SATURDAY, APRIL, 24, 1920. Bd iP BEWARE IRISH BONDS | Digestive | AMERICAN FINANCIAL 'WRITER | SPEAKS PLAINLY. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG TE ere St ---- ------ ---- -- = -- lt es GOOD HEALTH | IS MAGNETIC But They Are Nearly Always Duo | | To Thin Watery Blood. Do not think that because your All Admire Strong, Ro- bust, Healthy, Vigor. - ous Men and Women SOLA F ends Torture Negroes SDD BODO DDD Ed ds POPOL NT ¢ Poo NE of the most horrible pamphlets to reach Canada in recent months is entitled "An Appeal to the Con- science of the Civilized World," and - is published by the National Asso- | If You Are Weak, Run- elation: for the-Allvancenent of "the H-Down' and=-Afling; Eet Colored People. It gives the lynch. Yinol Enrich Your ing statistics of the United States for 'Blood and Create the past thirty years, and contains a some gruesome photographs of lynch. Strength and Vi- tality for You ings. The pamphlet says: "The fol lowing record, it is hoped, will make its appeal to those persons eévery- For the weak, run-down, anaemic, over-worked, ailing men and women there Is little joy in life. 1t is easy where to whom civilisation is some- thing more than a name." The sad- to drift into this condition, over- dening fact is that persons to whom Drink Charm Black Tea Sold in Packages Only GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, Limited 4 4 : 4 4 Edward Meeker Warns Citizens of | United States Against Encoursg- { ing De Valera's "Republic i Bubble"--It Would Injure Rela- tions With Britain, "America's One Sincere Friend In the Fam of Nations To-day." : = Ene reds : N "The Street," a New York fin- | Dr. Williams Pink Pills have bsen | ancial weekly, appeared recently | found most valuable in cases of indi- ca an admirable: article by J. Ed- | gestion, Jer vous 37spepsia and stom- . {ach weakness, just because they are ly ud Metaur, sstitiea iresiing | a blood builder and nerve tonic. The jana a u ois "- to float | rich, red blood they make not only i 5 { with the effort o alera to float | imparts a healthy digestion, but car- HP is made by blend his $10,000,000 bond issue for the | ries color to the cheeks and lips and ing together the choices | well-known but imperfectly establish- + gives vigor to the muscles. One im- oriental fruits and spices bed Irish "Republic." He begins by |POTtant point to remember is that with pure malt vinegar. | : ¢ | Dr. Williams Pink Pills contain no x {pointing out that these pieces Of \parmey) drugs or opiates and are thus {9 stomach is easily upset you are the | victim of some serious malady. One| of the most common predisposing | causes of indigestion is anaemia, or | thin, watery blood. In fact it has be- come generally recognized that ily | healthy activity of thé stomach is | impossible untess the blood 'is rich is used daily on the dining tables. . of the British and Canadian Houses of Parliament. | | | . RR HIGH GRADE BONDS OwNg to the favorable exchange it is a good time to sell your Anglo-French, United Kingdom or any bond, payable an New York funds. : i TELEPHONE 703 ¥ i Comey FRECKLES Now is the Time to Get Rid of These ~ Ugly Spots There's no longer the slightest | need of feeling ashamed of your freckles, ag Othine---double strength ~--is guaranteed to remove homely spots. Simply get. an ounce of Othine double strength-- from any drug- glist and apply a Mttle of it night and morning "ail you should soon see that even the worst freckles have | begun to disappear, while the lighter ones have vanished entirely. It is seldom that more than an ounce {s| needed to completely clear the skin and gain a beautiful clear complex- ion, Be sure to ask r the double strength Othine as this is sold under guarantee of money back if it fails to | remove freckles. . Zutoo Cures headache in 20 mi SA OC jy the seek SORE THROAT g OND R hud a Sart oo TOA ITION, SIMILAI i - OR COLD MA D REQUIRE TREATIERT BEronE OVERCOME BUT | VE RENCE an Su AND AND RELIABLE REMEDY Se Founo ih DE THOMAS' LECTRIC need BEECHAM'S PILLS. when digestion is good, poisons are formed during its pro- cesses that unless eliminated irritate mind as well as body. BEECHAM'S &=FPILLS i ~ - 5 The world's standard remedy for kidney, , bladder and uric acid troubles, the Jas of life and Jooks. In use since 1696. At all druggists, 50c. a box. Gold ois ff i Gt Hot fm wows It was all well enough to impress with the George Washing- tres story, but, of course, to follow it up with hatchet, these | | paper for i pay in good American money can by | {no stretch of the imagination be call- | {ed bonds at all. A bond, says Mr. | | Meeker, is an obligation of some | | organization of recognized financial | standing consisting of a lien either upon tangible property in the pos- session of the organization, or upon the organization's -earningz It is obvious that De Valera and his asso- | ciate porch climbers have né finan- | {cial standing except what the Amer- ican public chooses to give them. {| These curiosities are also called "bond certificates" and it Is explain {ed that under certain conditions they will later on be exchanged for bonds. | The "issue" is thuk given the tone of ! | speculative security -- worth nothing now, but valuable, perhaps, at some future date. As Mr. Meeker points {out, the investor now pays par for his bond or whatever he calls it, and 80 at the best can make no profit, but merely tie up his money for a long period of time at a low rate of interest. . That is the best that could happen if the Irish "Republic" came into existence. Otherwise the in- vestors will simply lose their money. {| It is noted that all cheques are | made payable to De Valera, yet the | subscription coupon states: "I, ! , hereby tender to the Govern- | | ment of the Republic of Ireland the | | sum of $ This gum is volun- | | tarily subscribed by me. Neither the | { President of the sald Republic of | { Ireland nor the Government of the | |8ald Republi¢ nor its agents are un- | | dér any obligation to repay this sum or to pay interest on said sum to me or my heirs until the said Republic of Ireland is internationally recog- nized and until the lapse of six months from the date of the freeing from British military control of the territory of the said Republic of Ire land." The advertisements for the loan announce that the money will be used for the following purposes: { . Keep Ireland for the Irish, . Repeopls the land. . Harness the rivers, . Turn her face to the.rising sun. . Put the Irish flag on every sea. Abolish the slums. "looma spinning. | thebogs; © ES Ireland up, : But Mr. Meeker thinks it is fairly obvious that the money is primarily needed 'to drive the British out of Ireland and he rather doubts that the sum asked for is suMcient for this purpose ahd also for carrying out the subsequent program. He thinks it passing strange that some of the American politicians who view with horror the operations of Wall Street and have clamored for "blue sky" laws should blandly place their bene- diction upon what is in many ways "one of the most brazen and impu- dent attempts to swindle Americans in the history of American finance." The fact is, of course, that this alleg- ed "bond" offering is merely a charit- | able drive, masked as a loan to dupe | the inexperienced. He says that Americans before subscribing ought {to say: "Am 1 willing to start an- other war--a war between Britain and the United States--over the Irish question?" He says it is time Amer- fcans put up or shut up. If they want to rescue Ireland they will have to float some more Liberty Loans, build a bigger fleet, revive conscrip- tion, smash their business structure and prepare for war. Unless the United States wants war with Britain--"our single sin- cere friend in the family of nations to-day"---the American Government ought to silence the 'collection of cranks, Soclalists, pacifists and for- mer pro-German traitors to this country who keep up this continual caterwaul about Ireland, and these continual attempts to embroil us with Britain." Short of bringing on war, the Irish "loan," in Mr. Meecker's opinion, is dangerous to the Amer- ican economic structure, because in- Stead of assisting to stabilise ex- change, it embroils the United States with the one other creditor nation of the world at a time when only the closest co-operation between Great Britain and the United States can avail to restore peace and prosperity to the world. This Anglo-American co-operation is to the ultimate best interests of Ireland, as well as to other nations, In a financial sense the De Valera drive is also dangerous use it menaces the future of for- eign investment buying in the United States, and it has now become an imperative necessity for the United States to invest in foreign lands. Mr. Meeker also quotes from a New York alderman, one of the esteemed Quinn family, who calls the enter- prise '"palitical panhandling," and says that De V 1 alera is doing just what the United States (Govern Pad 0 on 00 00 reception given to Valera in the United States. In Nagoya are produced about 78 per cent. of the clocks manufactured in Japan, most of the remainder be- ing made in a that ~unless you are quite sure you tell will be for benefit injury. : You ought to know that full re demption consists of something else besides getting your name on the shuren record. 2 which Americans, . or { {rather Irish-Americans,' are asked to | old and intense ideas. to be preferred to préparations that merely stimulate for a time. Before you begin worrying unnecessarily about your state of health, try the tonic treatment of Dr. Williams Pink Pills. You will be surprised to see how rapidly your appetite returns and your whole debilitated system re- vives, as the new, rich blood courses through your body. Here is the state: ment of one person among thousands who have used Dr, Williams Pink Pills to their own gréat advantage. Mrs. A. Veniot, Homford, N. 8., says: "For about two years I was a great sufferer from indigestion, which seemed to carry with it a complica- tion of other troubles. Kvery meal I took brought with it misery as it was followed by pain, and sometimes nausea and vomiting. At other times gas would form in the stomach to such an extent that my heart would palpitate at an alarming rate. These conditfons brought an extreme ner- vousness and irritability, and 1 found my general health so much affected that the least exertion would tire me, and I slept but poorly. I had been doctoring for several months with ne result beyond slight temporary re- lief, when I was advised by a friend to try Dr. Willams Pink Pills. 1 decided to follow this advice, and got a half dozen boxes. - Good results soon began to show from this treat- ment, and the further continued use of the pills have made me a well woman. I can cheerfully recommend Dr. Williams Pink Pills to similar sufferers." You can procure Dr. Williams Pink Pills through any dealer in medicine or they will be sent you by mail at 60 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by writing direct to The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Advertising. In the reign of William III. one John Houghton, who combined the business of apothecary with that of a dealer in "tea, coffee and chocolate," commenced an advertising paper which he called "A Collection for the Improvement of Husbandry and Trade." In those old days the editor of the paper and the advertiser fre- quently spoke in the first person singular, while the advertiser also often spoke through the editor, says the Musical Times of London. The issues of this curious publication contained many advertisements re- garding the musical profession, of which a few specimens taken at ran- dom will serve to give a toletably good idea of the style then prevalent: "I want a negro man that is a good carpenter and a good singer." "If any young man that plays well on the violin and writes a good hand desires a clerkship, I can help him to £20 a year." "I want a complete young man that will wear livery, ta wait on a very valuable gentleman,' but he must know how to play on a violin or flute." "I want a, genteel footman that can play on the violin to wait on a person of honor." "If I can meet with a sober man hat has & counter-tenor voice, I can help him to a place worth £30 the year or more." \ Scottish Reverence. Lord Leverhulme has encountered the religious prejudices of the Scot- tish men who live on the extensive property he has purchased in the Outer Hebrides and has suffered a rebuff. He had planned to make Stornoway, on the island of 'Lewis, the headquarters of a huge fishing fleet that should sweep the seas for 500 miles around. The project in- volved Sunday labor and the island- ers who adhere to the strict and in- tense form of the Presbyterian faith, rejected it. Commenting on the inci- dent, the periodipal, Common Sense, says: "Lord Leverhulme is a man of big ideas and new ideas while the population over whom he has declar- ed the rights of lordship are folk of Hence the inevitable collision." ----------------n. An Easy Fraud. British soldiers in Palestine used labels from jars of jam as money in purchasing goods from some of the natives there. The scheme work- ed well until the plum and apple labéls were presented to the bank for payment. "DANDERINE" Stops Hair Coming Out Doubles Its Beauty. the pamphlet will make its appeal are not lynchers, nor defenders of lynchings. They do not need to be converted. What can they do? To appeal to public sentiment in places where Ilynchings oceur would be fu- tile, for of lynching President Wile son has said: "It cannot live where the community does not sanction it." Lynching can be stopped. All that is necessary is for the officers of the law to perform their sworn duties. In Lexington a few days ago several persons, members of a mob assem- bled to lynch a negro, were shot by troops. We predict there will be no more attempted lynchings in Lexing- ton for some time. The pamphlet sets forth the fact that in, the thirty years from 1889 to 1918, thefe have been 3,324 per- sons lynched In the United States, of whom 2,622 were negroes, and among them fifty women. The fact that there were women victims does much to destroy the protest of the Southerders, who uphold lynching, jo work, a neglected cold, or a severe sickness may have left in its wake, noor, thin, devitalized blood, a slug zish circulation, no vitality and you ire simply dragging around from, | fi day to day, getting up each morning just as tired as you went to bed. Now, why not change all this by aking advantage of your druggist's narantee that VINOL will enrich ur blood, quicken your circulation 1d carry strength and vigor to very part of your body, or return our money if it falls, Mrs. W, J. ixon, of Vankleek Hill, Ont, says" I was sick for months, I had no npetite and could not seem to get 1y strength back. I told my doctos I was going to try VINOL, and he aid it was fine. TI found it gave ne good appetite ang Efapidly gained ra-strength," Rod rir For all run-down, nervous, anae- nic conditions, weak women, over- vorked men, feeble old people and olicate children there is nothing ika VINOL, and assert that for white women to be safe where the negroes far out- number the whites it is necessary to lynch every negro who makes an attack upon a white woman. In the year 1919 not fewer than 84 persons were done to death by mobs, Seventy-eight of them being negroes, and, most horrible, eleven weré pub licly burned alive. In Georgia thers ware four such burnings, and in Mis- sissippi and Arkansas there were two. Texas, Florida, and Nebraska were also the scenes of negroes bee ing burned to death, Among the year's victims were ten negroes who had seen service overseas. One of them, who is said to have admitted an assault upon a white woman, was burned to death. Another. was shot because he did not turn out of the road quickly enough to suit a white. There is a terrible photograph in the pamphlet taken while a negro was béing roasted to death. The fea- tures of some score of the lynchers are plainly revealed, so that it would be an easy matter for the authorities to arrest and prosecute the lynchers in if they desired to do so. hay NTO In Centre of Shopping and Business District 250 ROOMS 100 with Private Baths EUROPEAN PLAN SAM, H. THOMPSON, Pros. The men are standing round smiling into the camera. The chief assassin is 'smoking a cigarette. Beside him stands a woman. Two of three of the murderers appear td have donned overalls for the purpose,dn order that their clothing might ot _be spoileu. One looks on the faces is amazed to find that none of them appears convulsed by hatred distorted by insanity. Were it nof for the ghastly fotm of the negro on the ground, this group might well have been tak- en to commemorate § pienie or mark Bome pleasant social refinion. Most of the lynchers appear to be young men. They are well dressed, Nobody $15.00 $15.00 { Stewart Phonograph | WILL SURPRISE YOU. COME IN AND HEAR IT. A. G. Williams 171 WELLINGTON STREET PHONE 40 appears to be intoxicated. This erime was committed in the large and ime portant city of Omaha last Septem- ber. There is another photograph, taken of five negroes hanging by the neck to a tree in Lee County, Geor« gia. A white man poses in the backe ground. Perhaps the most shocking fact brought to the public attention by the pamphlet is the openness with which the lynchings, for the most part, were carried out. They were announced in the newspapers in ade vance. Here, for instance, 18 a sens tence from the Jackson, Miss., Daily News, of Juné 26, 1919: "John Hart- field, the negro alleged to have ase saulted an Ellisville young woman, has been taken to Ellisville and is guarded by officers in the office of Dr. Carter of that city. He is wound ed in the shoulder, but not seriously. Phe officers have agreed to turn him over to the people of the city at four o'clock this afternoon when it is ex- pected he Will be biried." Bverys body formeny miles around knew that the lynching would take place. The Governor of the state knew it. "1 am powerless to 'prevent it," he sald. "We have guns for the state militia, but no men." The same paper announced that thousands of ! people were flocking into thé eity of Elligville to witness or participate (in the murder. This was what might be called an orderly lynching. A tommittee of prominent citizens had Ml matters in hand, and maintained that decorum that the Governor of the state admitted himself powerless to enforce, ! In the Cattanooga Times, of Ten- nessee, there is the description, prob- | ably from 'our special correspon. | fent" or "our staff reporter" of the torturing of a negro named Me- {lherron, who had shot twe ¥hite. rse | | COST YOU NOTHING TO TEST THE FAMOUS Apex ELECTRIC CLEANER In your home. Why drudge with a broom when yon can clean in one-third the time without effort? Call or phone. BURKE ELECTRIC (0. 74 PRINCESS STREET Phone 428 Telephone 703 J. 0. HUTTON 67 Clarence Street, Kingston N MILLING COMPANY, Ltd. Foot of Brock Street, Kingston Our mill is equipped with modern machinery, driven by electric motors with current generated at Kingston Mills, WE MANUFACTURE: -- , HUNGARIAN PATENT AND WHITE ROSE FLOUR, BUCK- WHEAT FLOUR, GRANULATED CORN MEAL, GROUND CORN, GROUND OATS, CRACKED CORN, GROUND FEED, BRAN, SHORTS, FEED, FLOUR. He = Our Products are good and freshly mada FOR SALE BY ALL GROCERS In a Few Days Our New Address Will Be 233 Princess St., Next To Harmson's Furniture Store. ee a i AS SSMU SU, CRAWFORD & WALSH Tailors CANADIAN PACIFIC THE TRANS-CANADA (Be-established effective May 2, 1920) TORONTO 10 VANCOUVER In Eighty-Eight Hours Fort William in 26, Winnipeg in 37, Calgary fn 61, and Vancouver in 88 hours. The fastest transcontinental train between terminals in America; saves a business day for passengers to Winnipeg and all cities to the Pacific Coast. Leaves Toronto (Union Station) at 9.00 p.m, daily. FOR SRANDARD SLEEPING-CAR PASSENGERS ONLY General Change of Time, May 2nd, 1920 Particulars and tickets from F. Conway, C.P.A., City Ticket Office, 239 Bagot Street. Phone 1197. De -------- rl It isn't a qnestlon of how much money you have made, but how much £00d you have done with it, A man who marries a garrulous woman for her money soon realizes the fact that money talks. a a ial art. ship in of old. ment. The McCallum 'Standard upholds the most illustrious traditions of memor- It leads with people who love beauty and refine- ™ McCALLUM GRANITE CO., Ltd. 397 PRINCESS STREET : : It displays the same exquisite craftsman- material and design as that known ip days "Builders of Quality" | KINGSTON, ONT.