THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG ' to leave your cold at BEST'S. 25 cents buys a preparation (Dr. Hickey's Speedy Cure) that will cure the Cough in a few doses. SHORT STOP at 15 cents is still in the run too and also all the popular Cough and Cold remedies stocked. At Best's ' The Popular Drug Store Phone 59. > Pe ' Keeley Jr, M.0D.0. Keeley Ji, MOD. The optometrist of today to do work must not only be equipped with the best mechan- fecal apparatus but must have that knowledge in its use WHICH ONLY LONG EXPERI. ENCF CAN GIVE. It is this combination of mind and machinery of experience and equipment that makes Keeley's service unique in Kingston. a Sn A ------ The Senate passed a bill legaliz- ing boxing in New York State under the supervision of a joint board. + The League of Nations' t meet- ing will be held in Rome about April 25th or 26th BA ------ [70 SUPPLY GAS AND WATER lll TO RESIDENTS OF-2ORONTO AND | MACDONNELL STREETS. | | Board of Works Recommends That | holds a definite place. in the home and no Phonograph music is so true and sweet as that of THE FAMOUS IStarr with ' its "Singing Throat" "0 f Silver Grain Spruce.' TheDifference | IsIn The Tone | Let us demonstrate this to you. x SMITH BROS. i Reinforcements of German govern- ment troops are reported on their way to relieve the town of Wesel. Ee -------------- SAVE THE FURS You will be thinking of putting your Furs afay for.the Summer months. Our Tin- ware Departihent have made a galvanized Iron, moth proof can, with tight fitting cover, cylinder shape, 53 inches high, 23 incKes wide: will store all the family Furs, and every garment suspended full length. Now as we only have a very few of these Cans, we will offer them this week at the very low price-- $8.50 each. McKELVEY & BIRCH, LTD. W. A. MITCHELL THE BIG BUSY HARDWARE Hardware STREET a gn 4 * < ¥ 5 IF YOU REQUIRE FURNITURE OR CARPETS BUY : NOW 'Lumber experts tell us that the go down for twa years at lpast. a tree to travel from the forest to the consumer. is being sold to-day at less than the wholesale price of the goods. ' . WHITE SEWING MACHINES of lumber will not It takes this length of time for Merchandise "| been granted, and now. they thought ll which the husband had built since 'lof! And bow few We see + palo Underground Improvements be | Made to Encourage More Building | Operations, At the meeting of the Board of | water and gas should be installed. For some time the city fathers have been asking people to build houses to relieve the congestion, and if con- tractors were willing to build houses the city should be willing to place water and gas in the streets. They | also spoke about the flooded' condi- | tion of the ground in that section. The members of the board express- ed the view that if houses were to be built in Kingston it was up'.to the | council to- see that it did its duty. People could not be expected to live in houses that had no water or sani- tary improvements. As the section of the city which was referred to is the most likely place where extensive building would tage place, they de- cided to recommend to council that the req of the people living on Toronto ards be granted as they had presented a pedition properly signed. During the discussion, one of the members of tha board cited a case where a woman, the wife of a re- turned soldier, had lathed a house returning from overseas. Ther conditions existing on Mac- donell street were also considered with the result that Ald. Clow moved that a sewer and water and gas mains be laid on Macdonell street, from Perk street southerly to Earl street, easterly along Earl street to connect with the sewer on Victoria street. The board felt that if these exten- sions were placed on this street it would mean that a number of people who at the present time own property there, as well as those who con- sidering purchasing, would build, with the result that the cost of the extensions would soon be met. Some people living on Lansdowne, Adelaide and Division streets wrote about the condition of the drain which caused their cellars to be flooded. The city engineer said that one way of relieving the trouble would be to put a new drain in, but he had another scheme to suggest which would not be so expensive, so it was decided to let him see how the trouble can be best adjusted. Just as the meeting was adjourn- ing Ald. Pense asked if it was true that the Kingston Sand and Gravel Company had refused to sign the ten- der for .sand providing the penalty clause was left in the agreement, The city engineer repMed that he had tried to get in touch with Mr. Fair, who represented the company, but had been unable to do so. He expect- @d to be able to get some understand- ing before the council met on Mon- day evening. Some of the members wanted to know what would happen if the company refused to sign and they were told that mew tenders would have to be called. The board was told that at the present time there was no sand on hand but the condition was not serious. The board will recommend to council that Suddaby Bros. be allow- ed to instal a 6500-gallon gasoline tank in front of their place of bugi- ness at the corner of Queen and Wel- lington streets. Those present were Alds. T. An- grove (chajrman), Pense, 'Chown, Sargent, O'Connor and Clow. The Board of Works had another meeting on Thursday morning. The members assembled at the corner of Park and Victoria streets a o'clock and proceeded to Toronto street for the purpose of investigat- ing conditions in that section of the city. The visit of the city fathers con- vinced them that if people are to be encouraged in building houses the city must first place sewers, water and gas in the streets. 'WAS SEVERELY OUT. An Accident to Robebt McGuire of Jones' Falls, Jones' Falls, March 22.--Samuel Hutchings has moved his sawing machine home again after a very suc- cessful season of sawing. Robert Mec- Guire met with a painful accident while sawing at his home one day last week. His hand slipped on the saw and cut one of his fingers badly. A number of the farmers are busy tapping their sugar bushes. A num- ber from here attended the funeral of the late Andrew Gray, Elgin. Miss Mabel Sly, "at William Moulton's. George Raven spent Sunday at ley's Bay. Miss Norma Todd is spend- ing a few days. with friends at See- ley's Bay. Mr. and Mrs, Samuel Simpson, at James Simpson's, See- ley's Bay. Mrs.' J. Graham, New- boro, at W. Eaves'; Neil Graham, #t Lotin Burtch's; Alfred Sly, at Hiram Baxter's, on Sunday last; George Richards, Battersea, at Charles Hutchings'; Mr. and Mrs. Edward) Andrew, Keelerville, at Jam e's; Miss Hilda Burtch, at es Hutchings'; George Winge, Lyndhurst, at J Glover's; Joseph Kenney and Millard Simpson, at Bur- ton Burtch"s; Miss Belle Moroughan, at L. Burteh's, ' Death at Bongard Bongard's, March 25,~--~The death , and two sister : Lavanta and Cynthia. The fur took place on Thursday, March 25th, from her brother's residence to St. Mary Mag- dalene church, and thence to Glen wood cemetery, at Picton. . Mr. Webster, of Marysburgh, officiated, assisted by Rev. F. L. Barber, ou good people: we bear | | issue their own bonds for that pur-} | and water mains placed in Toronto | il | street, where they had built several | | sand. NO MORE DIRECT LON FOR -HOUSING PURPOSES FROM ONTARIO GOVERNMENT. Satelit. But Province Will in Future Guar- antee Bonds to be Issued by Indivi- dual Municipalities. Toronto, March 25.--Municipali- ties will get no more Jirect loans from the Ontario government for house-building. In future they may pose, and the government will guar- antee them. New legislation covering these two points was intro- duced in the legislature by Hon. H. | C. Nixon, provincial secretary. Mr. Nixon informed the house | that ten days ago word was received | from the Dominion government that there would be no further loans to! the provincial authorities for hous- | ing purposes. In view of this,' his amendment was to wind up the work | under the present act at the end of this year. The amendment to the municipal | act allows municipalities to issue; their own bonds, which will be! guaranteed by the government. The | money raised in such a way will then be expended for housing. It has been known for some timeythat 'the policy | would be changed, in view of théw== fact that the Dominion was closing | down on the grants, but until yester- | day the extent of the change was not known. Toronto has béen the only | municipality in Ontario to have its | own housing programme, but the! bonds, of course, were not guaranteed | by the province. During the year seventy munici- palities in Ontario were carrying on active work under the act. For the i completion of the work now under | way there is a revised list of amounts | which may be loaned. Following are the. loans available under the old act and under "The Municipal Hous- ing Act of 1920": Amounts loaned under Ontario | Housing Act, 1919--House of frame construction, $3,000; brick veneer, $3,000; solid construction, $4,000. In the case of brick veneer con- struction if the cost of the land is included $3,600 may be lodged. In the case of solid construction, $4,- 500 is obtainable. Amendments to Ontario Housing Act--House of frame construction, $3,200; house of brick veneer con- struction, $3,800; house of solid | construction, $4,000. If the cost of the land is included | in 'the case of frame constryatj $3,800 may be loaned. If the cost | of land is included {wv the/ brick | veneer type $4,200 is obtainable. If | the cost of land is included in the | type of solid construction $4,600 | may be had. i Amounts of loans under limita- tions of "The Municipal Housing | Act, 1920"--House of frame con- | struction, $3,600; house of brick veneer construction, $4,000; house of solid construction, $4,500. If the cost of the land is to be in- cluded then .$4;100 is obtainable for frame, $4,600 for brick veneer, and $5,100 for solid construction, TT TT MITT SAE TTT TEE | NOW THE FORD PERFORMS IN INDIA | Letter From Rev. C. H. Conley, | Nadiad, India, Dated 30th June, 1919. Bn Let me tell you about the per formance of the Ford Touring car I | bought some two months ago. I had my doubts, but had been unable to find a satisfactory solution to the it- inerating problem in a district of FREER ERRATA RO TTT four or five thousand square miles. The Ford Mas tonquered. It goes over any road. or where there is no road. About a week ago with four of us in the car, we drove 108 miles, twenty-eight being over country cart roads, .in some places very heavy We crossed sandy river beds eight times, and went across stretches of sand where we were told bullock carts stalled and no motor car could ever go. But the most trying test was a few days later when we made a twenty- two-mile run through country roads where surely no motor had even been. As we started down a hill to cross a small river, we were met by a man who said the road was impass- able. One car had crossed since the rain, but evidently with much dirfi- culty. dn spite of bad ruts and holes, the descent was made, and as the road formerly built across the river had washed away we crossed over the bed and started up the hill on the other side which proved to be im much worse condition than anything we had seen before. But the Ford bumped and scrambled up, over what 'was in places more like a 'stairway than a road. -As we proceeded there | came where we had our | choice of taking a plunge down az deep embankment or trying to cross AEE ROAR | | $ee- | a big log half buried in the road. We went down the slope, losing quite a | = bit of water outvof the radiator in |Z doing so. There were other places in the road which appeared impossible | E was over heavy sand which ; us down a bit, but even over the sand we made better time than a team 2 re PROBS: --Friday, becoming showery. | A | New Phone 1535. Millinery and Ready-to-wear Departments. | Friday Bargains! A day of extraordinary value giving. We have prepared to make Friday the outstanding BARGAIN DAY of our greatest "Dress Up for Easter" and "Fare Refund Sale." These splendid offerings are on sale for to-morrow only, as quantities in each case is limited. BE EARLY! amelie - Wool Tweed Suits ~~ Friday $16.95 12 only, smart little, . Misses' Donegal Tweed Suits, in sizes 14, 16, 18 and 20; pearl button trimmed with the new narrow shoe-string belt-- these Suits arrived but a week ago and as an ex- tra special attraction we offer these at less than cost price--reg. value at $27.50. 'One to a cus- tomer. : Z See our British Wool Serge Suits in the season's best shades, in tailored and novelty styles, at our sensational sdles prices -- $27.50 and $32.50. They cannot be duplicated--for price, style or tailoring. We invite your comparison! Underskirts $1.69 180 Sylkotta Underskirts 'with pleated frill, in colors navy, sand, saxe, paddy, rose, silver, Havanna, purple and black--a spe- cial value to-day at $2.25--which we offer while they last to- MOITOW .. 0.0 ' CORTICELLI YARN... 5,000 balls, of 1.0z. Corticelli Yarn, in 18 shades to %hoose from. An ideal Sweater yarn. Friday ..;. .... oi 20. TABLE CLOTHS...... 10 only, pure Linen Table Cloths, handsome designs; in sizes 2 x 2}; double Satin Da- mask' Cloth, and worth $15.00 "each. Friday ...... ......... 39.50 MEN'S LISLE SOX...... 150 prs Men's black Lisle Sox; "Radium; all sizes 10, 10} and * 11; worth 45¢c./a yd. Friday ..... ...3 pr. for $1.00 > SALE PRICE, $1.69 "enn, CRASH.TOWELLING...... 11,000 yards of Union Linen Crash Towelling; 18 inches wide --heavy weave, with red border --regular 60c. . Friday 3: ii vale id rere ren © SHEETING...... : 200 yards of heavy, round thread Bleached Sheeting; 72 inches wide: and worth $1.15 a yaid. "Ff 4 : : Friday "es nan "ot oe Teleiulele 89¢c. LADIES' LISLE HOSE...... 250 pairs Ladies' Black Lisle ose; in sizes 84 to 10; Penman quality and worth reg. 75¢. IAA . o.oo sain oin. vin 0i0eie 456, x Extra Special---Silk Hose: | 500, pairs of Ladies' A quality Fibre Silk Hose; in colors black, white, navy and grey; specially reinforced at points of: wear insuring wearing qualities equal to the best cotton and Lisle Thread Hosiery; worth $1.75 a pair. . ...... Friday, $1.29 pr. er ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Men's Balbriggan Underwear 1,000 Men's Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers in all sizes, from34 to 44; made of best quality Cotton Yarns, and worth to- day $1.00each. .:............ 0... es. Friday, 756. SE -------------- "White Bridal Cloth 300 yards of fine, sheer, Bridal Cloth; full 36 inches wide ......Friday, 29. - é A we : £ Eg Eg 8 = £ In /