I ne BRITISH WHIG | was neglected, and this was the cause, | along' with the tariff, for the high | cost Of living. ' i Mr. Halbert concluded with a vig- | FRONTENAC UF.0. f | i ROUSING MEETING porous arraignment of the government and said: "We must have men whose {bands are clean, and who are not i (Continued From Page 1 j tied to trusts and combines." R. J. | common people were powerless and | Vair moved a hearty vote of thanks their interests were thwarted, for |to the speakers. power passed out of their hands. "We | 4 ave public ownership of | resodre# until we have public own- ership of our government," declated Mr. Kennedy, | DAILY 7 J rR >' = ' LEX ARE LAARY , AE yA ~~ QV hesesacae -- QUEEN STREET NETHODIT RE-OPENING SERVICES = WERE CONTINUED ON SUNDAY | U.F.0. Platform Broad. { The speaker twitted Hon. Arthur | Meighen upon his alleged statement | Rev. Dr. J. W. Aikens of Ottawa De- {that the farmers' 'movement was a ! : | ' an | livered Two Splendid Sermons | class movement, and said it was al { i THE MARK OF MERIT Each week, each month, each year, the (Semi-Ready) trademark becomes more widely known and respected by the buying public of Canada, because: all garments bearing this trademark are the best of their kind, consistent with the price. There is a quality, a distinctiveness, a perfect fitting, comfort. iS | protest against the influences that| Large Congregations Attended. | have been directing the governments | The same enthusiasm that was | of this country. The U.F.0. platform | shown on the first opening Sunday at F ts that pleases as few o Pp m able. well-dressed feeling about their Sui p! i : t tend all | the services at Queen stfbet Metho- | the needs of the country. The peo- | dist church, characterized e ser- NEW SPRING SUITS ......... weet... 820.00 to $45.00 i {vi again on Sunday. The dhurch D. J. WILL i ple were themselves to blame for the | + "THE MEN'S STORE" as ts sar nase BEARER RAREY { Present autocratic government, for | Was crowded at both the morning | they allowed their interests to sub- | 80d evening services. Rev, J. W. Aik- | #ide between elections, and we have | €08, D.D.,, of Ottawa was the special bad nothing but class Jegislation in | SPeaker and both of his sermons Canada during the past forty years. | Which were brilliant and impressive, He believed that public opinion has | Made a profound impression. Ad out- fiow reached the point where a | standing - feature of the services at change has got to be made, and he | this church was the large number of warned his hearers against allowing | Men in attendance. | their inte to die before the | Taking for his text St. Mark xvi: accomplished. --"Go and tell his disciples and nedy predicted that the | Peter." Rev. Dr. Aikens, dealt with jon would be fought on the | the sin of denying Christ, in his { tapi; which was wrong, morally and | MOriing sermon. Peter had commit- economically, because, it restrained [1d the sin of denying his master, trade and took money from the pock- | Put ubon Christ's. resurrection, he ets of the many and put it into the | Was summoned With theo r disc pockets of the few. Canadian pro- | ples. The speaker showed Ch 's J NE IE vl ha 2 QD) of 3. oe] + | NOX A COLD TABLETS A safe and ours for Lalh LET Flu, a mild np a # | & few house, Ost the genuine, i atores, 380 AER RENEE] drug per bax. Soild st Best's Drug Store, a a )) / oa ~~ SQUARE "OCTAGON OVAL ~ hese describe briefly some of Te newer shapes in Ladies Wrist Watches. These dainty little time-pieces are mounted either on blaek ribbon or ex- pansion bracelets -- and are fully guaranteed as fine time- keeper--the movements are 15 els. J nil Octagon Watch--gold filled, on black ribbon, $25.00. Small, square, Cushion shape, gold filled watch, with ribbon, 50. Ye above in 14kt. gold, with ribbon attachment, $60.00. Kindear & dEsterre N proof of our statement I that we can serve you in our professional optome- tric capacity we cite the numerous case of afflicted eyes in this town that we have helped back to clear yj- sion, We ask you to inquire about our professional con- duct and our abilities and then consult us. We wil render you scientific reme- dial services and a moderate bill The House of Bettée Glasses Opposite the Post Office Phone 699, KINGSTON, > 8. KIRKPATRICK;- Ocean Steamship Agency 36 Clarence St, Kingston. Telephone 568w. Pr I A Get A Re-Build--GET IT NOW ; BEFORE PRICES ADVANCE \ Why should an old Tire be \ re-built ? BECAUSE: ~It is a first class Tire when rebuilt, --1t costs less than half the price of a new Tire. It will give 3,500 miles. Ii would raise revenue by direct taxa- | tion and make the wealth of the country pay it. Mr. Kennedy also spoke of direct legisidtion, referen- dum and recall, claiming advantages for" such a system, which gave the people power to initiate legislation and compel the government to adopt it. J. L. F, Sproule took a shot at, the civil service, which, he said, cost the people $14,000,000 a year fo sup- port superannuated oWicials. All ap- pointments weré?-sqcured through "pull" Mr. Halbert's Fiery Address, Mr, Haljgert, M.P., spoke upon the objects and®- aims of the U.F.O. His address was a rapid fire from beginning to end, frequently punctu- ated with applause. Toward the end he threw off his coat for greates free- dom and finished in his shirt sleeves. He tore to shreads the fiction that farmers were not expert enough to conduct legislation and showed what was accomplished by the United Far- mers' Co-operative Companies. In| Ontario $25,000,000 of business was | transacted last year, and despite the | fact that they met with obstacles, | they had succeeded: But he was at home when he launched into politics, When there was one farmer to sixty lawyers in the House of Commons | there was no cry of class government. The farmers were willing to support the government in proper legislation. Speaking of the recall, he declared that if was not objectionable to hon- est men, and if it were in operation now not many members of the pres- ent parliament awould be there, ducers were effected injuriously. He | \0Y® and compassion toward Peter despite the baseness of his conduct, and the same love and compassion followed the sinner today to the low- est depths with forgiveness. The speaker observed that the great sing against God and society were committed by meny in mid-life, and instanced Samson, David, Peter and Judas, and the follies of youth were as nothing compared to the fol- lies committed by men and women of riper years, He reminded his hear- ers that there was no virtue in past experience, and there never was a time in the history of the Methodist church when there was greater need for dedication to God than at present. It was no' time for people to slack up on their religious observance when they had gained wealth and po- sition, and the prayer of the proud should be ""O God, help me to be con- scious of my own weakness." In the evening Dr. Aikens' sermon Was a powerful appeal todyoung peo- ple to dedicate their lives to God. This he said was an appeal of the Forward Movement. What a person does with his life is ofthe utmost importance "to himself, to God and to the country in which he lives. Young people must learn that they have but ope life to live--twenty- five years of preparation and twenty- IIIS ERT EERE A RN ETD JAGR NS a than ay For Men Are Now Ready. See Our New Browns With The Ab FE IY a -------- Tid eswe aM Ee VITO srs ess Bb i a ---- Pointed Toes 3 S--- Ay 7 2%) ernethy's Shoe Store Ht irlalitietl five years of work. The speaker show ed the tragedy of making a wrong choice, and how God often drove men into the right path by apparent mis- fortune. Special music was 'rendered at both services. In the morning the an- them wag "Come Let Us Worship." Mesdames Pound and Crawford sang a duet very sweetly, and a quartette was sung during the offertory by |, Messrs Haffner, Moncrief, Marshall and. Hodge, the soprano solo being taken by Mrs. Evans. At:the evening service the music was rendered by a male choir. "Watchman What of the Night" was sung by Méssrs Haffner and Hodge; a solo by Mr. Gask: quartette by Messrs Haffner, Hodge, Marshall and Moncrief. The anthem was "Who Are These." All of the music was highly appropriate and the work of the male choir under the direction of Dr. Haffner was greatly appreciated. : The services were conducted by Rev. J. D. Bilis and Rev. D. A. Lough and Mr. Ellis announced that a sum of several thousand dollars was needed to cover the balance of the cost of rebuilding the church, ST. ANDREW'S ARNVERSARY SPECIAL SERVICES HELD THERE ON SUNDAY, Mr. Halbert sald there would not be an election until 1921 and then the issue would be the tariff. « Every time thé farmer goes to town he payshtaxes upon everything hg buys, but manufacturers are permitted to reap 310 per cent, profits, and during the war manufacturers of war sup- plies were guaranteed a stated pgo-' fit upon their business. He showed 10w the farmer and the returned sol- fier on the land were placed at a dis- advantage, They had been driven like oxen into the furrows, paying taxes upon the nécessities of life and their implements and machinery needed in their toil and upon them { the war debt fell heaviest. He spoke with great bitterness of the treatment ! given to the farmers" delegation when they went to Ottawa to protest against conscription. The Orange: men of Ontario and the farmers o™ wuebec were united on that occasion¢ He was a member of that delegation, because as a member of the Ontario Food Board, he believed Canada needed her farmers to produce food. Nothing that has ever happened in the history of Canada opened the eyes of the farmers as the treatment they received then did. For the gov- ernment shut the door in their faces. Thirtieth Anniversary of oa of Present Church and 116th of NEW SPRING HATS. « | With living costs still soar- ing, the assured style and ace cepted quality of our HATS are more attractive than ever be- fore. You will find much to inter est you in the new shapes we have selected for your approval. SOFT HATS and DERBIES If Canadian politics are to be saved from disgrace, it can only be done byr a democratic system of government. St. Andrew's Was Celebrated-- Rev. Dr. W. J. Clark, of Mgqntreal, the Preacher. in smart, snappy styles There Is Comfort In Reid's ~ Chesterfields Our range of Chesterfields and Sets, beautifully upholstered and exceptionally well made snd very artistic and worthy of blending with the finest furmishings of any home. We invite your inspection. : JAMES REID : THE LEADING UNDERTAKER. i; Phone 147 for Service. » - nd SGanang Ry SAKELL'S HERE WE ARE READY FOR OUR EASTER TRADE We have just received a large shipment of Chocolate Hees, and Hens, Ducks, and Fish, which will give the little tots a very enjoyable time that day, at = 2 ' He counselied his hearers to mark their ballots to beat down the tariff and unlock our idustries. For this purpose there had to be organization for powerful orga fons were ar- rayed against them The govern- ment did not play fair with Canadian farmers. It neglected them in favor of foreign immigrants, who were placed upon land in the west and given assistance from the public treasury that was denied to Cana- dian boys, Patriotism should begin at home, Millions of dollars were given to railways, while agriculture FAINT AND DIZZY SPELLS You can'gensrally tell when the heart is affected by the faint and dizzy spells, the shortness of breath, The style centre for Men's Hats - St. Andrews' Presbyterian church 'has passed another milestone. On Sunday the thirtieth anniversary of the dedication of the present church editich and the 116th of the found- ing of St. Andrew's was celebrated with two very bright and inspiring services, Rev. Dr. W. J. Clark, of Westmount, Montreal, one of the leading members of the Presbyterian church in Canada, preached at both services, jelivering most thoughtful and for 1 services. The congre- gation was large both morning and evening. The pastor, Rey.' J. W. Stephen, assisted at both ser- viecs. : Sa At the morning service Rev. Dr. Clark spoke from the text, Isaiah xii, 2: "Behold, God is my salva- tion. /4 will trust and not be afraid. | For the Lord Jehovah is my strength and my song. He also is become my salvation." Lv SFR ] The speaker pointed out that all 5 al thoughtful Jeople ie what it was Many mer to be afraid. But there were many run-down and worn out when 'mystesieg of life which could be wise! they could bs strong and heal s had studied out |g but no matter how We back' these state- ments with facts. ~ i 0A 4 --We employ experienced tire builders. TN. in stock a compl & line of . We catty MINION TIRES | OOR House of Reputable 'Tires and Tire HERERO tse cA i IA HUI '- = * aT ¥ = TR 'in the campaign' for. the Forward Movement, and on account it was deemed advisable to hold the anniversary services later on. $ The congregation was asked for a special anniversary eollection, and it is expected that a goodly sum will be realized. a : : Arthur de Salvo, Smith's Falls, ed fr is home and was ive been drowned in the 1] if they would only pay some attention To-. 5 s ord : rl Hii] to the first sign of heart weakness. ~ bersoles anid heels; a real bargain $5.75 Women's Chocolate Kid and Brown ~~ -- Calf; high cut bals; while they 3 last es sales TL ics , .$4.95 a 2 Es £ pit 411 PRINCESS