+ THORSDAY, MARCH 4, 1920, iii greg -- ----C FOR SALE ~-PIPES, all sizes. ~~IRADIATORS- ~MILITARY TENTS. . Large ploces of CANV. oy ene. 1. Cohen & Co. 276 Ontario Street. Phone 534 PAPER HANGING Estimates on work freely given. Wall Paper for Sale. H. ROWLEY 840 Barrie St. ': Phone 1206). : Telephone 987 | Wanting anything done in the enrpen. | tery lune. { of reptirs and new work; alse hard | wood floors of nll Kinds. orders will reeetve prompt attention. Shop | 28 Queen Street. - ee e-- Sh EE------------------A GLASSCO"S PURE wwStrawberry Jam iiaspberry Jum --Binck Curraat Jam Plum Jam «Pench Jam lavoneberry Jam po ad CARPENTERING Estimates Given. O. Aykroyd & Son Carpenters and. Builders 21 Main street. Phone 1670 Red Smrrant Jelly --~Crabapple Jelly Gis) Jelly hrambieberry Jelly », COUPER -3 Princess Str 341. eet L. hone 76. Prompt delivery. ------ WOOD Sawed in-Stove BOOTH & CO, Foot West Street Phone 133 as ) We have a supply of cut hard wood and kindling. J. Sowards Coal Co. "THOMAS COPLEY | Estimates given on all kinds i THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Kingston Licenses Due Now! All civic licenses are due and the | authorities are busy seeing. that the { same are collected. ¥¢ | -------------- Elected to Office. Gen. Victor Williams, in command {of No. 3 Divisional area, has been | chosen a vice-president of the Onta- { rio Rifle Association. Cut Out Smoking. The members of the Kingston {team request that the fans who at- {tend the game on Friday. evening re- ifrain from smoking if they expect {the players to accomplish the best { results. i Can Wear Bar 'WE SELL ON EASY TERMS Ladies' Suits, Dresses, Skirts, | Men's Suits, Overalls, Underwear, Jewellery, Suitcases, etc. | N. Morris, 374 King St. or Fe rrm------ Repairing, Watchmaker and Jeweler 6. W. LYONS 849 Princess St. Phone 1866. Hepairs done accurately. promptly, and guaranteed. for one year. Try one of our unbreakable Watch Glasses - anes 1 ne I eigmann School of Music Plano, violin and other stringed instruments; elocution and dra- matic art. Pupils may begin at any date. Terms on application. Engagements for concerts ac coped. 216 Frontenac Street. Phone 1325j "V 'e Have In Stock Just Arrived Campbell's Tomaw Soup Campbell's Vegetable Soup Clark « Tomato Soup Clark's Vegetable Soup Distributors for Hed Huse Tea~--the Good Tea : W. R. McRae & Co. GOLDEN LION Tirenaa No £543 fon 2 BIG BARGAINS ™ gsc. Clark's Pork & Beans 18c. . Bon Marche Grocery Cor, King and Karl Streets, License No. 8-37140 Phone 1546 "Kingston Co-operative Society Ltd, NOW IS YOUR CHANCE TO help salve the High Cost of Living problem. Call at the Kingston Co-Operative Store, corner of Princess and King Streets, and have the Manager explain the system. Dairy Butter at Oleo-Margarine SPECIAL! Sardines 10e., 3 for 2bec. Phone 469 GOOD NIGHT GET OUR "COMFYDOWN" KAPOK MATTRESS 1009 pure Second to none for comfort and --- durability. Kingston Mattress Company 556 Princess St. Phone 602w, a Insurance and General Broker Stocks, Bonds and Securities for sale. Property for sale or to rent, listed. Agent for Royal Exchange Fire As- surance and Excelsior Life. 281 King St. opposity Custom House Phones 568). and 1087. aaa we + * i 5 DR. A. W. WINNETT DO YOU KNOW That the quality I0B CREAM is Prove it yourself. High Grade Chocolates in bulk and fancy boxes. We stock only those in de- mand. HOT DRINKS, LBAR' 288 PRINCESS STREET, PHONE 1128, ot .our upexcelled ? y DENTAL SURGEON + mn nr a a ------------------ ITSFAIR CELIA A 1 order has been issued authorizing the wearing of a bar by all soldiers who at any time were mentioned in despatches while on active service. This bar is to be worn with the service medal. Change at Brockville Hospital. Miss E. Pollard, for the past seven years superintendent of the Brock- ville General Hospital, has left for her home in Oshawa, the position hetug filled by Miss Campbell, of To- ronto, YM.OA. Secretary. Harry Ballantyne, Vancouver, has of the national council of Y. M. C. A. for, Ontario and Quebec. Mr. Ballantyne has been territorial sec- realy for Western Canada since Pat On Executive Committee. At the meeting of the Wholesale executive: committee. Other council- men are A. Gilmour, Brockville, A. Foster, South Bay and L. E. Wams- ley, Belleville. Start Work April 1st. Mr. Callaghan, engineer, employ- ed by the Allen theatre company, was in the city on Wednesday, looking after the plans for the mew theatre to be erected on Princess street. It is proposed to start work on the new theatre on April 1st. 'Ontario Journalist Dead. H. C. Jones, for twenty-three years editor of the Eastern Ontario Re- view, Vankleek Hill, died on Tues- day from pneumonia. He was previ. ously connected with the Ottawa Journal and Ottawa Citizen. He was forty-eight years of age and was born at Stratford, Ont. Family Die From Influenza, Arch. Smith, Mrs. Smith and their daughter, Naomi, aged fourteen years, have all died at the Ross Hos- pital, Lindsay, from the flu, the en- tire family being wiped out, while a cousin who lived with them, Miss Catherine McGee, is still in the hos- pital with the same disease. s A Lantern Service, The second of a special seri f Lenten services for the childrgr was held in St. James Church on Tuesday night, when Rev. T. W. Savary fol- lowed up his series of talks on the Bible Zoo, taking as his subject, "The Bear". A number of very in- teresting lantern slides were shown, and the entertainment was much en- joyed by the children. The Rate Is Thirty-seven Mills. Brockville's tax rate for 1920 will IME WORLD'S TIDINGS IN CONDENSED FORM Tidings From All Over Told in a Pointed and Pithy : Way. A movement has been started to establish a fire college for the domin- ion at Ottawa. An ice jam is forming between Lake Ontario and the Niagara bridge at Lewiston, which may rival the fifty-foot high jam of eleven years ago. Mrs. Robert J. Stewart, Paris, went to bed in apparently her usual health, but was shortly seized with a violent 4t of coughing and died of heart failure. Charles Everett, his wife and twelve-year-old son at Bracebridge, all ill in bed with the "flu," were obliged to crawl out into the snow when, their home caught fire. The salary of Admiral Horthy as regent of Hungary, has been fixed at 3,000,000 kronem per year. A despatch from Flensburg, Slesvig-Holstein, = states that the Germans living in that territory at- tempted, yesterday, to make the dis- trict an independent state. Rev. Prof. James Ballantyne was nominated for moderator of the General Presbyterian Assembly - by the Toronto Presbytery. approved by the Soldier Set- tlement Board now total nearly $57.- 000,000, and some 35,213 returned men have passed the necessary tests to qualify" them as tiers. anor an several months. Mr. was years of The road via Chatham to Windsor - been appointed territorial secretary | Grocers' Association in Toronto, Ald. | H. N. Robertson was placed on the | "re = ; be thirty-seven mills on the dolla} This was decided at the council, tk cause of the levy being higher tha was anticipated because of the u. forseen demands for educational pu. poses. The combined rate for pub- lic schools apd Collegiate Institute will be fourteen mills, . Laurier Mopument Fand. Subscriptions will be taken at the Daily Whig, Datly Standard, Free- man, Queen's University, Canadian Locomotive Company office, James Halliday, J. O. Hutton, John Twed- dell, Steacy's Limited, Elliott Bros., Thomas McAulay, Uglow's Book Store, J. D. Bankier (Peftsmouth), and the College Book Store. To Build New Seminary. Bishop R. C. Horner, head of the Church of America, which recently purchased the Booth property north of Brockville, for the purpose of edu- cational development, announces that operations will commence early in the spring for a three-storey brick seminary, which will accommodate about seventy-five pupils. Tires Up in Price. The owners of automobiles will have to pay more for tires this com- ing season. On Wednesday the Whig was informed that there was an in- crease of about 20 per cent. over last year. W. J. Moore & Sons, when asked by the Whig, stated that which sold last year for $22.75, are now selling for $27.30. Died in an Hospital. Mrs. Ethel Holland Bishop, wife of Clinton J. Bishop, Watertown; N.Y., died Monday morning at the ma- ternity hospital of the City Hospital, following a caesarian operation, aged thirty-eight years. Mrs. Bishop was born in Cape Vincent, daughter of the late Thomas Sarah Isabelle Drummer Holland, and had spent her early life there. "Weldy" Young Injured. "Weldy" Young, Toronto' broker, was painfully injured when he was caught between a delivery truck and a street car. His right arm was broken and he sustained a serioud scalp wound, Mr. Young, who is a member of the Granite Club, was prominent in sports for many years. He managed :the ill-fated Yukon hockey team. which, after making the longest trip on re- cord, failed to win the coveted Stan- ley Cup. He is a Queen's University graduate. Canada Steamships Has Great Plans. As the result of carefully mapped out plans, Canada Steamship Lines, Limited, operates a complete inter- national trans-Atlantic and all-Cana- dian service, with Atlantic, West Indian and South American lines closely related to the inland services and it has been clearly proved that the earnings of each department have benefited by the new ones that have been established. This was reported in the:president's address at the an- nual meeting. : To Unite School Boards. A vote of the people will be taken to ascertain whether or not'thé pres- ent system for the management of education in Brookville should be changed, and a Board of Education substituted for the boards of trus- tees now holding office. In the'opin- fon of members of the council, it was 'alt that through the medium of a Qoard of Education it would be pos- and Vicinit Nobby Tread tires, 30 x 3% inches, | ---- ble to secure better regulation of 1e affairs of education than is now ssible. > i Moving Picture Fees, Under a Brockville byslaw, the fee | for moving picture or vaudeville li-| censes or both combined was set at} $200 per annum. The fee for each billiard or. -pool table was raised | from $30 to $35, for each additional fable $12(50 instead of $10 and for each bagatelle table $10. The by-law also provided for the appointment of: George K. Dewey as town engineer pro tem. Another fixed the salaries of. civic officials as follows: clerk, $1,900; treasurer, $1,200; asesesor ard collector, $1,200; stenographer, $600. Will Be a Rare Night. Every wife, in the city, who is in- terested in its prog we know they all are--should see that her husband attends the Citizens' banquet, on March 9th, under the auspices of the Board of Trade, Ca- nadiag Club and Retail Merchants' Association, for he will get pointers that will be to his great advantage. The dinner will be one of the biggest events Kingston has ever had. A buniper erowd is hoped for--for. the pride of the city--when so distin- tors will be gathered together, There will be music, flowers, splendid eats and racy speeches. It will be a rare night. Tickets are oy for sale. Business suits will be -the currect { dress, The Late Bradley Jacob. The death occurred at the Port Hope Hospital on Sunday, Feb 14th, of Silas Bradley Jacob, from influ- enza ang pneumonia. Deceased mov: ed there from [Lavant, and purchased the house of the late Naylor Millson. Deceased was born in Elgin, Leeds { county, fifty-three years ago; he was {a blacksmith by trade and had re- | sided in Lanark county for twenty |'years. Mr, Jacob was a member of | the Anglican church and a Conserva- { tive. In addition to his widow he {leaves a family of ten children, Mrs. | | George Parry, Ottawa; Miss H, F. §4ac0l, Detroit; Marjorie and Hazel, {at home; Elkins and Bradley, To: | ronto; George, Walter, Lawrence and { Arthur, C.P.R. operator, at home. An Enjoyable Affair. All sociability is {but all true Christianity promotes | sociability. Which is only another way of saying that the Sunshine {Class of the First Baptist church has {some splendid Christian Young Wo- | men in its membership, if one were {to judge by its success in promoting { clean, wholesome and enjoyable { social intercourse in the church life. { Tuesday evening they entertained {the members of the Ever Ready | class and the teachers and officers |'of the Sunday school, and the affair | | was a most enjoyable and successful { one from start to fiffish. The Sunday | school orchestra furnished some | splendid music; there were games {and guessing contests (With the young ladies modestly but efticlently performing the part required of {them in leap year), and an abund- ance of satisfying refreshments, | which proved the-ability of the host- | esses to shine as experts ot domestic | geience. Of course, this is only an incident in the various activities of the class, as its members are doing splendid = work ~ along missionary lines, and are among the most faith- ful and efficient workers in various other Christian activities. ~~ A Here is : new i¥pe of gun aeroplane gun, and is used to fiat fo bring down the flyer. ordinary air rifle except for The the fact that the entire le the gun has a slit that runs from the trigger to the no guished a Mst of speakers and yisi- | not _ Christian, : Our Saw Mill " ; cuts logs and timber to order. Bring ypur logs while the sleighing is good. S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Futury and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 66, Factory Why be bothered ordering from Catalogues? ay us a call. 'We can give you the same values less your express. WE HANDLE THE BEST A. D. HOLTON 280 PRINCESS STREET Phone, 661; Res., 2086W. MAXOTIRES SOLVES THE TIRE PROBLEM Ada mileage, save time and thereby save money. A satisfied eus- tomer is the best advertisement. Let us tell you about them. STANDARD VULCA NIZING COMPANY 284 Ontario St. Res. 104 Queen Street. A. NEAL, Manager RUBBERS . We are exclusive agents for LIFE BUOY RUBBERS The best on the market. See that your next ~ pair bear this brand. J. H. Sutherland & Bro. THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES | -- nr Sr Rr A We A RR Te Ne TWEDDELL'S a Tires ting Le ee Si SHOT FROM A GUN THE LATEST FU RivuIE: | for your kiddie. It is called th give the toy propelling power gun is made the same as an) 0 e. By a vote of 14 to 10, Toronto defeated Ald. Singer's motion to request an inquiry into the To- set- | ronto rolice court under the Public The death {s announced of Ka von Martins, ed chemist, a founder of the Berlin aniline dj works. : Hon, F. C. Biggs announced th: the road from Ottawa to Point Fo tune will become a provincial hig: way. ' also double it's | ¢ Glrls! Your hair needs a fittle "Danderine"--that'salll When it becomes lifeless, thin or loses its appears, or your hair falls 'out, 2°35-cent bottle "Danderine" from any store, will sjve ~ Clearing Off €everal Linesof Winter Goods At Less Than Cost ee PE ------------