~PIPES, all sizes. --~RADIATORS. --MILITARY TEWTS. "e --Large pieces of CANVASS, ac, ew, 1. Cohen & Co. 275 Ontario Street. Phone 534 t-------------------------- | PAPER HANGING Estimates on work freely given. Wall Paper for Sale. H. ROWLEY 340 Barrie St. : Phone 1266). "THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987 | Wanting anything dome in the enrpen- i Estimates given on all kinds | of yepairs and new work; aise hard. | wood floors of all All orders | will receive prompt attention, Shop | 38 Queen Street. GLASSO00'S PURE Strawberry Jom Raspberry Jam Black Currant Jem wPlim Jam --Peach Jam: Gooseberry Jam - - CARPENTERING Estimates Given. O. Aykroyd & Son Carpenters and Builders 21 Main street. Phone 1670 Mar wiled Currant Jelly wCrabapple Jelly -- Jelly hrambienerry Jelly _ D. COUPER 8 Princess Street 1.3 Prompt delivery. +. Sawed in Stove BOOTH & CO., Foot West Street «Phone 133 'WE SELL ON EASY |." TERMS... | Tadies' Suits, Dresses, Skirts, | Men's Suits; ' Overalls, Underwear, | Jewellery, Suitcases, etc. | <'N. Morris, 374 King St. Repairing, Watchmaker and Jeweler G. W. LYONS 849 Princess &. Phone 1866. Itepairs dome accurately. promptly, and guaranteed for one year. Try one of our unbreakable Watch Glasses eal We have a supply of cut hard wood and or cn rm en. = == (time. According to dealers, there is |influenza 1ne 1elgmann School of Music Piang, violin and other stringed instruments; elocution and dra- ak THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG | | L Park Walks Slippery. | The walks through the City Park jare in a very slippery condition. A | Httle sand would help out conditions. Sanding Streets on Sunday.. On Sunday sand men, employed by the Board of Works Department, were busy sanding the streets in cer- { tain sections of the city. . | a Tl i Difficult Orossing. Farmers from Wolfe Island who | had occasion to come to the city on'| { Monday stated that the crossing was | very hard on account of the heavy wind and snow which was blowing. > Hot Weather Coming. Cheer ep, there is stifl more cold weathéf to come, but there will be ao { hot summer, if that is any consola- ition. This is the prediction of some | of those who claim to know all about | weather conditions. 3 | Take Up Collection First. | An exchange announces 'Never | Give Up" as the topic which one of !its pastors will preah on next Sun« fen! vance of the sermon. Like the New Car, Citizens generally are well pleased | with the new car placed on the line | by the street railway, and are ex- | pressing the hope that the compauy { will fit out some of the other big {cars In a similar manner. Boys Playing Marbles. The school boys are not waiting | for the opening of spring to play { marbles. The youngsters are hard at | it already, and are having a great | a scarcity of real good marbles. Disagreeable Days. Kingston people, who had occas- ion ¥0 be driving in the country, Kingst | day. h such a subject it strikes | us) t the collection should be tan- ail : on and Vicin bh bb hd bg it was, _felt that the Municipal Act should be amended to limit civil lia- bility in sueh cases. Address by Prof. J, L. Morison. { Professor J. L. Morison, of | Queen's University, is more in de- mand as a speaker than. any other Canadian. Héar him speas on ive | establishment at the G.W.V.A. rooms {pon Tuesday evening. No charge for { admission, A New Church Needed. Citizens who attended the anniver- | sary services in Princess street Me- | thodist 'church, on Sunday, were coa™ vinced that a new church was need- ed. Every seat was filled and many !were turned away. It is quite Mkely {that the erection of a new edifice peli) be begun in the near future. lo Commanded His Act, ; | The Women's Canadian Club, { Hamilton, has sent a telegram con- | gratulating and heartily endorsing A Dr. J. W. Edwards, M.P., Frontenac, | upon his patriotic stand regarding {the admission of Hearst literature | into Canada. . Will Need More Boats. The Canada Steamship Lines pro- mises a first 'clasg excursion service at the Thousand Islands next sum- imer. Everything points fo a big year at the river, and in order to take care of the business the steam- boat company will need more boats |than were in comrhission last year. * Died at Dexter, N.Y. | At Dexter, N.Y., Mrs. Mabel M. | Christie, wife of Walton J. Christie, 4 nity | "Kingston churches have raised nearly $90,000. for the Forward Movement---a splendid showing-- but will it stop there? The money {given by hundreds should be' sancti- {fied in their lives by better living, | better care | died after an illness of ten days with | and pneumona, aged | thirty-nine years and six months. {Deceased was a daughter of John |and the late Margaret Grant Stuart, Deseronto. 3 wi p---- and comforts for the poor and needy. The givings of the people can be made a well spring of joy in each 'heart, or they can be | made a dismal failure by inaction." | Painful Accident. 'Two rather serious accidents oc- | curred last week at Tweed, and a | circular saw was responsible for | both: On Saturday a son.of W. Pipe, aged about eight years, was cutting | some slab wood in Ris father's mill | yard when his left hand came in| contact with a circular saw. 'The | index finger was almost severed. | On Thursday, while helping to! operate a wood sawing outfit, Jogeph | Hughes lost the third finger of the | left hand and the others were badly | gashed. ' i 1 Increase To Deserotito Teachers. | At the second adjourned mbetifiz | of the Deseronto Public School i Board, at which the different teach- | ers who had resigned were present and laid their claim, the board after | some consideration granted each of the' staff a raise of $100 per year, | to begin on April 1st, 1920. though this was not what the teach- ers asked for originally, they accept- ed the board's offer and will remain | with one exception, Miss M. Provins, who has been accepted at Fort Wil- | liam at an initial salary of $900. i Fishermen Join Union. Union fishermen must be reckoned { with, as the Bay of Quinte and Eas- | tern Lake Ontario Fishermen's Un- | / - LUMBER We are in the market to buy Saw Logs of all kigds, in sleigh lots or car lots. S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factpry and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 66. Factory 'Phone 1415. All Why be bothered ordering from Catalogues 7 Pay us a call. 7 We can give you the same values less your express, WE HANDLE THE BEST A. D. HOLTON 280 PRINCESS STREET . Phone, 661; Res., 2086W. JUTE BAGS WANTED We will pay highest prices for all kinds of Jute Bags. Get in touch with us.' ,. A. SPEIZMAN Come Along Anyway. The Citizans' banquet in Grant Hall, to-night, will be one of the ion, No..27, affiliated with the Ame- | rican Federation of Labor, was bosn | in the office of BE. Guss Porter, K.C., | state that Sunday and Monday were | two of the most disagreeable -days | they encountered all winter. A pierce matic art. Pupils may begin at any date. Terms on application. 60 QUEEN S8T., KINGSTON Engagements for concerts ac. i kindling. J. Sowards Coal Co. 'WeHave In Stock Just Arrived Campbell's Tomato Boup Campbell's Vegetable Soup Clark « Tomato Soup' Clark's Vegetable Soup Distributors for Red 1 ise Tea--the © WR. McRae & Co. | License No. 6-543 pt wk 2 BIG BARGAINS I Cheaper Bos 10. Bon Marche Grocery Cor. Kidg and Karl Streets. License Nov 8 Phone 1544 i Note the Totlowing Investment Se- curities; : : TAX FREE BONDS Maturing 1922.at 99. yielding 5.85% 1923 at 99. ylelding 5.80% 1927 at 160. yielding 5.50% 19033 at 100. yielding 5.50% 1987 at 101. yielding 5.40% Call at 281 King St., or Telephone. Agent for Excelsior Life, Ra yy eT DENTAL SURGEON DR. A. W. WINNETT{ <ented. 216 Frontenac Street. Phone 1325; -- ® Fir Cane: Society Ltd, NOW IS YOUR CHANCE TO help solve the High Cost of Living problem. Call at the Kingston Co-Operative Store, corner of Princess and King Streets, and have the Manager explain the system. Dairy Butter at Oleo-Margarine SPECIAL! Sardines sauce Deliveries Daily GOOD NIGHT: GET OUR "COMFYDOWN" KAPOK MATTRESS 100% pure Second to none for comfort and durability. Kingston Mattress Company 556 Princess St. Phone 602w, ing wind prevailed on the two days and made it most unpleasant. Removing Old Buildings. {| All of the old buildings, formerly | occupied for the storage of lumber by A. Chadwick & Son, are to he re- moved to make way for the new Can- adian Pacific freight sheds. Already the work of pulling them down has started. td Tost His Hearing, A Montrealyman, who was in the city the other night had been indulg- ing in some "strong stuff." A friend took him into one of the '"'movie shows". After the show was well on, the: Montrealer commenced to cry, and his friend wanted to know what was the matter. "It's awful," he re- plied, "I am stone deaf, I can't hear a word the people on the stage are saying." Da Actions. County officials are worried ove: the. large number of claims which have been received in their centres of late for damages due to automo- bile accidents. Lennox and Adding- ton, for example, reported eighty claims last year, many of them tri- vial, but at the same time annoying. Back to the Pastorate. : Toronto, March 9.~--Rev, P. K. Dayfoot has resigned the office of superintendent of the Sunday school board of the Baptist Union of On- tario and Quebec, after ten years as superintendent. He has accepted a recall to the pastorate of his former church at Port Colborne. DO YOU KNOW That the quality of our ICE CREAM is unexcelled ? Prove it yourself. High Grade .. Chocolates in 'pulk and fancy boxes. We stock only those fn de- mand. HOT DRINKS. LBAR' 288 PRINCESS PHONE 1128. say "It's great!" It's the three- times-a-day food that hits their palate just right. Our pastry is a fit companion for the finest Toll Soon Look Old From Here Up Let "Danderine" Check That Nasty Dandruff and Stop Hair F Get a small bottle of "Danderine" at any drug store for a few tents, pour a little into your hand and rub well into the scalp with the finger tips. By morning most, if not all, of this awful scurf will have disap- peared. Two or three applications often remove every bit of dandruff and ps falling hair. Every hair p shortly shows more life, brightness, thickness wr IF YOUR EARS RING WITH HEAD NOISES If you have roaring, buzing noises in your ears, are getting hard®of hearing and fear Catar- rhal Deafness, go to your drug- gist and get 1 ounce of Parmint (double strength), and add to it %% pint of hot water and a ads | and | city's first attempts to get the varied | interests together and to concentrate | things for the city's advancement. | Every citizen will be welcomed; If {you have not obtained a ticket yet, {come along and provision will be {made for your care. The organiza- {tion want a big audience for the | eminent speakers. Tendered a Gift, In recognition of his services as | master, H. Arthur Crabb, Fort | Plain, eldest son of Dr. and Mrs, Eu- | gene Crabb, Cape Vincent, N.Y., was recently presented with a gold watch land a fob, in the: shape of a past master's jewel,' by the members of | Lily Lodge No. 342, AF. & AM, of | New York city. Both the watch ana {fob are suitably inscribed. Mr. Crabb {served as master of Lily Lodge dur- {ing Ae year 1919. Special For This /Week. Prevost, Brock street, will,put on sale men's colored and white shirts, soft and stiff cuffs, sizes from 14 to 17, regular price, $1.65 and $1.75 for $1.25 each. The above shirts are made by one of the best manufactur- ers in Canada. What Will Be the Outcome? A churchman said Jyesterday: A AA A AA LORD LEVERHULME. He Is Both a Reformer and a Wit. One of the most courageous re- formers in the world is Lord Lever- hulme, the famous British advanced thinker, who/since the beginning of his business career in 1867, has dis- played a remarkable imagination; has shown that he is a dreamer and a seer of visions and withal has given proof that back of his fancies there is sound logic and the courage of convictions. Entering his father's store at Bolton when he was 16 years old, at o his talents as a creative genius began developing, From a remarkably small beginning grew what has become one of the greatest soap manufactures in the world, and the place where it is located --- Port Sunlight, near Liverpool -- is famed as the most beautiful garden city in England, and it represents the cul- mination of a dream William Hesketh | Lever had as a boy. 8 A good story, illustrating the use- was told recently by Lord Lever- hulme. A friend; he said, who was iater- ested in cheap food for the people opened a palatial fish shop and in- vited various persons to look over 'his marble-slabbed depot. Over the front were painted in white letters on a black background, 'Fresh Fish Sold Here." : _ The first friend criticized the sign, saying: "Of course, your fish is fresh." So the proprietor painted out the word "Fresh." ! The next critic found fault with the word "Here," because obviously the!fish was not sold elsewhere, so off came that unnecessary words A third visitor objected to 'Sold," saying, 'Did anybody suppose he would give the fish away?" - Now only the word "Fish" was left on the sign-board; but, alas! the fourth' critic said this was needless, and 'on the prietor asking why, the latter » "Why, man alive, 1 smelt your blooming fish before I turned the corner!" More Pay for Song Writers. The value of words is going up, at least in Rouen. 'There the courts have decided that |'lessness of merely negative critiesm; | i neither technical or vocational train- | proficient in any branch of Belleville. As solicitor for the fisher- | men Mr. Porter completed all the le- | gal details, resulting in the charter being granted and a local lodge au-| thorized. The first meeting of the new- lodge was held and thirty-two candidates for membership initiated. The President i William Larue, Bel- leville, with Secretary Irvine, Deser- onto, and Treasurer R. Macdonald, Point Ann, Employment Situation Improving. The employment situation is steadily improving in the city, ac- cording to information from the bureau on market street. Here it was learned that the only men out of work now are those who have ing, Men with trades or who were labor were the first to be engaged, and this is regarded as. indisputable evidence of the great need for early apprntice- ship to a trade of some . ind that will fit young men, or men at any period of life, to render service of valye. Such mén are always in de- mand and need not be long out of employment. Most of those on the waiting lists at present are men who had no particular calling and had never served their time at one of the trades. --r To the Women AA ti ei RUBBERS | We are exclusive agents for LIFE BUOY RUBBERS ' & S\ The best on th market. See that your next pair bear this bran' J. H. Sut 24 erland & Bro. | THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES 'Who Decide the Home Tooth Paste All Statements Approved by High Dental Authorities Note How Teeth Discolor Men's teeth: in particular. Note how tartar forms. Note how children's teeth de- perhaps your own: cay----and despite the daily brushi Every woman knows that old methods of teeth cleaning are inadequate. knows it. Every dentist The reason lies in that slimy film. You feel it with your tongue. It clings to teeth, enters crevices and stays. And the tooth brush doesn't end it. _ That film is what discolors-- not the teeth, It'is the basis of tartar, It holds food substance which ferments and forms acid. J+ holds. the acid in contact with the teeth to cause decay. Millions of germs breed in it. They, with tartar, are the chief cause of pyorrhea. Thus most You Must Remove the Film Pepsodent embodies an effi- cient film combatant. It is based on pepsin, the digestant albumin. The film is albumi- nops matter, The object of P t is to dissolve it, then to by day combat it. Pepsin must be activated. Send the coupon for a 10-Day tube. Note how clean the teeth A 10-Day' Tube of Pepsodent to, show you its effects. Send coupon.