THE * DAIL AGENCY FOR ALL STEAMSHIP LINES ] Ng " For information and rates apply te | : i 4. P. Hanley, C. P. & T. A., G. FP. Ry, { Kingston, Ont. | a, | ICUNAR ANCHO \NCHOR-DONA REGULAR SERVICES CAV wa lbauin. R [BI ONT0)) From-- Portland Cassandra ...A Summer Sailings Montreal, .. Montreal, . Sasurnia .. «..Cassandra Saturniai. .. WV a . . 2p Alay 32 . JAS Aug Viet June 12 HCH JOURG AND VERPOOL Carmania ... , HAVRE, Royal George .Mar, .... Royal George Mar. 11 New York--Royal George +s orApr. 14 ay 19 New York . Mar. § TO PLYMOUTH SOUTH. Al New York--Royal George 0 CHERBOURG AND SOUTH- AMPTON Imperator .+Mauretania .. «+ Mauretania .. Imperator ... Mauretania sas Mar Ma New New New New York New York i New York. . .. Imperator ...Ma j | TO PLYMOUTH, HAVRE, LONDON | New York.... Saxonia Apr. 3 New York.... Saxonia .... May TO PATRAS, DUBROVNIK AND TRIESTE New York in Mar Wot rates of passage, freight and furthes particulars apply to local agents or JHE ROBERT'REFORD CO., LTD. GENERAL AGENTS 80 KING STRERT EAST TORONTO, ONT. A woman "will tolerate a lot of | - heglect if her husband will only pay 'her some attention when there are | . other women around. 1 RHEUMATISM is Is just the season When Rheumatism withits Frinding pain and stiffeh- ng-of joints Seta hold of you. ght it with Templeton's Rheumatic Capsules Zempleton's Rheumatic apsuies bring certain relief, ang permanent re- sults. They are recom- mended by doctors, and sold by reliable druggists everywhere for $1.04 a box, fia Eire a Wr letons, « Aoronto. led anywhere on re- oelpt of price. = yn lems in days past. ticular ability efmant willingness to Special For Saturday tm Cholee Lamb' Chops ..35¢. a 1b. Chelee Pork Chops, 35 to 3Sc. Ib. t Cholee W ra amvay <.<.20 to 30e. a Ib. Choice Round Steak ...30e. a ib, Choice Sirloin and T. Bone Steak Bolling Pork . . Haw, Bacons, ete, at' QUICK'S YESTERN MEAT MARKET CORNER OF CLERGY Phone 2011. The Real Story : of Porcupine's Riches An illustrated booklet, telling in an interesting way the real facts about Ontario's great gold producing district, will be sent free on request. Write for your copy to-day Homer L. Gibson & Co. * 703-4-5 Bank of Hamilton Bldg. TORONTO 10812 Be ----------------------{ (Copyright, 1919, by the McClure News. | paper Syndicate.) { Rose Barker faced the issue brave- | ly as she had faced other difficult prob | Without any par- | work hard, she had won her way into | the good will of the great rea! estate ! firm, and was aboiit to 'enter on the | new duties of the position, when the | {grave but kindly faced physician had | | told her the cause of the harassing | pain in her side, &fid ended with a | | Statement that involved the word "op- eration." On the evening that the verdict had been given, her faithful and unobtru- sive loyer, Elmer Horton, who had worked in her old office camé to see | { her; and before she realized what he | was dding, in His quiet way he had | drawn from her some of her fears and | doubts. The steadfast" love. ing his eyes--and they were not handsome eyes--may have Been the cause. "It's the Barker luck, Elmer," she | said, smiling bravely. "Alone in this | Mg, big worla--" "You forget me," be broke in, his steady eyes twinkling. She choked an instinctive desire to hug him. "You old dear, how faithful and kind you hare been to me: and you know I never can love you." "Perhaps," he answered, smiling at her mood. "Ah, I wonder!" Then her smile twisted a bit. "Well, I must have it -done; but the money end of it--I'm poor as Job's turkey--was it Job's turkey? Hold on!" Her chin was quiverigg, but her eyes were smiling. "I have one thousand dollars afer yi, < work. Did you know that?" He professed great astonishment. "Some one did love me enough to give me one thousand dollars." She hunted through an old wallet that evi- dently contained cherished treasures, and drew out a rumpled check." You remember old Mr. Pruit--" "Do 1? He used to sit and ramble on by the hour with you while I was only asking for five milnutes to make love to yon" She shook her head warningly. "None of that. Well, I did try to be good to him." He was a little out of his head, you know. Just before his * | last sickness he came in and gave me this check" with a great flourish. You | know he always talked of having | World, gave you all he had. He lovea | You, So do I. Elmer." And in a | smaller envelope she found bills that | totaled $500, and a note: "The rest | you can have when you want it. I kept it in the bank." The nolses of her tumbling world dled away Into peace. It was the old man's gift, and there was nothing to do but accept it. It meant weeks in the country, strength regained, a new i desire to live, . She secured a private room, special care, and spent two weeks in the hos- pital. Just once, Elmer came torsee her. She found his quiet, whimsical Ways very restful and enjoyable: and she asked him to come again. He failed to appear, sending a brief note that he vould not get away from his work again; and then she remembered how pale and tired he looked. The thought worried her, his failure to Come annoyed her, and in both fail- ure and annoyance she made a new discovery of how much the awkward, big-hearted friend meant to her. She went back to a village in the hills, and there began to regain rap idly the strength she meeded for her Only one thing marred the happy days--the money he had sent her . was about gone--surgeon's, nurse's, and the hospital bills had mounted up more rapidly than she thought, she reasoned; so she wrote Mr. Stafford, in whose family she was staying, happened to be going to the city, and he volunteered to take the note In to Elmer. Her first surprise came in the eve | ning, when she was called into the { front room of the house and found El- mer waiting. She went to him glad- ly, instinctively, and then paused, the thrill in her heart dying. She want ed to put her arms around his neck and tell him just how much he had. | been to her, but the look on his face Y BRITISH WHIG he Whole / 'Family says: "FINE" Drink Charm Black Tea - Sold in Packages Only GEO. RUBLK150ON & SON, Limited AA nn boy," she said gently; "why, let me tell you what I have been learning these weeks--I love you!" "Rose Bee!" A hoarse cough broke the Mr. Stafford stood in the doorway. "Say, if you young folks will forgive me, M_want to tell you something. 1 talked' with Horton, and he told me the story of the check. I'm a curious old cuss, and just for the fun of it, 'cause I could understand how Pruit. loved this girl--I guess you do, too, Horton--I had my bankers telephone to that country bank the check was on, while I was in the city; and 1 Just got home and I had to give you the news--that check just covers the bal- ance old Pruit had In his country | bank! Elmer should have tried to | cash it, but I guess everything is all | right now!" Elmer looked at Rose Bee, and Rose Bee looked at Elmer, in the irwnor- i tal speech of heart to heart: and | then, as she kissed him, she an- | nounced; smiling through the mist im: her eyes: : | "Dear, the Barker luck has busted I" | ---------- eins In the Mesa Verde Region. The Mesa Verde region, writes Ar | thur Chapman, bas many attractions | besides its ruins. It is a land of weird | beauty. The canons which seam the mesa, and all of which lead toward the tant Mancos river, are, in many cases, replicas of the Grand Canon of the Colorado. While the summer days are warm, the nights are cool, and the visitor should bring plenty of wraps besides the clothing and shoes necessary for the work of climbing around among the trails. Little horse- back riding can be done. It is a country of active foot work, Just as it was In the days of cliff dwellers themselves. But, when one has spent a few days among the cedars and" jack pines of the Mesa HIGH GRADE BOND BOUGHT--SOLD--OR EXCBANGED Owing to the favorable exchange it is a good time to cell your Anglo-French, United Kingdom or any bond, payable n New ¥ork funds. TELEPHONE 703 Telephone 703 J. 0. HUTTON 67 Clarence Street, Kingston HALLIDAY ELECTRIC C0. Distributors for G. E. MAZDA LAMPS Large stock on hand. 345King Street - - . . Phone 94 DON'T WAIT FOR HEADACHES T0 WEAR OFF Drive them off. They won't disappear themselves. And Headaches and Neu- ralgia, if not stopped at first, return with increased frequency and, develop into a dangerous chronic trouble. DOMINION C. B. 9 (in the red box) is a reliable remedy for headache and neuralgia. It eases the pain, brecks up colds and grippe; and helps to keep the system clean and orderly. If you are subject to attacks of head: ache or neuralgia, and want quick relief, take DOMINION C, B, Q. (Cascara, Brotide and Quinine), Sold by all druggists in the red box. The National Drug and Chemical Co, of Canada, 132 For NEURALGIA and HEADACHE MAXOTIRES SOLVES THE TIRE PROBLEM " . Add mileage, save time and thereby save money. A satisfied cus- tomer is the best advertisement. Let us tell you about them. {meney. I'm glad he thought he had, | arrested her. The same old hungry { Poor old tender-hearted man, the land- | 100k of love was in his eyes, but his {lady told me the city had to bury him | haggard face was lined and changed. | at its own exppnse." Her eyes shad- | "Rose Bee, I have come to make owed. - | & confession," he said tensely. 'aq He took the check quickly. The | dldn't--er--there is no money--" | writing was so erratic that it hardly | Verde, well named "Green Table" by | the Spaniards of early days, he be | comes an enthusiast. use DOMINION C. B. Q. TABLETS (in the red box) 28e¢. Breaks Up Colds, Ete. Talk in the Rhineland: yn The confusion of tongues that the 4 war has caused is hit off in the follow. | 254 Ontario St. Res. 104 Queen, Street. STANDARD VULOA NIZING COMPANY A. \NEAL, Manager ¥ "What--what--what do. you mean?' COMPANY Foot of Brock Street, Kingston Our mill is equipped with modern ntachinery, driven by t.ectric motors with current generated WEMANUFACTURE : -- HUNGARIAN PATENT AND WHI WHEAT FLOUR, GRANULATED at Kingston Mills. TE ROSE FLOUR, BUCK- CORN MEAL, GROUND CORN; GROUND OATS, CRACKED.CORN, GROUND FEED, BRAN, SHORTS, FEED, FLOUR. Our Products are good and freshly made FOR-SALE BY ALL GROCERS The Way fo the Wes? DAILY SERVICE Lve. TORONTO (Union Station) WINNIPEG BRANDON REGINA . SASKATOON STANDARD TRANS-CONTINENTAL TRAIN our, INCLUDING NEW ALL-STEEL TOUR 9.15 p.m. CALGARY EDMONTON VANCOUVER VICTORIA UIPMENT THROUGH. T SLEEPING CARS. ---------------- Sun. Mon, Wed. Fri. -Canidian National all ths way. Tues. Thurs, ways' Agent, ~Via 8:1, ¥. & 8.0., Cochrane thence 0. N. Rys, Anformutitn. from 'nearest Canadian National M. C- DUNN. CFFY AGEVT, 217 Princess Street FIvaITON '7. % er General Pasiesger Department, Yoronte. trial Department Toronto and Winnipeg will furnish full tout | tet indo in Westorn Canada availadie for farming or tiagiars | Canadiz -- li | made sense. Clearly enough, it was ==! the vagary of an unbalanced mind, yet ii it did represent a pleasant memory; and-Horton sought to divert her mind { from the last thought she had spoken, | She sensed his effort, however, and | smiled back. "Elmer, it's the Barker {luck ; and I'm going to face it in the | way father and mother did. Tomor- | row 1 go to the hospital. I am going {te let them do as they want te with { me; and afterward -- why after ward--" She looked at him with j-stricken eyes. She knew that weeks she would be strong enough to take ap work once more; and where was the | money coming .from to enable her to {live as she should and grow strong Tduring those weeks? He took up the cheek in desperate | fingers, stirred by the look in her eves. "Say, Rose Bee, indorse this check; ian' Tl try to get it through. Per | haps the old chap did bavé this | money !*. | "What sreJou thinking about? That check is some old thing he had around, | See how yellow it is! He was a lit. | tle crazy. No, don't be foolish." i He held his fountain pen toward | her. : {| "Indorse here, please," he said, di | reetly. | "All right, sir," she assented, mak- ing a game -of-it, | He folded the check and placed it carefully in his pocket. Then he looked at her hungrily. "Rose, is there any- | thing I can do?" | "Please don't look at me that way." { She rose, her face white, "You have kind----I could reward you. - He { had risen, and. she put her hands on 1 "his shoulders and looked into his eyes | "But I can't give you anything except my thanks, You might--s 8 2 few flowers--if---good-by i" His big heart could not speak througir his slow mind. He said awk wardly: "I'll remember, And Rose Bee, remember that the Barker luck ray take a turn. You know the old saying modernized--'It's a long lane that has mo ashbarrel!" So buck-up--and be of good cheer! Good-by!" { She smiled at his "modernized say | ing," because she knew he wished her after he had gid i; must pass after the operation before: | been so to me, so faithful and wan 1 a |.» "There isn't any more money," he re- | peated desperately. "I knew the check | was no good; I didn't have the éour- | age to take It to the bank. I berrowed | from the firm--and--and Iworked night and day to raise the rest 'and pay back some I borrowed. I knew you wouldn't take it--so I thought eof this scheme of making believe the check was good. I--I--had to tell you I couldn't get hold ofyany money to send you. you--hate me for it? mm astonishment, amazement, to listened. At his last boyish question she laid her fate against his shout. der and drew. his arm about her. "Hate you, My dear, great-hearted CONSTIPATION or COSTIVENESS ' Constipation, although generally described as a disease, can mever ex- ist 'unless some of the organs are deranged, which is generally found to be the liver. There is nothing more productive of general ill health than copstipa- tion of the bowels, and a regulat ac- tion is absolutely essential to general health, One of the most common, painful and troublesome troubles caused by constipation is piles. and unless the bowels are kept open by the use of a good laxative such as Milburn's Laya-Liver Pills the whale System will be poisoned and many different complications of diseases arise, so if you would be well, keep your bowels regular. Mr. A. Roder, Hastings St. ., Van- couver, B.C., writes: --'I desire to ex- press my thanks for what Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills have done for me: I had been suffering from econsfipa- fon for two years, and also. had a bad cough and headaches. I tried all sorts of cures and remedies, but got no relief until I was advised to try your pills. I got great relief after the first few doses." . Get Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills when you ask for them or send 25ec. and they will be sent by return of mail by The T. Milburn Co. Limit- ed, Toronto, Ont. + Too much alkali dries the scalp, makes the hair brittle and ruins it. The best thing for Steady use is Mulsified cocoanut / oil tender understanding she wept as she 1 ing conversation reported In an ex. change: "When two Americans meet onthe street of any Rhineland town this dialogue results: 'Bon four, bud- dy; where were you gestern abend? 'Last evening? Why, I was schlafen' 'Schalfen nix!" 'I hope to step in your mess kit if I wasn't schalfen. Where were you? 'Schololade party, and s-o-nm-e time--take It from me. Three fraulelns ~-- swell janes -- beaucoup cognac, and piano spielen. Krank head dies morgen.' "--OQutlook. i A Duchess Re-marries. English society is agog 'over the announcement of the marriage of the Duchess of Westminster, who had only obtained an absolute decree of divorce from the duke on December 19, to Capt. J. Fitspatrick Lewis, said to be fully ten years her junior. The wedding took place in the country at | an unnamed place. 'The bridegroom, who was formerly | in the Royal Air Force, first met the duchess at her hospital in France, | Friends say that he acted as her pri | Vate secretary for a while. Capt. | Lewis said that they intended living on the continent. In the suit for divorce from the duke the duchess sald ol her married life: "I did not exist at all." . { Capt. Lewis is a keen sportsman and an expert billiurd player. Be- sides the disc in age, the bridegroom is short and slight, while the duchess is tall. i The duchess was Constance Ed- wina, younger daughter of Col. Wil- liam Cornwallis West, of the House of De la Warr, The eldest sister of the: duchess matried Prince Heary of Pless, who, before the world wa i 4 was immensely wealthy and was th 5 intimate friend and confidant of the * then Kaiser. ai The duchess has two daughters by her first marriage; her son, who bore the courtesy title of Earl Grosvenor, 'for whom King Edward VII stood sponsor, died when he was five years old. The duchess and her sister have made long journeys together, and, while unconventional, Jerhas, have always eld far aloof their le gion of } She has been enthusiasti and has played it often. drive a motor car, planes, is a good 'ub it in. It makes an abundance of ' 'ich, creamy lather, which rinses out easily, removing every particle of dust, dirt, dand. aff and excessive oil The hair dries quickly and evenly, and it leaves the scalp soft and the and silky, bright, lustrous, easy to man «© ut oil get M at any p , it's very and a few ounces will supply member of the family for Real Values In. Winter Overcoats And Suits All Styles $25.00 $28. Clearing Off 'Several Lines of At Less Than Cost