THE DAILY Bk111SH WHIG PAGE SEVEN NOTICE TO MEN DO NOT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY Hof sccuring-your Spring Suit and Furnish Il ings at our big Opening Sale. George L. VanHorne Phone 362w. 213 PRINCESS ST. (Opposite Grand Opera House) '§ | Ontario executive, ADDRESSED THE GA COMRADE O'FLYNN, PRESIDENT OF ONTARIO EXECUTIVE HERE "In All Our Work," he Said, "We Are to Put the Widows and Or- phans First, the Wounded Com- rades Next and Ourselves Last." At a meeting of the G.W.V.A, on | Tuesaday night, a report was given by the advisory committee, and it was Lannounced by the chairman of the People's Forum, that. the meetings of the Forum would be discontinued for the present, owing to lack of at- tendance. et Comrade Bowker outlined a plan | | by which this branch of the associa- tion could be more effectively carried { ofi. This is to be given consideration i} | by the new executive. | | Comrade O'Flynn, president of the was introduced, | and addressed the meeting on the si- |} | tuation of the G.W.V.A. at the pres- | ent time. if! "In all our work," he sald, "we i} | are to put the widows and -orpbans Ne et a -------- NOX A COLD TABLETS A. nls ang speedy cure Jor lagrine. Flu, a mild laxative. Breaks up a cold In a few hours. Get the genuine, at all drug stores, 25c per box. Sold at Best's Drug Store, "APRIL BIRTH STONE" The Diamond You no doubt are looking for suggestions for a birthday or anniversary gift, why not let us help you? THE DIAMOND--the birth- stone for April -- we have mounted in Rings, Earrings, Pendants; Lavilliers, Brooches,' Tie Pins and Links--and if you wish can make up special de- signs. We have Diamonds mounted from $20 up to $1,000.00-- all one quality, the best. Kinnear & d'Esterre ---- Woe HATEVER the cause of -your present eye ! W trouble whether | 'your viston has-always been defective or strain and age have impaired it you should no longer neglect it. You may simply need resting glasses to allow your eye muscles to regain their vigor or you may be In need of lenses that will aid your eye muscles to properly focus images upon your re- tina. We are thoroughly dependable. The House of Better Glasses Opposite the Post Office Phone 699. KINGSTON. | J. BARRETT PLUMBER Plumbing and Hea Work a Specialty. Marriage Licenses Issued. C. 8. KIRKPATRICK, Ocean Steamship Agency 38 Clarence St. Kingston. Telephone 568w. ting Address 7385 SYDENHAM STREET Phone 688, - | OXFORDS FOR THESPRING | OF 1920 just now of fashionable models--for ladies choose from, in all lea- and gentlemen--to thers. ; Allan M. Reid ' : ' -n 3:3 PRINCESS STREET = t I Dn + KINGSTON | first, the wounded comrades next, | and ourselves last. It should be a | case of service and not a case of for | what we can get. It is necessary to |' have unity and things are going that | way. Then the returned men can get a better measure of success. 'The speaker then pointed out that although the G.W.V.A. never. did a! great deal of shouting, nevertheless, { they have done much. 1 { The G.W.V.A. were primarily res- | ponsible for the raising of the wid- | |-ows' pensions, as well as the housing | scheme, for which the Hearst govern- | ment took the credit. The management of the branch {came up and several plans were un- | folded. A | semi-voluntary basis was explained. | A great deal of discussion took place | in connection with these various sch- i emes. In view of the fact that nomi- | Aations were to take place those were left over for the consideration of the members at the next meeting. It was moved and carried that the association express its appreciation for the good work done by the Knights of Columbus in commection with the returned men of this city, Nomination then took place and resulted as follows. For President, Comrades Bould, { Connor, Sutherland, Hanson, Bowker | Ryan. For first vice-president, Comrades | Doolan, Hicks. { 2nd vice-president. above not' elected for above are' to | stand for election to this office. Hon-treasurer, Comrades Connor, | Wightman, Walkem Doolan, Bould. | For executive, Comrades Tugwood, | Bedford, Bould Bowker, Hanson, Ryan, Elliott, Connor, Blackburn, | Hussy. Notice of motion was given that at the next meeting there will be a mo- | tion put, not to restrict a man hold- i ing executive office in another associ- | ation, from holding office in the exe- { cutive G.W.V.A. of Kingston. | A vote of thanks was tendered the | President of the Provincial Executive | for Ris able address and the advice | offered this branch in its present po- | sition. Too Many Have No Trade. During the past few days Allan Stroud, who is in charge of the Gov- ernment Employment bureau, states | that he has had a large number of { men applying for positions. In-most cases he finds that the men who ap- ply have no trade and for that reason it is rather difficult to place them. Many out-of-town concerns are anx- jous to get men who know a trade but it is almost impossible to men to leave the city. Unqualified Indorsement., "Are you in favor of votes for women?" "Why ask such a question at this late day?" inquired Senator Sorghum in return. "How can a statesman hope to 'get 'em if he isn't in favor of 'em?"" i Friends! FRIEND is one who knows all about you, and loves you just the same. 8. HEY know all about poor people. They love them and their love is reciprocated by the poor. HE poor and distressed are not ashamed or reticent in their presence. HE wicked are reproved. The young encouraged. The old sustained. Dishes, floors and clothes are washed. Babies nursed. Medicine provided. supplied. Meals cooked. And a thousand other things done to strengthen the body and stimulate the soul. HIS work goes on in Sixty- six Countries and in forty- two different languages. The Salvation Army--- 308 Citadels and Institutions A SPECIAL MEETING TUESDAY, 27th 8 pm. . < ominations for vacant offices. President E. D. O'FLYNN, of --the Ontario Provincial Com- very good scheme, on a! those of the "here at the opening session of the get MEETING OF LABOR MEN TO HEAR ADDRESS BY . ALD. HEAPS OF WINNIPEG * | Passed a Resolution Requesting Min- | ister of Justice to Waive Objec- tions to Russell Appeal to Privy Council, At a meéting of the labor men of { Kingston on Tuesday evening called | for the purpose of hearing addresses by. Joseph, Marks, secretary of the. La-. dependent Labor Party, and Alder- man Heaps, of Winnipeg, a résolu- tion was passed addressed to the at- torney-general of Manitoba and Hon. C. J. Doherty, P.C. minister of jus- tice, Ottawa, requesting the waiving «of objections to the appeal of the R. B. Russell case to the Privy Council of Great Britain. Mr. Marks was not present owing to illness, but Mr. Heaps, who is a very lucid speaker, took nearly two hours to discuss the Winnipeg strike which, from the statements made, no man either in the east or west, would care to see repeated. Aside from the merits of the points at issue between employees and employers, the events | during the strike, the actions of po- | lice and special spies, civic. commit- | tees, official procedure under the cir- | cumstances, arrests and prosecutions | were all dealt with in detail by Mr. | Heaps. 3 4 When asked why the Trades ant] | Labor Council of Winnipeg broke | | away - from the defence committee, | { Mr. Heaps said: that there was fric- | tion with the O B. U. which was re- | garded as usurping a position that | | did not belong to it: | | A collection to defray the expense | | of the appeal was taken up at the | { end of the meeting and the secretary | was requested to forward the petition | | to the Minister of Justice and the at- | torney-general. ONE MILLION UNIVERSES | MAY POSSIBLY EXIST, SAYS A | GREAT ASTRONOMER. | Startling Discoveries in Field of Astronomy--Galaxy of Spiral Neb. ulae Seen by Means of New Obser- | vation Devices, Washington, April 27.--The an- | nouncement of startling discoveries {in the field of astronomy were made | National Academy of Sciences. | Before a gathering of distinguish- {ed scientists from all parts of the { country, H. D. Curtis, astronomer at |the Lick Observatory, California, | stated that the latest powerful tele- | scopes had disclosed the possible | existence of a milion universes, in-!} | stead of one, By means of new observation de- { vices, he maintained, a galaxy of | spiral nebulae had been seen, Each of these, he sald, was in reality an "island universe" and were distant more than 10,000 light years from the earth. A light year is roughly estimated by scientists to be about six trillion miles, More than: asmilisn of these ne- bulae-had been counted, Dr. Curtis stated. He explained at léngth his contention that each of the nebulae was in itself a universe, composed' of countless stars, situated in the farth- | ermost reaches of space. To Increase Telescope's Power, Dr. Harlow Shapley, of Mount Wilson Observatory, Pasadena, Cal, announced that he had discovered a simple device wherby the power of the 100-inch telescope at the Mount Wilson Observatory was increased several times. The telescope is the largest in the world, and required three years to construct. Dr. Shapley plans to give his de- vice to the scientific world. Dr. Shapley stated that observa- tions made with the great telescope at Mount Wilson confirmed the ex- istence of the spiral nebulae, which Dr. Curtis believes are individual universes, The use of the Mount Wi tele- scope, Dt. Shapley said, had resulted in setting aside some of the older theories regarding the universe, which observations showed to be ten times greater in volume than was | formerly believed Composition of the Milky Way. Recently secured evidence, he said, showed that many facts regarding the dimensions and composition of the milky way are err = J ---- Ep _"os iéliin | et ra ----. » 9% (Children's Straw Hats IN ENDLESS VARIETY We have Hats for boys and | girls of all ages, and all at very | | attractive prices. | See our specials at: --50c --TBC. -$1.00. --$1.50. $2.00. --$2.50. Come while the assortment is large. CAMPBELL BROS. Kingston's Largest Hat Daal | | | We have pretty Browns, with long vamps, narrow vamps, Aberneth Young men are invited to call in and see our new Low Shoes. and medium vamps, also Brogue patterns. Best grades, $15.00, $14.00 $12.00, $10.00. Drop in when down this way. y's Shoe Store WHAT A BETTER HOME MEANS TO A WOMAN Home to a woman, is the one place of greatest importance--wife, mother, daughter spend nine-tenths of their time in the house--surely that is reason enough why you should make the home as attractive as possible. JAMES REID "The Busy Store With Large Stock" Phone 147 for Service. He claims that it takes light about 300,- 000 years to cross from one side to the other of the occupied by the 3,000.009,000 ry of which pur sun is the nearest one. The vastness of this distance could be measured, he sald, as it had been established long ago that light travels at the rate 9 0.000 miles a Second, hs ley, while confirming the existence of the spiral nebulae, which 'are belleved to be island uni- verses by Dr. Curtis, took issue with the latter as to their remoteness spiral nebulae. He described the nebulae as "clam shell- like cloudy luminous objects." Prof. A. A. Michaelson, of Chi- cago, told the Académy of new modi- fications of his famous in fon, the REMOVAL ter May 1st, our Coal Yard and Office will be located at the Water Works Dock, foot of West Street. A continuance of your pat. Telephone 67. PURE ICE CREAM OUR Ice Cream has been the BEST in KINGSTON for years and will contniue to be nothing but PURE CREAM and FRUIT FLAVQRS used. This busi- ness established nineteen yea! --_-- MOIR'S and GANONG'S CHOCOLATES always on hand, SAKELL'S Next to Opera House A. Chadwick & Son | interfermeter, in conn tween binary stars, a problem which Sad heratafory baffled the seietitic wor : Humming Birds, Moore's melodies: "Good-by, Little Girl, Good-by," "Till We Meet Again" Pickfora refrains : Pr ---------- a -------------- ww - -- His Modest The great a Tu wing room function was clearly annoyed. "1 do not ask," he moderate your conversation to the point where you can hear me play. TT perhaps, But in order sald, "that you woula ve too much. to do. myself justice I must request that you allow me to hear He resumed his o ° : playing amid deep g.. 4 - Fairbanks' "Have a Smile," "Nobody Knows and X Nevada 4 ittles : "It I Called You Back Some Day," "You'd be Sur- prised." : EE ------------------ The self-satisfied man is a fallure Hood's biliousness and all w= ws PIS Rats Rats 1 Wanted At ~ Gourdier's . 78 BROCK STREET, - ~,