- FOR SPRING WEAR Pro tr Coates and Neck Picces fashioned in | the delightful styles of to-day. | Furs made over and repairs | Now is the opportune time to have your Furs made over into next season's style. § Prices moderate. - | John McKay, Limited | 149157 Brock st. 7 Kingston [THREE CHARCES DISMISSED | Magistrate Farrell Criticized Depart- { charge against three Kingston shop- | keepers for having sold patent medi: | J ge having & stamp affixed | were dismissed, | Magistrate Farrell gave the depart- VICT AND His Master's Voice VICTROLA X., $188 Records GIVE A VICTROLA DANCH 1 sortiha s to arrange! No trouble and expense of ge z How S397 os! The VICTROLA brings you bands, Srchestras any # trios, famous for their dance musie--just as enjoyable, too, as rod them yourself. pu had Ii Low---waltz--Henri"s orchestra 218097 Bohemla--One Step--Van Bps Quartette id On Miami Shore--Waltz-- Beck's Orchestra 8 Peggy--Fox Trot--Coleman's Orchestra ....., Jerry--Fox Trot--All Star Trio Alcoholic Blues--All Star Trio Patches-- Fox Trot-~Coleman's Orchestra Dardanella--Fox Trot--Coleman's Orchestra Oh, My Dear--Fox Trot--=Smith's Orchestra Somebody's 8weetheart--One Step--Smith's Orchestra. . t-Me-Not Walts--McKea's Orchestra Felicia Walts---Sergeant Mackels' Orchestra MAHOOD BROS. "THE HOME OF THE VICTROLA™ ROLAS Real Estate | $1650 : 3 HB po-Nogen, pi frame Hi $2450-Stephen Street; brick; 6 |i L- rooms, B. C.; gas. and C.; | $2000--Montreal Street; brick; B00 on provements; hara- JH i Bas, Hill sap vi ho O00 Purriols street; 4 rooms! Hiijlf gene rvous breakdown. i ungalow; WwW. C. | Many sensible people continue Aved street; 5 rooms; W. [i to suffer great pain and incon- : o tet, : : | venience through false pride. 00 ' uble Hi atham wtreet; Joust 4 rough § GUS GROND_ON THE PRENSTS Repeated Headaches From the Eyes A) t DON'T BE FOOLISH IN Glasses will relieve he ou at, treet properly, and wearing spect- Shi actos 1s fo sign of old age. CTORY BONDS - Let us relieve your hea 3 men. Mun i vey by supplying Glasses that will MONEY TO LOAN. take away the strain. ~ McCANN We have done good for others, why not YOU? (| Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, li the most abused of pictures," "The i) End of the Road," the most unusual if | morality play of the age, which has il} evoked the most enthusiastic com- || ment wherever it has been shown, ll for a three days' engagement. d bring about [i _ : }| which knows neither race nor creed, li and which punishes | guilty alike. It is a striking and very ll! dealing with the subject in a man- ii nér that is daring and frank, but Hi by a distinguished cast. The leading || woman is Claire Adams, of Toronto, {| 'Canadian Beauty," and with her is || dignified and polished &haracter act. i Detroit, stafids her in good stead in {| her Interpretation of the leading |[J }| "The End of the Road" is shown un- der the auspices of the Canadian Na- |i || ereal Diseases, and is the initial gun IN BROS, LID. By ursday ° : ials 300 tins Pink Salmon «eense.25c. per tin 150 tins Pork and Beans . .. .. .2 for 25¢. 1,000 bars Pride Soap . . . ... . . . 9c. per bar wR 5 500 Ibs. Prunes ........nevee..17c Ib. Note Hours of Delivery: 8 am.--10 am.--2 p.m.--4 p.m. Phones: Wholesale Departinent 1767 Retail Meats, 458, Grocery-Dept., 459. {whether babes in arms or youngsters ------ WHICH WERE LAID "AGAINST SHOPKEEPERS BY "SPOTTER" ment for Allowing Charges to Stand Over a Month Before Being Brought to Court. A government "spotter" laid a to the article, as required under the war measures act, but all three cases and incidentally ment at Ottawa dealing with the cases a rap on the knuckles for their me- thod of lodging complaints. The offence in each case, was al- leged to have been committed on March 18th, and His Worship wanted to know why the cases had not been brought before the court sooner. Joseph H. MoEwen, who iaid the charges, stated that he had to re- port all cases to the department at Ottawa first. Magistrate Farrell stated that he considered it very unfair to allow the charges to stand over for over a month. Buch cases should be pro- ceeded with at once. "Tell the department for me that they are very unwise," remarked the magistrate, to the complainant. "It is a very peculiar method." ner grocers' and the other a drug- gist. One grocer sold a bottle of elec- tric oil and the other a bottle of cough medicine. The druggist sold a box of talcum powder. All three pleaded "not guilty." \ T. J. Rigney, who appeared for the druggist, held that as the complain- ant had admitted that he had not bought the talcum powder for his own use, but merely to get a convic- tion and that no conviction could be made under the act, and he was up- held by the court. The complainant admitted that he was not under salary from the gov- ernment, but that he received half of the money imposed in fines. KINGSTON REGIMENT HOLDS STREET PARADE The Newly Organized Militia Unit Made a Favorable Im- pression Tuesday Evening. The Kingston Regiment held its first march-out of the season on Tuesday evening. After some preli- minary company work at the armon ries, the battalion paraded and mnr- ched through the streets, preceded by its brass and bugle bands. The turnout of the local infantry was most favorably commented upon by spectators. The playing of the re- organized bands was of a high order. Recruiting is proceeding briskly, battalion parades being held on Tuesday evenings, while Thursday and Friday evenings are reserved for company drills. A meeting of the officers was held After the dismissal of the parade, when several matters pertaining to the welfare of the unit were discus- eed. ! : [1 costing 10 GRIFFIN'G, "The End of the Road." Hailed as the "most praised and comes to the Griffin Theatre Monday The pleture deals with the most serious of the social evils, an enemy innocent and plain-spoken arraignment of this evil, clean and true "The End of the Road" is played hailed on the screen to-day as the Richard Bennett, one of the most ors of the day. Miss Adams' experi- ence as a nurse in Grace Hospital, character, who is a hospital nurse. tional Council for Combating Ven- in a campaign for which the Domin- fon and Provincial Governments have of the story, none ander sixteen, of understanding, 'are admitted to any of the performances.--Advt. ton has been appointed to proceed to turned soldiers suffering from nerv- ous disorders. under the management of Major Ern- est Young. The patients will cared for in permanent institutions nearest their homes. ° The Salvation the Y.M.C.A. Evangelistic Band and male quartétte Don't forget Thuraday, at 8 p.m. All welcome. : Wins Second Prise. Miss Mary Wight, Athens, has been ter his Red Two of the men accused are "oor-| given $400,000. Owing to the mature ||| A board composed of Major Bish- op, Captain Fisher and Lieut. Hous- |i Cobourg and carry out the closing of | i the Cobourg hospital, which has been || used for the past three years for re- || The hospital has been | { be lll Army Citadel, Tomorrow, (Thursday), at 8 p.m., || INGDERTS OF THE DAY Happenings in the City and Vicinity | the Readers of the Whig Radishes, lettuce, Carnovsky's. W. Swaine, plano tuner, orders at McAuley's, or 'phone S64w, : Pop Watkins would like to quar Box baseball team at iFseRson Mr, and Mrs. John McL. Stephen have moved into their residence at 183 William street. . The remains of the late John Hil- lier were sent to Morven on Tuesday by John Cornelius, undertaker. . DALY'S GOOD TEA and DALY'S DELICIOUS COFFEE superior to "best" of other brands. At MA- HOOD'S 'The Old Boys' Reunion at Belle- ville will be held on dates already elected, July 24th, 25th, 26th and th. Archdeacon Dobbs is in Brockville to-day inducting Rev. Mr. Whalley into the rectorship of St, Peter's church. Rev. Samuel Sellery has been transferred from the Bay of Quinte Methedist Conference to the Toronto Conference. ; The rainfall on Tuesday afternoon was quite heavy. The farmers have been asking for rain in.order to help out their spring plowing. Now is the time to have your plano tuned. We carry two expert tupers and will assure entire satis- faction. C. W Jiudsay. Limited. Miss Peggy MdManus, daughter of Major W. J. McManus, who is in the General Hospital with scarlet fever, is reported to be progressing nicely. Berries, Thursday, Carnovsky's. There was still considerable ice in the harbor on "Wednesday morning. Citizens are wondering when the har- bor will be clear of ice for good, and many are taking a guess at the date. We will reat you a plano, and at end of six months if you feel like purchasing instrument we will allow the six months, renial on purchase price, and arrange easy terms on dal- ance, C. W. Lindsay The senior public school baseball league games opened last Friday, when Victoria defeated Louise by 15 to 4. In the junior school game on Monday, Victoria dereated Central by 6 to 4. Fred Morris was umpire, Owing to the great interest takeh in the meetings of the Ontario Medico - Psychological Association, and the number of papers offered, the meetings will be continued this evening and to-morrow morning. Physicians, nurses and the public generally are made welcome during the meetings. TYPHOID FEVER CAUSED DEATH Mrs. John H. Grapotte, Dies at Cape Vincent, N.Y. Cape Vincent, N.Y., April 28.--On Sunday Mrs, Mary A. Grapotte, wife of John H. Grapotte, of the Cape Vincent Telephone company, died after an illness of three weeks with typhoid fever. Mrs. Grapotte was born thirty-four years ago in Water- town, the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. George F, Wilson; but had lived in {Oape Vincent nearly all of her life. In 1909 she married John H. Gra- potte. She was well known here be- cause of her long connection with the telephone business. Besides her husband, Mrs. Gra- potte is survived by her father, George F. Wilson, Cape Vircent; one sister, Mrs. Roy Ross, Cape Vin- cent; one uncle, Fred M. Marsh, and one aunt, Mrs. George E. Satchwell, both of Watertown. The funeral was held on Tuesday afternoon from St. John's Episcopal church. Interment was made at Cape Vincent. Why Called Doughboys. World War 'Veteran--Say, Rookie, do you know why they called the sol- diers overseas doughboys? _~ Rookie--No, why? Vet.----'Cause our secretary of war was a er. The cheerful giver is often handil- What the Merchants Offer te Ji r-------------------- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG 1 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28, 1920 GOOD HOUSEKEEPING FOR APRIL DR. CHARLES W. ELIOT | FRANCES HODGSON BURN L2 The Bong -of -8- Ease cto | RUTH BA anes H. ADDINGTON BRUCE A Woman Past Forty-- 4 IDA M. EVANS .... Children's Cut-outs---- SHEILA YOUNG .. Children of Storm-- I. ALR. WYLIE ..., - Household Engineerin, Telephone 919 THE GREATEST WOMAN'S MAGAZIN The Need of a Better Education-- The House in the Dismal Swamp-- : y BIT verses: 10 ri---------- Nomen Sit in Jn EDITED BY MILDRED MADDOCKS .,,..86 Fortuna's CONTENTS FOR APRIL: E PUBLISHED--260 PAGES Page : \ Page Time To Get Up HARRISON CADY ..l.......0 versssese ll The Vi of Silent Men--- : : OLIVER CURWOOD ......00...4 tr EDITED BY MILDRED MADDOOKS ....48 The Little House : CONINGSBY DAWSON .....covennee...50 A "of Distincti : shansaes 56 WINNIFRED F. and MARY NORTHREND 58 Fashions ; « iY ae EDITED BY HELEN KOUES ...........60 + ssnnene.T8 srescnnes. TO Srresreceres venas.TH Discoveries Dr. Wiley's Question-Box esstarrennntng,,..B0 Entertainment, *resecansanney,.81 Buttoning on White Collars SP Seat ilaly Daughters seacsencasrerionsasi 108 The College Book Store Open Evenings capped because he has so little to give. Some people are asleep when the chance to make money comes their way. 1) sewing, showing " buttonboling, ing and gathers Too True. > Though this small rhyme is true, 1 * know 2 It will not make a hit : Man wants Dut little here below, And he is getting it. stitching, Hamner stitching, f li | the amount of their income tax, 'but il would convince them that our sys- il | tem, i | itself. ll! hands on this advice : Il your teeth. { | | ER -. Somewhat Puzzling. Canadians may think they have a complicated method of arriving at one look at the United States form by comparison, is slmplieity The Boston Record has evi- dently become discouraged and "First, take your income, "Add wife's income. "Divide by your eldest son's age. "Add your telephone number, "Subtract your auto license num- ber. "Add electric light Mil. "Divide by-the number of kilo. watts. "Multiply by your father's age. "Add number of gold {filling in "Add your house number. Thursday BIG SALE OF FLOOR OILCLOTHS, LINOLEUM S, AND FLOOR RUGS. DRAPERIES AND CURTAINS ON SALE LATER. ewman & Shaw "The Always Busy Store" EE ee Two semi-detached brick dwellings on Albert street (near Victoria Park) with furnace, gas, all improvements--$§3200 each Nine good building lots on Corner Adelaide and Lans- downe streets--4§1,000 Three frame bungalows, $1,000 each. Double brick dwellings in Rideau View property for $2900. TO RENT---Five roomed apartment with bath by May 1, E. W. MULLIN & SON BUYERS AND SELLERS OF REAL ESTATE INSURANCE BROKERS. "Subtract wife's wge (approxi- mately). "Divide dy the number of aunts you have. "Subtract the number o! daugh- ters, : J ] "Multiply by the number of Himes {you have gone up in an seroplane. + "Bubtract your best golf score, | "Add a pinch of salt, "And then go out and Ss. Simplest, safest, surest way to yaccinate onttie agalost Blackley. Me Dose to Messure. Mo Liquid to Spill. Ne Bring to Mahood's Drug Store