» THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG | A CHURCH BANQUET HELD'MCDENTS OF THE DAY | IN THE REBUILT QUEEN STREET AL DAILY METHODIST EDIFICE : NEWSPAPER, SAYS OF THE MORNING TELEGRAPH, MONDAY, MARCH 8, 1920, _ WCORMACK HAS 7 EVENTFUL NIGHT rot ae Astras 'Cellist And Stags New Song Hit. ' The McKAY creations display< ed in our show.rooms strike the keynote 'of the coming vogne--Fox Scarfs and small Furs in choker effects, are the newest whims of fashion, and, although it may remind you of many an old or comparatively new song hit, yet it has "a difference" all its own and the family resemblance to "Silver Threads Among the Gold" and other fragrantly perennial hetricoms is rath- €T in its favor 'than otherwise and cer tainly must class it as a typical John McCormack ballad. At all events, the audience liked it 50 well that the 'first verse given here: There's a winding trail thro' the mea dow grass, 4 And over a sunny hill, To the Wild-wood ways where a lad and ss y Your inspection invited. PHONE 003. "The Barefoot Tratl" a Hit, Perhaps the Ipric hit of & most "hit ful" recital was an encore, "The Bare- foot Trail," the finely human appeal of the Jards by Marion Phelps admirably fitted with music by Alvin'S. Wiggers making an instantaneous and probably enduring empressfon upon the audience. Simplicity, sincerity and sentiment, the essential ingredients of every lasting Iynie "favorite," characterize both. the words afid tune of "The Barefoot Tradl" ( JOHN : McKay LIMITED x 149-151-10157- Brock ST 1 KINGSTON ONTARIO Once roamed at their own sweet will, A brogvn little lad with a freckled nose, And a wee bonnie lass like a sweet wild rose, Over the hill-top and thro' the dale, Threading the winding barefoot trail SECURE A COPY NOW AT 5 / SPECIAL RATE OF 35c. I~ | LOCAL NOTES AND ITEMS OF |} i GENERAL INTEREST. BE 3 . Hundreds Were. Present-- Rev. Dr. Happenings in the City and Vicinity | : : . Sparling of Hamilton and City| ~What the Merchants Offer te Th c : i & 0 The spirit' imates ti -| W. Swaine, piano tuner, orders at |} e a e 00 ail The. spirit' that animates the peo y in i S r 2 + uf ist | McAuley's, or "phone 564w. ' { ' : p Street Methods , : 18 i Be in ae i Roe adv Sty is Last call for bitter marmalade or- |} < one of the brighiest rays in the his- | 308es. Buy this week at Carhotaky | : | tory #1 the religious life of Kingston. Dean Starr preached at St. Mark's | }i i Vy vin, 68 Y treet | Guet given in the hall of the church | Miss Olive Irwin, 68 York stre fl on Monday evening, and at the meet- | in the .General Hospital suffering | ing which took place in the church {from diphtheria and scarlet fever, is | Big | afterward. Hundreds of the congre- SHghtly improved. : | | sation sat down to the banquet pro-| Now is.the time to have your i i » $ | tis- |} | eight. o'clock before the meeting was | tubers and will assure entire sa | opened in the church which was fill- | faction, C. W. Lindsay. Limited. led. * The market square was Juansted | Rev. J, D. Ellis asked Judge H. A. | by the farmers on Tuesday morning |} | Lavell to take the chair, and in op-| Market Clerk McCamnibn stated that dresses and music, Judge Lavall ex-| Miss Peggy M¢Manus, daughter of pressed the deep gratitude of the | Major W. J. McManus, who has been | bodrd of trustees to all who had so [lll with influenza is convalescing [§| ably assisted in the rebuilding of | Ricely and her friends are pleased to | the church. He paid a warm tribute | receive the good reports of her re-| f 2 | {}| John King, contractor, for the man-| The diocese of Ontario has com- i§ | ner in which the work was planned | tributed $146,000 to the Forward i} | und executed, and.gxpressed the sat- | Movement. The objecttive was $90, | isfaction of the I lding committee | 000. Two-thirds of the ¢dntributions i ! upon having the church ready to be jover the objective reverts to the dio- Robert Crawford treasurer, pre-| We will rent you a plane, and at if | sented the financial Natement to date | end of six months if you feel like { The receipts up to Saturday last | purchasing instrument we will allow | were: { the 'six months, rental on purchase Insurance ..., .........$22,735.57 | price, and arrange easy terms on dal- i Pastors Gave Short Addresses. Readers of the Whig, i | | This was shown at the splendid ban- | church, Barriefield, on Sunday, night. |}! vided by the ladies, and it was after | Plano tuned. We carry two expert | ening a splendid programme of ad- | Dot one farmer drove to the market. to William Néwlands, architect, and | covery, . il reopened on Sunday last. cese for its special needs. ' \ i The College Book Store i Subscriptions .". . ...... i | ance, C. W: Lindsay | | Telephone 919 Open Evenings sre INFORMATION 1S SOUGHT | . 17,219.60 | ' cand 6105.71] od {BY CITY COUNCIL FROM BOARD | Sunday's collection .... OF EDUCATION | i i . ' » His Master's Voice | : | Subscriptions .,., «. .. 1.2 07.78 x Solk = or Pita i ------ As t (o 8 t w - Records | vo. 4,423.75 | and y soi Mo aon Mr. Crawford stated that-at the | Mayor Nickle Explains His Posi- ||! gr {i} time of the fire there was not one | D 1 dollar of debt upon the ehurch, He | tiom, : | gave an interesting * history of the | k 8 In explaining the clause in the fin- v | church covering a period of thirty | ance committee's report asking the 1E + years. The first building was erected | Board of Education for information | in 1884, and wis destroyed by fire in | as to the Kingston collegiate institu- December 1885, and was rebuilt in| te pupils who tried and passed the 1886, The loss was $13,050, with | matriculation examination during $10,000 of insuragee. But there was | the past four years, Mayor Nickle J! a debt of $4,000 making a total of | told the City Council last night that VICTROLA X., $185 $7,000. The mew building cost $17,- | he had requested this information f 'ORR { YOU By ) BY 744.00 and the total debt to be paid | 6f the principal of the institute but V "AL » CONCERT IN YOUR OWN HOME AN. oa CHEATEST ARTISTS OF THE WORLD Nobody Knows De Trouble--Kreisler Guitarre--Heiftez Roses of Picardy--McCormack Menuett --Kindler .L....... c........ Mr. Hitchcock's, Curtain Speech--Hitchcock The Bells of St. Marys--Alda Total ........ | Expenditures .', , . Cr. balance ./. N wv PICTORIAL PATTERNS VAP RP AL . .64841--81.25 . .55046--$2.00 64844--81.25 74198--82.00 =. EATS CHEE REVI A ston> Public School Inspector Stuart and Secretary Macdonald had given him information without requiring him to go before a committee of the board. oN Finally he réported fhe matter to | the finance eommittee of the coun- | cil and it decided that the best way | to do would be for the city council | § to send a communication to the!f! Board of Education asking the in- formation sought. Mayor Nickle cos- tended that the people were entitled to the information. They were con- tributing $34,000 to the collegiate institute. The information that be- longs to the Board of Education be- longs to every ratepayer, he continu- ed. His worship- claimed that if the information was not to be given the sooner legislation was seoured the better: The council committee's is as follows: * "That the Board of Education be asked for thefollowinginformation: I. How many pupils tried the matricul- ation examination' during the years 1916, 1917, 1918 and 19197? Give se- parately. 2. What percentage passed? 3. What percentagh failed? 4. 'What Was Gathe in on a Charge of Be. Percentage tried the second time be- a red a Re | fore passing? 5. What percentage of : a oder uaelty wa | thoes who tried the second time fail- Dismissed by the Magistrate, = SN - The case of James Delpy, charged |= sem =!' . i with having sold some quer to pro- "The Hat Store" i H. A, Calvin, M.P., has been re- $7,800 University Avenue Handsome brick residence; 9 rooms; hardwood floors; all modern improvements; hot wa- ter heating; stable and garage; lot about 200 feet deep. $5,400, Princess Street Brick; 9 rooms; hardwood floors; hot water heating; mod- ern plumbing; large lot. $1,800, Johnson Street Brick residence; almost new; 9 rooms; hardwood floors; on ground and first floor; natural wood finish; hot water heat- ing. Pictofial Quarterly for Spring--brimful .of bright ideas from Fashiondom. Get a copy! | ! It's the Little Things That Sep. arate Us From Success -- Not thé Big Ones.' They may be small and you might think them of not 'much account, but think for one mo- ment what your life would be if you could not see. Newman & Shaw "The Always Busy Store" You would go around this world and not see the beauti- ful things of nature. J.S. Asselstine, D.0S. BrSaant Specialint Phone 1019w. passed the finance recommendation which congregation of today, | collegiate institutes and high schools congratulated the board upon its suec- | declined to give him the information | Lakmi--*"Bell Song"--@Galli-Carci ... . ] | the chdrch, and Rev. W. T. G. Brown |. * Mayor Nickle stated that he had | (THE HOME OF THE VICTROLA) Rev. Dr. Sparling of Hamilton con | ment committee with his figures and upon their action in closing their strange that he should have to ap- _| tend its opening. He admonished his | principal of schools outside King- 'Once used, always used. April styles nhowon sale. tween spirit and service in the Chris- importance that chureh organiza- men, and this must never,be lost were: Miss Goldie Bartels, violin so- C.A. quartette; Miss Posselwaite, re- See complete list at office. Gask, trio. between 1884 ands1890 was $17,- | it had been refused ym. He thought 687.87. The people of that day had | he was entitled to it as mayor of the Rev. Mr. Waddell, pgstor of Prin- | throughout the country, the figures cess street church, conveyed the | he asked were sent to him. The prin-" 5 © Open the Gates of the Temple--Williams cess. Rev. D. A. Lough, in a splendid | he asked and wrote him a very sar- | When I Was Twenty-one--Lauder { address, congratulated the congrega- |-castic "letter which the mayor read | : | \ : - a Love is Mine---Caruso . conveyed the greetings and good | applied to the Board of Education | -- All the popular Vocal and Dance Records in stock. | Wishes of the Sydenham street con-| fdr the figures he sought and was | eop e | Bratulated the members and officers | it was Intimated that the collegiate | | upon the building of the church, and | institute principal would be present | church. But he wanted to see a new pear before @& committee of 'the \ and more commodious church in| board to get information. thas was hearers to maintain the equilibrinm 50 necessary in effective Christian | tian life--and avoid the tendency of- ten observable to emphasize doct- tions should fulfill the. purpose for which they were intended, for the t of. A very fine musical programme lo; Miss Pearl Nesbit, organ solo: male quartette, Messrs Moncrief, citation; Mr. Hodge, Mr. Gask, Dr. A. Haffner, Mrs. Crawford, solos; a -------- ' YOUTH BOUGHT THREE BOT- to make greater sacrifices than the | city. When he wrote to a number of greetings from his congregation and | cipal of the Deseronto high school |} Dear HédrdesDe Gogorzsa | tion upon their efforts in restoring | to the aldermen. Hear them at: -- gaation. invited to appear before the manage- | ; | | also the Brock street congregation | with his. The mayor thought it very | ' .MAHOOD BROS. a tm con a = s -- . | Williamsville, and promised to at- freely given him---by letter by the : . : work--to maintain the balance be- rines unduly. It was of the highest purpose of the church was to save was rendered. Those taking part Haffner, Marshall and Hodge; Y.M. Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Crawford, Mr. TLES OF LEMON EXTRACT. Victory Bonds accepted in payment. STAR, Money to loan. : - McCANN * Real ba Insurance 86 B PHONE 326 OR 621. KINGSTON EVENTS| 25 YEARS AGO. UNION STREET Semi-detached brick; gas; 7 rooms; 4 bedrooms; leat location:. . $2,700. MARKLAND STREET improvements; good cellar; good yard and gateway; an excels Wednesday 'New Style Package 4 Ib. Glass Sealer Pure Raspberry and Strawberry Jam «© . ey PTE ria eeeee $1.50 per jar CANNED SALMON-- ~~ 480 tins, choice quality, ..25c. per tin © Green S Retail Meats, 458 Sea and Lake Fresh Fish Smpked and Salt Fish tuff--Cauliflower--Lettuce--Cel- & ery--Parsley--Rhubarb. 'Wholesale Department 1767 a Grocery Dept., 459. . aes k & i en i Na 7 | Home in St. Patrick's Day istrate Farrell again on Tuesday morning. C. R. Webster, acting for The Wearin' o' the Green is Quite Correct in the the prosecution, and C. M. Smith, for the accused, agreed to have, the case heard on Friday. The case has been adjourned several times, but Magis trate Farrell announced that this would be the final adjournment. The 'securing of witnesses has been th cause of the delay, r William Moore, a youth, was up for being intoxicated in a public place and told the magistrate about purchasing three Bottios of. femon extract at local stores. © was fined $10 and costs, with the option of one month in jatk Man taken, the magistrate dismibend i _ The inspector, with two pollce con. (stables, paid a visit to the home wenty-nine bottles Stuff." The prosecution dence concerning a previow a viola of the Ontario mperance Act against the accused, magistrate stated that this Tsmimed the Sass. C. Ry ohater or rosecu 5 EYE te tame Lieut. Godfrey passed : ¢ Godfrey on Sunday alter lingering illness. Lieu ved' in the Sth Cding ay i in France, Ald Joseph orangeman, is quite se his home in this city. ; elected a trustee of Queen's Univers- ity for five years. The skating is very fine on the bar- || bor these days. ] 4 Licenses are to be given to: men who sei traps in waters that are re- served, y A. T. Smith and C. N. Greza wheeled to Garden Island and report the roads to be in good condition. R.M.C. Cadets To: . It is announced by Lt.-Col. G. H. Gillespie, . officer commanding high school cadet corps, that hereafter the gentlemen cadets of the Royal Mili- tary College will participate in the Imperial challenge shield 'competi- tion that takes place annually in Bri- } {l fain and various overseas dominions. There are money prizes awarded and the Canadian teams got a share last year. The Kingston Oollegiate and high schools have teams in the ev- . The conducted in the hotel parlor by Rev. J. W. Stephen, pastor of St. Andrew's ¥ wide circle of friends. The remains were gent to . Brockville for inter-|. ment, . 1 New brfek; hot air furnace; electric lights; 3 piece bath; session 30 days. $3750. CHARLES STREET Detached frame! 7 rooms; yard and gateway; E. W. INS Cor. Johnson and Division Sts. 7 rooms; attic finished; good cellar; big yard; pos improvements; good cellar Possession May 1st. i on ALIN & SON URANCE BROKERS. $2,800. ESTATE pus service was | . PAGE & SHAW /'1 t Chocolates $1.25 Ea i Mahood's Drug Store