1920. "THE MARK OF MERIT Each week, each month, each year, the (Semi:Ready) trademark becomes more widely known and respected by the buying public of Canada, because: all garments bearing this trademark are the best of their kind, consistent with the price. There is a quality, a distinctiveness, a perfect fitting, comfort ~dressed able, well other garments can. NEW SPRING SUITS ...:.. feeling about their Suits that pleases as few . $20.00 to $45.00 D.J. WILL - "THE MEN'S STORE" mi rm dits of our patrons. Phone 699. "seeing is believing" call attention to the plau- They will tell you that while our eye glass service is perfectly satisfactory in every respect from the examination to the ; glasses themselves that they . . 'were surprised at the small- ess of the amount Kero apked to pay. 8 investigate. ; I* proof of the axiom that The House of Better Glasses Opposite the Post Oftice KINGSTON. they You x | NOX A COLD TABLETS A ana he ay Sure Jor Near Flu, a mild laxative. ET few house. pilot tue on genuine * Sold at Best's Drug Store. NN 1 a Contributed. Only the historian can portray the | vicissitudes through which Ireland has passed since the year 432, when | 8t. Patrick came from Great Britain {to Christianize that country, and to- i day services are being held in the | Roman Catholic as well as in the Protestant Episcopal churches in memory of the most successful inis- sionary known to history. He made Armagh the chief ecclesiastical | centre of Ireland, and after thirty odd years of Christiag' work he end- {ed his glorous life at Saul in the | County of Down in or about the year | 465, 'St. Palrick's spiritual teaching was essentially Scriptural. The seeds Christianity sown by him during ministry did not fall upon stony ground, for they grew into an abund- ant crop, and the ingathering was | little short of the miraculous. After the life of St. Patrick, learning and religion flourished, and in the course of time there were more learned and holy men in Ireland than in any country in Europe, so that it was designated the "Island of Saints and { Scholars." unciated by "The Apostle of Ireland" are the identical principles. that should guide and direct the thoughts nd actions of men and women to- | day, and what is needed in Ireland | more perhaps than at any time in | her checkered history is the applica- {tion of.those principles inculcated HAND BAGS we Brocaded greatly do not wait. JEWELERS 100 PELACKSS ST. 'S "PHOSPHODINE. fe Si oat invigorates the Bids nervous system, makes ew Biéo A in old Veins. Used W Debility, Mental and , Low 25 Silk, Leather and Fancy These we are clearing at rediiced prices and only have a few--s0 Kinnear & dEsterre { by St. Patrick to every day life, | It is stated that there are in Ire- h Jand a greater number of churches, Maviig regard to her population, | [tha fa any other country. These churches are the outward and visible symbol of the faith which was once and for all time delivered fo the| | saints. With what success the dif- | | ferent religious bodies are making in | | applying that faith history alone will pass judgment. The church ought, however, to remember that her sym- bol is not the completness of the circle nor the logic of the square, but the inexplicable contradiction of the Cross. It would seemas if the circumstances of past centuries have made the church conservative and staid; but present day conditions de- mand, at whatever cost, a go-ahead policy--the valour, no less than the vision of faith; the readiness to fisk untried experiments allowing a generous margin for the failures which those who claim to be able to apply the remedy must not too much dread. It is braver to abandon me- thods which have been found to yield inadequate returns than with merely bulldog pertinacity to refuse to let them go. It ought not to be forgot- ten that the trend of modern life is towards materialism, and thig is ap- parently due to the fact that as Christians there is not in us a repro- duction of Christ's character. In no country is there more re- ligion than in Ireland, ,and in no country is there perhapd less of what might be called the religion of Hu- manity whose slogan {s:-- » "The world is my parish; to do good is my religion." Murders and attempted murders ~"C. 8, KIRKPATRICK, Ocean Steamship Agency 86 Clarence St. Kingston. Telephone 568w. & of police and soldiérs, raids on pos ice barracks and private houses jg search of arms and other outrages '| are of almost daily occurrence, and the authorities seem quite unable to 1 cope with the series of organized = | crime, which has spread like a plague Ee---------- Get A Re-Build--GET IT NOW BEFORE PRICES ADVANCE EAT RRC RTERTRTEERCHARLIERD ommend We carry i 3¥P0 Why should an old Tire be re-built ? BECAUSE: It is a first class Tire when rebuilt. --It costs less than half the price of a new Tire. --It will give 3,500 miles. --We back these state- ments with facts. --We employ experienced tire builders. n stock a complete line of MINION TIRES OORE'S The House of Reputable Tires and Tire sr -- Fo over the southern and western coun- ties of Ireland. There are some im- portant elements which may to some extent account for the apparent in- ability of-the authorities to st the increasing volume of lawicfuness and outrage. The first is by con- demning "coercion'" and "repres- sion." The Radical Home Rule press is doing all if can to prevent the facts as to the condition of the coun- try from coming to light, because if they were fully known the proposal to set up a local parliament in Ire- land would be endangered. The se- Lr Combing Won't Rid Hair of Dandruff | The only sure way to get rid of dandruff is to dissolve it, then you destroy it entirely. To do this, get about four ounces of ordinary liquid arvon; apply it at night when retir- ing; use enough to moisten the scalp and rub it in gently with the finger tips. Do this to-night and by morning, most if not all, of your dandruff will be gone and three or four more ap- plications will completely dissolve and entirely destroy every single sign and tracer of it, no matter how much dandruff you may have. You will find, too, that all itching and digging of the scalp will stop at nee, and your hair will be fluffy, lustrous, glossy, silky and soft, and look and feel a hundred times bet- ter. You can get liquid arvon at any drug store.. It is inexpensive and never fails to do the work. Turn Hair Dark be Men s Mahogan Calf Bluchers: rub- ber soles anc heels; areal Women' s Chocolate Kid and' Brow Calf; Tigh cut bals; while Ta . us in Reid, 111 PRINCESS sTRimY : With Sage Tea If Mixed With Sulphur It Darkens So Naturally Nobody Can Tell The old-time mixta mixture of Sage Tea 'and Swivhur for darkening Li The principles .of Christianity en-. cond element"is thdt the great ma- jority of the people in the area of | crime "either sympathize with the rebel organizations or are afrald, or | unwilling to give evidence or even | to condemn the nefarious work done | through the agency of the society | which claims the right to cut the | last link that bimds Ireland to Great } Britain. Indeed even magistrates | are apparently affaid to do their | duty, and are 'in many instances | identified with illegal societies them- | selves. The truth is that the Sinn | Feiners are the only coercionists in | this country, and all the measures | taken against them are'in defence | of the night of law-abiding citizens | to live in peace and security. What are the clergy doing?--for the clergy of the dominant church have always been the greatest factor to be reck- oned with when matters of politics, religion, qr education come up for consideration. "It "is quite true that a few of the heads of the dominant church havé in unqualified language condemned the crimes committed against God and man. The condem- nation of some of the other church dignitaries, however, has been leds or more timid and qualified and thereby calculated rather to increase than otherwise the hostility of the conspirators to the rule of Great Britain. So that ag their aims have received the blessing of their church the means adopted for the attain- ment of those aims seem to them justifiable. What a farfetched con- clusion! What tremendous possibili- | ties does it embrace! The men who have had. recourse to physical force | with the object of accomplishing | their ends--with the object of free- {ing Ireland from the rule of England {--that power which played such a | noble part in the greatest of all | wars, appear to be unconscious of | she existence of the Decalogue. If they gre Bat | ignorant of those anci- ent Com dments, however, then their moral responsibility is all the greater. If St! Patrick were living to-day what would he havesthought of the condition of Ireland? That he was a man of high moral and re- ligious courage, and that his motives were a desire to please God and a sincere and profound love for the people of Ireland cannot be gainsaid. Of course every problem of the his- tory of religion is neaessarily a sociological problem. Ireland was pagan when St. Patrick came to con- vert it. What is it to-day? The forces of darkness are gt work, and let us pray that a saint or an apostle may arise to convert the people from sedition, privy conspiracy and re- bellion 'and from all false doctrine, heresay and schism and turn their hearts. Long accustomed to regard them: selves as the guardians of the op- pressed and downtrodden, and right- ly so, the English find it difficult to conceive that thy themselves are re- garded as the oppressors. No mat- tet~hqw the question may be viewed, there can only be ome conclusion, which is, that there is a widespread conspiracy to destroy English ad- ministration in Ireland and to set up publican government. But would oo a change be advantageous-- apart from the methods, the base 'and brutal methods adopted to bring about the result? For, recollect that the government of the-country would be practically in the hands of men whose . paralysing = influence - has spread like a measma over the great- er portions of Ireland. y Therefore, how would such persons: deal with the problems of government on the merits of the interests of the nation, and not on the basis of party differ- ences? In considering what the fut- ure is likely to have:in store for Ire- land dhe must perforce have in mind what has actually happened in the past. The Jawbreaker ought not to be the lawmaker. It is only in Ire- land that this could possibly Hap pen. nh NEW WARD BOUNDARIES That Have Been Decided Upon by the City Council, The following are the new ward boundaries fixed by the: ¢ity countil so as to make the population in each of the seven wards more equal than heretofore; Sydenham ward--Bounded by the water's edge, Earl street and Univer sity avenue. Ontario ward--Bounded by Earl street the water's edge, Brock street an {versity avenue. St' Lawrence ward--Bounded by Brock street, the water's edge, Queen street, Montreal street, Ord- nance street, York street, Division street, Princess street and University avenue. Cataraqui ward---Bounded by Suen street." the water's edge, G.T. R, junction, Montreal street. Frontenac , © ward--Bounded by Montreal street, Ordnance street, York street and Division street to the | northern limits of the city. Rideau ward---Bounded by Divi- sion street, Princess -street, Univer- sity avenue, Johnson streets, western city limits and the "northwestern 1i- mits. Victoria ward--Bounded by Uni- versity avenue, Johnson street, the western city limits and the water's edge. $ or + 7 KINGSTON EVENTS 25 YEARS AGO. Ye 15 2 . 4 y The anniversary of Treland's pat- ron saint was celebrated with all sol- ! Jemnity and grandeur of the ritual. h mass 'was celebrated by Rev. Hig "| Father O'Brien. Bateman's Mass was rendered e by the choir in =m excellent manner. 8t. Patrick's concert, under the of the YICB.A. great success. . Hon. John Costi 'was present, and delivered a very ry -to-use | th's teresting address, dealing: with the history Et Ireland. After the enter- was 1 : They've Got To Go This Odd sizes in Women's Brown Kid Lace Boots: odd sizes Women's , Black Kid Laced Boots. : . Also a few pairs Patent Button and Lace Boots; all must go thisowekat , .... con 00 ovis wy $3.95 ® ee te a eee Arcridtvs Shoe Store I There Is Comfort In Reid's Chesterfields Our range of Chesterfields and Chesterfield Sets, beautifully upholstered and exceptionally well made and wery artistic and worthy of blending with. the finest furnishings of any home. We invite your: inspection. ~ JAMES REID THE LEADING UNDERTAKER. Jone 147 for Service. SAKELL'S With living costs stil} soar- ing, the assured style and ac- cepted quality of our HATS are more attractive than ever be- fore. You will find much to inter- | est you in the new shapes we have selected for your approval. SOFT HATS and DERBIES in smart, snappy styles - The style centre for Men's Hats 'CAMPBELL BROS. Kingston's Oldest Fur Store ree Fei i When down town doing your shopping 3 and it is snowing, raining or even slushy under- foot, a hot cup of Bovril or even Chocolate ~ will prevent a cold from setting in. But be sure you have nothing but the best and it is only had at:-- ) : SAKELL' S Next to Opera House Arn ads THEIR HOUSES ON '- THEIR BACKS The housing problem doesn't Moth the snail family. Snails carry __ their sleeping. -quanters on their backs. Lucky ' snails! (Call them gas- teropods, if you prefer the word!) - STOLES and CAPES for Neck. Pieces for Spring We Gourdier's 78 BROCK-STREET, Folks who read the rental column of Slasstfied ads are a They find vacant houses, flats