PAGE TWELVE % HADTOGOTO | HEADACHES SO BAD MILBURN'S LAXA-LIVER PILLS MADE HER WELL. When your liver gets sluggish and'! fhactive,' your whole health suffers. Your bowels become constipated, your head aches, your tongue is coat- "ed, breath bad, specks foat before the eyes, you are bilious, have heart- burn, water-brash, pain under the right shoulder, muddy, and brown " #potted complexion, etc. Help the liver to resume its proper function by removing the bile that is | circulating in the blood and poison- ing the system. Mrs. E. Bainbridge, 30 Maple Ave., Amherst, N.S, writes: --"I take plea- sure in writihg you of the good I] received by. using Milburn's: Laxa- | Liver Pills for headaches. 1 was so 'bad I had to go to bed, and could | mot sit up. A friend told me about | your wonderful medicine, and two vials have made me as well as I can be." - * Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are 'mall and easy to take, do not gripe, | weaken or sicken, do not leave any! bad after-effects. Price 25c. a vial at all dealers, or mailed direct on | yeceipt of price by The T. Milburn | .Co., Limited. Toronto, Oxt. : | If you are growing hard of hear- | ng and fear Catarrhal Deafness or if | you have roaring, rumbling, hissing | noises in your ears go to your drug- | i gist and get 1 ounce of Parmint| Eo 1{acubie strength), and add to it % | 'pint of hot water and a little granu- | 'lated sugar. Take 1 tablespoontul four times a day. . This will often bring quick relief | from the distressing head noises. | Clogged nostrils should open, breath- | ing become easy and the mucus stop dropping into the throat. It is easy | {to prepare, costs little and is plea- | sant to take. Anyone who is threat- fened with Catarrhal Deafness or who | {has head noises should give fais Jprescription a trial. | Freckle-Face . | "Sun and Wind Bring Out Ugly Spots. | f How to Remove Easily GROWING DEAF WITH HEAD] | ' NOISES? TRY THIS | I | | Here's a chance, Miss Freckle-face, | to try a remedy for freckles with the | Buarantee of a reliable concern that | it will not. cost you a penny unless it | removes the freckles; while if it does | i give you a clear complexion the ex- | pense is trifling. ] Simply get an ounce of Othine-- | double strength--from any druggist | and a few applications should show | you how easy it is to rid yourself of the homely freckles and get a beauti- | ful complexion. Rarely is more than | one ounce needed for the worst case. Be sure to ask the druggist for the double strength Othine as this | strength is sold under guarantee of money back if it fails to remove too Tablets i it BED | PIRST YEAR f What Shall I Be? .. Taxidermist FRANCIS ROLT-WHEELER - There's a natural instinct to want tq stuff amimals. many of have tried it with birds, because were small and seemed easy to do. M of us, too, found it was right hard, the bird that we stuffed was a sight! But Taxidermy is an old and ors able profession, and, nowadays, it calls for a high-grade type of man. A mod- cm tax: ist has got to know ani- "mals, net merely the anatomy of them, but their habits of life, their attitudes. almost their very souls. It is a science) and an art at the same time. Good taxidermists are rare, and in great de- mand. Like all the specialized trades, it re- uires a talent, or a desire ior it.. But a fellow likes ing about, stuf. i i the feeling of make a dead bird or squirrel look as if it were alive again; SATURADY, MAY, 1, 1920, SATURADY, LETTER FROM UNCLE Si. Letter from Uncle Si. Dere Childern, » Ez i wuz sayin yistiday, i shure put it over on"thet there storekeeper down to the village. I aint so fond iv blowin thi. own-horn ani ev bin stung summat more than the avrage donkey, but at the same time i usally bites back, ef ¥ do say it mi- self. Now there is nothin i hates worsen a gharp geezer who is all the time stingin peeple, but the other day 1 meets up with thet, feller what tried to sell me the nuth pole. I wood hev told you soner only i wuz too bizzy thinkin sumthin up to do to him. Wal, he dident remember me at all an { goes up to him like as ef | hed bin drinkin an tells him thet i hed deescovered a gold mine. He thinks i hev bout three sheets in 'the wind an two fying loose an thet 1 let out what i dident want known so he asks me to sit down an tell him bout it. I tells him thet i found a gold mine on some govment land: bout thutty miles back in the bush. Now thet bush is mostly rocks, thistles an genral tarnation to travel in. Next day i wuz out ploughin wen i sees him snekin in thet direc- shun with sum kind 'uv outfit. - He + cum back bouth three days after an Tet him not be afraid to take taxidermy as his Life work. Hell always have plenty to do, and he'll always enjoy doing it. Every different job is a dif: ferent problem. It's a far cry from the chap in the little town, who stuffs the pet parrot of the sheriff's maiden aunt, to the museum cxpert, like Carl Aked, who, in his Slephants, has re-created taxidermy, but same impulse is in men. A knowledge of anatomy, a habit of observing anmals in motion, and con- stant practice are-the chief require- ments. Do you want to be a Taxider- mist? Begin now. The Director of one of the biggest museums in this continent got his start by aufing the favorite dogs who died in his e town. Nearly every one loves some kind of pet, and gets sentimental when a pet dies. In every city, town or vil- lage, there is, at this. minute, a job awaiting a young taxidermist. Begin on canaries, boys, you may wind up on liy--The Trick of Self-Ex- pression) The ' submarines of the English K' class are said to be the fastest and most powerful submersible craft in the world. They are propelled on the surface by steam turbines at a speed of twenty-four knots, which is about eight knots faster -than the speed of ordinary submarines. They are 340 feet long, and displace 2,570 tons. These boats have unusually long periscopes, measuring 30 feet from top to bottom. Their funnels are made to hinge back before the boat dives. ---- The dried skit- of flat fish can be used for gloves and leather purses, for fining coffee, as a substitute for ising glass, and for artificial bait for fish. ? Sen, Use FIVE ROSES FLOUR . dor better bread, germiration Islan Sanaa Frontenac Seed Oats trees tennnans yo doe 3 " | ~ house, foot PURINA Scraten| Street. phone 809. ders. W .P. Peters Wholesale 'and Boat, SEED CORN Specially selected for high ties in stock. LAWN GRASS Special mixture * Banfier Outs. registered stock, grown in Prince Edward Internatio=al Dairy Meal 18% protein, 25% Wholesale office and ware- Phone 51. Retail store, old stand, 117 _ Brock Street. Holldays, night or Holidays,. night or Sunday, Mr. Green, phone 1352. Special attention to mail or- Shipments made same day received and at market prices. ROYAL PURPLE] CALF MEAL the only real sub- stitute for milk for calves. All varie- . .B0c. Ib. $1.90 per bas. $1.60 per bus. Oil Cake; . . . $75.00 per ton bagged Y of Princess wl Grew your awa VEGETABLES Al kinds of gar: deMseeds in pack- age} and bulk-- now hahd. Dutch Sett Onions 28e. Ib. Phone 217. Sunday on "The § afe Place to Trade wuz goin to hev me pinched an evverything but i guess he wont try to sel me no more nuth poles. yurs trooiy, Uncle 'Si. | Macdonald School. tT Tne x An Old House. If wou go out into thé country about five miles you' will see an old stone house standing on the top of 2 hill, which slopes down to a river. Surrounding the house is a rickety Old wooden fence, with vines and tall weeds nearly covering it. The gate is 'entirely hidden by them and, you can only tell where to go into ! the garden by a sidewalk. Yet you wou 't hardly eall it a sidewalk [Pencil Jwister Can You CHANGE THIS MAY BASKET INTO A LITTLE GiRL ? \ v 'THE MAN ON WATCH ~ UW El LUE wus wi sa ugsion | have formed a consumers' league let | us 'get something more to consume. | | | { { 1 | | It has been suggested that the is- AA rn ot. A A "DANDERINE" Stops Hair Coming Out Doubles Its Beauty. » A few cents buys "Danderine." Af- ter an application of "Danderine' you OF THE FINER Q Men ODELS IN SMART NEW M ~. SUITS.AND 00 ALITY , SPRING * | TOP COATS . | can not find a fallen hair or any dandruff, besides every hair shows new life, vigor, brightness, more ] 1 color and thickness, ovorviges i Conde. boa, Be She, wt BRITIS ~ either, because it 1s so broken and MAY, 1, 1920. has only slabs of stone here and there. This leads round a garden, where there are some old applé and plugn trees, but they don't bear fruit any longer, as most of the limbs have been broken off. One of 'the THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG H WHIG Wha t Shall I Be? largest limbs has fallen right 'across ; "the steps of the front veranda and has broken one of them. The veranda looks very dilapidated, the same as the windows and doors. The front door is half down so you,can ses the hall, which looks very dilapidated too. On one side of the hall, as you go in the front door, there is a room with an old table in the middle and pictures of soldiers and people on the walls. The floor and ceiling of this room is the same as the hall. On the other side is an- other room, just about the same as the first.. Straight down the hall is the kitchen, where there is an old stove, a table, and a sideboard in one corner. In another corner is a back- stairs, which is very dark and leads up to a bedroom. In the bedroom is an old hed and a dresser. From the room you go into a large hall. The hall leads off into many rooms in a similar shape to the first. From the appearance of the whole house you would not think it had been inhabited for a long time. Edna Chapman. "* My Easter 'Vacation, My Easter vacation was spent out at my uncles at Cataraqui. I went out Good Friday and came back last Sat- urday. I had @1l the fun a girl of boy could wish for. I had six little kittens and a big black and white collie dog. I helped my uncle in ther day time and went down to the store in the evening to have some fun with four other boys. Tuesday evening we went down to the lower store and raised he dickens: for awhile. We then went up to the other store and got five bottles of pop. We then went to one of the boys homes and spent the rest of the evening in playing games and singing. We had refreshments i and then went home for the night. Wednesday and Thursday we spent in much the same way as Tuesday "evening. Friday evening we went to ne of the boys' homes for a. party about 7.30. We then had a sing-song played a few games and had a few selections-on the victrola. We played ten nique--but instinct, or the more games, and sang some more. After all this we had refreshments, ELIZABETH MATEER Have you ever wondered who writes jou, favorite advertisements? Perhaps u think, as 1 did, that advertising is § man's business, except for the breezy notes in departmen thopping in t store Not at all. Women do a of it, and if it is true that deal. ec-fifths vf the things advertised are bought by : i that an ine | (omen, it is not strat are succeed- ing in this line. They understand the better than woman's 'point of view men. ! "'Copy-writing" or the actual writi of "ads offers the Roady ity for girls. The field is en us ways, us one gi pi adver: position in a Rouse, had been a school-teacher, had taken a course in advertising and had succeeded in placing some of her ads with an V . Another, who is as- sistant adverti i manager in a cloth- ng factory had worked up from the position of "sten her by carefull studying the "copy" of all the ads of the house. A third, advertising man- ager in a department store, had been a newspaper woman and had also had experience in the selling end. Advertising courses are useful--of- cry Td learn the trade tech- tl do not give the news knack of catching pop- and then went home. I had only-one tar appeal. That is rare. One has it, or more day to stay so I made it as ene hi® not happy as I could. Saturday afternoon Wo I came home and*went to the 'show Yaluabl is n 1 pirl, an stiative. The We must brighten up the school page "The $1600 exceptional. vertising pa: than any Other work of the in the evening.--Stuart G. Whitty. Getting Into Line, Let us have some fun We must get up in the morning Before the rising sun, To have our lessons perfect And time to have them done, I say we are doing five. Remember Monday morning Eight instead of nine, I will tell you what the people he. had said, "They did not like the daylight sav- ing. They would rather lay in bed." I see the things are looking bright As the hands go ahead at night, iand market be turned into a mus- eum. Yes and put some of the six- dollar-a-bag potatoes on the shelves as curios. : The Kingston regiment officers are showing themselves to 'be splendid family producers. Daylight saving' did not prevent potatoes going up to six - dollars a bag, the farmers tell the city folks, Gananoque's chief food--potatoes --is now banned® However, the river is open and the people can fish for eats, Judging from the Gananoque pa-. pers, the Gananoqueans will forget their potato troubles so long as they can hear "Bob" Harvey play the or- gan. Gen.. Ross and the Lampman have gome out against stopping the im- Portation of liquor into Ontario, and neither of them imports. It gives us a pain to hear of a po- lice court case &gainst merchants in which the. prosecutor and star wit- ness is an admitted sneak. The alienists who gathered at Rockwood this week omitted to indi- cate what a normal mind is. Perhaps the spiritualists they criticized would hold that the alienists are all "bug- house." ; The Lampman would far rather in- vest a few hundred in a Kingston ho- tel scheme than in bonds of some western cities which have not been paying the interest they owe. -With a 'knife factory opening here, Kingston should become a very po- pular place of residence for natives of sunny Italy. ar The western Canada prison guards who came to Portsmouth need not think: they are the only people: who have a grievance because coal is four- teen dollars a ton. There are others of us who hold the same grievance. Coal has increased just one hun- dred per cent in seven years, but at . present the people do not worry over jhe 'price. They are more concerned about getting the coal which they | Sometimes cannot get even if they i have the price, 3 Col. Hunter réfused to move from his cellar office in tire eity buildings for the hearing of a liguor case. It was a ay, and no doubt the colonel thought it unlucky to move on that day. vos 5 ~--THE TOWN WATCHMAN. | salary, > ----ered. high for 'a. keen, y Qlonday--The' Busmining Bumble. got it. Experience in g up from lower positions is e. A wide general information ecessary. Imagmation is essential, rofession for the wide-awake success is in proportion to in- routine mind will never advertising field. salaries often quoted, are At the same time, ad- for fair work better; form of writing for: same calibre. From $50: a week would be an average: and from $75 to $100 is not, | rkin, tisa k 0 $60 » «= Lumber-- = = A . We have on hand a well Assorted Stock of Spruce, Pine & Hemlock Allan Lumber Co. Phone 1042. : ; Victoria Street OO AAR TTT : ® . * HER a | JUTE BAGS WANTED We will pay highest prices for all kinds of Jute Bags. Get ia touch with us. A. SPEIZMAN 60 QUEEN ST., KINGSTON 'HIGH GRADE BONDS BOUGL:T--SOLD--OR EXCRANGED © favorable exchange it is a good time to sell your OwNg to th h, United Kingdom or any bond, payable un New Anglo-Frenc York funds. Telephone 703 67 Clarence S TELEPHONE 703 J. 0. HUTTON treet, Kingston Nyaa, covert The many distinct advantages vice has made Motor Boating Greatest little Motor Boat afloat. of the Disappearing Propeller De a greater delight for man, woman and youth. Catalogue tells of fifteen features that make these craft most desirable. A. C. Knapp, Boat Builder AT LASALLE CAUSEWAY. See our assortment of aud 1 feel like shouting Get-in line. Even the grass is growing fine So shall we grow in daylight sav- ing time, --Lillian Ewart, Senior Third Class. Get More Vim! Renew Your Strength less, have You péed Dr. Hamilton's Pills; the brace you up at once. night--you're well Sickness and tired feeling disappea instantly. Vim, spirits health, all the joys of life come t Ges Noy Hamilton's Pills to-day, 26 nr -If. you are tired, nervous, sieep- headaches and languor tone the stomach, assist digestion, |! Taken at by morning. hearty everyone that uses Dr. Hamilton' Pills. No medicine so satisfactory. & 'Domes, new designs just in SU ' HL W. NEWMAN ELECTRIC C0, 167 PRINCESS ST. TELEPHONE 441 Cael ale 0) y r The pearl fisheries of Ceylon are telieved to be the world's oldest in- dustry, still kept up at "the same old stand," as they have been carried on for more than 3,000 years. in In its investigation of grade cross- ing accidents the railroad administra- tion has found that the average pas- senger train obstructs a crossing less than seven 'seconds. ery 0 8 ° -_-- The Old Time Paiater says: -- "The Economy of Using Paint and Varnish --is in the fact that the chief purpose of all paint and heh 8 oo Jrotesh he suelace, oni protection 'mere 3 completly than others EE i a on | care | in their make-up. t "The real value of a paint or a varnish is in the amount of preservation and protection it gives, : ! this Trade Mark CLI Ses "The the maximum of protective ; value, thes are made tor tha purpose, Years ; of apesisnes in the selection of raw materials Bo rsoompounding thew in the moot pract- 'preserva- tive value ol Maple Leaf Paints and Varnishes complete. It is true economy for every der to use them." ' : in a