Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Apr 1920, p. 6

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2 4 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG THURSDAY, APRIL 1, 1020. __PAGE SIX THE BRITISH WHIG EW COURSE TO BE REPEATED. ( |7th YEAR. {| The Department of Soclal Service f {of Toronto University has to repeat |} PUBLIC OPINION a course in Mental Hygiene Social | Training which it offered in the | I spring of 1919. Its purpose is the | training of nurses, and others en- | {gaged in the care and treatment of | | TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO. : GENER The Whig Staff Moved Into Its Pre- | sent Building. | It is just twenty-five years ago | this week-end since the Whig stat! = . moved into its present building.® | And in connection with the em moval it is of interest to note that} { the change was made without delay- | NNN N NN) EREEEEESNSNRANENENANNNANERNRERNERREEE 1 STORE OPEN TO-NIGHT -- A Good Example. (Calgary Herald) re heavy reductions in Do- mostly the There a | Ed =n 1 i J - ow | by Published Daily and Semi W eekly THE ING BRITISH WMIG PUBLIS CO, LIMITED | Editor and Managing-Diretor TELEPHONES: Business Office Editorial Rooms SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Dally Edition) One year, delivered in city .... One year, if pald in advapce .. One year, by mail to rural offices One year to United States ......33.0 4Semi- Weekly Edition year, by mall, cash .. One year, if not paid in adv Une year, to United States .. $1. ix 'and three months pro rata. OUT-OF-TOWN REPRESENTATIVES ¥. Calder, 22 St. John St, Montreal, ¥. M. Thompson, 402 Lumsden Bldg. | ronto. " Northrup, 225 Fifth Ave, New York "R.Northrup, 1510 Ass'n Bldg. Chicago ------------------------------------------------------------ publish t Ce Letters to the Editor are only over the actual namp of writer. ed he Attached is one of the best job printing offices in Canada. The circulation of THE BRITISH WHIG is authenticated by the C AB Audit Bureau of Circulations. The Canadian dollar is moving up into the front row. Any time a woman candidate throws her hat in the ring, it will be Jast season's hat. Ne ---------------------------------- A dry dock taking the place of the water works plant would be a change . in more ways than one. The fish worm in the gardén is be- ginning to beckon to the tin can iu the fence corner.--Watertown Times. Besides bdH#'ébncerts this sum- mer, why not hold the city fathers' meetings in Macdonald Park. Ths: public are entitled to some entertain- ment. . y "Men have made such a mess of things that women are justified taking the vote away from thf _ declares Lady Astor. Isn't herAfdy- ship pretty severe? * Now we are promised rubber furniture. The 'young couple in the "front parlor will welcome the dis- appearance of the creaky arm chair of wooden construction. |fecting this national the mentally deficient. Those who which begins on April 19th. The extent of mental defect and { instability and the grave social evils which the community suffers from failure to grapple with this problem are at last beginning to receive recognition. Military cases requiring skill in treatment were also creating a new obligation, To meet these conditions it was decided fo give a short course of intensive study along psychriatic lines, as the best available method of coping with the problem. The department is fortunate in se- curing 'the services of members of 9 the staff of the National Committee for Mental Hygiene, including Dr. C. K. Clarke, Dr. C. M. Hincks and Dr, 0 | Eric Clarke, as well as other recog- 0 | nized experts in mental diagnosis and control. : TREATY MUST BE SIGNED. The New York Times evidently shares the opinion of a great many | Canadians on the, American senate's | refusal to ratify the Peace Treaty. It says that the American people de- sire the ratification-of the treaty; they Ho not want it made the subject of party wrangling. This is the way it views the situation : Peace has to be made. Terms have to be agreed upon. The common-sense thing to do is to stay with our associates and to make with the common enemy the peace they make, If we permanently stay out of the League of Nations, instead of having the bulk of the world with us, we shall have forty-five nations in the League a]l allied against us. Our Monroe .Doc- trine will be gone, for the South American countries are going into the League. Our world leadership will be gone. It is too bad that the United States senate cannot act as if it re- | alized these facts, The sooner it! does, the better the world will like | it, and, if the newspapers count for anything, so also will the people of the United States. : IS THE DAIRY INDUSTRY IN DANGER ? At a meeting of the dairymen of Frontenac, held at Inverary on Tues- day afternoon to hear proposals for the amalgamation of all the cheese factories with the United Dairy Co- operative Company, much informa- tion of great value to dairymen was brought out, which showed the need for greater education in matters af- industry in minion estimates this year, in public works. The government is {can give sufficient evidence of previ- getting the people a good example. | ous training in nursing or social | | - : | > ; i { work will be admitted to the eourse | = le mp i Handsome Profit. (Hamilton Spectator) | In a position to already declare | profits amounting to over a quarter {of a million dollars, is there not | danger of the Ontario government { being charged with profiteering in connection with the liquor ¢ispen~ saries? : A Father's First Duty. (Chicago Tribune) The father who lets business, poli- tics or any other influence so absorb Lis time that he cannot be a chum to his own boy and enter into_ the boy's life and let the natural con- fidence and trust of the boy in his father serve to develop the son's character, is making the greatest | mistake a parent can make. He had no right to leave such things tq strangers, no matter how devoted they may be nor how splendid may be the organizations through which they work. The Reason Why How Do Birds Find Their Way? The most interesting phase of | the movement of animals from place to place is found in the flight of birds during the * spring and - fall. In the spring the birds come north and in the fall théy go south. This is called "migration" and the rea- son given for the ability of some birds to come back every year to build a nest in thé same tree is usually attributed to the "instinct of migration," and yet that is more a statement of fact rather than an ex- planation of the wonderfu! ability of the birds to do this. From the Book of Wonders. Pub- lished and copyrighted by the Bureau of Industrial Education, Inc., Wash- ington, D.C. Big Dividends. An investment that pays big divi- dends is one which you make in the boys and young men of the com- munity. Support the Y.M.C.A., send in your cheque now. > {lng either the dally or semi-weekly editions, and not one order in the job department had to be refused. This certainly speaks well for the manage- | ment. { Prior to locating in the present! building, the Whig was located on King street, in the present Oddfel lows' building. Buy Violets on Saturday. Members of the Nurses' Alumnae Association will sell violets on the streets on Saturday in aid of the Kingston General Hospital. Aid the nurses by buying, Saturday, Violet Day. ~ Buy violets on Saturday on the' streets from members. of the Nurses Alumnae Association, in ald of the | Kingston General Hospital, There have been interesting and | prayerful Passion Week services in Queen Street Methodist Church. There were addresses by Rev. A. B. Ranson. Rev. H. E. James, Prof. Ma- theson and tonight Dean Coleman will speak and Mrs. Coleman will sing. AFTER "FLU," GRIP Fevers and Other Prostrating Dis- eases That Exhaust the Blood. There is often that extreme tired | feeling, loss of appetite, tendency to | anemia, nerve exhaustion, inactive | bowels, constipation and great dan-| ger of still further prostration and | serious illness. | Hood's Sarsaparilla first works upon the blood. It is remarkable how promptly its purifying, vitaliz- ing effects are noticed. It "makes food taste good," promotes assimila- | tion so as to help secure the greatest | nourishment possible, promotes di-| gestion. Nerve strength and cheery | health inevitably follow, further | dauger is avoided and the glad-to-| be-alive feeling again prevails. To | read this is well, to realize it your-| self is better. | Get Hood's Sargaparilla today, and | for a cathartic, nothing better than | Hood's Pills, in small doses a gentle laxative; larger, an active cathartic. Kiping Rhymes THE YOUNG ONES. | The children of these wasteful times have no res- pect for modest dimes . their dads like drunken sailors blow the scads; they're | taught by every spendthrift dub that money grows on | tree and shrub. They hear no parent 'wise uplift his | voice to preach the creed of thrift. And when they've grown to man's estate, and find it their's to pay the © freight, the habits they have learfied today will make them prematurely gray. Ere long'these booming times must pass, and men must scratch to gain the brass; ° and youths who've learned to blow it in, store it in a bin, will have a handicap so tall that it will force them to the wall. and think, as they blow in the shining chink, for fur- belows and costly lids, how they mre bringing up the It's not their fault; they see | i but not to | Dao parents ever pause Bibby' $ Society Brand Suits FOR SPRING Foremost for style bee cause of their very high quality, construc. tion and originality in design, reflect the cor- ' rect styles season af- ter season. They are cut and tails ored by hand, under the most scrupulous supervision. As a ree sult they have an air of fineness that appeals to every eye and com- mends the taste of the = wearer. 5 a SEE BIBBYS PURE WOOL WORSTED SUIT at $45.00 SEE BIBBYS SPECIAL! English Blue Suits $43.00, $52.50 and $55.00 SEE BIBBYS YOUNG MEN'S SUITS at $35.00, $37.50 SEE BIBBYS Youths, First Longs in SUITS $25.00 and $28.50 Dh Saortety Brand Cloth ~-New English Caps --New English Gloves --New English Raincoats English Hats SPRING OVERCOATS Real Dandies--$25.00, $28.50, $35.00 BIBBYS BOYS' CLOTHES SHOP 84 Where we are Boys who wan Spring Suits. STORE OPEN TO-NIGHT PRINCESS ST. looking carefully after the t the smartest styles in BIBBY'S kids? Or don't they care a holy whoop if kids of theirs | should reach the soup? Oh, let's get back to frugal | ways, and save against the rainy days. --WALT MASON. EEEREENNENNNEENREREENENE WE PUT ON order that it might not be permitted to become disorganized, and the farmers lose the benefit of the great expenditure in money and patient effort needed to bring it to its present state as a valdable part of agricul ture, a certain source of revenue when other sources fail, and the Once more the magnificént motor car comes forth to gambol on our "city boulevards. Some are entirely new, while others possess nothing new but the paint and perhaps the owner. : May Mason . ° ------y A ------------ mn S---- ¢ Instead of being down and. out, the British Government expects to end this year with a surplus, which will be the first instalment on the war debl 2Other nations please sit ~ up and take notice! * Manitoba sdgpol teachers in rural districts are to receive a minimum Salary of one thousand dollars. The minimum around here js from three 40 four hundred. Who wouldn't be én Ontario teacher? One hundred thousand women are "10 take the stump in the United States in support of the various pro- fdential candidates. Some eciter- campaigner ought to corner e market of smice., Several votes aight be saved inthis manner. ---------------------- Two years ago the Whig paid $40 ton for newsprint; to-day the price $80, plus freight. The latest price prded in the United States is $280 ton in 500 ton lots, f.o.b. the il. It is easy to see why advertis- and subscription rates must be vanced again and again. a ---------------- The last provincial general elec- cost the people. of Ontario about ,000,000. A new franchise act and , new method of recording the vote certainly due. The late Hearst ment, which contracted the ove expenditure, merited the utter pat it met. ! Wonder of wonders, something has been given to Kingston by a pment. In the list of 'roads to Jjmproved this year, given out by Minister of Public Works for 0, is the road from Kingston Ottawa, The lakeshore road from to Montreal is also men- DY ned The Toronto World has made an mt for the benefit of its tors, the official amnouncement as the cause the high cost of and wages. The situation in ke newspaper world to-day is a very | 1s one, and hundreds of papers dcubtless cease publication with- foundation of the hog industry. What is agitating the minds of a great many farmers at the present time is the closing of a number of cheese factories and the opening of milk condensories, and the effect this will have not only in the lessen- ing of the production of cheese and butter and the falling off in the pro- duction of pork, but upon the dairy industry as a whole. Some, farmers think that the condensories ought to be operated by farmers themselves in order that they might have the as- surance that in leaving the old beaten path, that has always been safe and stood the test of time, they ight keep control of their industry and wacure the profits that are to be reaped by outside operators, who would not be inclined to consider what happened to the farmer when the market for condensed milk be- came overstocked. The cheese and butter industry Store every certainty by reason of the market that has been created abroad, while the by-products in the form of pork and veal supplemeiit his income just in proportion to the size of his dairy herd. These are very important considerations and should be carefully weighted before closing the cheese and butter factories and destroying the organization that has been built 'wp by money spent on dairy schools that have turned out expert cheese makers year after year for the benefit of the farming in. dustry, " Apart from injurious effect the losing of cheese and butter fae jories ' will have upon our export trade 2s well as upon the local prices of these articles, it seems to us that before deciding to close up the fac- tories the farmers should consider whether the price they are to receive for milk at the condensories will compensate them for giving up hog raising and the loss in revenu® from this source. They will no longer get the benefits of the by-produets they were accustomed (0, and must depend upon the condensory and the markst for its _outpu break up the present dairy organiza- tion 1 ik Solid Tire. This is the onl and Montreal. Phone 1988 Shoulder Roasts Shoulder Steak Finest Western Ribs ' TRUCK TIRES Having installed a Solid Tire PRESS we are now in a posi- tion to satisfactorily equip your truck with any make or size of y press of this kind between Toronto Let us see your Truck Wheels feel sure this work will be done here. Work done quickly 'and just as efficiently.' SUDDABY BROS. Cor. Queen and Wellington Streets LT -- ee The Wm. Davies Co., Ltd. PHONE 597 ANOTHER BIG SPECIAL IN ee sraninsiiaans.....23c per Ib. aan late a a wees eee Re Se arse eee Finest Western Round Steak' Buy DAVIES' Wiltshire Bacon and . cured and sweet as a nut. - and' get our prices, and we EEEERNCEEAENEENONEN a 16¢. per Ib. WE SELL "BUCKEYE INCUBATORS" THREE SIZES: --§5 eggs. 120 eggs, 220 eggs. Guaranteed to Hatch More Chick: 'BUNT'S Phone 388 ' a, Bigger Chicks. SEERARSGEANERNEE EASTER In place of an Haster' Card your Photograph Both seasonable, but one a permanent reminder of YOu. THE MARRISON STUDIO AEENENNEEREEOEER $1500 $15.00 THE Stewart Phonograph WILL SURPRISE YOU. COME IN AND HEAR'IT. A. G. William 71 WELLINGTON STREET ; PHONE 4 : i i 28c. per Ib. FOR SALE Splendid farm; 135 acres; 12 miles from city; 100 acres plow land. Apply: . ; W. H. GODWIN | . & SON \ capita sanually. | 'DR. CHOWN'S DRUG STORE . t 112 pounds § Colorite Colors Old and New Straw Hats --Easily appliod, ~Dries quickly. Git a'per ~All colors. 30c Bottle PHONE 343 185 PRINCESS STRbLLT » We are making to your m a- sure Suits of all variet ss ? $43.00 up. We Hs: have special price for those win have their own material . M YAMPOLSKY 853 PRINCESS STREET Wi » : $ "| 1 SPRING CLOTEES | BUY CANADIAN GOODS ATLANTIC TUNA FISH 18¢. per tin. TUNNY FISH 25c¢. per tin. Jas. REDDEN & Co. Phoues 20 and 900, DAVID SCOTT, Plumber Plumbing and Gas Werk tr. work Suaraatess.' All 145 Froutense Strect. Foss ST seen DELAWARE LACKA. "ANNA --and--- WESTERN RAILROADS " CELEBRATED SCRANTON (OAL The Standard Anthracite, Chief Distrivuior 1c. sui stom

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