sale One hundred men's and 9 Men's Heavy Flannel Shirts ~All sizes; plain Greys and Military Fleece Lined U nderwear . «+ +..75¢c, garment .+/¢ 90c. garment Men's "eee doen * oe e's ea tesserae (Less than mill prices)' a ¢ (SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY SHIRTS .....$2.00 PIES . +... ...$1.00 + led that he would not know until late | gether all the time, and are able to any farther than the outside of the defen : PLAY BRAMPTON TO-NIGH [= KINGSTON | INTERMEDIATES LEFT ON FRIDAY MORNING. They Hope to Make the Score Such That They Will Win the Round-- Final Game Here Monday Night, The Kingston intermediate hockey team left on the morning train for Brampton, where it plays the first game of the semi-finals of the inter- mediate O.H:A. deries this evening. The return game will be played in Kingston on Monday 'evening. The Kingston boys are quite con- fident that if they are not able defeat the western team on their ice, they will hold the score so that they will be able to win the round here on Monday eevning. E The Kingston team is in first class condition, and should certain. ly be able to play a good game, as the ice will be in splendid condition. The team will start off with Toban in goal, Brown and Elmer on the defence, Smith, Cook and Stewart on the forward line, Derry and Stanton will Hkely Bgbstitute. . ' Varsity vs. Queen's To-night, This evening at the covered rink the hockey fans will see the last game of the senior intercollegiate hockey series between Queen's and 'Varsity, The Toronto team is com- ing to Kingston' confident that ° if 'will De able to "put ome over" the Kingston students, and by so doing tie with he for the senior ¢ham- plonship. e chances are that it McGill and * tle, "Varsity will win the trophy as Heney, who is ona of MeGill's best men is out of the game for the rest of the season as a result of a fractured jaw which he received fn the "Varsity-McGill game in Toronto a week ago. : Nick Bawlf, coach of Queen's team, when asked for the line, stat- in the afternoon who would play for Queen's. There was a big. rush for reserved seat tickets, The plan opened at the rink on Thursday afternoon. RM. Play Toronto Canoe Club, The of the Royal Military ft for Toronto on 'Friday, play t return game of the junior 0.H.A. hockey series with the Faronte Canoe ib Friday awening. oronto erg have a three- To wp and should have.no diffioulty'in holding it and 'winning the Jou. honors. . The secret of thé Toronto team's success is in the fact that they play to- get through the Qetence, whereas the teams which have a opposing them during the season seldom get Watch the windows PRI NN ---------- 21st Battalion and Machine Gun or ps; «It is the intention fo play a dduble Header every Wednesday night. The first games will be Headquarters Staff vs. Machine Gun 'Corps; 14th Regiment vs. R.C.H.A. Seven innings will be played, and George Sullivan and Lieut. Dyte will act as~umpires. No admission fee will be charged to witness the games. Girls Play RM.C. Oadets, On Thursday afternoon a most interesting feature in sport was a game of hockey played between a team of gentlemen cadets Vand a team of young ladies of the city. The cadets won by a score of 6 to 2. Cadet McDougall, one of the star players on the R.M.C. junior team, acted as referee. As indicated by the score, it was not a one-sided game by any means, and Miss Kath- leen Carruthers was congratulated 4 n Whe showing made and. her ljty as a team captain, The other ans ladies composing the team were Misses E. Carruthers, Willlams, Cameron, N. Stewart and Cunning- ham. Miss Cameron played goal. Cadet Team Goes "Stale." If Lieut.-Copl. Constantine, or who- ever is in charge of the R.M.C. junior O.HWA. team which meets Toate {ance Club juniors here Friday in the second game of their semi- final round, has been wise enough to recognize the fact that his team is overworked and stale and has kept his boys off the ice since Tuesday's game at Kingston the Red Ring kids will have their hands full to beat them. The Cadets, who have been playing in both the O.H.A. and Inter- collegiate series, have had an awful grind this month and were plainly stale Tuesday. They'tried hard to the bitter end but they lacked the pep and enthusiasm of former games, ~--Toronfo Star. Girl Guides Play Queen's) The Collegiate Institute' Girl Guides played a double-header dag kotball game with Queen's girls in the aniversity Srmuasium on Wed- nesday afternoon. games were won by the university teams. After supper was served, Mrs, IL. W. Gill {wave the girls & talk on' her experis- young men's suits .....5275 "At a discount of 20 per cent 'Some good blues--Nearly all sizes F Your suit, may be in this lot ' While they last . sem nants Special Unionanade Overalls . ve Leather Label Overalls ses 0 a ns essen . $3.00 raids ven SiS Blue Serge Suits Guaranteed All-Wool Blue Serges--all sizes--in the newest models--m tonmakes ........ *tET Res ane ses y Toronto and Hamil- . .$35.00 All popular shapes Newest Nerlvcor : ....75¢., $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 > Men's Work Trousers Good, reliable Cloths . . . . ..$3.50 to $4.50 Sores pr. WON ACTION FOR. ALIMONY MRS. NETTIE REYNOLDS AWARD [== ED $150 A YEAR Mrs, Reynolds Swore Her Husband Abused Her But He Denied Charge and Had Something to Say About Her Conduct, "No doubt the praintitf had a ton gue, but most mén going through == life have had to become familiar = with the thrashing tongue." Thé above comment was made by Justice Logie, at the closing session of the Supreme Court, in gi ment in the case of Mrs. Neftie Rey- nolds, vs Frederick Re which the plaintiff made a claim for, alimony. His lordship gave a verdict in far vor of the plaintiff for $150 = year, the money to be paid monthly. . A. B. Cunningham con ucted the case for the plaintiff, C. R. Webster ficted as counsel for the defence. The Reynolds "family resided for' Several years on their farm near Od- essa, afterwards moved into the vil- lage of Sates, and later on cawe fo Kingston. Mre.-Reynolds claimed she was- forced to come to the city be- cause she could mot get along with declared that her husband. She a her husband assaulted her on seve- ral occasions, and that her heilth had been injured. She was afraid to live with him in -the country. Mrs. Reynolds swore that her hub- by spat tobacco juice on the floor, broke dishes und conducted himself: in such a manner as to cause 'her to- become very nervous. 'Ebérfon Reynolds, a son of the plaintiff, swore that he had seen his father. strike his mother and also kick her, Nata nolds, a dangbier. also stated that she bad seen her father strike her mother, . Giving evidence on his own behalf, Frederick Reynolds stated that he had been married for twenty-five years. He declared that he had never assaulted his wife in his life, and had afew Ss to say about hi wife. He said ae was continually nagging at him to get him .off the farm so that the children could at- ences overseas and urged them tof tend the higher sade schoo! live up to the Girl Guides motto, "Be Prepared." playing another basketball double header fn the Collegiate 'gymnasium. Jibe at Dr. Edwards, M.P, The Otuwe Ctisse haw the fol- |; lowing in its editortal "Membutr. for Frontenac Rg the old party is good enough think that : He 'Was comp to sleep in a bed, "not it for a hog." as witness put it. A Det a » 2 was 54 years E _ Procured a Teacher. 3 Bruce BE. Leckie, B.A, Vankleek | lone 1310, a graduate of McMaster Umi versity, has been 5 a Hi Ln = Judg-- = ids, in == - i 4 1 1 li] HHH Ii A Hi UIT] ALL HHH i HH i" Ab F ebruary Sale 'With Hundreds Of Pairs Of Hosiery At Extraordinary Prices ) Proving that it pays to buy Hosiery now, and to buy here. This store is recognized Hosiery Headquarters, and it is well-known as the store E which always secures the best of the extra values, of which the fol- lowing are 800d examples - tr Ladies' White Silk Ankle Hose ......6%. pair Men's Sithuitne Hair Hoge, in 'Black, Tan and 8) +23¢. pair Men's heavy Wool Bocks .... 2 pairs for 98¢c. Ladies' fine grade, Mercerized, Hose, in Grey and Nigger Brown; worth 60c, pair, Specia pairs for 97c. lat ,. Ladies' fine Black Cinderella Lisle Thrend Hose; . fully fashioned; worth 60c.; for , ~BPe, pair Ladies' fine Queen Quality Black . Silk Lisle Hose. Special value at . 0c, und 60¢. pair Ladies' fine White Sunshine' Brand Silkoline Hose; extra at Ladies 3 40cy pair Ladies All-Wool, Queen Quality, fine Cashifioie : 3 worth $2.00; fori .......81.490 pair Ladies' high-grade, Silk in Brown, Sand, Grey, Dardenan, Navy and Black. Spegial Lisle Thread Wool, Penman make, Sashmtrs Hose. 5 198, Men's fine grade, Cashmerette Socks, in Black and Brown 25¢. pair Fae sran Men's fine Wool, 'heavy, Hanson make, Sos, in Grey only; extra at 0c. pair Men's heavy Wool Socks, Penman's make, in «+8 pairs for $1.25 |: . Children's eh Cream Cashmere Hose; ex- ox- Black, Grey and Brown . tra value ..j{.............2 pairs for DSc. Boys' and Girls' Ribbed Hose, Int all sizes. Spe- clal at Kinde ran 8 pairs for 08c. Ladies' Cashmeretto Hose in Navy, Taupe and Ladies' Casbumbrette Hose, in Crea! Plack, - ger Brown and Sand ne Children's Ribbed Hose in Nigger Brown - pe Boys' heavy, Buster Brown and Hurcules joake. Special ... B0¢. and 78¢, Children's fine Black Princess Sunshine maka; regular T6e.; for . Site, pair Ladies' extra large sife Hoss in Black and . White, Special PriCR ... ni ii BW pair Te Datiet thi wondestal afportamity waape. you need Hosiery came fo tis store to mcerow, ssloct from s a splendid assortment and sevens. 206 pair B E TR