Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Apr 1920, p. 19

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» A "DR. S. H. SIMPSON WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28th Will meet at Rockwood: Hospital on 4 number of excellent papers will presented. The public are invited to attend. Tenders For Coal, 1920.21 Sealed tenders, addressed to the Pro- vinelal Secretary, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, marked "Tenders for Coal" will be received up to noon on Tuesday, May 11th, for the delivery of coal in the sheds of the following Provincial titutions, wiz, Ontario Hospitals at ville, Cobourg, Hamilton, King- ston, London, Mémico, Orillia, Penetan- " Sulshene, Toronto, Whitby, Woodstock, The Andrew Mercer Reformatory at Toronto, and the Ontario Brick and Tile plant at Mimico. 8 of the qualities Shantities of coal required' and forms of application, may be obtained on ap- plication to the partment, or from the Bursars of the respective Institu- and Newspapers inserting this advertise. ment without written authority from the rtment will not be paid for it. H. C. NIXON, . Provincial Secretary Parllamént Buildings, April 28rd, 1920. SCOTT'S GARAGE Repairs, washing and storage. 1915 McLaughlin Roadster for Stile; cheap; first class condition. 298 BAGOT STREET Phone 1884w. Dental Surgeon Desires to announce that he will ' re- sume his practice at the corner of Princess and Bagot street, on or about April 19th. Telephone 188 AANA attr A (Incorporated) SPECIAL MEETING TUESDAY, 27th pm." Business-- Nominations for \vacant offices. > President E. D. O'FLYNN, of the Ontario Provincial Com- mand, will be present. DIAMOND RINGS Our stock of Diamonds on hand are marked at a lower price than we can huy them from the cutters in Holland, be- cause the cutters have more than doubled thelr prices since we made our last purchase which was a heayy one. Step quickly if you want a Diamond Ring. RJ. RODGER "Where the Clock is on the Walk." Defeat By-law on Time. Saskatoon, April 27.--Ratepayers .on Saturday defeated the daylight te ving plebiscite by a majority of 254 against. ---- For SALE" PATRICK STREET--brand new Brick Bungalow: cement cel- - Er lar; concrete foundation; floors; 3 piece bath; twe cash. THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY" Pro of Ontarlo .................. Yielding Greater Winnipeg Water District ........ Yielding sens District of Penticton, B.C. 4:3 siv.veany. Yielding These Bonds can be bough Ars sarees t for 'cash or by paying 10% down and the balance in monthly payments. 8 : THE UNWRITTEN LAW i -.. IN A BOMBAY COURT | There Must be Fair Fight If | Slayer Is to Secure Immunity. | Bombay, April 27.-- The chief commissioner <has dismissed the appeal in the case of the Rev. W. L. | D. Jackson the United States | medilal missionary, . who was = céntly sentenced to two years' im PHSOLIRSRE Tor Litas Major H. D. | Closte. 'Mr. Jackman entered the appeal March 28. > In. giving judgment, the commis- sioner said that, while admitting the | homicide had been committed in a | state of extreme mental affliction, it | could not be overlooked that Jack- man was a strong man armed with a revolver, while Major Cloete, who fought in the war, was blind in one eye. "If," continued the commissioner, "Jackman had said: 'Cloete, you ruined my wife; I have bought a re- volver; get out yours. One of us must dfe.' And if in the ensuing fair fight Jackman had killed Cloete, I would have reduced the sentence from two years to two weeks. As the facts were, the sen- tence seemed to err grievously on the side of leniency. In two similar cases Indian hillmen were sen- tenced to transportation for life. There cannot, be one law for an American missionary and another for Indian hillmen." The commissioner added that he felt it he had been the judge he would have been constrained to fm- Dose a sentence of seven years' rig- orous imprisonment. He must de- cline to interfere, but would let the sentence stand. een 250 HIDDEN QUNS FOUND IN PRUSSIA Their Hiding Place at Koenigs= burg Discovered by Allied Commission. Paris, April 27.--Large quantities of arms and munitions were dis- covered by French cavalry to-day entering Hanau, east of Frankfort, according to the Temps to-day. The war material was labelled "Army of the west." Numerous plans relating to man- oeuvres also were found, purporting to cover military operations against France through the zone occupied b the United States army at Cob- enz. Two hundred and ' fifty cannon bave béen discovered at Koenigsberg, East Prussia, by the Inter-Allied Commission, according to advices re- ceived here. rs -- ICE CREAM INVESTIGATION Yankees Do Not Like Paying 17 Cents a Plate, New York, April 27.--Retailing of the humble but necessary fce cream at 17 cents a plate has aroused the ire of the American public and sgt on foot an investigation by the "Flying Squadron" of the U.S. Department of Justice, which is hunting down price gougers in New York: A. W. Riley, director of 'the squad, has rul- ed that in the United States ice cream is a food, and not one of those luxur- ies that can be done without by wear- ing overalls. Profiteers in ice cream 319 thus classified as profiteers in ood. Before the war ice cream retailed at five to ten cents a plate, depending on the elegance of the shop vending it. In larger quantities, some dealers are now char $1.20 a quart for ice cream that sold before the war | for 40 cents. Mr. Riley says he will invoke the Lever Act under which the U. S. District Attorney has auth- grity to 'Institute criminal proceed- ings. The charge is freely made that prohibition has whetted the public appetite for sweets, and that the ice cream manufacturers have taken ad- vantage of the increased demand for their product to boost prices. The latest development is that a big ice cream corporation is starting a lobby at Washington to obstruct the campaign of the "Flying Squad- ron' against ice cream H.C.L. Scores Are Killed in Japan. Honolulu, April 27.-- Scores of persons were killed and 25,000 acres of forestifires in the Kamo district, 'Hiroshime Prefecture, Japan, accord- ing to a cable from Tokio, received here by Nippu Jiji, a Japanesa lan- guage newspaper: ------------ Stamp Famine In Austria. Vienna, April 27.---Austria is suf- fering from a stamp famine, due to paper shortage and the activity of collettors. The government may re- sort to the old custom of having mail prepaid and forwarding it without stamps, electric lights; hardwood bedrooms. Price $3100. -_56 Brock Se 5.80% 6.009% 8.00% "6.12% 8.75% 6.75% 7.00% «+ Yielding A WEDNESDAY SPECIAL FEATURES LOCKLEAR The Daredevil of the Skies, in "The Great Air Robbery' | _...Staged in the Clouds. og TO-NIGHT and | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First insertion, ic. & word. Each con- THE PEOPL WANTED GENERAL, ow " MARY MacLAREN Can "The Road to Divorce" NO ADVANCE IN PRICES Mat at 2.30, Evgat 7.30 20¢c. ANY SEAT Ground floor 30e. Balcony GRAND THURS, FRL, SAT, APRIL 29-30, MAY 1 Matinee dally, for Indies only 23c., S0e Not a Motion Pleture----a real play di- rect from 2 weeks at Grand, Toronto 1S LOVE BUND SHouLD A wire TELL HER 'HUSBAND oA THRILLING DRAMA, N_ A. ACTS Nights, for every one over 168 years ot age ......s.0...25¢, BOc., TS5c., $1.00 PICTURES. E DETER T GRIFTIN Twin Pawns Suggested by the Wilkie Collins Novel, "The Woman in White." "DAMES AND DENTISTS" A BigV. Comedy OUTING CHESTER COMING! RSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY MAY ALLISON : THU: --fh-- "FAIR AND WARMER" Y/ AND MUIC). TO-DAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY MARGUERITE CLARK In her latest Paraount Artcraft LUCK IN PAWN "A ROAMING ROMEO" A Two Reel Hank Mann Comedy BLACK SECRET Episode 12th. BERT CALDWELL In all new songs. COMING, ALL NEXT WEEK "EVERYWOMAN" A Picture Every Woman should see STRAND CONCERT ORCHESTRA Ask Your Grocer for Crest Brand RED SOCKEYE SALMON and accept no substitute. ity guaranteed, by:-- W. G. CRAIG & CO. Ltd. + Sole distributors. ~ AUCTION SALE day, April 20th, 1.30 p.m. < Oak Buffet. round oak extension tabi, chairs Writing desk. : Nnoleum and oflcloth, oak and m y dress- ers, iron and brass beds, spri nut wardrobe, ries Thought range, Hot frigerator, etc, ete. tosertton--a v 1t cent a word. Minimum . charge for one insertion, 258; three insertions 50 cents. The above rates are for cash only: When charged they are double. -- 2 ttt fatter HELP WANTED, YOUNG MAN DESIRES BED SITTING | room, Ww board preferred. Apply | Hox -J-36, Whig. 1 HEATED APARTMENT, OR THREE or four brigat, airy rooms, in good | /lucaity, Apply Box L-3, Whig O1- | ce. SECOND CHEF WANTED, APPLY AT Randolph Hotel. A COOK. APPLY TO MRS, HOWARD 8. Folger, 1 Emily street. GENERAL SERVANT; MIDDLE aged woman preferred. Apply wv Barrie street. ¢ EXPERIENCED CLOTHING SALES. man. Apply Randolph Hotel, Roomy 35. 6-5 p.m. Tuesday. GIRL OR MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN, for general housework. Apply Ww 243 Brock Street. A | A GRMVGMAL SKRVANT, APPLY MRS: J. "Gardiner, corner Wellihgton and Johnson streets. : TWO HANDY LABORERS. APPLY Kingston Cement Products Fac- tory, Patrick street, TWO SMART, NEAT GIRLS IN ICE Cream Parlor. Apply Sakell's nexa to Urand Opera House. HOUSEMALID; REFERENCES REQUIR- ed. Apply Mrs. HO W, Richardson, 450 King street west. COOK, GENERAL, FOR FAMILY OF three, no washing or ironing. Ap- ply 18 Wellington street. SOMEONE TO SUPPLY AS HOUSE- maid for one week. Apply to Mrs. W. F. Nickle, 130 Earl Street. A GOOD, STRONG BOY, 16 TO 18 years of age, to drive meat deliv- ery. Apply H. Harkness, corner of Queen and Wellington streets. GIRL FOR KITOHEN WORK. ALSO girl for upstairs work. Wages 25.00. Fare paid: Apply Thomas Green, proprietor The New Dun- ham Hotel, Cobourg, Ont. HOUSEKEEPER WANTED IMME- diately for tamily of two; desirable position in town of Yarker. Apply Mrs. A. A. Connelly, Yarker, Ont, stating salary and qualifications. HOUSEKEEPER, BY WIDOWER, 4 children; youngest three years, old- est 11; would preter Protestant be- tween 30 and 40 years. Write to George Dean, 8¢ West Second St, Oswego, N. GENERAL SERVANT, BY for family of two; | cook; good wages. Apply Mrs. Hughes, co. Mrs. Macpaail, 52 Clergy street, 'l'uesday evening, or Wednesday a.m. MAY must be ist, goud LIVE MAN WANTED-SPARE TIME or steadily---seillug our guaranteed trees and plants. Outdt free. iib- eral commission. Brown Brothers Company, Nurgerymen, Limited, Brown Nurseries, P.O. Ontario. LADIES WANTED T0 DO PLAIN AND light sewing &t home, whole or spare time; good pay, work sent any distance, charges paid. Send Stamp lor particulars. Nationa} Manufacturing Ceo., Mont > AGENTS WANTED. 8 TO MOUSE ' An SPECIA x 2 Oy f ATS \& vo ve good side lines for any travellers. Advise line. Canadian Merchandising & Saies Co, 06 XOnge street, arcade, Toronto. - AGENT WANTED, 100 PER CENT. commission, -wiole or part time, to sell the new Sanitary Milk Bottle] Cover; highly recommended medical men. Every buys one at sight. Sample dozen $1.20, posipaid. Money returned if not satisiied. D. and I. Stamping Company, 502 Bt. John's Road, West Toronto. by housewite | SECUND-HAND planos say Luniteq, 131 Princess sireet. ABOUT FIFTEEN HORSSS TO PAS. ture for sewson. ror further par- ticulars appiy to EE. Mouarvey, Kingston, nn. R. 1, or phone 1lve ut 4 WANK --MEN AND BOYS TO PAT- Fourse J W. Curson, barber. denis ana boys Bair eus, 0c. Shave ive. HekOrs DONEG ¥0¢. 36 ONIArio Sk, Dear LIGdK direel. AEAL ESTATE WANTED-- OUR OF.-[ fice Ja flooded daily with buyers tor Duuses. AL you Wud (10 sell and desire quick action ust it with us. We wili sell It jn Sv days or we will Dot sell It at all. J. AK. Carroil Agency, bs brock sireel. Phone 83. POSITION WANTED. GAL OF 14, WANTS WORK MINDING a Luby, owt of sSCAUOL fours and SRLUraays. Apply Hox d-1y, Wmg! Onice. TO LET. FOUR UNFURNISHED ROOMS; Cunvelrences. laone iissw. ALL FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LiGAaT nuvuseneeplug. Apply 263 University Avenue, GARAGE, KING ures street. Aann, STREET, NEAR Apply ww J. 8. K. Mc- raone sie or wil. FIRNE CLASY MUUMS AND BUARL; all uuprovemeals; cenlaliy locate ed. APPLY X44 Brock sireet. I N SATURDAY, ON ° field Bridge, a brown leather purse, containing snap shots and military papers. Owner may have same by calling at 4 Corrigan St A GOOD LEATHER MITT ON Montreal street, between John and Maitland, - Owner -may have same at 328 Earl street. SMALL PURSE WITH SUM OF money, picked up, Saturday. Owner may hive s&me Ry ap- plying at Whig Oftice. FUUND ANTIVLES ADVER TS FREE ED Anyone finding anything and wishing to reagh the owner may do so vy reporting the facts to The British Whig. he adver tisemeni will be printed In this column free Of charge. "Found articles" woes not in- clude lost 'dogs, cattle, horses, etic. These, if lost, may be ad- vertised tor in the "Lost" column, LOST. FEPEPPPPP ET RPR EPR RR PE + + w White French Poodle; liberal «+ reward to finder on return to C. | % Livingston, corner Barrie and + Union streets. <> - FERRER PREP RRR SUNDAY IN OR NEAR CART fox terre black eye, ears, two *k spots on left side, Answers to 7." Reward if re~ turned to J 9 Colborne 8 IGHTS FOR SALE. ONE PHAETON BUGGY, AND TWO Goat Robes, at $32 Alfred street, in 800d condition. No reasonable of- Ter refused. DODGE TOURING CAR AND FORD roadster, in good conditon; just over-hauled. Apply 3vV Phlum street. Phone 2126J. kr WIURAGE FOR FURNITURE]; CLEAN aud ary. Appywy Ba be aiken, 448 Nelson suet. rhune lses) | TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS, abe ror lLRAL nousedeepng; Ban Tor couking. Apply ve Juhnson sireetl, or paone iidid. STORAGE FOE FURNITURE, ud ary. Mclgai's Keal ksuate| Agency, 86 Brock streel Faons | $56 or weil. SUIT. FURNISHED HOUSE, SEVEN ROOMS, | 4ll conveniences. Fossession June | 1st to Uctover 1st. APPLY bux k-24, Whig. LULBR-MUU SED FUKRNISHAD AVART. | ment off ground Moor; suitavie for lgnt housekeeping; possession May ASC. Fhone a¥ssw. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR Lieu" fHousekeeplug, bath room floor; 848 lur Cuvkiug,; no chiidren. Apply $96 Princess street. FOUR-ROOMED FURNISHED APART. | mend on ground dour; sultavie tor ligot housekeeping; possession May isl. Phone 1ya.8w, TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS, able for Hgot DousexkevpIng; or ovoking. Apply 4406 slreel, or paone Lilt. SUIT» gas Johnson UNFURNSHLD APARTMENT, SUIT- Avie Lur LEOL housekeeping; central lucaiity; uo calidreén. Apply Box N-11, whig Office, City. | MEN'S SUITS, MEN'S AND g0vs FIUMAGE FOR FURNITURE, ULIEAN, ary, airy rooms, your own lock and Key. UIrost's City btorage, i9y Queen street. Phone 516; res. 98yw, KING STREET, THE ROOMS NOW occupied by the K. of C. Army Huts, Wiii be to reat irom May ist next, for ofie year or longer. 1. W. Mul- Un & Son. Phone 539W. CARPENTERING Le E on PERSONAL. HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTH. marks, skin cancers, scars, etc, re- moved permanently. Satisfactory glasses titted and furnished after others have falled. Goltre removed. 3b years' experience. Dr. Elmer J. Lake. Eye, Ear, Nose,\Throat, Skin. 453 Bagot street. PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING GET PRICES NOW FOR YOUR PAINT. ing or poperhanging. op A H. B. Rowley, 327 Barrie street. MEDICAL DR. J. E. KANE WISHES TO AN nounce tnat he has opened offices at 136 Wellington Street, "opposite Post ice. Uilice hours 3-4 p.m,; 7-85.30 p.m. Telephone: office, 1835; residence. 183.i. LAND SURVEYOR. F. F. MILLER, B-Aps Se, CE, OLS, D.L.S, M.ELLC,, Napanee, Ont. Oa- tario nd Surveyor. Kingston Of- fice: Walken & Walkem, 93 Clar- ence street. BUSINESS CHANCES. TEXAS OIL MAP-IF INTER- ested in oll leases, send for map showing Texas Oil Field. Map is free. Salesmen wanted. Gal- loway Company, 303 Main street, Fort Worth, Texas. TEN will be received 1 10. Wednesday, the 18th | "Sr, by the Tr the as sit on Johnson to- up AD, 18 A ge the Anglo-Ame! The Corner oF Stree Dated. at Kingston, April, AD. 1920. nie I am the Vest auctioneer in Kingston. Make me prove it. : Paone 1721 ox 148. WHEN YOU WANT THE CARPENTER see James Selby, Contractor, 217 University Avenue. Pboae 1x08w. FINANCIAL WANTED, BUYERS FOR GOOD 2nd morigages on brand new houses and A-i purchasers. The J. K. Car- roil Ageucy, 68 Brock Street, Phone 63. LIVERFUOL, LONDON - AND ULOBR Fire (nsurance Company. Available assets $61,187,216. In addition to which the policy hoideis have for security the unlimited lability of city property, insured at lowest possivle es. Belore renewins oid or giving new business mat rates from Strange and Strang, Agents. Phone 325. FRONTENAU LOAN AND INVEST. ment Soclety; Incorported 1861. President, W. F. Nickie, K.C.; vice resident, A. Cunningham. oney issued on city and farm properties, municipal and county debentures; morigages purchased; investment bonds for sale; deposits received and interest allowed. R. C. Cartwright, manager, 7 Clar- ence street, ingston. BICYCLE REPAIRING BICYCLE REPAIRS--REPAIRS TO Bicycles guaranteed, Fred Dowling, Bicycle Works, 345 King Street. . % ROOFING ALL KINDS OF ROOFS PUT ON, RE. paired or painted. Our roofing ce- ment prevents rust, stops leaky and makes old roofs like new. ers receive prompt attention. Hounglow Bros, 28 Main street. Phone 1795, H er | For Sale One S-passengers, 4-cyMader, genuine Buick Car; solid leather trimmed; in first ciass condition. Ji Apply after 6 o'clock p.m. at 98 i r Wi ----- foiSe pe RA nn cA ------ For Sale Cash Registers. Electric Fans. Show Cases. 3-1b. Computing Scales. 8 h.p. Motor. Ice Crusher. 40-qt. Ice Cream Freezer. Crescent Wire Works borders, Wire Wor kinds, manu- factured by » *. & sox, Street Went. AARTRIDGE 92 King | CHEV ROLAT, | CLEAN | | Camp FURD, FAVE | BUGS ra $135.00--17 FT. MOTOR BOAT; BUGGY, top with side curtains; two cyl. en- gine; reversing gear. Apply at 13 Lnvision street. FORD, OVERLAND touring, rord Coupe, Truck. Ir you have a car tor sale, see Palmer, 194 University. Phone 457w. SKIFFS, CANOES, SKIF¥KFS FOR OUT. board motors; Tents, Awn.ngs, Suppiles, etc. Frank WwW, Couke, 219 bagot street. Phone 436. PASSENGER TOURING oar; newly painted snd over-hauied for owner's use; 10uUr new tires, une Spare. Quick sale. Irice right. oone 2040, Short. FUR HATCHING, FRUM A grand pen of Barred Rocks; heavy winter iayers; also from my prize Winning dilack Langshan. J.B, Holisnud, 152 Clergy street. MEN AND WOMEN'S CLOTHING, house furniture, specialize iu mill- tary boots; buy all kinds second- hand goods; highest pri es paid. Ll. Routbard. Phone 1723. 289 Prin- cess Street. SODA FOUNTAIN, 6 FEET LONG) compiete with carbonating pliant; Vortex cups, spoons, etc. Hun one Season only. Will sell cheap to quick buyer. Apply A. G. tiarris, University Drug store. boots, furniture, stovbx, neaters, « 800d set single harness, single waggen. Alsy many ouher articies, Musi be sold this week. 393 Prin- cess Street. HATCHING EGGS FROM MY BEST birds--8. C. Keds, 8. C. Anconas-- two dollars for fifteen. Pit Game, taree dollars for fifteen. Runner duck eggs, dollar and half per ten. Harold ' Kiell, Elginburg, Ont. DENTAL E. KNAPP, B.A, LDS, .D.D.S,, office 268 Friucess 2. Street. FPoaone DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN. tists, 159 - Wellington street, over Carnovsky's. Phone 346. 3 UPHOLSTERING CALL OR DROP A CARD TO Ww, oe Gavine, upholster, 218 Bagot St. JF. Wi. HAROLD FOR YOUR UP. holstering and general repairing. Leave orders at or drop a card to 104 Clergy street. LEGAL. CUNNINGHAM & SMITH, ers and Solicitors, 79 Street, Kingston. A B bam. Cyril M. Smith. BARRIST. Ciarence Cunning. AMBROSE SHEA, B.A. and Solicitor. of King and Bank. Money to BARRISTRR AAV, elie, corer roe over oyal loan. Phone 1999. POWER, SON AND DREV ARCHI. tects, Merchants' Bank Chambers, - corner of Mrock and Wellington slreets. FURNITURE FINISHING CALL OR DROP A CARD TO W. DRIS. eoll, 23 John Street. FORD PASSENGER CAR, MOVEABLE guards. Apply 84 Brock Si A WICKER BABY CARRIAGE (NEAR- ly new). Apply 61 Frontenac st. LIGHT DELIVERY RIG. APPLY NEW England Bakery, Collingwood St. WICKER BABY CARRIAGE, ALMOST new. Apply evenings: 148 Bay St. A PRACTICALLY NEW DRESS SUIT, for Juedium sized man. Apply Box y '§- ELECTRIC LIGHT FIXTURES, IN goud condition. Apply 188 Johnson street in mornings and evenings. JUDSON'S AUTO TUPS, BROUKYILLE, We have the Plate Glass Lignls top back Curiains, ail kinds, SOLID BRICK HUUSKS, NOS, 200 ANM 382, King dureel ast. Apply ¥, HL Macnee, 143 King Street West MeLAUGHLIN SPECIAL, 6.CYLINDER, b Jassunger. Appiy Lenlral Gars age, 330 King pueet, or phone dart SNAP, PRACTICALLY NEW EDISON Diamond Anase Gremepaoae; Sb records; owner leaving cily. Apply 43 Stanley Street. » A FEW THOUSAND FERT OF INCH, and two-Mnon Hemlock IMnber; also a few thousand faths. No. 348 Con- cessigl street, near Victoria. SQUAHK-STERNED SKIFF A N D Lyvinride cutbvoal' Motor. In good condition; not sold separately, Ap= ply Box 4-3, Whig Office. GENUINE GRAPHONOLA AND TEN selections; your owa choice, $42.56. Terms, $6 cash, $1 por week. C. W. Lindsay, Dimiteq, i21 Princess St. A CHOICE BUILDING LOT, 08 = 132, on west side of Livingston Avenue near King Street, wili be sold right. Apply W. H. Friendship, 83 Frone tenac street. BARRED ROCK AND WHITE WYAN- : dotte "h&lCHINg" eggs, ' trom rise winner. «If you wuat the best, can sgpply you. My prices are rigat. - Joseph White, Portsmouth, Out. Pavne 2301 ring 4. WE HVE SOR SALE ALL KINDS OF E004 secund-hand furniture BL0oves. Any person Laving stoves "nd rurnituie to dispose oi, we will bay hignest prices. J. Toompson, 333 rrincess street. Phone isuw, BICYCLES FOR SALE, FROM $18 UpWaras;, a lew pairs of $5.00 bicycle covers tor $3.09. Come and inveslugate oLelure buying where. mulier's Bicycle 4711-3713 King street. Pe Works, rhone 1usiw. GOOD, GENERAL FURIOSE MARY sound and kind in every WAY; run- Sbout buggy, set of sicgle harness; Cutter, deuvery Waggon, also a 2» Hg Chauipm, incubator, byooder; cadap tb' quick buyer. Ply 401 Division 'street. city, ONE GRAY DORT § PASSENGER touring car, in excellent mechani cal condition; engine and battery newly overhauled; all new carbon Plates in battery; car newly paints ed. Call at 26 Frontenac Street north. USED CARS AND TRUCKS OF ALL kinds, bord roadsters and touring Chevroléts, Overiands, Gray Dort, Studebaker, Saxon Six, also 1 ton ruck and light plelivery trucks. PPly Bert stansbury, 169 Road. Phone 1674w. Ragan M FRAME GOUSE, MODERN lmprovements; side entrance; cor. Division ®nd Quebec Sireels; # on continuation of Aifred street, a 7 room frame house, almost new, With large lot and barn. Apply a D. Boyd, 251 University Ave, A COMFORTABLE FIVE-ROOM COT tage, With @ good garden and barn, on Wolfe lsland, within thres mine utes' walk of the boat landing; the property of the late Job Watts, For particulars apply to J. B. Walkem, Kingston; Samuel Watts, 50 Riceay -@treet, Kmgston, executors. SPECIAL -- HANDSOME RUG, MA. hogany rocker and seat, divan, okk hail rack, students' lem: and table, Surtain Polen, Ditmds, ba eum, text boks In BEducats large Latin and Greek Torco Classical texts, lawn mower, Apply 343 Albert St. Phone 938w, A WELL ESTABLISHED POOL tobacco Business on Princess ND Will sell tables and fixtures at reasonable price and stocit at Voice prices. Store at rent and leased for th longer. selling. E, ree Owner has good reason for n exce ent of or nity. a W. Mullin & Son. Phos Lew 3 BATEMANS REAL ESTATE, FOR SALE $2,850--FRAME; 7 ROOMS; 1, 8858; large fot. ' B. AND Of $2100--FRAME; 8 Ri s : ments; large ihe OMS; IMPROVE. #2200, BRICK BUNGALOW, improvements; LOW LY ean double lot. . THAT. DESIRABLE PROPERTY the corner of iyi G. A. BATEM 158 Wellingion aA <1 Kentucky Cannel Coal - For Grate Fires 4 - 40 PRINCESS STREET All Zindg of repair Sark prompt. 0, | y attended Phoue 1264. Res, 1293, my | Mowldence 915w. | rather laid ling<®

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