n N - nef _nmnm " ; > : sk \ Ry . WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28, 1080 ; ine DAILY BRITISH WHIG" PREVENT APPLE SCAB Much of the Loss Through This Disease Is Needless, Careful Spraying Will Do the Trick ~Three Sprayings Necessary-- Either Lime Sulphur or Bordesux Mixture May Be Used. ~ (Contributed by Ontario Department of Agriculture, Toronto.) LATE HIS is the most commen and . most serious disease of ap- "ples in Ontario. It occurs wherever apples are grown, and the scab spots on the fruit and leaves are familiar to almost every fruit grower, In wet seasons it causes a financial loss of many thou- sands of dollars to the fruit growers | of the Province. This is to a large extent' a needless loss, for Apple Scab can almost always 'be prevented "no matter how wet the season may be, by thorough, timely and intelli- gent spraying, In. combination with the proper pruning of the trees. The scab only develops and spreads dur- ~ ~"<ing wet weather. The times of the year therefore when we get our wet . Weather are the times we have to Spray if we are going.to prevent scab, One spraying with either lime sulphur or Bordeaux mixture is not sufficient to prevent scab, as the rain gradually washes the spray'off, and a8 the leaves and fruits by growing larger develop more surface to cover. In order to besure of preventing the disease we must spray from three to six times during the season, the num- ber of sprayings depending upon whe- ther the weather is wept or dry. The first spraying should be done just as or soon after the leaf buds burst. For this application use commercial lime- sulphur, strength .1 gallon commer- cial to 7 gallons of water. If the grower is certain that there is no San Jose Scale in the orchard and wery little Oyster Shell Scale, a weak- er solution may be used, 1 gallon to about 20 gallons of water, or 3or- deaux mixture 4.4.40 formula may be. substituted, The second spraying should be given just before the blossoms open, that is, just when they are showing pink, using commercial lime-sulphur strength 1 gallon to 85 gallons of water, or Bordeaux mixture 4.4.40 formula. ® In avérage seasons the third appli- cation should be given immediately after the blossoms have all or nearly all fallen, with lime-sulphur strength, + -- 1 gallon to 40 gallons of water. This is generally the most important spray for the control of Apple Scab and al- ways for Codling Moth, and it must be promptly applied, as a delay of a day or two may make all the differ- ence between success and failure. ) Bordeau mixture should not be used at this time, as it is' almost sure to cause the fruit to be russeted. Arsen- ate of lead should be added for the second and third sprayings to control Codling Moth and other biting insects, ¢ v i In seasons of normal weather con- . ditions these first three sprayings 'should control the scab completely. TL . In some geasons, however, additional f : ga amlications arg. absolutely necessary : if the scabs be prevented. The 3 3 : time of these will depend upon when ' we get our cold, wet weather. In . some seasons there is a long period of cold, wet weather between the ! date when the blossoms begin to . burst and when they fall. Sometimes A AE RD : . the length of this period is three or Tour weeks. In such cases it is neces- sary to give an intermediate spray- RE BR Why shouldn't 'they be good? They have behind them the Be as Sami he end pry, eatest Rubber System in the Dominion, if not in the Empire. development of the blossoms is very ep a hey are planned ofill every need of the motorists of Canada. yr Ph They are built by experts in a great modern factory. be omitted because of the bees. It : is very important to observe care- a ar And their dependable quality and workmanship moire sean, me ie | 2 | DOMINION | are proven by the fact that Dominion Tires | DOMINION Sar wrumas Sush saying bn moven | Inner Tubes large ale in C d 1 Tire Accessories Ss Bree a seat of rh a a Domina || 1AVE the largest sale in Canada among experi- 3 . Toy acento seat. "Tor dhs Tremdeamreper- | €NCEd motorists. They have proved their | bude svemthing application use a weak lime-sulphur fectly balanced tires. pe . gv . | Ea lmaiu Ten Tosd emit 0 | economy, their easy riding, their long mileage | puussbruis, | EEEETRULSIR| | mr teu on every road in Canada. me ys Urs ! haing discolored at pleking time. Dominion Inher Yh \ : . ad longer. Carry a Should the dust methdd prove satts- Tubes. Dominion Tires, Inner Tubes and Accessories are distributed through supply in your car. in the 140 without SaNSor of Nainine Dominion Rubber System Branches and sold by the best dealers : throughout Canada. hoo ' They must be good tires as we have sold them for years and the quality has helped to build up our big business. When the tread is worn off we can re-build them and double their milage, and guarantee them. Buy Dominion Tires and have your old ones re-built. Sie ~- MOORE'S ¢