Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Mar 1920, p. 3

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{ | __THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Co PAGE THREE . ate championship and the John Ross | 4° - -- . GOLLINGWOOD'S EASY Wl or | PROBS: Wednesday, fair and milder. | Goal = DEFEATS KINGSTON IN FINAL [Toban . ... . Cooke | | | ve Derenes GAME BY 14 TO 2. to. | | { Brown ..... | : LITTLE ~ lif WE ARE ABOUT le Ee Cums L SOOO to meltup some fiji Taken Ill Before the Game Began WM - + d zen ieces | ~The Winners a Better Team. to leave your cold at BEST'S. { twen y do P Playing a much superior brand of 265 cents buys, a preparation jij of | hockey, Collingwood downed Kings- (Dr. Hickey's Speedy Cure) fi ton Monday.aight at Collingwood in that will cure the Cough in a j}| tthe nal game for #he O.H.A. inter- | Stanton 2 ti Buvns { ° . : few doses. i J I | Derry ...:. wevse Foulis' Hl | med jonship by 14 goals Sy Las i SHORT STOP at 15 cents is | Ster! ing Silve jm te a total Collingwood, it is generally agreed, ! . Walton Store Hours: 9 to 5.30 Daily, Except Saturday. The Spirit Of Spring Permeates This ~ Store still in the run too and alse al ito 2, fo uingwood. It 1s genetally agreed: the popular Cough an 0 remedies stocked. : | game in Kingston on Friday night by : i { {2 to 1. By virtue of this victory the ARE SEEKING MEDICAL AD : | Collingwood club earned the right to i an pap | score of 16 to 3, having won the first | instead of the intermediate, i d i play off with the sudbury club, N.O. ¢ % | | H. champions, at Toronto, Thursday | QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY DBPUTA-! st % I | night, for the right to meet the senior TION GOES TO TORONTO or S | O.H.A, diampions fof the privilege of To Appear Before the Rockefeller The Popular Drug Store i Setending the Aflan gap. Ye Col Foundation President and the On- | Phone 59. - . n the form shown by the Col- . of various sizes, and [| ingwood team Monday night they| tario Government on Weduesday. hi h will prove worthy opponents of the A deputation from Queen's univer- of patterns, whic speedy Sudbury team and the game |Sity- on Tuesday went to Toronto hat should furnish one of the finest con- | Where on Wednesday, by request, are somewhat ola. tests of the season. Coach Stan Bur- | they will meet Dr. George BE, Vincent, . . goind and Shorty Greer, of the Sud- | president of the Rotkfeller Fouunda- Before doing this, we |li| bury team, were on hand to look over | tion, and present the needs of s ; . the Collingwood outfit and are con- | Queen's medical college. Some time are offering any o vinced they are up against a hard [#4 fie Rockstelier Foundation an- roposition on Thupsday nights .\. punce: ntention of maxing a Keeley J. M.0D.0. these patterns at P OD inEwans pid J aeiassed tt of five million dollars to the me- A Kihgston team, individually and" cols hical schools of Canada. Dr. Vincent ONE-HALF lectively, although ' the easternefs will hear, the Queen's deputation, ' put up a plucky fight and tried their | Along with TODresOuIAtIvES of Toto: ¥ level best until the final whistle, but {to and other Canadian medica the present price of fi ve) best witli the shipbutlders led | Schools, and upon his report will be 1 at the end of the first period by 4 to | decided how the fund wi vided. Sterling Flatware. 2, ran in six goals perioe Ty The Queen's delegation consists of . period and----finished up with four Principal Bruce Taylor, Dean J. C. ' Wedding Marriage more in the final spasm, while Kings- | Connell, Hamilton Cassells, (Toron- a | Rings Licenses ton failed to score after the first fif- | to), chairman of the Board of Trus- : a teen minutes of play. Hughes and | tees, George Y. Chown and Dr. W. Insure Against After Regrets by "Fryer. were fhe outstanding stars on | T. Connell, The delegation with ad- 5 Using Glasses Prescribed, . : ¢ollingwood forward line, both hav-| ditions will also wait upon the Qn- «/ = Made and Fitted by ing four goals to their credit. Hughes | tario Government and ask for a : = le checked like a flend all night and | 8rant for the General Hospital ex-| was in like a flash for the rebound | tension, which is a part of the} . sili La ss ; on every shot. Fryer was the con- | Queen's medical college scheme. The | Keeley Jr, 1.0.0. nA JEWELERS summate general with a wicked shot | fact that the Kingston City' Council No matter what the weather is outside the spirit of Spring mani- fests itself in every department of this busy shopping centre. We have prepared abundantly in every department to make this season a record one from every point of view and take this .op- and some great cork-screw rushes. |2 Week ago passed a by-law granting Sdmitod Walton and Burns, on the way, al- the sum of 3150600 Jus the Srevtion ipton today to do ternated and kept the attack going | Of 2 new infectious hospital and that The. gptaihetrist of thy i 3 bished 1840 - at top speed. Collingwood showed | the citizens of Kingston are comtri- equipped with the best mechan an almost impregnable defence. buting $100,000 to the hospital ex- fcal apparatus but must have For Kingston, Cook played a great | tension will aid the Queen's delega- that knowledge in its use game land got the only two goals | tion materially ,in presenting the | WHICH ONLY LONG EXPERI scored by his team, getting his sec- | Slaims of Queen's both upon the | ENCF CAN GIVE. E ond goal on a long shot which caught | Rockefeller Foundation president : the goaler and dropped over the red | 80d the Drury Cabinet. ny "portunity of inviting your pres- ence to our OTERO > Formal Hne. BElmer and Brown also played 3 a Se 2 ne i Sebi a. of tind well, but all the Kingston forwards FINE BILL AT THE STRAND. were off in their shooting and lost Striym and sqpent Th y=. hes many chances by their inaccuracy. Big House Witnesses the Photo-Play, Rraon: Toban, the Kingston goalkeeper, Male and Female, was taken suddenly ill just before | Ihe Strand Theatre was crowded the game, but pluckily went on and | 2ut again on Monday evening, every played, though hardly fit to show his | 3¢at being occupied, and dozens find- customary good form. However, he | 108 standing room only. The big Pr. cr nny | er EL ~4-~~R| ode many fine stops, as Colling- | feature was the Cecil de Mille pro- Don't pull up in the road to suc-| Fortunes await the inventor of a| Ta WORE (00 SPS Of ord the |duction, "Male ard Female," a cess and wait for the other fellow to | lifeboat that will float on a sea of Kingston 1 photo-play .of great excellence, ad-| go ahead. trouble, There 2 plenty of good hard apted from Sir James Barrie's well- , a | checking by both teams and the | KROWR play, "The Admirable Crich- " game was well handled by Referees |ion." The story of the play is an in- _---------- Williard Box and Lawson Whitehead. teresting and thrilling one. Crichton : This is Collingwood's third con. |i8 butler in the household of Lord secutive win of the O.H.A. intermedi. | 0am, whose two daughters, Lady . Mary and Lady Agatha, are typical i} : | D3 il of the old aristocracy. They spend § us ne useless, idle lives, waited upon at 000 ER Rpt | Opening now at its height. Our collection of the choicest Ready-to-Wear, Mil linery and Yardage Goods is unparalleled in the history of this pro- gressive store--never has such an assemblage of the world's choic- est merchandise, in such broad variety, at such popular prices, been shown in Kingston--and again we would ask the privilege of your early inspection! 1 : . evety turn, until they are shipwreck- i Strength Declines ed Ee a lonely island while on a » yachting trip in the South Seas. By : In It As Age Advances 800d luck all the family are saved, - . . along with Crichton and Tweeny, Follow This Suggestion | the lady's maid to Lady Mary. Here their former ideas receive a rude The SHARPLES BOWL is easy to clean and hard to hurt. So many women grow old before|shock, for Crichton, the butler, is It has no 'discs. It's a plain, strong tubé--simply run a brush their time, perhaps your wife or sis-|the only one who ig able to do any- through it and it cleans. SHARPLES BOWLS in use 12 or 15 ter. A little while ago, buoyant, full | thing in the way of providing food years are still jn perfect balance, for there is nothing in them of vigor and activity--she enjoyed | and shelter for them. Two years : life and imparted pleasure to the pass' on the island, during which | to get. bent and throw them out of balance. Owing to its small whole family; but now in a few short | time Crichton becomes the recogniz- 'diameter the SHARPLES BOWLS creates DOUBLE SKIMMING years she has faded and lost color|ed king of the island. The tables are FORCE, because the milk is always making a sharp turn, thus and strength. She is just ready to| turned, and he, the former butler, develop some disease that will fur-|ginds himself waited upon by Lady the cream is extracted more thoroughly. This Bowl is also re- thor whakeh and Qebilitate. YOu To-| sary. whe lover Lin. with oil Dey markably long, milk travels further, while the entire skimming member how it began, failure of ap-| heart. He also loves her, but realizes force is working on it. = But its greatest feature is that it will petite, Hired In the morning, found | that his rank is a barrier. But when skim clean regardless how fast or sk ou turn it. ousework burdensome, always ner-|he saves her life the barrier is torn . wr vous and a little irritable, = It's algagide, and she is ready to marry him. 2 n= ° HH} shame to let: her go down hill fur-| put there is the eternal triangle, for : S les Suction Fe ther when you-can build her up s0| Tweeny loves the butler, too. He is 3 - quickly, with Ferrozone. The change |in the middle of the marriage cers x this nourishing tonic makes in a| mony which will unite him to Mary, Cream Se arator weak woman is surprising. It gives| and the fateful 'words are about to : great zest for food, increased 'appe- pe uttered when a ship appears off * tite and digestion enormously. The | the island. This W e ek A : blood gets richer and stronger 3nd| Then comes the return to England, adds new life to every organ in'the | where Crichton resumes his former body. A rebuilding process works | ,sition as Butler, and the family ; through the entire system. The first slips back into its old ways. But No. 3 :00 No 4 00 week will show an improvement, and | | 34y Mary still craves for the love ®, . . a month or two will fatten up the| of the butler and is willing to saeri- thinnest, most run-down woman YOU | tice everything for him. But to tell think of, 'Take Ferromone for|ine rest of the story would bg. to lost color, for narvousness, for weak- spoil it for those who will see it te- VEY & BIRCH. L Ee Sats Ta Sons nit HERl, ye etcotas at 38 A hpi ® i f thi C ly ° Jasting good, keep you In better Strand. The acting is o e very W. A. MITCHE Manager highest order. Tom Meighén, a» LL, BI / health, than thing else. Just as| «Tha Admirable Crichton," gives a @ G BUSY Ryle ment, good for men" and children, too, be- | masterly rendering of the part. He * : ; J - we B cause prone harmless i is splefdidly supported by Gloria | egge ie : . a ; oF | Swanson as Lady Mary, and an all- M Il S it Co i D i il} $2.50, at all dealers. , star cast of characters. . The scenic : l I ' ut S, a S, resses, . effects are wonderful and the cos- : . z ! ; a tuming superb. Large numbers of x highly-trained wild animals appear Applying This Paste in the jungle scenes, and in the Actually Removes Hairs || scene when the Christian slave is thrown to the lions' den by the King of Babylon. "Merely a Ne nis nsive| The Strand oreliesiya on Monday d t - paste to a hairy surface, say beauty evening gave a. Splendid entertain ment of classical and popular nfusie, specialtists, will dissolve the hairs.|,,q was one of the pleasing features. This paste is made by mixing a little the Victor Record water with some powdered delatone; aii he 3 ait n marked after about 2 minutes it is rubbed off | gyin¢y and splendid voice, charmed and the skin washed. This simple ip. audience by his rendering of THE PHONE 237. - for ARR Imported Silks, Dress Goods, ~ E Suitings, Neckwear, Hosiery, Gloves E Linens, Wash Goods, - Furnishings, Corsets, Waists, \ | Silk Lingerie, House Furnishings FLOOR COVERINGS. of Eh CRS SEE Now on Opening Die. | . of 'all descriptions--Linolewms (Inlaid and printed), Neponset, Dunoleum eee anes Eon | Steacy's - Limited | TF. HARRISON CO, LTD, Enemies iiiiv@ine = © 0 HE OEE CREAM FOR CATARRH ¢ OPENS UP NOSTRILS Our Rugs and Draperies blend with ail the contrasting shades. : 4 \

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