THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG : * Li is to strengthen faith and | and a8 there are no more new cases PAGEFOURTEEN r . INTER Tous JETT 10 THE Gg WW 2 ! A Reply to Prof. Once the liver fails to filter the | Kingston, March 16.--(To the pofsonous bile from the blood, there | Editor): Prof. Stepheh Leacock is a clogging up and poisoning of the [thinks that the way to "kill 'spirit- whole. system, which causes many |jsm' is by ridicule." Stephen is some troubles to arise. TTheraiors, UPON | humorist, of course, and he evident- the liver, more than any other organ | ly has a high opinion of the power | % of the body, depends the general of his art; but this idea of he tu | them were dead letters long ago any health. 3 {those who have made a study of tne | It is pointed out that too much Carelessness aiid neglect, and of- subject, is about as amusing as any- | credence is given Sir Oliver betause tentimes wilful gésregard of nature's thing he has produced. : {of his standing #s a scientist, he be- laws will put the system out of sorts. Spiritualists are accustomed to {ing a physicist dealing with atoms The bowels become constipated, the [that sort of thing. No storm of ridi- {and molecules "between which and liver inactive and the stomach upset. [cule can sweep them from = their f D eae | [Eh tee eye overthrow purely materialistic argu- | we think the disease has about spent mexyls on the negative side." "All itself, Mrs. Harry Fitzpatrick, Torod- the religions of civilized mankind," {said Sir Oliver, "are based upen tke | conception of human immortality, {The survival of man can be proved, land. that perception will strengthen {the influence of true religion." So, {why all the opposition and fuss? { What if a few of the non-essential |dogmas of theology and the creeds {are knocked out? A good mamy of dl EH { 10, is spending a few weeks at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Woods. W. Woods has gone to work in Smith's Falls. A. Kelsey has gone to work at Oak Leaf. Miss Julia Hudson is home from. Massena, N.Y. J. Hudson, Spring Valley, was a vis. itor here over Sunday. Dr. C. AY Howard, Kingston, arrived on Sun- day to see his father, who is ill, A milk meeting %as held at Oak. Leaf cheese factory on Thursday evening. T. D. Spence was again appointed secretary; M. J. Johnson, treasurer; committee, Allan Ralph, Hubert Jef. ser: Lloyd Green and William Halll- ay, - : == 3 ', k. «< Tr A T= A ere ry ; od ubles. .~kour valuable medicine and the have the spiritual there is not the remot- To bring the system back to its nor- est connection." This, of course, was the attitude of the scientific world a few decades ago. Faraday, Tyndall, Huxley and many other well-known physicists opposed Spiritualism because they Saw no relevancy or relation between spirit as an itAmaterial entity and matter. They could not how that spirit as an entity could manj- fest through matter which it was as- sumed had no affinity for spirit, since 'they understood thoroughly that all phenomena in nature were the result of affinities. Besides, these scientists accepted the atomic theory, although all of them appreciated its inconsistencies. Atoms and molecules are consider- ed to-day in quite a different light to what they were then. Listen to what Sir Oliver Lodge has to say about the atom: "In my youth we I thought of the atom as a little hard speck something Jke a pea--very, very small, so small that it seemed impossible of division. But during the nineteen years that have elapsed of the twentieth century, the struc- ture of the atom Hs been made out, not finally and completely, but to a great extent made out. And the re- sult is very surprising. The atom is not a bit like a little hard speck. It is a complex particle as shown by the spectrum. In the 'atoms you get a seriesppof ethereal vibratifps--a series of light, a series of lines in the spectrum characteristic of the chemical nature of the atom. We knew that, but we did not know why. And the why belongs to the electrical theory of matter. Matter is composed of-electricity. Every atom is"made up of electrical charges, and the modern view is that the atom is.a central nucleus, of positive electricity with negative electrong revolving around it. ' The hydrogen atom has a positive nucleus with one négative 'charged electron revolving around it. The next atom in the scale has a positive nucleus and two electrons revolving around mal state, you should take Milburn's Ldxa-Liver Pills. They liven up the liver,' get theVhowels back to their proper conditf¥n 'and tone up the stomach. Mrs. G. L. Cackett, Enchant, Alta., writes: --"I have used Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills and have found them for both stomach and liver 1 have told others about used them with good results. "They are also good for ache." Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are 26c. a vial at all dealers or mailed difect on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited; Toronto, Ont. BIG EATERS GET KIDNEY TROUBLE Take Salts at First Sign of Bladder Irritation or Backache. The American men and women must guard comstantly against Kid- ney trouble, because we eat toq much and all our food is rich. Our blood is filled with uric acid, which the kid- neys strive to filter out, they weaken from overwork, become sluggish; the eliminative tissues clog and the result is kidhey trouble, bladder weakness and a general decline in health. 'When your kidneys feel like lumps of lead; your back hurts or the urine "1s cloudy, full of sediment or you are obliged to seek relief two or three times during the night; if you suffer with sick headache or dizzy, nervous spells, acid stomach, or you have rheumatism when the weather is bad, get from your pharmacist about four ounces of Jad Salts; take a tablespoonful in a glass of water be- fore breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid head- solid foundation of knowledge and pact. Yoh cannot "kiN" a truth nor | ghost even by. laughing at | There are those who think the | suggestion a good one, but they may live to learn that the laugh has been who ww pray." This is not a mere eripturul but an actual fact. Nearly all scientific men, as well as many others, who are non- believers in Spiritism, were highly sceptical and prejudiced investigat- ors, but the facts broke down their scepticism van- "lay" a it. turned on them, for came to scoff have "many remained turn to a sentence, prejudices and their ished. of Spiritualism, may change away from his new-found: faith. has done. that if our old teachings ual and the material, are there is no connection "supernatural" being, .and The professor thinks that Conan Doyle, who has quite recently come before the public as a propagandist his mind some fine morning and turn will venture the prediction that he will do no such thing, on the ground that I have never yet heard of any man or woman racanting who has made a careful and serious study of the subject for a number of years, as Sir Arthur Conan Doyle says ho Leacock is logical enough to see about "spirit" and "matter," or the spirit- correct, then there can be no communication between -the spirit world and this world. Orthodoxy says, "It is im- possible." This is the very crux 'of the question from a scientific point of view. We have been taught that between spirit and matter. That a spirit is a conse- quently cannot manifest, especially in a material way, to us in the flesh. But, in the light of the phenomena of modern Spiritualism this dogma hag to be modified. Spirits do mani- fest to us in various ways; therefore, we will have to change our philo- sophy to correspond with the facts of the case. It is just this mistaken The Bishop of Ontario das declin- ed to accept the resignatioh of Rev. George Code, Athens, but instead has granted him leave'rof abs€nce. He suffers 'from insomnia. ; - J. Graham, inspector of Do- minion police, who is now located at Capreol, near Sudbury, 18 in the city. Mr. Graham has been operat- ing in the north country since Janu- ary 14st, " Ni The meeting of the Kingston Curl- ing Chub, which was held on Mon- day evening, was the largest in its history. = A' number of important matters were dealt with 'and dispos- ed of. i Atwell Wood, Bloomfield, has bought from Alfred Foster the Samuel Payne farm i Hallowell. Governor Alfred E. Smith bas de-1 cided he will be a candidate for re- election in New York State. BURIED FOR EIGHT DAYS, THI lls ER Ee eA = E 2 = El NR Toslilz SE Tcvsc Ge 0s. bP 8 HINDU STILL LIVES. School of Musketry Vacancies. The vacancies. in the Canadian School of Musketry are to be filled. Ten instructors are needed and they will be appointed acting sergeant in! structors for the period of one year on' probation. If satisfactory at the end of that time they will be con: + | mn, | firmed in rdnk. It is hoped that suit- able applicants now serving in the C. E.F. or ex-members thereof may en- list in the Canadian School Muske- try to fill these vacancies and offi- cers commanding units are request- ed to forward names of eligible vol unteers. - Pe = Why place vour order out Place Your Order With Us finest DUBLIN GINGER ALE, ENGLISH GINGER BEER, CLUB 80DA, at Thompson Bot All brands of Domestic and Imported Cigars and Cigarettes. of town when you can get the ing" Works supernatural theory of spirit, more than anything else, that has stood in the way of accepting the dis- coveries of modern Spiritualism. Spirits are "natural beings" with substantial bodles, especially on the first plane, or that nearest to the earth, from which most communica- tions are receivétl. They are not ab- stract 'minds, psychical entities, or 'mere mentalities. A spirit does not exist without a form. "Thére ¢an be no consciousness without a vehicle of consciousness." Will the super- naturalists put that in their pipe and smoke it? Thé poor ghost is having a hard time of it to convince a sceptical world that he still lives and can communicate. There is no place for him in our old philosophies, materialistic or religious, but a place Is being made for him at the present time more rapidly than ever before in. the history of the movement. Those who laugh, giggle and pooh- pooh, as well as those who rage and rail and tear their hair, may as weil be calm, for they can no more stay the mighty psychic wave now sweep- ing over the earth than the foolish king could stop, the ocean's tide. This interview with the well- known humorist is interesting, not on account of his suggested cure of Spiritnalism, but on account of the view points brought out. Hae is re- ported to have said: "When you put the question to me--the question of Spiritism--I1 say as a wise man, I do not know; and a Christian it isn't so." A You note he saved his inconcist- ency by omitting the adverb "as" in the second part of the statement. As a wise man he does not know. Good! What a pity there was not a lot more wise men. "Once I thought I knew it all, then I thought I knew a little, now I know I know nothing," says a Spirit message. This, I ex- pect, will be what the most of us will feel like saying when we reach the other shore. But, why as' a Christian isn't it so? Didn't Cheist "bring life and immartality to light?" "By his appearance after death he proved the deathlessness of the spirit. Had the results of psychi- j cal research been purely negative, it. Carbon has six, oxygen has eight, and so on. The atom differs only in the number of eleétrical par- ticles composing it. The most com- : y 3 Hy . plexation has 92 electrons revolving J Fara A § h - as around ® while radium has 88." : 4 AAA. scientific men as to the composition WILLARD'S CHOCOLATES & Fresh Stock at ° 'SARGENT'S DRUG STORE is a sun and 92 planets in an atom. Telephone 41 Cor. Princess and Montreal Sts. of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for generations to flush and stimulate clogged kidneys; to neutralize the acids in the urine so it no longer is a source of irritation, thus ending bladder disorders. Jad Salts is inexpensive; cannot in- jure, makes a delightful effervescent lithia-water rage, and belongs 1n every home, because ndbody can make a mistake by having a good kidney flushing any time. CATARRHAL DEAFNESS MAY BE OVERCOME Wholesale Tobacconists . Phone 304 202 Princess St. z 3 Geo. Thompson, Prop. Thus you can see that matter is not the "dead," "inert substance it 'was once supposed to be, requiring some outside, supernatural, force to push it around and put it into place like a bricklayer would place bricks in a wall, This materialistic and me- chanieal conception of matter has to bg abandoned. There are plenty of scientific" data now to construct a new philosophy of what has been called "spirit" and "matter," in which, the two forces represented by | . these words, can be shown to be co-|¥ related and inseparable, and instead of having no affinity for each other, they are eternally conjoined, Sir Oliver is doing now what some think would have been wiser to have . 'done before/he published his bodk, "Raymond," namely, laying a scien- tific basis for the establishment 'of philosophical spiritualism founded in nature and natural laws. To-day the whole trend of psychical re- search is in this direction, and the discoveries being made are intensely interesting. § A. AYKROYD Houdini had better look to his laurels. Wildhva Bahu, born thirty years ago in Bombay, doubles himself up to occupy the smallest space, is wrapped in burlap and buried several feet underground, where he reynains without food, water, or air for eight days. -The accomplishment is baffling Eufopean scientists. The photo shows burying the contortionist alive while officials record :the circumstances. Note his one hand remains-out to verify that he is buried. It you have Catarrhal deaf- ness or even just a little hard of hearing, or have head noises, £0 to your druggist and get 1 ounce of Parmint (double strength), and add to it 3 pint of hot water and a little granu- lated sugar. Take 1 table- spoonful four times a day. This will often bring quick relief from the.distressing head noisps: Clogged nostrils should open, breathing become easy and the mucus stop dropping into the throat. It is easy to prepare, costs little and is plea- sant to take. Anyone losing hearing or who has Catarrhal Deafness or head noises should give this prescription a trial. a. tees saaraganeaneret ; i . IYI ---- Has Housing Problem. Arden, March 14.--Luke Thomp- son has bought the property of W. Ww. Pringle, lately vacated by C. Wil- liams, and will take immediate pos- session. Miss Dell Millar, who 'has been suffering from a severe attack of pleurisy, is recovering. Dr. Ston- | ess is in attendance. Mrs. McGilliv- ary, Winnipeg, is visiting friends here. Mrs./B. Detlor and daughter Genevieve, were in Tweed recently. M. Newton, Sudbury, spent the week- end with his family here. The snow in this vicinity is fast disappearing, the roads in many places being quite bare, Clarke Alexander has gone to would not Christian evidence have Sudbury, whore Be hag ure ne Tha co _overwhelmi BE blow? ontén the home of Mr. and Mrs. A aay, have not Been Regative only Brigit + . Ad ut largely sitive. The central . claim bf Christianity is thus com- Misses Belle Pas and. Rita Dus, firmed as never before." 'The above Ardendale, are at B. De or's. 2 : j quotation is from Myers' great |J: Barker, is in Tweed for medica work, "Human Personality and Its | treatment. Dr. Stoness, Sharbot Lake, Survival of Bodily Death." has a number of patients in this Sir Oliver Lodge is reported re- | Neighborhood. N. Gendron and fam- cently to have said: "TI have no new | Il have gone to Tamworth to live. A religion to preach. All I say is that | Dumber of temporary saw mills are the essential parts of the old re-|in operation throughout the neigh- ligion are all strengthened and sup- | borhood. The dwelling houses in the village being all occupied, the hous- ported by the new evidence. The {results of accepting facts under in- {Ing question Is becomiig a serious TOYES BREAD |: JIREH Be: Thurs. & Fri., March 18-19 WE INVITE YOU TO VISIT OUR STORE AND VIEW OUR t FIRST SPRING FOOTWEAR DISPLAY FOR LADIES ANP CHILDREN nani Pr We are turning our whole store into a showroom and will * display all our new Spring and Summer styles. No one will be asked to inake a purchase and you may feel § perfectly free to come as often as you can dur Ing these two days and we feel sure that the Ladies of Kingston will be glad to see what beautiful shoes can be purchased here. Our store opened from 8.30 am. until News From Sunbury. 'Bunbury, Marth 15.---The recent done. A little daughter was born on the 15th to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas